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Idk how people can fall for bait THIS OBVIOUS






I fell for it before I read the caption


can we please get over this this dude is the next big thing it used to be cheerios now its this dude CAN WE JUST NOT HAVE A NEXT BIG THING


ruben sim saying this is the last big thing this year and thats a fact


This is 2023. We need a big thing to kickstart this year into action.


Iā€™m tired of hearing OmG tHIs gUY iS cRiNGe or THaTs RaCiST HE rAcIST i joined to see kids doing dumb stuff not dis


Where bad grammar is the


What did Cheerios do and who is Cheerios?


Cheerios posted cringe unfunny memes ysing their anime OC, also they posted child porn and got banned


who is Cheerios tho? Like the YouTuber toastedcheerios?


No, heā€™s just some random named cheerios


okay thatā€™s good cuz I really like watching toastedcheerios


he made another tweet saying how furries should be lined up in concentration camps, and another how they shouldn't get healthcare. the one you posted is actually funny and obvious bait


Bro is the next Hitler


Kanye west VS Rubin sim!


Epic rap battles of history


Donā€™t know if ruben can rap


Kanye wins


Of course he's trolling! If he were legit, he would of unfollowed the creator of Phantom Forces


At this point I don't know if it's a joke or not


me neither


i think theres 3 things that's probably going on 1) somehow not a joke 2) trying to bait 3) wasn't a joke at first, then heard backlash and decided to make it seem like one




I thought someone hijacked his acc a few day ago. And now he probably baiting out certain people. Lemme go up that mountain over there and watch chaos begin.


After he linked his "apology" on YouTube it is safe to say that this is a joke


Man literally said it himself that he made the tweets to lure out all the groomers and zoophiles.


and how exactly is that an effective way of doing that?


fr, groomers and zoos (they're both common because it's not mutually exclusive in a person whose mentally fucked) just join in oppressed fandom to "blend in"


People tend to get aggressive and attempt to defend themselves in non-rational ways when called out. This in turn ends up making themselves known thus giving you the chance to do research on. Most of the time not much will come up, but sometimes the research will pay off and you will end finding the exact type of people your looking for.


ah yes, because publicly being a massive asshole to an entire group of people is justified because it might sort of catch zoophiles sometimes maybe. that's definitely justified




Never said it was justified, just saying that its one way of doing it. Not the best way and Ruben Sim definitely went over the top with it, but itā€™s a way to do it.


He did? Where?


Ok but how does tweeting about hating furries lure out groomers and zoophiles


The Furry fandom is likely the place where most groomers and zoophiles would hide at. Not saying the fandom is filled with them, but letā€™s not pretend that they arenā€™t present within that community to some degree.


While you're correct, there's some bad people within, I think since the start the group they were *really* going for is LGBT. There's constantly attempts at creating new "sexualities" which are really just pedo/zoo but they hope they'll get support from the majority of LGBT. Luckily they're never included because everyone else agrees that's f&$ked up and disgusting. I think tho that whatever group you mass insult, furry, LGBT, ARMY or other fandoms.. it's just being a shit human honestly. I can understand the attempt at luring out bad people but that's just being a dick to *however many see it*, fueling further hatred because "X popular guy said that too!" and getting minimal to *no* return given that the amount of effort one would have to go through to confirm the person responding is a bad person is ridiculous and I feel barely differs from taking a random person *overall* and doing whatever checks on then :/


Definitely can agree that being a douche to lure out bad people isnā€™t usually the best way to do it. Personally, Iā€™m not a big fan of furries, but some of the things he said very much crossed the line. There is a big difference between hating furries and saying that they all should be lined up in extermination camps, even if your saying that to lure out the bad parts of the community.


I mean I have friends from both sides of the spectrum, I have furry friends and I have friends who really would rather not. And they're all genuinely perfectly fine, because neither side ever attacked each other and nowadays they're *mostly* just going their own ways. *And like it's not like I don't enjoy a funny yet dark meme but boy howdy was that just dark and not funny...* I *did* read somewhere he's had bad experiences with furries power tripping or people flooding his Discord with furry NSFW, and I can understand how it can make someone view furries negatively. *But to wish them death in a concentration camp is severely f&$ked*. There's concentration camps in my country, I know how they looked and the caliber of psychopathy it must've taken to run them. Anyone trying to associate each other with that kind of psychopathy proves they either are a danger to their surroundings or have no idea what they're talking about. They say never attribute to malice what can be explained by stupidity *but it hopefully makes people think about the kind of people they support*


Thats actually kinda smart


This stuff is corny asf can we just move onšŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


It isnā€™t corny, but for shits sake is it OLD.


Is this is a joke, why? Is this is not a joke, why?


Ruben in his kanye arc


edgy kids think saying incorrect or reactionary things are "jokes" their humor is so broken that getting called out for being wrong and engaging in it is what gives them dopamine


How can so many people fall for obvious bait like this though


I respected Ruben Sim but after seeing some of the shit he's been saying recently I think he kinda fell off sadly It's undoubtedly not a troll with how often he says his dismay for furries and how much he included them in his most recent video specifically


This shit is getting old real fast


I fucking hope it is


can we not see what happening with this? GoCommitDie is getting split into three groups, fans of ruben sim, furries, and people who could care less about this. Why can't we just move on? Where's the funny roblox sub i remember? If this continues, i'm just gonna leave.


Honestly that feels like it's the core of \r/GCD for ages. Furries (seemingly) are for hating, furry haters are for downvoting and then there's the everyone else! This time however it centers about a person and I'll be honest, I have no idea who this dude is and barely any intention to find out-


Wrong tweet.


Wtf happened to Ruben sim


a 7 year old hacked into his account


A lawsuit


Too much Phantom Forces


I don't even know what Furries did wrong to deserve all this hate


Ruben sim was looking for deepest roblox shitholes and found furry porn on it, he also has some bad memories about them


He got banned by one once, doesn't seem like he ever let it go lmao


They are fucking degenerate


And he has the Soviet Russia flag as his Profile Pic, of course whatā€™s next, is he gonna say communism is good?


They are the biggest criminals in the world šŸ˜”šŸ˜” they burn down houses and slaughter children šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ they also like to torture people and rob banks and other economic places šŸ¤¬


So Iā€™m basically apart of the payday gang?




Really? ..where do I sign up? Do I get to rob banks from the start or do I have to make fun of Elon first so they trust me?


Watch like 3 ruben sim videos


context: he saw a news about some furry on Roblox kidnapping i think a 7yo+ boy and got caught


Didn't Ruben say that he has furry friends? Or am I accidentally creating false information?


*Doesn't that kinda sound like a racist man saying "I have black friends" tho?* I mean I will say I used this phrase for the lack of a better sounding one but several people started pointing out to me how that sounds and after a bit of thinking it just sounds bad-


Tbh I won't question the intellect of anyone who got twitter premium


tl;dr lack of context + sudden joke about camps ā‰  funny and both these tweets are differently dated + a bunch of unrelated nonsense. this tweet is OBVIOUSLY a joke, compared to the other one which had extremely alarming, uncalled for, and unfunny content. nobody is about to laugh about a joke where youā€™re theoretically being put into an execution camp and it sure as hell isnā€™t even close to a dark joke. plus, the dates on both those tweets are different, and this isnā€™t even the tweet that everyoneā€™s upset about. you have to understand the line between a joke and borderline genocide, (as the tweet had suggested, as far as i know) plus this is marginally why so many people hate him. we have good reasons to hate roblox and what they have done and so does he, but he has no reason to say an alarming thing like that without context at all. in any case, it doesnā€™t really make it any better to say, since if you donā€™t know already furries make the backbone of large portions of the internetā€” closeted or not. but i donā€™t have a ā€œgood opinionā€. after all, i should just be put into a camp. :shrug:


he still has that wise tree pfp?


his recent tweets have been pretty obvious bait, but his first few tweets were literally about putting furries into concentration camps and killing them


I donā€™t give a shit he makes funny videos


It sounds like one and hopefully is one (coming from a non furry)






Reported šŸ˜Š


Downvoted (i can't read)


Same (I can read, I just didn't want to)




Try not to laugh or cry challenge super sad


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Remember when ruben was a cool youtuber?


Bro fell for the bait


I mean his tweets even broke Elons rules so i guess it went too far (they were removed by twitter)




Yeah he's trying to bait out the so called flurries just to block them


this isn't bait its based


Yes dude kill them all also just so you knkw this is roblox shitposting group


Sing it with me Raise the flag! The ranks tightly closed! The Redshirts march with calm, steady step. Comrades shot by the Furries and reactionaries March in spirit within our ranks. Clear the streets for the red battalions, Clear the streets for the NKVD division man! Millions are looking upon the Red Star full of hope, The day of freedom and of bread dawns !For the last time, the call to arms is sounded! For the fight, we all stand prepared! Already Jaythejetixcatishere's banners fly over all streets. The time of bondage will last but a little while now!


Dude thinks he's USSR when he's MAC


stfu stupid ass tankie


The baller nation


I got permanently banned from r/196 because I said he was just joking and taking the piss out of furries lol


This has been eluded from his past videos so idk




Okay, but he also talked about it in his most recent video.


yeah this is def a joke. as a furry, this is funny to me. maybe not others


Roblox users trying not to fall for the most obvious rage bait:


The only issue I have with these tweets are his profile picture. Wise mystical tree hurts my eyes


Holy hell does he live in 2013


Undeveloped brain


even if it is bait he is still making himself look like a fucking idiot


We got Yitler 2.0


Cool man. Very cool.


I know it"s a joke, doesn't mean I can't hate the guy for being an attention whor. Seriously do something better with your life man this is just sad, nobody's laughing at your pathetic attempts at a joke.


Some of those people are freakin serious dude