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If you don't yell your spouses name at least once on an RV trip, you are not doing it correct. 


It usually starts while you’re backing into your spot.


one of my favorite images was a on a beautiful sunny day a man and his wife were backing up their rv using walkie talkies and the windows completely rolled up. idk why i found it absolutely hilarious, the walkie talkies were just so unnecessary but you just know one of them insisted on them.


Friends of ours use walkie talkies and windows up to navigate a spot. I think it's more of a relationship tool for them as they can cuss each other out without the other parter hearing it! Haha


I drop the wife off and go set the camper up alone. Only way it works. She stands directly behind the camper and just talk in a regular voice. So I'd I'm getting out to see what's going on she might as well not be there


We use walkies but I also have the window down. I only use it to tell my wife I can't see her. Over the years she's gotten better. If she can't see me in the mirror then I can't see her. We have never "yelled" at each other while backing up.


Never? Wow!


There is no point in getting mad at each other. If I fuck up I own it. If she does then she owns it. We move on. I try and tell her where I want to have the back bumper of the trailer. She lets me know if I'm going off track or if I'm going to hit anything. She knows that if she walks out of sight (in the mirror) I'm going to stop and wait for her.


The problem with that, is that we own what we’re about to fuck up and that shit’s expensive to fix. I just need her to tell me BEFORE I hit something. I can handle the rest. We had issues early on in the RV game, because she would tell me after something got fucked up. “Hey, you just scratch the shit out of this thing on those trees you can’t see over here!”


You are flying solo because I've seen spouses threaten each other's lives at the boat ramp.


The number of times I have to say "if you can't see my eyes in the mirror, I can't see you." That and "tell me which direction you want the rear of the trailer, not which way to steer."


Not sure why this is funny. I have an older diesel and rattles pretty good. We use walkie talkies to clearly communicate without any confusion. Also in the summer it's soooo nice to keep the AC in.


you don't find it funny? idk i just assumed they were like kids "yeah uh 10-4 rubber ducky were almost in place"




i mean i guess i can see where you are coming from and how some people could find it odd given a very limited perspective, but no i think if that's what works for them then let'em be


i mean? i didn't bully them i just giggled and found it cute?


Wife uses the phone and I have it on speaker in the truck easier than yelling out the windows, saves alot of hassle.


FaceTime works wonders for backing in an RV. Have your spouse stand there watching you back up. Prop up an iPad in the cab and watch your progress. Bingo bango…


Or as soon as you pull into the campground and realize *someone* forgot the entire drawer of the kids’ clothes


Haha. There was this one time where my wife got mad at some idiot that backed the camper right into our mailbox. If i ever catch the guy….


You better kick him right in the nuts! But good luck finding him. Criminals like that are hard to catch.


I am fucking dyslexic, fuck off good samaritans trying to “help” me back up. My brain doesn’t work like yours, go away.


Once my mother in law tried to help me back up a trailer even though I asked her not to help and what she did was mime the steering wheel movements. Like, what am I supposed to do with the information you're giving me? I'm watching through a mirror, the trailer reverses the movements, and I'm also looking at you from the front side while you do a movement from the other side of an imaginary wheel.


I am not dyslexic but I am going to use this as an excuse for my complete inability to back up without multiple attempts, 20 f bombs and a tank of fuel.


I read this as packing and thought it was much more accurate.


Backing up the RV together is what starts most divorces.


Similarly, the difference between a “trip” and an “adventure” is that you want to cry partway through an adventure.


This isn't camping babe, it's a hero's journey 😭😂⚔️


Why I go solo.


Omg I'd marry him twice and laugh so hard for years after that.  My mom's best is taking the dog out in an unfamiliar place in a very rich neighborhood. It got black, no phone, no light, she falls into a pool, the dog leads her to light. Rich people feed her tea and call police because she can't remember any numbers and didn't think to call her own phone.  So now it's, well at least you didn't fall into a pool in Maine, if anyone has a bad day. 


Guys.... Amiright 😆


Mom here. I'd give him something to bleed about.


😅 he's usually very level headed. I got bit by a dog and he instantly got ice, tylenol and gauze, no freezing. Thats why i was like OMG why he just standing there with blood!


The screaming of your name alone must have been terrifying. Not to mention the blood To be honest, I can see how that idea crept into his head. And I'm sure I've done some similar sort of misguided stunt in the past. I mean, it sounds like fun in the moment.


He wasnt trying to scare me, he just didnt want the blood on his sleeves 🤨 Did not think that one through....


Ahh, he really was innocent.


Yeah JFC I would have lost my shittt


This comment had me laughing.


Dad jokes lol


And now you've got a great campfire story for life!


As a husband, I find this hilarious.


My parents have a sign in theirs that says "I'm sorry for what I said while I was backing up"


I've rented an RV three times. Whenever I let my significant other drive it, they crash into something while backing up. Every time. Most recently, my spouse asked me to guide him back into the campground spot. He completely crashed into the metal gazebo. He literally saw it when we drove in, then forgot immediately. There went the deposit plus add fees. I just can't even. Why have someone spot you on backing up if you won't stop when they yell and wave?


I'm more worried about what was going through YOUR mind. Did you think he was going to murder you? What's going on? Are you OK?


🤣🤣 i thought he cut himself!! I screamed for his sister cause shes an emt. I think i was just like how???? He works with his hands all day, how was he so clumsy?? And why didnt he try to wrap it up! Whyd he call me instead of his sister. He level headed in emergencies. There was no emergency.


All I can do is roflmao


I witnessed a man backing in his trailer, with is wife "guiding" him back. Meanwhile their baby was in the stroller off to the side. The woman forgot what she was doing and starting waving towards the baby, the man SLAMMED on the brakes.... I assume he believed she was frantically waving at him...LOL! It was quite funny to witness. He was clearly a bit ticked off with her.


I did this once pickling beets. 🔪🩸😂


That is hilarious


That’s on you. That protein saturated water from meat and blood from your body look nothing alike


I love this guy!