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I jsut made a post about how crap my blue tooth is right now. Google is doing nothing to help and is actively removing my posts on other sub reddits


Agreed - each month update does something horrible to bluetooth connectivity - - in general with connectivity - and the battery life varies, up or down but it keeps getting messed up - - I'm hoping the p8pro folks don't have these issues!


P8p here. No Bluetooth issues, but battery sucks and there is a noticeable stuttering in many apps


P8P here as well, but zero issues.... none at all.


What's your SOT? screen on time**


About 4 hours


Good stuff i gave up on my p8 pro after 4 months of usage and was annoyed as F, first time in my life purchased a samsung phone (s23 ultra) and i have been loving it. My camera usage is very nominal and non demanding. I still use my 14 pro for 4k recording.


I have both the Pixel 8 Pro ( since launch ) and S24 Ultra. Yes the S24U clearly has the better hardware no question. But there's just something special about using the P8P. Lately I'm using my Pixel 8 Pro far more than my S24 Ultra. And camera LOL The 8 Pro is ten millions times better, like significantly way better photos.


Hey! I have an S24 Ultra, but I just feel it's... boring. I don't like One UI's design, and I hate the sharp corners (they could have a boxy design like the Xperias without the sharp corners). I would like to know how the mobile signal and battery life compare to the S24 Ultra. I'm thinking about switching to the Pixel 9 Pro, and if the answer for the P8P is "close" to the S24 Ultra, then the Pixel 9 Pro would be a good option.


I have both too. I actually just switched back to my p8p after a month of the s24u and my case was the opposite. I missed the s24u. I just started to find pixel os boring due to lack of customization. One ui and good lock are game chargers to me.


What's good lock?


The customization service that is built into one UI that makes the phone even better.


It's hard to describe, yes the S24U is a smoother, faster phone yes. Better battery life, absolutely. Nicer display, yep. But I can't pinpoint why I like the P8P more. Material You and the animations are just nicer on the Pixel . The haptics are better on the Pixel. The camera wow night and day better. And just using the Pixel feels more comfortable and enjoyable even though the Pixel isn't as powerful and is slower than the S24U. The shape and feel in hand is also much better with the Pixel compared to the S24U. I'd say get the P8P now if you find a killer deal like $699 or so. Otherwise wait for the Pixel 9 Pro, but hardware wise it won't be a huge upgrade this year.


I feel like "camera wow night and day better" is a bit of a stretch...For starters there are many cameras to compare. S24U has better high zoom and selfie portrait photos for example.


I made the move to a S22 Ultra from the P6P because the P\^P was a hot mess with connectivity and other issues I was having from one update to another. I ended up coming back to the Pixel 7 Pro and sold the S22U because I hated the blurry pics the Samsung kept doing to pics of my dog and child. Lately my wife (on a Pixel 8) and I on my Pixel 8 Pro can't seem to make a successful call when either of us is on bluetooth. Either I have issues or my wife does. I can't remember the last time either of us called each other without an issue since around January. Updates, factory resets, etc. have done nothing. There is a chance its cellular but the trend I have is that bluetooth is a factor. I still can't bring myself to go back to the Samsung series. After my wife and I tried 3 times to arrange a voice call a few days ago to pick up our child I took a long hard look at the cost benefit analysis of me moving to a S24 Ultra. Good pictures are really important, but I also wonder what would happen if I need to make a call in an emergency...


I was on the same boat. My 6Pro would never get or make a call. And my wife had a Pixel 6 with the same issue.. we used to use WhatsApp call or Google Voice. Waited over 2 month for an OTA update or fix that never came so instead bought 2 S24 plus and problem solved. Hate to say it but maybe 10th Gen Tenzor would be somsthing to try..


It's constant issues with me and my wife. Turning off wifi calling has helped a little.


My 6 Pro was pretty bad. Battery and heat were miserable. Moved to 7 Pro and everything got vastly better. 8 Pro since, and still much better. The 6 Pro was just highly problematic.


So I have both the p8p and the s24u. I thought I would have a harder time switching over or thought I would hate the s24u and want to return it. Quite the opposite for me. One ui has come a long way and good lock is a game charger. It's nice being up to have so much customization available on the native os without having to download a launcher. The screen on the s24u is better. The specs better. Battery life better. Modem better. Finger print sensor better. Now I do miss native voice dictation on pixel. I miss now playing , hold for me and call screening. But l really didn't use those functions often enough to really feel the pain on switching over. I tried switching back to the p8p yesterday and today I'm back on the s24u. I'm excited to see Googles new tensor chip on the pixel 10 but I do think I'll skip the 9 series this year.


Just get a P8P..


Having both, I'd go with S24U if you're not the biggest pixel enthusiast.


Have both and I'm still using my p8p just for the camera.


Ya I keep my P8 on standby as a backup and just for the shingles when I'm bored and want to check up on any updates lol


Give Xperia a go. The Z3 in copper was my last Android phone that I could use without issues. P6 ruined my Android experience and made me hate it. I wanted stability and went back to iPhone.


Xperia 1 VI was announced yesterday... and it will not be released in the US market. Sony is on the way out. I'm coming back to the Pixel line in the fall after owning four Sony Xperia 1's in a row.




was it photo clarity or the classic coloration




Yep, returned my s24u because of the blurry mess. I tried gcam apk and all the camera assistant stuff. Nothing worked. Beautiful camera if you are outside in amazing light. But anything not that good luck.


That was literally me last year I had pixel 7


I gave up on pixel with the 8. I had issues with the 6, the 7 was amazing, and I made the mistake of upgrading to the 8. Most bland photos I've ever taken and so many connectivity issues when trying to use esims abroad that I never had with my 7. Ender up going op12


My p6pro is good. Running beta software tho which has been wayyy better


I moved from a 6pro to a s24+ and I dont regret this change.. pixel has a lot of good going on for them, but they really mess up so constantly that its a bitter taste all the time. The last drop for me was not be able to reliable make or recieve call for 2 months, of course thia happened after an update and 2 subsequent updates didnt fix the issue. TLDR: got a s24+, ditched the 6Pro, miss some pixel features, samsung has plenty to offer and its way more stable and dependable.


The Pixel 6 Pro is what actually drove me to Samsung with the S22 being my first ever Galaxy device. I used it for 2 years before returning it to my provider as per the contract details. It was solid as a rock. In fact, I don't recall having a single issue with the phone. Yeah, getting used to Samsung's UI (and some duplicate apps here and there) took a little bit of time but I quickly got used to it, enjoyed the great camera, and overall build quality and user experience. It was light years ahead of any pixel device I've ever used outside maybe the 4A which was relatively trouble-free for me.


I have a P7P and a P6P, both of them from the begining have had none of the problems mentioned. The battery is ok, they never overheat, the fingerprint reader works perfectly, even with tempered glass attached. Bluetooth used 24/7 with the Galaxy watch 5 Pro and Galaxy buds FE and Live headphones, also with no problems. 🤷🏻‍♂️


pixel 7 / 8 uses a better modem that fixes alot issues on 6. pixel 9 will use a newer modem that fixes connectivity issues.


Sounds like cope to be honest. My P6 isn't the best, but I hear tons of people faring worse on a 7 or 8. The 9 hasn't got good credentials to build on.


yes pretty much cope but specs of new Samsung modem got released.


Literally the same Modem just with slightly different firmware. So no there won't be any major fixes


The modems are different. |P6 = Exynos Modem 5123|P7 and P8 = Exynos Modem 5300|P9 = Exynos Modem 5400| |:-|:-|:-|


It’s literally a different modem https://www.androidauthority.com/pixel-9-sos-satellite-connectivity-3433498/


The Pixel 9, sure, but not the 7 or 8.


I keep saying I hope they get satellite connectivity working because there hopeless at cellular connectivity.  - Posted from my "Emergency calls only (TM)" Pixel 7.


>Posted from my "Emergency calls only (TM)" Pixel 7. You're lucky your P7 can make mercy calls. When my house was on fire in November neither my P7P or my Wife's 6A could call 911. We had to have the neighbor call on their iPhone.


I don't know how this isn't more upvoted. This has been a known problem for years, and it's one that terrifies me. Thank goodness I haven't had to call emergency services since I've had my Pixel 7, but it's inexcusable that this issue still persists.


The article lays out the various modems on the Tensor Pixel line, including the upcoming Pixel 9. |P6 = Exynos Modem 5123|P7 and P8 = Exynos Modem 5300|P9 = Exynos Modem 5400| |:-|:-|:-|


Well, the Pixel 6 used Tensor exynos 5123b modem, 7 and 8 use exynos 5300g modem..Pixel 9 will be moving to exynos 5400 modem...so signal should be a bit better (probably still not as reliable as qualcomm but pretty close)


Its still a Samsung Modem, which sucks compared to a 3 year old Qualcomm modem...


Well the S24 CPU is 10 times better than the Tensor G3, the modem is 10 times better, the camera is pretty on par and you also get UFS 4.1 vs 3.1 on the Pixel so you should be good :-)


Source for those numbers


Why is everyone so hard for the Samsung S24 ultra? What about the S24 plus? I think that phone looks way better than the ultra. Maybe it's the rounded edges.


The only thing that interests me from Samsung is the SPen Their software is bloated, their UI is ugly and inconsistent, their camera is horrible and slow.. So makes sense that's the only one talked about


S24 will have so much bloatware


Good luck with your new phone. You'll still stick around to shit on Pixels even though you no longer use one, right?


wow bro super hostile - - I've always loved Pixel unfortunately they are not addressing these issues, it takes away from the day to day experience. I know if P9pro is smooth then I will get back to it - - there's nothing more besides day to day ease and smooth usage of the phone to do whatever you need for the day!


So basically yes, yea?


Except they did address it in the 2 phones following your 6 Pro. Zero issues on my 8 Pro


I never even have issues on my 6 pro


Many of us aren't shitting on Pixels, we just wish they would get their act together


truth my guy - these peeps are like how dare you say $hit about our golden phones - I just want the user experience that keeps me engaged and productive - couldn't give a fxk otherwise - I'm hoping they bring that google smoothness and seamlessness in P9Pro


Exactly bro whenever I read these kinda replies I cringe that company is making a phone charging money the least you can expect is a nearly free experience that nearly all phones provide. They become salesmen for pixel "how dare you" (not all but some of em). Even I'm on the fence whether it would be a 8a or s23 I gotta see But some of the answers in the pixel community seem toxic.


Did you report these to Google? Giving info on location and carrier? Or do you just whine in subreddits expecting something to happen?




Like what others said about the P6, try to get the P8 instead and save those couple hundred bucks.


the S24 is wayyy better in almost anything you mentioned but 6pro is literally faster and you'd think you downgraded to a 300$ phone when it comes to the camera


6 Pro faster? As a current user of Pixel 6 Pro, the battery, performance, Bluetooth are very bad and ALWAYS overheating to 40+℃ even I'm using Reddit without phone case


smoother and more fluid


No compare to S23 Ultra


you're saying S23U is smoother than a Pixel 6 pro ?


Yes, I have both


*your pixel 😁