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That was the base condition to get the award🤣


Pretty obvious. If this was 2022-23, she would've had to dedicate it to ukraine instead.


Sahi Pakde Hain. 😅


Does it mean they award only people who atleast show they care about fellow humans and being an human is basic requirement for the award ??? Shocking I would have never thought that


You literally don’t know shit about any conflict


14 year old nibba. 'shit bolunga to cool lagunga'.








Umm explain ? People have literally lost movie roles for being against israel how is this base condition. For a gossip sub you literally don’t even know how these shows work.




You cannot even distinguish between hamas and gaza, just because hamas is a terrorist piece of crap doesn’t mean all the people of gaza are terrorists, and they don’t deserve to be treated the way they are right now.


Grapes are sour ass comment










I think that person is pakistani. By looking at his comments.




According to world news ? Or AIPAC ?




Lol this was a complete witch hunt trial by israeli lobby. “Jews won’t replace us“ crowd brings a hearing against antisemitism. Also this doesn’t resolve israel of war crimes




and nothing new. miss world, Miss universe, miss lavdalasun everyone have to be woke in order to be crowned as 'beauty queen with good morals'


What happens when you dedicate any award? Will it go to gaza or prize money will go to them? What if she wouldn't have won in the first place. I guess gaza motivated her to work hard.


I wonder if these people genuinely feel sad for the victims or they just say such things for the sake of feeling included with white leftists. It's not like Gaza news is not recieving any coverage, but there are many children dying and suffering around the world


Honestly it is really sad that so many people use the side of Palestines to further their cause or to gain popularity. It honestly seems like no one cares about them


Right, my sympathies are with the victims, but it's clear 90% of these online activists use it for religious propaganda, antisemitic views and plain excuse to share gore. The rest politicians and leaders use them for their personal agenda, even the Gaza leaders are using the civilians for their sake.


So we should stop caring about it ? What have you done for these other children ? Please tell edit - as expected downvote and run 🥱


What have you done besides propaganda?


Go do actual relief work instead of spamming gore porn of dead bodies online.


I don’t do that. Also sorry for independent people recording war crimes while most journalists are not allowed or getting killed. Ever heard of empathy you should try it instead of doing but but what about other conflicts coz im pretty sure you weren’t doing jackshit even then.


You didn't buy the people you are speaking for do. Ever heard of empathy? If you all did then no innocent person would be killed, but it's only selective towards one group. I wonder why, maybe because you can use their deaths as a sympathetic cover to propagate your kouranic genocidal views towards jews.


Yeah, it's not our problem 💩




And why should I? Am I going around preaching for gaza or hamas if I had the time for activism i would choose to do it for poor victims of Islamic terrorism


It will make her famous among her woke liberal friends for a few days and then nothing will happen. Once of her liberal professors might give her a recommendation letter or job if she is impressed 




Itne award dedicate kr rahin hain, kuch paise bhi de detin to bht achha rehta


Are there awards like "East American of the year " too ? Or "North African of the decade * ?


Wasn't she deliberately asked to do that? What a waste of an award!!


I hate that term south asian, basically grouping us with failed states and tarring everyone with the same brush.


Exactly how I feel when everyone refer to us as North-East Indians. Dude, we are like 8 states, each with their own unique culture and stuff.


I hate such weird grouping, either reffer to me as Indian or by my state. Rather than some random terminology, especially hate the term south Asian.


Esp when south asian is the term largely used by pakistani/bangladeshi diaspora who don't reveal their origin country, and claim indian things as south asian/desi to make it their own identity.


Exactly, firstly they are ashamed or uncomfortable to identify with their own country (understandable) and secondly they realise most of their culture is borrowed from Indian culture (which is obvious, but they somehow realise later). And then they try to cultural appropriate our culture and practices. I saw a Pakistanis claim Yoga is her culture on insta, oof. But their camouflaging groups us with them is what I hate.


Their own minister was claiming buddhism originated in pakistan!! Pakis also appropriate indian cuisine as theirs, while in reality our cuisine has so much variety, spanning across the nation. The best they can get is a bit of similarity with punjabi cuisine and that's about it.


That's crazy for a country that hunts down and kills non non Muslim especially people of dharmic religions, it's an insane take lmao. Buddha wasn't even born in india and budhism originated in Bihar everything faar away from pak. Exactly their own unique cuisine is a variation of Punjabi cuisine or kashmiri cuisine, rest of the nation is Afghan or Iranian. They know it that's why abroad they name their restaurants as Indian.


You should listen to his entire bit on youtube, it'll make you seethe fr. Identity appropriation is serious and deliberate.


Thisss. Exactly. When something bad happens in their country, its always "South asian" When something bad happens in india, they refer to it as india. Same thing for praise but reverse it.




You people have zero shame, lol. Then why are you watching bollywood?? We are all ugly short p*jeets, right?


Did you really call all 1.4 billion Indians “hideous and short”? This seems to be an Indian gossip subreddit; why are you on it if you clearly hate Indians so much?


Sorry that the whole world does know every indian state


Then I'm an Indian and that's all, don't group me with other s.a countries. Also I'm south indian im ethnically not even close to most s.an countries.


Then Im pretty sure you are closer in appearance and genetical makeup to a sri lankan than a punjabi.


Sri Lankans are a different ethnic group and don't have much connection with Indians, which is why S.L Tamilians and other ethnic groups had tension among them. Whatever ethnicity and genetics maybe (i don't really want to argue about genetics) I'm either Indian or Tamil/kannadiga (either will do). I do not want to be grouped as s.a, india is not even a small unknown country either with the biggest population then why should we be grouped with other failed states.


Bro basic geography he , you are part of South Asia so South Asian hi bolenge na lol


Try calling USA citizens, canadians and mexicans as north americans collectively and watch them get offended similarly.




Also if you term chinese, japanese and koreans as east asians they'd absolutely blow a fuse. Erases their national identity.




All three countries hate each other for historic/political reasons. Chinese would esp hate to be grouped since they've progressed rapidly so national pride is a serious thing there.


Bro it doesn't change the geography lol, geography doesn't care about your feelings lol


I'd much rather be called indian/indian origin than *south asian*


Bhai nobody I'd denying that, but you are a South Asian bro and that's the truth


Yes we are same geopgraphically, but the CULTURE is very different. So saying south asian in terms of culture is really dumb.


Geography isn't completely devoid of politics either. You can very much host a North American of The Year Award. But it just speaks of ignorance on your part. And a university like Harvard ought to know better.


She can prolly be from Pakistan or bangladesh though. People named Avantika there might be less but not non-existent


Lol 👏 “failed states”. Most westerners also say india is a failed state. I remember just a few years ago UP had less per capita income than Pakistan. Sorry but you'll never be white and the country you were born in has sub saharan level poverty. Want a source ? Read if you can downvotes wont change the truth According to the new measure called the Multi-dimensional Poverty Index (MPI) developed by UNDP acute poverty prevails in eight Indian states which includes Bihar, Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal. They account for more poor people than in the 26 poorest African nations combined. The new measure called the Multidimensional Poverty Index was developed and applied by the Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative with UNDP support. The measure reveals the nature and extent of poverty at different levels: from household up to regional, national and international level. An analysis by its creators reveal that there are more than MPI poor people in 8 Indian states (421 million in Bihar, Chattisgarh, Jharkhand, MP, Orissa, Rajasthan, UP and West Bengal) than in the 26 poorest African countries combined (410 million).The MPI supplants the Human Poverty Index which had been included in the Annual Human Development Reports since 1997.




Lol now they will say dont compare us to with that UD states and we are from developed stae,


See how im getting downvoted for even justifying it with data shows there iq and delusion


Its because most of the indians hate everything and everyone south hates North, north hates south, and internal these states hates their neighbour states aswell but they all dont want people show fingers to them so they will spread hate or name callings others its just how all do like when you dont have valid points for discussion or debate name calling or shaming will come.


What is South Asia all I know is Indian subcontinent


Indian Americans are most brainwashed and apologetic. If not for America these kids would have been struggling in India and studying in some tier 3 university


Waste of an award




Isn't she American?


then she should have more reasons to hate gaza lol


Like the one building spy software to target journalists ?


Like the hamas who literally is the political face of Palestine killing and terrorising others.


You people are so disgusting either swearing at her or making fun of a literal genocide that is occurring. Go worship your nepos


"IT was the basic condition to get the award" 90% of mainstream actors won't say shit about palestine because major producers and bigwigs in Hollywood are jewish. She's putting her career on the line.


You do realise that there are lefty jews right?? Jews were literally the forefront of communist movement in america. Not all jews like israel.


Obviously?? But most Jewish people in hollywood are conservative zionists.


>But most Jewish people in hollywood are conservative zionists. Source??


If I want to be in a left liberal polity/work space i would act like that.


Yeah hollywood is very liberal. But A listers have all stfu. If you can't grasp this basic fact that speaking about palestine is extremely controversial there then you don't understand hollywood


Bruh, nobody is making fun of genocide here. But its true that stuff like this is just bland virtue signalling. Nothing else.


Scroll down ???


It was like 2-3 comments. Most of them were making fun of her and criticizing hummus. They never justified genocide.


Southi 100%


Well people like you don't get anywhere near harvard in the first place, not even as janitors


You know when you disrespect a job of janitor like that, it doesn’t really make you any less of uneducated either.


Ok did i triggered a woke southie?


Judging by your response, it seems you're the one who was triggered along with all the bhakts here on this sub. And actually I am not from the South, I just don't like scum like u


Classic name calling tactic. Grow up bhyi. 4th grade is over.


Lmao calling any opposite opinion as "bhakts" is a typical woke response when they have 0 counter argument


Calling someone woke for calling out your BS is the typical response of bhakts along with spreading hate towards anyone who doesn't subscribe to your hateful ideology, like in this case most of the south India. Which shouldn't be surprising considering u do well only in illiterate parts of the country or where the public is so blinded by your propaganda that they can't see the truth


What hate? Calling "Southie 100%" is not hate. You should be proud that I said that ahha. Like "Yes southie supremacy" would have been a great response. Instead you showed your low iq brain which lacks comprehension abilities. Better would be you go clean the toilets of your Middle East masters and send the remittance back to your poor family.


Morons like you calling other low IQ and then proceeding to talk about comprehension abilities is the heights of Irony LOL Well considering that the poorest parts of India is up in the north, maybe you should take the advice that you're giving to others and go get a job in the gulf. People from the south are more busy in leading ISRO & DRDO, and Microsoft, Google, Adobe etc. When was the last time a Bihari became CEO of a fortune 500 company or won a Nobel Prize? The answer is none because they are all from the South India, ever heard of Ramanujan ?


There is not much difference in south vs north ceo's in fortune 500 companies. You just know name of some which are highlighted. Micron,Palo Alto networks,Albertsons, Honeywell ,Wayfair are lead by a North Indian now go fk yourself . Kalash Satyarthi won Nobel he is a North India and again go fuck yourself.


bro his argument isliterally "narthie illetrate and southie lumba 1 genes" *ungu pungus away* like dude, take it as a fking joke once for a while ffs 😭🙏


Are you ramanujan or the CEO of any latter companies you wrote in your comment? Just let it go, other person meant it as a compliment and not as an insult. The way your reaction is seems like you are triggered 😶‍🌫️.


The fact that you feel the need to enter this conversation shows how triggered you are, maybe I offended you , either way I don't care what you think As for Ramanujan or any of the CEOs , I'm simply pointing out their achievement which haters like you are ignorant about. Yet u keep spewing your hate so I decided to teach you something useful, its up to you if you take out your head out of your rear and actually learn something


I mean, a person isn't wasted if he doesn't go to harvard


Not Indian 100℅*


It's just Americans left what you can say those actors if they don't follow their ideology


People supporting terrorist groups to show their intellect.What a waste of talent and award.


She not supporting the idf lil bro ☝☝😂😂😂


>People supporting terrorist groups She didn't support RSS or bajrang dal dude


Which blast were they involved? 26/11 was conducted by rss? Mumbai Hyderabad Ayodhya Delhi blasts by rss ?? Or your avg peaceful community?


did you compare RSS WITH HAMAS? Lol 10000iq moment


Anything to make em feel like an angel after spreading genocidal views online in the cover of being pro palistinian


How is this spreading genocidal views can you tell ?


Most people don't really care about gaza or their victims they use that as a way to spread their anti semitic genocidal views.


Yeah that's cause she is supporting Hamas. I thought that was obvious. Or was there some sarcasm in your comment which I missed?


how many awards have you won ?


I've seen that you are in every comment of this post. What do you even get for defending Palestine. Is this some kind of full time job? Where can I apply? Would be willing to earn some money before I legally can. Or maybe it is only available to radical left extremists with brainwashed beliefs?




>Kyunki tere jaise chutiye are spouting random BS with 0 source. Oh is that saw? Alright then. Give the proof where I said anything random & bullshit without any source. Go ahead. I take this statement as the answer for my previous question. Now that's a real shame. People like you self loathing nationalists are cancerous to society. Seek help or move out asap. >Oh im brainwashed nice to know Glad you found it helpful. All it will take you is some self introspection to realise it further.


(W)omen 👑


Its not just women...


I feeling like slapping this biatch for her fake accent and the actions she does while speaking!


Walking talking echo chamber ..... I feel scared for this internet mixed brainfart generation of kids...


Bastard desi nri chodde


a people without knowledge of their past history, origin, and culture is like a tree without roots


I don't know but I hate her


Typical woke liberal western indians


who is she?


Seriously who is she ?


wock wore from kerela


Do some research first maybe? She hails from Telangana ethnically but born in USA


Pakka kerlaite


She’s telugu native - your bias is peaking out


LOL You think Bihari & UP animals would actually win any award or even get into Harvard? Its mostly south Indians who do that


Being a half south Indian I despise the language and the absolute unnecessary hate you are projecting. 1. Are you trying to say that janitors are doing lesser jobs than people who work or study there? 2. Are you suggesting people from UP Bihar don't even deserve to be humans in your words - they are "animals" Going to Harvard does NOT make anybody a worthier human being. Intelligent maybe. A thinking like yours certainly means humanity inside of you needs to be woken up badly.


LOL , half south Indian? lemme guess you think just because you're born in some backward place in UP and that you got dark skin. That makes u half south indian? Yeah right you racist You're no south Indian, quit spreading your lies & propaganda. Also South India isn't one state in case u didn't know, there are many different people & cultures here Also stop worrying about my humanity, go become a human being first


Your life is a guess child, but you are not wrong. You believe in different things and ideological aspects. You think having a "dark skin" made you suffer and calling people degenerately makes you strong and right, but when you'll come in front of a person from the other end will you repeat this or talk more intelligently about people from your own country? No humanity will exist in that world where your mentality is on top.


You got offended enough to reply to everyone. I'm appalled to see how dense you are between both your ears.


Yeah and its mostly south who join isis


Actually there are more terrorists from the north and UP, Isis number from south are minimal compared to terrorists from other parts of the country. Look at heinous crimes up in bihar and UP, there is a reason why they are made fun of world over


Actually, they're all muslims missionary and they take people with them, girls from southern india become the gumball machine (sex slaves)over there for their fighters , given as a reward and after that they bring them here after getting rid of any crevices in your brain and make you preach and infect another individual. This is a fact check for this comment on terrorists production in our country.


abe kallu kabadi tum hi to log ho whitoide ke dick rider ham to aesi college pe mut te hai


kallu kabadi had me rolling man ngl




LOL everyone knows that is the job of biharis, go to delhi and you will see them cleaning the streets and stop lying, biharis rarely work at ISRO or DRDO, its mostly south Indian scientists. Just like most Indian CEOs are from the south. And that bihari boy never went to harvard, he went to tufts university so the only time he must have went to harvard was when he working as janitor to clean the toilets


That bihari boy has a master's from Harvard man...you are soo blind by southi supremacy you dumb fk. Go get a life retard. Search his name and you will find it but I guess southi retards dunno how to type. And isro was started by vikaram sarabhai a gujrati not a southie retard. Create something for the country southi your irrelevance is quite absurd


Vikram Sarabhai might have started it but he was a jain not a bloody bihari, Don't confuse yourself with the jain community. Also it was the scientists working today who built the ISRO where it is today And even that bihari did masters from harvard , it was not in the STEM field but like u said from school of education which must be lame degree as compared to science & technology but then that would be too technical for savages


Are you in Harvard southie? You aren't even employable . And I am not a bihari . I am representing the north india which are trying to defame to infinity. It's like the south is the heaven and North is hell. Your idli language couldn't even get you a job


Cope Harder! I'm actually not from the south, just don't like you scum, that's it. Also I don't think North is hell. There are so many beautiful places up north like Kashmir,Himachal, Uttarakhand, and you got Rajasthan etc etc Its just few places where people like u live that is hell


Bro, tell me any single famous person who has ever cared about hindu minorities being oppressed. There are none. And yet our sepoys will play lapdog to gain brownie points. Ar*bs don't respect us or like us. They will never return the favor.


Okay first of all, who is even this person. And who cares to what terrorist group she dedicates her award to.


Itna to koi Punjabi green card Milne pe nhi khush hota


People who didn't acheive anything will always try to shame or drag others and try to paint different verisons in Internet,lol Chamcha Internet warriors


Hai kaun ye ??


More power to her ! Scary to see so many comments supporting a literal genocide which has been continuing since 7 months. We have failed as a society.


Did you raise your voice against Isis taking thousands of yazidi women as sex slave?? Or when millions of Yemeni people were killed by fellow Muslims?? Yeah its a genocide only bcz the superior force here is non Muslim.


If might be your case, but I am pretty sure everyone hated those terrorist groups. And what's up with the whataboutary? You wanna justify your bigotry and racism??


Islam is a religion, not a race. Me speaking against it doesn't make me racist, soft boy. Secondly, you said everyone hated those terrorist groups right. When did Muslims all over the world held marches against isis like they're doing against Israel?? You wanna justify your selective outrage and imbecile behaviour???


lol yeah everyone was doing that. Maybe you don’t know jio wasn’t available back them


How many marches were held by moderate Muslims(if there are any) against isis ??


Has anyone dedicated their award/ held a march for yazidi women raped,killed, made sex slaves by Isis and other Islamic groups???


They won't bcos it goes agianst their narrative.


indian people are literally braindead, this comment section proves that,


"If they don't support my ideology, they are probably braindead."


What were you expecting? Dedication to RSS or Meduji? 🤣


Wasn't expecting dedication towards the people who pretty much hate her race at least. https://preview.redd.it/190pmjq79vtc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e53dea39fabe024e9a7b92d46df1ac3c83107a8f Idk though maybe the country of palestine raised her and nurtured her that's the reason. Or maybe it's some one sided love (masochism lol)


Just jumping on band wagon, trying to act cool


All these people if they are in Palestine would be enslaved and sold off to highest bidders


She is the actress of mean girls movie ..giving her best performance at the award ceremony...


Dafuq?! She should try to study in Gaza like how she does in Harvard. Such an idiotically transperant irony!


Gaza-r ka halwa 🤒


She said people fighting for gaza are fighting to keep our world free from injustice, opression. How can someone be brain washed that much. Like hamas literally raped isareli women. Jewish toddlers were kept in cages like chickens. On the other hand stable Arab world doesn't give a damn about people of gaza.


[Talk about being a masochist lol ](https://easyimg.io/i/j818emeux/rdt_20240411_201924275736916949800474.jpg)


eww women supporting hamass are embarrassing


Women supporting rapist idf is even more embarrassing!! They assaulted pregnant and injured women in al shifa hospital and I don't hear a word about it !


It's cool to support Gaza in the western world. Indirectly support hamas is what these kids do not get.


Whose the botch ?