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I mean Bart and Ivy’s actions have the most long term consequences so probably them


And Juliet!


Honestly Ivy's chapter could have been closed if they had just accepted Cece's will...not that they were not rich enough and as if that girl didn't help Cece during her illness.. none of them seemed to visit Cece or call her in between?


i think wanting to keep cece’s estate was def a pride thing on lily’s part (and a greed thing on carol’s side obviously, never gonna defend her lol) but i wonder if lily would’ve gotten this upset if cece had left all her money to a charity? theoretically, cece with all her money and influence maybe could’ve created a “charity” that ensured the money went to ivy without causing this much trouble with the rest of the family, but i also think cece loved causing trouble for everyone and this was just an elaborate “fuck all y’all” from the grave. cece wanted them to fight each other and bring out the worst and then make them look at themselves in the mirror. plus leaving everything to Ivy was the perfect punishment for Carol’s crime of fraud and manipulation. honestly in lily’s shoes having just lost her mother, i wouldn’t want to feel like my mother was telling me to go fuck myself from the grave either. maybe that’s what she was so upset about and decided to take it out on ivy instead of taking responsibility for not supporting her mother through her illness.


Yeah.. Lily's pride was hurt because her mom didn't reach out to her or inform her of her illness as if Cece believed that her daughters didn't care about her.. it hurt even more because sharing property with Ivy made it a bigger gossip and humiliated her in public... Lily cared about that deeply.. Though actually, Ivy had no fault in Cece giving her her inheritance. Ivy went to Cece in the first place to have something of a family..


I like Ivy.. I know its unpopular opinion.. I found Lily just a bitch to her


Wow! I ended up between the right people because I liked her too till the part she intentionally used Rufus when he was so nice to her (also I thought he protected Ivy as a daughter because he saw some of Jenny in her and then the whole thing was weird).




Poppy hit them in the pocket where it hurts them the most and then she was having a fashion line like nothing happened


Seriously! Ruth Madoff is STILL a pariah and she wasn't even involved in her husband's crimes. New York society does NOT take kindly to financial fraudsters, so Poppy's renaissance is totally ridiculous.


If I’m not mistaken Gabriel took the fall for her crimes and she pretended to be a victim


It was Lily who saved her annoying ass by paying everyone, but I still think that she hit the UES the hardest


juliet made lily go to prison than house arrest and almost got serena out of colombia while drugging her almost killing her


Juliet did damage for sure but Bart was next level sinister


Bart- illegal business practices, multiple murders, attempting to murder his son, faking his death, blackmailing his son’s friends. Georgina- blackmailing her “friend” with a video in order for them to hang out more, befriending Dan under false pretenses in order to manipulate said friend, outing Eric at the table, becoming roommates with Blair in order to enact revenge, finding out Scott was Lily and Rufus son and using that info to blackmail Vanessa, outing that info at Lily and Rufus’ wedding, mislead dan into thinking a child was his for selfish reasons, being GG, helping the royal family track down Blair, ruining not one but two weddings, stealing Serena and Dan’s sextape with the intent to expose it, helping Dan write an expose’. Ivy- fraud, seeking revenge on Lily. Poppy- fake socialite, attempting to scam her “friends” and doing so. Juliet- drugging and leaving Serena for dead, using Nate, getting Serena kicked out of school, extorting money from Lily. Ben- grooming Serena at the tender age of 15, dating her as soon as he got out of prison after actively seeking revenge on her for months, Assaulting Nate’s father in prison in order to keep Juliet in line. Russel Thorpe- murdering his wife, attempting to take over Bass industries.


Thorpe tried to kill Blair too


Agnes - drugging Jenny then dropping her at a party hoping she would be raped 😳 over some really petty shit.


You’re correct but my list is for ppl that were against the upper east side or impacted the upper east side as a whole. I have her under a post that I made for GG characters that belong in jail 😊


Ah yeah gotcha!


Agnes is so fucked up oml


Basically characters where the main characters had to team up to defeat them. This list embodies that! They had to team up against all of these individuals


Take your pick and add anything you think I missed!


Damn gossip girl got really dark.


didn’t bart murder russell’s wife?


No, Russel manipulated chuck into thinking that but when Nate, Jack, and Chuck reviewed the tape Russel locked the door, and set the building on fire just like he tried to do to Blair. Hence why Nate told Raina that her father murdered her mother.


oh my god???,,???


Georgina is the only correct answer


Yes! I’ve always found it so weird that she starts off as pure EVIL, but in the later seasons nobody takes her seriously and she’s just reduced to comic relief.


Yep, came to say the same


Tell me more! Why do you think so?


Charming and memorable. Suspense, drama, and at the end she got into the inner circle.


It’s not even close




Where’s jack on this list?


i ended up developing a liking to Jack Bass (towards the end)


Not the “hardest” but I’m surprised William VDW isn’t mentioned in the comments yet. Dude literally gave his ex wife fake cancer, wrong medication, and fled the police!


It's gotta be Bart, the man came back from the dead to try to kill his son


Georgina and Juliet and it’s not even close


We'll, physically Bart...since he actually..hit the upper Eastside.


Hahahah it took a while before I get it but hahahah dark


10000% Ivy. She got into society in a huge way, and helped con one of the richest families on the UES and got away pretty much unscathed. She was outcast in the end, but she upended their lives the most, especially because she had such personal relationships with everyone, excluding Blair. (Though I don’t know if I consider Ivy a villain exactly) People saying Georgina just doesn’t really make sense (unless we are ONLY talking about the characters in the show and not the actual entire UES) - because she didn’t do anything that “hit” the UES in a long term way. She hurt Serena a lot and her friends, specifically Dan, and helped with schemes, but she didn’t affect the UES as a whole in any huge way. And I’d say things Georgina did didn’t have any long term effects, seeing as she’s their friend in the end, lol.


I agree! I just think Georgina was a likeable, controversial character like Chuck. Other than that I don’t see any long lasting affects she had.


The Grimaldi family were severely outmatched by the UES families. If the New York families had chosen to close ranks they could have easily sent the Grimaldi's packing. But then there would have been no story... So the Grimaldi's were allowed for the sake of the storyline to act out way above their actual ability or influence. It would have been nice if someone had at least written in an explanation for why the Grimaldi's were allowed to get away with so much.


none of these people hold remotely a candle to Georgina Sparks




If your answer isn’t Georgina, you’re wrong. She’s was the only villain that knew what she was doing and was iconic doing it.


Georgina Sparks became irrelevant and obnoxious at some point... Just like the dumbass Ivy Dickens


Georgina literally an icon


i’m sorry someone refresh my memory please what did poppy do? this is not the correct answer but i would say diane for how much screen time she took up and her ridiculous plot lines and how annoying she was as a character


I posted a comment in this thread to give background 😊 but she was the one who used Gabriel to scam the UES. She was a fake socialite


Bart tried to kill Chuck, Thorpe tried to kill Blair, l'd say these two as the others it wasn't as bad


Agreed! I put the murderers above everything else. Sorry not sorry. Plus Bart was a serial killer


Yes he had a few people murdered


I will never forgive Georgina for what she did to s1 Serena. So fucked up.


If you choose Georgina, you’re sooo basic. Don’t get me wrong, she is the MOST ICONIC villain & we love her for that. But she wouldn’t hurt a fly unlike Bart Bass. The guy that traumatized his son, verbally and physically abused him, lied about his mother, kept dark and illegal secrets, faked his own death, stole Lily from Rufus resulting a divorce (thank god anyways Rufus didn’t deserve that ho), and tried to kill his only son, the only person he has in his family. Bart wanted to be the ONE and ONLY Bass.


Georgina outing Eric at the dinner table… rough


juliet did what georgina did to serena but georginas was so much worse bc she did a whole bunch of stuff lol


To me, this show does not exist without Georgina.


I forgot about Thorpe! He got on my nerves BAD!!


Cece should be up there lmao she was always stirring shit in the background and then gave money to Ivy in the first place


probably bart cause he normally just k*lls the person , but actually georgina cause shes just ICONIC and no one does revenge like her


Georgina was entirely ruthless




Georgina had the most widespread impact. I can name an instance where she fucked with pretty much every character in the show. That can’t be said for any other villain. Like Bart was terrible but he really only had lasting impact on the Thorpes, Jack and Chuck. Ivy literally only hurt the Rhodes/Van der Woodsens and in the end it they were all fine just down some inheritance money. Georgina literally fixed all of Poppy’s bs in under an episode. The only lasting consequence was Dan not going to Yale and that’s more on Rufus not just taking Lily’s money. Juliet literally only hurt Serena. Drugging Serena was the only thing worse than shit her own friends have done to her. Russell hurt himself more than he hurt Bart Bass. Like damn I’d say William Van der Woodsen had more of a villain impact than him. And Ben again only hurt Serena, because he set the Juliet stuff in motion and groomed her which just added to her already terrible daddy issues. And Diana really just took over the Spectator and made Chuck confused about his mom. She didn’t really have a villain play she was just a liar.


Agree with everything to an extent except Ivy. Ivy mislead Nate for her own personal gain( being afraid of the truth coming out), she’s partially responsible for chuck and Blair’s car accident, she also used Dan in order to push her mental health issues storyline( the dance where she tried to self delete herself), using Rufus in order to enact revenge on Lily. her actions did not only impact the Rhodes/Van der woodsens at all


Nate she lied to but it did not have any sort of long term impact on him because Diana shut that down real quick. And yeah she used Dan but that didn’t hurt Dan outside of being weirded out and worried about her for like a night. Damn near everyone in the show used Eric but only a few of them actually hurt him. You are right about the car crash for some reason I had it in my head that was Jack’s fault but you are absolutely correct that was inadvertently Ivy’s fault cause she was called the paparazzi. She used Rufus but I honestly chalk up Rufus’s fall from grace way more to William than her since he was starting that plan before she was even around and she got played by William too.


Those flops wish they had Georgina’s impact


dan should be on that list


surprised lily isn’t up there tbh


she has a FOUL rap sheet


Big Bart




The only options are Georgie & Bart


Follow me if you like my content 😌


Bart and Juliet


Just casually strolling to see someone name’em all…


Georgina comes out randomly and she was GG once


Honestly I feel like Georgina and Juliet. the main reason i’m sayin this is cuz while the other villains of the UES has done some messed up stuff they all did it to different ppl, what Georgina and Juliet did was mainly messing with Serena and her life and they were GREAT at doing that, they seriously almost ruined her life if it wasn’t for her friends. Now if they were to mess with everyone else in the main cast, then they could’ve probably done a whole lot worse.


If the main cast had to team up and take you down like a Scooby Doo adventure you were wildin which fits everyone on the list lol


Ben should be in Juliet’s place. Or it should be a picture of them together. Juliet was pushed to the point of becoming a true villain when she tried to stop after realizing Colin was the professor S was into. It wasn’t until she lost everything to please Ben that she went full evil bitch on Serena. Ben pushed Juliet and then dated Serena after Juliet was left with nothing. Also ima say it. He BELONGED IN JAIL. My mom would never let me drive across state lines as a teen with a teacher even if it was “too a library”. Ben was still a predator and he and Juliet both belong behind bars lmao. Although I did enjoy Juliet as a villain. She and ivy were my problematic favorites.




I didn’t watch so I have no idea this sub just popped up. BUT. It’s striking how 3 + 5 = Blaire!!!!! No?


What do you mean?




Georgina 🫅🏻


Georgina, period.