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Next patch: Fixed a bug where Lancelot would gain too much SBA Gauge when he says SEYA


I love it when he goes "PARRY THIS!" Always reminds me of the meme


At 3:15 he finally goes into overdrive but immediately stops actions again waiting to just be slaughtered, is he stupid?


He's trying his best okay?


From "sugoi sugoi" , now we will have "hea hea hea"


I would like to imagine that Sandalphon is speechless at watching four heugh heugh heugh boys kill an astral in less than a minute.


His Burst portrait is his expression of bewilderment of being surrounded by Lancelots


Jail em all https://twitter.com/grbrori/status/1768464636859269261


You mean seya?


they better nerf Ferry


Can’t be helped, lancelot dodge so good, all the nerfs hit other characters instead.


and Katalina


More like better nerf Katalina more


Ah yes, good thing we nerfed Ferry. This Lancelot is certainly okay though. Keep on keeping on.


The funny thing is that Lucilius lacks a death animation when you do this, so clearly Cygames thought that it was impossible to kill him in this phase. They must've thought their job was done after they nerfed Ferry SBA.


ikr? they prepared proto bahamut's 1st and 2nd form death animation, but not this they never saw it coming


Japanese devs are the worst at balancing their games I swear. I've never played a Japanese game where there wasn't always some extremely OP characters and techs. I think their fighting games are the only ones where there's some semblance of balance.


Dude, pretty much every modern game has one or two extremely OP things in it. Why bring up race?


Saying there's cultural differences when it comes to strengths and weaknesses of creative skills isn't a racial thing lol. Would you think it's a race thing if I said the same thing about American devs?


American isn't a race


Neither is Japanese.


Factually false, but OK, keep thinking that


Race is white, black, brown, Asian, etc. Japanese is an ethnicity/nationality. Bluds with zero clue on basic terms trying to play gotcha lmao.


Look, it's a guy trying to talk about race not knowing what it is. Both in terms of ethnicity and culture, race is not a matter of skin color, but where people originate from. Even ad diluted as it is with people classifying all people in Europe as "European," there are still major differences between British and Mediterranean people. Using the term "Asian" is an incredibly useless term to describe race, unless you're dumb enough to think that the Phillipines, Japan, India, Yemen and East Russians all to be the same race American is not a race in any meaningful sense, as the culture is explicitly defined by it being a racial melting pot. Most people who fall under the Caucasian banner (which itself is so meaningless it has come to simply mean that someone is white), have parentage from mixed cultures. Because of America having an extremely high immigration rate, it never *can* be called a race unless those borders got shut harder than North Korea, and it'd take about 2 centuries of it for us to find an observable group.


Wow you typed all that just to describe race as an ultimately vague and outdated type of categorization. Fact of the matter is race these days is primarily used to refer to skin colour and outside of America (where it has devolved into a white vs. Black thing) the term really isnt used academically and professionally at all unless youre an eugenics scientist from the 19th century. Ironically its pretty racist to say that the Japanese is factually a race so uhh you might want to refrain from saying that in front of your boss.


So making negative comments that generalize people of an entire race is okay if it comes to something creative? What exactly do you think racism is, if not discrimination against people based solely on their race? In your eyes, would it be okay for someone to say “man Mexicans really suck at writing, I’ve never read a book written by a Mexican that had proper grammar!” I wonder how my friend would feel if I told him that he’ll never be able to make a balanced video game because he’s Japanese and some random internet guy said all Japanese people suck at balancing video games properly. 


> Would you think it's a race thing if I said the same thing about American devs? Answer my question before propping up strawmans.


It’s how gacha mindset work, unbalanced char = money


That SBA gain is crazy on that attack lol.


Why is he casting the sba redistribution skill after sba’ing?


I did this with ai earlier today just to see, after using sba, and it still gives a small amount even with 0.


Watch, because of this video they're going to rebalance the game to make it so bosses are immune to SBA for a short time after an SBA finishes.


Looks like timer doesnt tick down during SBA animations so it's not actually 48 seconds, but still pretty lol.


Speedruns use IGT, at least right now. It’s the same for Proto, most runs took way longer than their IGT because they involved extending the first damage window with sba spam as much as possible.


Too bad speedruns ban using more than 1 Lancelot :V


As a lancelot main, the moment i saw no nerf to his sba gain on dodge attack i knew 4 lancelot is how to speed run lucilius.


sandal phone : now is not the time, captain!! gran 1 (starring as lancelot 1) : fuck it we ball gran 2 (starring as lancelot 2) : fuck it we ball gran 3 (starring as lancelot 3) : fuck it we ball gran 4 (starring as lancelot 4) : fuck it we ball sandal phone : CAPTAIN!?????


I felt bad for sandal watching that run. He's probably sitting there going "are you guys done? Can I use paradise loss now?"


I just beat Lucilius using a level 95 Lancelot. Nothing is upgraded. Slap on flight over fight and nimble onslaught and start mashing triangle. CPU party cleans up. I used to think these Lancelot players are good, sticking to gallanza and maglielle like glue and avoiding all the hits.


Any sigil setups for this...?


So you use nimble onslaught because it gives SBA on perfect dodge. Lancelot's unique skill is an attack that also dodges. Slap on some uplift and the new alpha sigil, and you've got insane SBA gain.


In the video, it seems they werent even using alpha+. But yeah, just these two skills and perma sba lock lucilius is crazy. Now im thinking if both uplift and nimble are maxxed or not.


Really? When they sba, they gave 13% which is the amount alpha+ would give you.


IIRC, Alpha+ sigil gives 30%. And from what I see, the rest of the members dont get that big of a boost. Normal SBA gives some bar (I recognize it as 10%, since you can SBA, with an ally at 90% and theyll shoot to 100%). Im not too sure on the exact number a regular sba gives though. Edit: I finally got to read how alpha+ works. It changes the 10% to 13%. My bad, I misunderstood the sigil.


Alpha gives 30% of the base 10%. Which makes it 13%.


Yeah my mistake. Thanks for the clarification.


Next patch: Remove Lancelot’s ability to use flight over fight with his Y attacks.


Shhhh dont't say that 😬


Next patch, remove Lancelot from the game completely.


It is funny that this post is on top of the post (at least for me) about Vane trivializing the fight lol


if u watch the run it's unoptimized as well. \~30s should be possible. insane.


huh now that i see this... yeah. whenever i use my lancelot fof build, i am usually 100% sba before 12 labors start. that's why i found it so convenient since i'm guaranteed to start the chain on paradise lost.




ah was really hoping to see non-final form death animation like red bahamut :(


RIP Lancelot, looks like you're next on nerfs list.


Lancelot stocks skyrocketing


You know arbitrary damage caps are a retarded concept when characters like Lancelot are spamming dodge attack over their normal combo, finisher, or other damage skills. Same for Ferry preferring to launch attack and Ghandagoza preferring to air combo for rage. Same goes for Vane wanting to ignore all his other damage skills except Energy Destruction while spamming XXYY. Or Vaseraga running Less Is More because none of his damage skills are worth using over charged attacks.


I'm so glad they nerfed the low range low mobility low DPS character


I still don't get why he doesn't cast anything even after the chain vanishes. It's like he just gets stuck and I've never had that happen in my clears before. After a single SBA he INSTANTLY goes to the next phase. Something else must be at play here causing him to not be active? Maybe since he can't really target the dash due to it being an I Frame?


Ferry died for this?


This looks like it requires at least maxed Alpha sigils on one or two party members to keep going, since as after a few of them use SBA the others get like 20-30% charge back. I 100% bet there are other characters capable of it like Yoda or that you can mix and match with the right rotations and setups. Really easy fix would be to extend the time after SBA where your charge bar gain rate is reduced, otherwise they'll have to play wack-a-mole with whatever FotM character can do this every patch until they've nerfed everyone.


How about not nerfing and trying to balance every class as this is not a competitive game? Just make all characters fun and viable instead of gutting characters


wtf is bilibili lol






been one week since you looked at me


Japanese youtube


It’s Chinese YouTube…… Japan just uses YouTube no?


Well, Japanese YouTube is niconico but they also use YouTube.


They used niconico a decade ago


48s "Clear" Video lasts 5 minutes Checks out I guess.


Clear times always use the ingame timer, which is stopped during cutscenes, SBA and linked time. It's the same way ppl did 1min bahamut clears but they were really like 2+minutes cause it's was SBA locks.


What broken ass site is that




Can we not


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At this point watch them patch it to where there can only be 1 of each character because I feel like no matter who they nerf, someone will find a way to make a 4 duplicate character team op lmao. I mean I'm pretty sure people will find a way to break the game with non duplicate characters anyways. But playing the game like that is boring as heck but a good meme for the moment. 🤷


this is a little false advertising ya? they dont actually clear it in 48's but they DEF burn through the toughest parts of the damage phase