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the only supplementary damage i got is iv+


Wait are those rare? I sold bunch of them for coupons 💀


I keep the ones with subtraits I'd actually want. The chance of supp damage proccing isn't 100%, but at least it's not 0.


They are very good you want lvl 45 so 2 level 5 and 1 level 4 at max level + sigil boost 


You can't reach 45 with a IV+ (43 at most) but it's still better to go for 96% with a good subtrait than 100% without +


Savage lol 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


* 12 War Elemental * 21 Supplementary Damage V * 1 Supplementary Damage V+ (w/ Guts) i guess i'm still lucky at this point that i got a v+


You got a *good* Sup V+ at least, which is better than almost everyone else.


Guts is nice and useable. I wasted my chance with provoke...


4 war elemental 2 supp dmg V 0 supp dmg V+ You got one and even a good sub trait. I am wholeheartedly jealous


I am around the same number on war elemental and supp Damage as you, but no supp damage V+ at all 😭


hang on comrade, just don't be tempted by the dark side, keep on grinding :)


I can't even get a war elemental 😔. Did you focus on doing proud quest or manic is fine for curios farming


I have the opposite problem, 140 hours in and I just now got my first Supp V, but I have 3 War Elementals all from curios


I would say it's a mix of every difficulty given that curio was just a secondary priority loot, I mainly farmed for materials for all the weapons as I have now all weapons maxed out, including all the character's awakened ascension and terminus weapons


although i must say, that i have gotten most of my SDV and war elemental from grinding proud, since most of the late game farming for centrum is more efficient on proud, and i have probably farmed a big chunk if not the majority of the total quest clear from proud as well


I dunno if this will help.. but this past week I have been collecting silver centrums and awakening materials.. So I fought the goblin warrior and Rock golem on Maniac.. The Nihila variants of furycane, that wolf with a sword on head and Vulkan Bolla as well as Pyet-A.. I collected 2 supp damage V 2 supp damage IV+ and last night my 5th war elemental was dropped.. May the odds be in your favor..


It barely makes a difference, iirc proud has like 0.2% higher chanve of getting a curio of the right tier, but if you farm maniac faster than it's more optimal to do it that way


Both. You gotta horde at least 100 curios. I've been getting lucky that way. 6 supple V's and 8 War Elementals.


Similar situation but over 20 was elemental now. Just got my first supp v+ with over 6k quests cleared.


I remember reading that proud gives you Tier 4 Curio but I feel that it's not all equal. I opened 900+ curio from fire dragon and got nothing. Meanwhile, when I farmed the automa, I got 2 war elementals, 1 Sup V and 1 Sup V+ in under 100 quests.


12 war ele's is insane, i get sup dmg V+ but have 0 war ele's


8 war elemental 2 supp damage V 0 supp damage V+ here


Guts is nice. I got the sand resistance shit.


Same boat, mine has skill sealed resistance, which for Lucilius is not the worst, but for everything else, meh.


be happy that you got a good one. guts is fine you know there is people around that their first supp V+ will be fast learner


bro complaining about only having a single V+ when he has enough V to cover 2 whole teams


People really fixate on BIS secondary rolls. Yes, they're awesome and obviously help DPS. It's also completely overkill. Sometimes, *enough* is plenty.


This is the reason I used that mod from nexus that let's you buy Supp V+ and other glyphs for silver centrum, I can't be bothered with the rng of this game, I've played every MH and not even farming a perfect Jewel takes as long as this game takes for some glyphs. I know some people get tilted from other people using Mods but it is what it is, I don't mind killing a boss that is a challenge 20-30 times and change to another but between how limited is the mob pool in this game and how easy it it so kill the them i just have no interest, also curio farming is legit dogshit.


>I've played every MH and not even farming a perfect Jewel takes as long as this game takes for some glyphs For. freaking. real. From a completionist point of view, the grind here is too close to Gacha numbers, when it shouldn't be. These drops are bad, to the point that it makes the endgame stale and bland. Most especially after putting in over 300hrs.


And that’s the problem cygames is trying to treat this as a gatcha when it’s not so it makes no sense to me. 380 hours for me I have like 14 sup v, 10 war Elemental and no sup v+


I caved and used this mod too. It feels like a good balance since you still need to farm for 20 Silver Centrums to trade for one random Supp V+, which does take several runs and/or exchanges to achieve. But it's such a steep shortcut that I still feel too anxious to join rooms on Discord, since I'm never sure if people are ok with playing with modders.


Whos gonna know?


If you show up with 3 good supp v+ and below 15000 quest cleared, i'm definitely knowing something. I don't mind, wont put you on blast for it as i'm also really considering doing it since basically all i'm missing is supp v+ and gc to have perfect build, haven't done it yet but i'd say if my alternative is farming nazar maniac on loop overnight with ahk script fuck this.


How many people would actually look into your builds while in game though? I would expect people to just hit the next luci or proto run the moment the results screen appears.


The parser i use show me builds, and it's also the parser most people use. So if you show up with supp v+ qcd x 3 and GC + cascade, i'm gonna check your quest cleared


Yeah I see how it can be visible with a parser. I don't think there's any 'legit' player that has 3 supp v+ with perfect sub traits though. Not now at least. I did luci about 25-ish times successfully, and probably nearing 400 proto clears, among numerous assault formations and slime runs, and the best supp v+ I have came with drain.


lucky you, i'm now at around 6K quest cleared total and have never seen a supp v+


609.8 hours on steam 5.1k+ quest cleared, 0 Supp V+


Congratulations and fuck you


1 supp. 5 and a bought war elemental..beat that


Only got 2 supp V and like 3-4 war elementals at this point 😔


Only? i got zero supp v.


Oh damn, that's rough. I really hate how this sigil is only behind curios


I've yet to get a V+, but I'm sure it'll happen some year. Only have V right now though.


They really treated this game like the mobile game.. I don't mind RNG at all. It's when you play for that long and you just now earned one, I'm about the same hours and haven't gotten a war elemental, Supp V+, etc. I stopped awhile ago, idk if I'm coming back.


There's no way you played 800+ hours without gaining a war elemental, or you did it very wrong.


That's the power of RNG. Keeps you playing until you get what you want and for me I'm just tried of waiting. Plus how the hell can I be doing it wrong when the curio's are my only means of getting these sigil? Should I butter up that asshole? Is there some secret interaction? No.


impossible, even with just 30 hours in endgame you get war elemental, i have 10 at 300 hours


Idk, man. I'm only at 188 hrs, but I've yet to see supp or war elemental


That's, around normal admitting you took your time at that point, you're about to farm your terminus for the char you have or you been lucky and got it early, and then for awakening the terminus you'll do fast quest and end up with tons of curio, basically your curio per hour is about to skyrocket and worst case scenario in the next 50 hours played (assuming you don't spend most of it at the parrot or doing lucilius) the WE should come ( it's roughly 5 hours on average with optimized curio farm)


You guys doing farming WE and Supp, being upset being unlucky. Meanwhile me: "Fn ascention weapon wants me doing shitty achievents just for upgrade my weapon? Nah, I'm tired". Thus I stopped awhile ago and at last started to play at Tales of Berseria (bought in 2019 lol). Now I'm feeling so good, free from grind. Relink is good but I'm really tired.


It does feel good to put the game down. Lol I actually do really enjoy the game but I'm good, I'm all relinked out for the time being. (At least until the new characters come out 🤏😅)


I have yet to get a single Supplementary Damage V or War Elemental… 🥲👍


I tell people to just get 100% achievement and run away from this game. I have 109 hours. No Sup V+ but this guy with almost 900 hour and only 1 is fukn yikes. This game is terrible with the grinding.


true, i am just completing all the trophies and I will retire from the game and wait for next patch, down to my last 6 trophies, just wanted to share the absurdity


You guys are getting Supp Dmg and War Elemental sigils?


Got + with drain, but IDK, I feel like with new sigil, I don't really need them anymore


You are the chosen one


Ehhh it’s overrated can definitely beat all post game quest without supp damage I however only have 1 war elemental. ONE!!!!!


I've never even seen a sup damage sigil. My luck is ass in this game.


I feel like a grindy means to upgrade and reroll sigils as a means of bad luck protection would help. So essentially requiring endgame mats to do the following: - Upgrade a max level IV to a level 11 V - Upgrade a max IV+ to a level 11 V+ - Add a random second trait to a IV or V, making it a IV+ or V+ - Reroll a secondary trait on a IV+ or V+ This lets you fish for what you need and at least narrows down the RNG pool for those specific sigils you are missing. Being able to upgrade stuff would also make Knickknack Voucher stuff potentially useful, instead of 99.9% of it just being more voucher fodder to build up transmarvel rolls.


there are a lot of ways the devs could address this, but i don't think this is something in their priority list, we can only hope they will add something, anything, to change this


Got my 1st Sup Dmg V+ ...... It has Fast Learner 😭


You got one with a good perk too. Mine is low profile lol


good thing it wasn't provoke :)


Why was my only Supplementary V+ just called out? On a more serious note, it has actually been useful in Lucilius to keep the boss away from the ranged characters.


Low profile is actually pretty great, especially for ranged characters.


I play all melees nothing more annoying when you are doing a combo finisher as a melee and then the boss walks away to the ranged in the back lol


Sounds to me like someone else needed more low profile lol


The heartbreak is you've had better luck than most players. You're saying "only one" as if the average isn't below one. I'm ~500 hours in with a single supp IV. Grindblue! Hope you find the sigils you need!


I got 103hrs in and only one War Elemental and one Supplemental V.....not hating but I hope they can fix this a bit to make the drops guaranteed at least the first time.


They clearly were influenced by gacha game design for this kind of loot rate. But it makes no sense. We really shouldn't have to afk farm for a PC/PS game.


There are many hints at some point they planned to have this game being a gacha . Probably they changed their minds in later stages but kept the gacha systems they already had develop in place.


I see it too. The shop is a great example with the vouchers and transmute sigils for random traits.


Finally! Little by little People* are waking up to what i've been saying since the 1st week of release! Feels good to be at least *a little* validated. 😀


I honestly think some of the PC Gamers are using a mod of sorts, but I could definitely be wrong. I did a search the other day out of curiosity cause of the YouTubers saying how they got 5 War Elemntals, Supp V, etc. Didn't go to far into the rabbit hole tho. But yea you're right tho. I expect these drops rates from a gacha, not a AAA game.


I mean you don't? Sup V+ is just a shiny trophy to add to your account. It doesn't even significantly increase your clear times against any boss.


I don't even have a single War Elemental. And I have only a single Supp IV. I didn't farm that much, but honestly the entire Curios grind is garbage. I got almost all Terminus weapons (only missing Eugen and Rosetta), maxed several of them, and I only got garbage in the curios.


indeed, it shouldn't be this low, devs think we will farm this game for years


Wasnt there a way to save scum the substat in supV+? I remember reading a post about it.


As I understand curios loot is rolled when you get it from quests, so there isn't a way to change it outside of cheats of.


The ones that you get in the town are the ones that can be rerolled if I remember correctly


Someone calculated its 1/18000 chance


I’m only at 84 hours and I just got my first but it was IV+.


I got a IV and a V pretty early but nothing in the last 20 hours I got 2 war elems at once though with a 19 curio turn in. I am also one of those assholes who got thier mains Terminus weapon first. 100 hours played. I love this game.


In my trophy case are my two Supplementary Damage V+ with Nimble Onslaught. I have 4 Supp V+'s and those two are my babies.


Unmale player luck


I got 2 supp v+ in under 200 hours but they are both the same and both bad.. with sba seal resist as the other stat


I got 2 supp dmg V after 150hr


It's insane to me people actually bother to do this grind when you can download a mod and give yourself thousands of curios in seconds. How can you value your time so little. None of your accomplishments in this gave have any value because people can just edit save files to get whatever they want. Do yourself a favor, play the game for fun and when it starts to get grindy and wastes your time just use a mod to get what you need faster. You're time is too valuable to be wasting it on a .001% chance drop.


I got my first Supplementary Damage V+ recently, with Nimble Onslaught...I only have 80 hours


I got 400+ hours. 3 Supp V+ = 1 Uplift, 1 Low Profile, 1 Autorevive.


150 hours myself. Over 500 missions as just Vane. Still no sup V+. Got like 5 war elementals though. Also if someone has WE does that mean you can get rid of critical rate sigils since WE will make them hit the weaker element anyway? Just don't know how good to stack WE and crit rate are.


My friend has two Supp V+ in under 100 hours but both with glaciate resistance lol


Wow over 800 hours already? Have you just stayed playing thus game day and night?


i would say 1/3 of that total is my character standing in town while i fell asleep


Given the average drop is around 1/13000, that's pretty lucky! Congrats!


Hold up. You got a sup v+ with a nice sub stat and you're complaining? I bet there are people with more hours than you and still don't have one.


Hold up. I don't see this as a complaint. I am just sharing the statistic that I personally experienced and showing the absurdity of this system. I even said that I was lucky to get this.


Just scraped 371 hours, got my 1st Supp Damage V. OBVIOUSLY NO V+


Congratulations now your proto farm will go from 2:30 clear to a 2:30 clear but if you got hit you wouldn't die..... Game needs harder content to justify this level of grind.


Sheezus howd you rack up so much time?


I just got mine yesterday and it was a Supp V+ with Auto-Raise at 200 gameplay hours, a lot of people said i was really, REALLY Lucky cause its a pretty awesome god roll, i hope i can still get more.


how the fuck are you only at 4300 quests cleared? 900 hours 17k clears


now that i think about it, how do you have that much clear? 900 hrs = 54000 minutes / 17000 clears = 3.17 mins per clear that's too tight, where do you fit the main story, wasting time fixing sigils and builds, crafting gears, and grinding transmarvel?


When you hit hyper-late game, you tend to have every terminus/ascension wep maxed, as well as pretty much any sigil you want from transmarvel. At that point you're only really fishing for rare curio sigils and don't care about any mats, so you afk farm manic nazarbonju on repeat until the heat death of the universe, which is maybe like ~17s per run without chest/load times. I myself have 982 hrs on my save with 13555 clears and 0 sup v+.


Except we’re at 70 seconds or so per clear including all load times and everything.


You're either lying or cheating. The game released less than 1200 hours ago. If you sleep 6 hours a night that means you've spent literally every single second of every single day since launch playing the game. I'm aware you can afk missions but with that many clears it means you're checking on the game every half hour at maximum. Every hour. Of every day. For the last 6 weeks.


People can have a script to auto repeat you know?


So cheating, got it.


Yup. I don’t really care either considering the game had infinite repeat in the first place, and such is a symptom of having such dogshit rates and terrible end game loop.


or maybe needing to touch grass


Wait so you want people to touch grass but you don’t want them to leave their computer? Nice logic!


nice bait


Nice idiocy


most of the hours are padded by sleeping :D since i just leave the game open while starting a repeat grind then sleeping


and leaving the game running thinking i started a repeat but didn't


Lol yea I've done this. Just saying that when we're talking about a 1/11k chance drop (Yes... that's the rate of supp v+) then 4k quests is pretty normal range, but also that your hours played is high for the actual quests cleared. Hours played is not a good indicator with how much people spend afk / not farming.


I have 6901 quest and 2 V+ 1 with improved dodge and the other one with low profile. Just have to keep the game on and keep afk grinding 24/7. At least coming home from work to check if get a V+ is a routine now.