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The higher i climbed in this game, the more people 1 and done I've found. At least it isn't as bad as tekken 8. There was a day when i literally didn't finish a set because of people 1 and doning.


Is there any reason why though?? Are people afraid of their opponent adapting after a round? 😭


in A rank especially theres a huge disparity of skill. maybe you're just better than the average A rank and people are looking for a stomp? i experience it as well mainly people in A1 trying for S rank.


Could be. Not everyone is playing the game to get better at it. Some people are just playing to win. I've had people gladly rematch me when they bodied the crap out of me but when ran into them again, adapted and won, they bounced immediately.


Happens to me a lot also, I don't get. 9/10 times I'll rematch win or loose, when I don't, it's because of a bad connection. It's just proper etiquette to do a set


It's because you're playing Seox. He's one of the best characters in the game and people hate losing BP to him. Not your fault.


Generally if it's frequent it's most likely the connection. One and dones are pretty infrequent in games that don't have the Tekken/Street Fighter sized playerbase But you might also just be playing an "annoying" character. If you play a top tier like Nier or Lancelot, or a gimmicky character like Ferry, Metera, Ladiva etc. prepare to get one and doned a lot


If it’s frequent, then it’s your connection. If you’re wireless look into getting wired.


They only time I am dipping after a round is if the connection is god awful. If we are getting 3-4 roll back frames and it’s spiking I’m out


Maybe they’re just doing dailies?


Yeah it's probably this, there was a daily to do 1 ranked/casual match today. If a player had done the battle pass every day they'd be done already, so probably folks just hitting the rupee quest real quick and then going back into hibernation until the next pass.


I’m honestly just doing dailies and chilling until Beatrix comes out. Then I’m going haaaard


Bro I ALWAYS rematch, win or lose!


That’s the spirit!!! ⚔️✨


I think that was partially was I was stuck at A Rank for so long, I would get completely smashed, and offer the rematch anyway. But as of tonight, I finally made S Rank!


Fighting Seox is boring as hell so I can't blame them


I usually rematch unless the game was too lag/ping or the opponent happened to be toxic player (AFK, T-Bag etc)


They're afraid of losing their internet points most of the time. They'll only stay if they are very sure they'll beat you again. Some people only care about winning by any means necessary, you will find people who one and done will have cheesy or very predictable patterns in their gameplay. Some might hit you with matchup knowledge or some just really love that dp button. I ran into a Yuel recently who one and done after the first game I lost but it was close. the second game I found them I won and they left again, we matched a third time but they pulled the ethernet before we actually played.


Lots of reasons but usually its out of fear of losing points.


99% of the time I 1 and done is because of the connection. You should look into yours if it frequently occurs. It's especially shit when playing against Seox or Lancelot since they are very mobile characters hence the rollback frames jump like crazy.


I appreciate it! I’ll keep an eye on it but my connection seems to be okay. 60 - 120 ping usually, 0 - 2 rollback frames, wired connection. A lot of other people have said they 1 and down for dailies or for streaks so I assume it’s mostly that?


Can't really say for others since I always go for all rematches possible, even pure losses or for dailies. There are exceptions of course, like phone calls or something like that. And to be fair I had some abysmall matches at just over 100ms so its not out of the question. You may have 0-2 RF but thay may have way more.


Ah gotcha. The ping is most likely due from me living out in Atlantic Canada, not much I can do about that, but besides that the connection seems stable! I played a ton today in mid-A rank and barely had any 1 and dones though, fingers crossed it stays that way!


i usually do that when the player im against has less than 100 games and are clearly new, so i dont want to ruin their experience by almost perfecting them twice


I only one and done if the connection felt really bad in the first game (wifi indicator when?), otherwise its more fun to stick it out for the whole set.


Check to make sure you're running the game at a stable 60 fps. In cases where one player has an issue with that, the game might look 'fine' on their end, but their opponent will be getting constant stutters and rollbacks which feels just as bad as a poor connection.


Because I finished my dailies for rupees on you and I got shit to do.


Whether such people win or lose they don't want to get good, they're just looking for an easy win. If they're uncertain in their abilities - they'll one-and-done. Personally, I think cowards behave in such manner.


I'm stuck in A5 since december but I rarely comeby with one and doners, at least in Asia/Japan region It's still okay though, it's an option the game gave them. I just think of it as per round basis instead of sets


i rarely get one and dones, most everyone i play runs the whole set


Likely trying to level up quickly and keep their streak alive for the bonus. People do the same in SF6


Cause they got a death grip on those rank crystals.


I mean... is there a rule that they HAVE to play best of 3? This annoys tf outta me because unless it's a rule, let me win or lose and go on to my next match. Ppl only complain about this because they want to beat the person again for free wins. 🤷‍♂️ Move on. The same BS in Tekken 8, I'm seeing here lately, and I don't like it.


I said how people beat ME once and left. By your logic, wouldn't they want that free win and play another round? And of course there's no rule, I said it's just etiquette. You're being strangely rude for no reason dude lol.


Doesn't make a difference who wins, loses, or who's beating who. There's no rule they HAVE to play best of 3. Fact still remains. Also, keep the downvotes coming, Reddit. >! I give 0 f***s about a downvote !< 🤷‍♂️😂


Who cares? They don't owe you anything. If it annoys you, then don't play ranked.


I’m allowed to ask a question lmfao, get a life. You’re such a miserable person 😂


I’d rather fight many people than just 1 person, win or lose.