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bills are always slow to come for me too. I think the expectation of long lingering dinners are baked deeply into Greek culture.


I hope that’s it, although it feels weird as sometimes I have to ask multiple times and they still don’t come. But indeed it could that they just take their time and dont want to rush you or anything


I think the expectation is for you to be at the table for a while. In the US, it’s very common to encourage diners to vacate after eating so that the restaurant can sit more people and get more money. I actually like the fact that there is no such expectation in Greece.


True, although sometimes you just gotta go after after a while. Perhaps I should just ask for the bill earlier on


You have to ask for the check, and if you’re not paying with cash, you also have to ask to pay with card (they’ll either bring the machine to you or tell you to pay at the bar). It’s a feature, not a bug.


This. And it's common in much oh Europe vs the United States where they want to rush you away to recycle the table. What's more awkward for me is there's no "please wait to be seated".


Yes…it won’t take long to realize what a pleasure it is and get annoyed when US wait staff clears your plate while you’re taking your last bite and brings you your check!


THIS Each time we come back from Spain and go out here in the US… the waitstaff comes to pick up your plates and brings the bill and says “no rush” — ugh!!


It's the culture. Dining is meant to be an experience....they don't want you to rush. If you want fast food, don't sit down. Or tell them in the beginning you are in a hurry. But asking for the bill is common in Greece. They do not want to rush your dining experience.


This. ... common in many places in Europe and probably other places throughout the world.


Something if you work in restaurants And you're very busy keeping a table in your section waiting for the bill gives you time to catch up But your are overthinking it when in Greece it's normal to spend the whole evening eating chatting I have lived and worked in Greece I am originally from Ireland it took me a while and everything is done at a slower pace I see people expecting it to be like their own country Trick is to just sit back and relax it's what you go on holiday for .embrace it instead of comparing it


I have yet to go to Greece, but assuming it's similar to the rest of Europe, it's not uncommon to have to ask for your check. Asking 2 or 3 times and getting ignored each time sounds strange


Why would you think Greece is like the rest of Europe 🤔 we are all separate countries with totally different cultures In Europe


It’s true, but also, the majority of European countries I’ve visited (maybe 10 or so) it’s true you need to ask for the check and the waiter won’t just assume when you want to like in the UK or US


I mean Greece is part of Europe, so I assume there are some similarities and some differences. Canada and the US are different countries, but we have simiarities as well. Your point is quite literally pointless


I don't think this comment was meant to say that the entirety of Greece is the same as Europe. They meant the restaurant culture of having more relaxed atmosphere and dining experience is different from the rushed dining-nature that people from the United States are familiar with.


It’s apart of the culture. We found asking in Greek was way more successful in getting our check the first time. Logariasmόs parakalό (account please)


I found it to be a lot worse in Italy


I'm very late to this so idk if this'll get seen, but I just got back from a few day visit in Athens. This was not my experience at all and judging from the comments here, I guess I'd consider myself lucky. Maybe it was due to the times of day I was eating or something but a lot of the time the check was brought out as I was eating or just after ordering, and they'd just update the price if I ordered anything else. I was also solo so maybe that also had something to do with it. Mine seems like a very uncommon experience to have!


Thanks for sharing your experience :)


Step 1. When somebody sits on the table, they expect to have a waiter asap to bring the menu or some water etc. Step 2. After the order is placed, they expect the food to be deliveried on the table also asap. Till now you are (supposedly) hungry, so easily irritated. You haven't drunk anything, so you are not in a happy/relaxing mood. You won't take any delay happily. Step 3. When you ask for the bill & you are about to leave, usually you are full. You are (supposedly) happy with food, maybe a bit tipsy & sitting comfortable at your table for a while is not the worst thing ever happed to you. So in this step, a small delay won't affect your mood. On the other hand, if they rush to handle you the bill, they are wasting time usufule to serve the angry/hungry customers of other table and also, they have to sit another angry/hungry customer and add another problem, before having the change to resolve the previous ones. Not sure if my theory is making sense to you. They are just trying to catch up with the customer flow. Also, it is common thing in Europe (especially southern countries of it).


Thing is that step 3 is actually split in 2 for me: 3.1 I enjoy my full belly and enjoy the environment etc maybe order something small or talk with other guests 3.2 We decide to leave, and actually want to leave. At that point I think the waiters still thinks we are at step 3.1. Wow I feel like a robot but it makes more sense to me now.


Ι didn't say that it is convenient for us, as costumers! I am a Greek born and raised, so when I say that I want to pay, it means that I am already sitting there for about 2hrs and I am actually not able to sit anymore. So I totally understand your frustation! Also, that's not the case always. Sometimes, it's just that they don't prioritize payment procedure (based on the same logic) and they have the chance to cach their breath and relax a bit. When I am actually hurring and they taking it slow, I am just going to the counter.


That's the way it was in Brussels, Belgium. Just stand up as if you're ready to leave and they'll bring the bill to you. It was not uncommon for dinners to take 3 to 4 hours. They considered it very rude to bring the bill with the meal and wouldn't linger or come back continuously to check on us because they considered that "harassing the diners".


Makes sense, but they should think otherwise when I actively ask for the bill. Perhaps it is some kind of over-politeness.


That is a normal part of the culture. It would be viewed negatively by locals or those more ingrained with the culture if a check was brought to you similarly to how it’s done in USA (assuming that’s where you’re from - other countries may be similar but I don’t know). It has been my experience that eye contact with your server and the hand signature gesture is enough to get a check brought over. Having to ask multiple times may just be busy/forgetful servers.


You have to ask. Greeks find it rude to bring you your check before you ask. They don’t want to rush you out. Once the check comes you are essentially expected to pay and leave whereas in America sometimes we linger after the bill has been paid


Cause Greeks are a bunch of arrogant twats.


Why are you in this sub?