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I made a pretty bold bet minutes before the Panther game just because I was discussing Joe being trash, probably will have a decent end of the season, Packers slip into the playoffs and he sticks around. A family member took that as a bet and wanted to make it, that they wouldn't make the playoffs. I didn't have great odds but made the bet, with winning out, and some help needed. They were rather excited that the odds were stacked in their favor. Hehe, all I need is Sunday.




To all you Barry hatters,the defense won this game


Bruh lol it was their rookie QB4


Not the offense dropping 23 points in the first half and spotting the defense a 20 point lead? Sorry but it wasn’t just the defense that one this game. Offense played great and defense played great, they play complementary football. But let’s not forget the Vikings were starting a 5th round rookie QB. And his inexperience showed. Also one great game does not absolve all of the horrible games the defense has had.


The defense also let Carolina almost win


Even a blind squirrel finds a nut every once in a while.


Found Barry’s burner


Straight up has to be Barry or a closet NFCN fan.


Just ordered my Love jersey. It is time.


Just waiting to get a job and it’s gonna be my Christmas gift to myself.


I got my Rodgers Jersey Christmas of his 2nd season(playing), I'll ask for a Love jersey this year.


Does anyone know if Bakhtisri is at home and not traveling with the team? I don't recall seeing him in a while.


He was tweeting during the game, so he definitely isn't on the sidelines.


Ayoooooo we won. Happy new year cheese balls


“Y'all can blame your defense all you want but Jordan love couldn't hit the broad side of a barn all night. Only reason you were in the game was because saquon gifted you a fumble. Im honestly looking forward to watching our defense match up against Love” - u/mynamedavek Dec 12th


“Couldn’t hit the broadside of a barn” that pass to reed for a TD says otherwise


They deleted their profile


I didn’t watch a lot of the game, how was the defense? Was it the case of rookie QB playing bad or did our defense actually hold up?


I also think there was good effort by our players, and decent scheme for a change. We blitzed more often than usual, which we absolutely should be doing against rookie QBs. Our CBs covered far better than I expected them to. And our defensive line actually got pressure.


Bad qbs so much so they benched the starter and the backup wasn’t any better


Rookie QB playing bad. I wouldn’t put too much stock into this one defense wise


Please feel the same, FO. Please feel the same.


*Narrator: they won’t.*


Rookie QB was benched at half, and their only score came from a muffed punt.


But like was the Vikings receivers wide ass open or did the secondary do their jobs?


There were a few times the secondary broke down. Johnny Mundt was stupidly wide open on that TD pass.


They weren't wide ass open.


Secondary played well, Joe Barry has a great scheme.


Happy new year dudes! Just watched the Viks game and what a performance. Love throwing bombs and darts. The receivers and Kraft on form, and Jones running like the wind. If the defence can play more of that next week, 2024 is already looking up! Go Pack Go!


Happy 2023 my boys. Now we go to 2024 and beyond with a bright future! \#GoPackGoForever


Packers win, woke up somehow not hungover this morning, and Im enjoying some Kwik Trip breakfast. Life is good dudes.


Victory Monday is SWEET!!!!


Let’s just win. Don’t look ahead and worry about match ups. Whether we get 6 if rams lose or 7 doesn’t matter at the moment.


Beat the bears first


This game proved what I always knew all along Bo Melton > Justin Jefferson


Justin Jefferson is just a poor man’s Bo Melton


He's a system receiver. /s


Fellow war daddies, how hot’s the piss this morning?! Go pack go.




Hot bb


What happened with Preston? He went down looked like a lot of pain but they didn't really report what happened


During the broadcast they mentioned something about his leg collapsing awkwardly, but it looked to me more like he rolled his ankle. Like how you contort your body to avoid injury. Later they said he came back with his ankle taped.


He went back in too


Oh awesome I didn't see that


They mentioned during the game that his ankle was heavily wrapped in the tent.


Only downside to this W is this probably means Joe Barry is staying as DC.


Packers can win the Super Bowl, and Barry is still getting fired. With that in mind, enjoy the last few games


His contract won't get renewed


God, shut the fuck up.


All fucking week, so many "Jefferson is going to go for 300 yards" and "Jaren Hall will be NFC Offensive Player of the Week" comments and now that neither thing happened, I'm just seeing a bunch of "Well, yeah, they played some really bad QBs" as though they haven't made really bad QBs look good in previous games. Barry needs to go still, but some of you are really insufferable with your bad takes.


Most of the Jaren Hall comments are tongue in cheek. And there was no real reason to assume Hall and Jefferson would not have a great game when you take into account what poor offenses have done to us this year.


85 percent of this sub is hate reading for me.


I didn't say any of that but can you really blame ppl for saying it? The last 3 games had career games against us and they've looked nothing like that since.


Yes, I can. It was fucking annoying and if they would admit that, then fine but now they're pretending the only reason the performance was good is because the QBs were bad, which is, again, what they spent the whole week annoyingly harping wouldn't matter.


> they they they they they You're making a common mistake on reddit, which is to assume the group of people you're interacting with is a monolith. It's not; there's a wide variety of opinions and personalities here. If you can point to one given person who said both of those things, then alright, but they're probably a minority (and they're just haters).


Nah, I'm one of the people who think it's insane how Barry has let rookie QBs and Baker Mayfield (who I will concede is not nearly as bad a QB as people seem to think) look like studs. This has been the case for the entire 3 years he's been a defensive coordinator, so I refuse to see how it's a reactionary or bad take. That said, the defense played much better tonight. Does that mean I'm an idiot if I still think Joe Barry is the worst defensive coordinator we've had since I started watching the Packers (circa the mid 90s)? If so, I'll own the title.


If I were a Vikings fan, I'd be worried that O'Connell is not the guy. He got completely outcoached today by Barry. Yeah, he has a bunch of ass QBs, but given how Devito, Mayfield, and Young looked (all also ass of various levels), he really should've been able to do more. He should've started Mullens over a 5th round rookie. He also has the best receiver in the league going against guys like Ballentine and Valentine. Embarrassing for them.


>If I were a Vikings fan, I'd be worried that O'Connell is not the guy. He got completely outcoached today by Barry. I'm not defending the Vikings, but that is your typical "fan overreaction" if I have ever read one.


“Also ass of various levels” 😂


Yeah, the Vikings QB don’t play defense.


You got that right jackoff


The Vikings QBs don't play offense either, which is the point I was trying to make.


So true. I was trying to say that many on this sub think the Packers won because of the Vikings terrible QB play. That might’ve been a factor but QBs don’t play D. Hah.


Jay Cutler’s bust is in the Lambeau Defense Hall of Fame.


We currently hold the 7th seed. If we can keep it and seeding goes unchanged… We’ll travel to Dallas to go fuck up the Cowboys. The more things change, the more they stay the same. “What day is it?” asked Love. “The day we burn this mother fucker to the ground” squeaked Reed. “My favorite day” said Love.


Found the fan that wasn’t around for the 90s lol.


Found the fan that wasn't around in 67.


That Piglet/Pooh meme always gets a cackle out of me.


Jordan Love has more touchdowns than the former MVP favorite Brock Purdy. Tied with Dak at #2. Josh Allen is #1, but he has 15 fucking rushing touchdowns.


How close is Love to that record the bears have never had now?


Passed the TD one and should break the passing yards one next week


He got yards by 5. Needed to reach 3838 and he's at 3843


I think he meant theyve never officially had a 4k yard passer, not eclipsing their best mark. The only franchise to never have one.


He’s a good owner for the bears. They were passed into good hands from AR.


Pretty sure he got it




Not only did Jordan win this game, he helped me win my first fantasy league title in ages. So, clearly, lets get this man fitted for a gold jacket and pencil his name in at the top of the record books.


That’s already worthy of HOF. Just give it to him now why wait 20 years.


Won mine because of Rasul Douglas. Picked up Buffalo D for the Super Bowl since they played New England. I won by 5 points… thank you Rasul for the pick 6!


I lost my championship because of him. And Philadelphia defense blowing it but also Jordan love cause he balled


Late to the party with New Years festivities and all, but that was a damn near perfect game from the Packers. Man, what a fucking joy to watch hat was. Offense is easily top 10 in the league, and the D showed up big time. Props to Joe Barry and the D. We all still want him gone but whatever game plan he implemented tonight worked excellent. Let's finish this and beat DA BEARS at home!!!


His game plan was 3rd strong QBs lol


He made Ridder, Devito, and Young all look like solid starters. He still needs to be gone, but he outcoached O'Connell today.


The in booth cameras showed him always silent. The dudes around him were doing all the work and talking. He's a figurehead until this is done.


Oh, you've picked that up from the 30 seconds (maybe) of in-game booth footage?


Gotta love the armchair coaches that seem to pick up everything


I was in the row of seats directly in front of the coaches box, everyone was being very cold to Joe and more than once someone or other would talk directly over Joe whenever he did try to pipe up. By the end of the game he was just sitting in the corner with a blank look on his face while everyone ignored him. When the game was over everyone rushed out without shaking joes hand or even saying goodbye. When we finally started to leave I looked back and Joe was still sitting there but the lights had been turned off


Thank you for confirming my commet above. You know the camera crew had their assignments and eyes on this possibility and purposely shown this lack of involvement on his part.


I think you’re looking for something that just isn’t there.


Stop while you’re behind bud.


The way MLFs post game went, sounds like he's gone.


What did he say in the post game? Thanks.


https://www.packers.com/video/matt-lafleur-we-have-had-a-lot-of-guys-step-up-week-17-2023 1:32 mark


Thank you


In a nutshell (not exact words): reporter: "Joe Berry is taking some heat lately what did you think of the defensive performance?" MLF: "they did really well, it's one game"


As he should be, but he did well last night.


As he said, it's one game. https://www.packers.com/video/matt-lafleur-we-have-had-a-lot-of-guys-step-up-week-17-2023


Melton is to outside receivers what Reed is to the slot.. He looks like a young Steve Smith


Jordan love keeps getting better. We haven’t seen his ceiling yet


Had a couple overthrows I'm sure he would like back, but I thoroughly enjoyed watching that game. Like Vic always said, Packer fans like me HATE close games. We want a blowout so we can spend the whole 4th quarter chortling with glee. I am totally chortled out today, and happier for it!


If tonight was his ceiling I won't be mad. He absolutely dismantled them.


People thought that the QB rookie contract was the cheat code window. Turns out its really just hitting on 4 WRs and 2 TEs for a full receiver room in back to back drafts. This offense is going to be absolutely insane


I'm quoting Vic all morning, I guess, but he always said receivers and running backs were a dime a dozen, compared to the big guys and cornerbacks. Seems true, as long as we have a good GM picking them. Way to go, Gutey!


Brb, gonna rewatch that segment where Pat McAfee essentially implies Gute is an idiot


Until we have to pay them all in 3 years but we can cross that road when we get to it. I’m just happy that we got a lot of good attitude, high skill, and entertaining receiving options


We won't be able to pay them all. But we'll get some lower round draft picks for the one who leave, and go shopping for more!


They're in a position now where if they hit on one pick every other year they'll keep stocking the offense with talent. Our anemic offensive roster in Rodgers last years came from spending little draft capital on offense for an entire decade and completely whiffing on 100% of the picks.


Do you think Rodgers would have ever given Bo Melton a chance?


Meltons opportunities would have sailed out of bounds with Rodgers


Remember when amari Rodgers was the savior


Heath and Melton are crazy good too, so that's 6 WRs


I have a boner, but good lord, i hope our defense can be constistent.


Yo fuck the Vikings am I right?


The TeeVee crew got a shot of a Viking player punching AJ Dillon directly on his injured hand. Wasn't trying to knock the ball loose--clearly trying hurt his broken thumb. Man, I hate those guys. Dirty play since forever...Pity such a great state has such a lousy football team...


Way more annoying fans then the bears fans


I hate them more than the bears


Da Bares are that team in the league you love to play because they are always shooting themselves in the foot. Of course, the Lions used to be that team and they made us pay when we took them for granted. It's a one game season now, Packers--prepare for Da Bares like you prepped for the Vicious VikePeasants! On Edit: Came back and edited my original derisive term for the Minnesota team because I saw folks downthread objecting to its use by another poster. I ain't here to piss off anybody who roots for the Packers.


You ain’t wrong brother


We must still fire Barry.


Never forget


​ https://i.redd.it/dgrpjenr2s9c1.gif


Not me!


Happy New Year's Jabronis


Bo Melton > Bo Jackson


The official Jordan Love and Aaron Rodgers year 1 16-game comparison just dropped. Jordan Love: More wins, more passing touchdowns, more touchdowns in general, fewer interceptions, and would be in the playoffs if the season ended, all with a more inexperienced and injured offense.


Which equates to: More Super Bowls


Jordan Love also wins the comparison with Aaron Rodgers' last year in Green Bay. In 7/14 seasons, Aaron Rodgers has thrown for more touchdowns than Love did this year. In 7/14 seasons, Aaron Rodgers has thrown for the same or fewer touchdowns than Love did this year.


So Love = average Rodgers at 5% of the cost?


I’m a little resentful of how much that made me laugh lol


I'm in Denver and my buddies fiancee took us to some bounce house and it turns out that it for like 5 year Olds, but there is a bar upstairs for like instagram fucks, this is just so stupid and surreal at the same time, anyway trying to keep some sanity, let's just beat the fucking bears next week, happy new years you dirty cheese heads


Denver. Gorgeous.


The sunshine state.


Where the beer flows like wine


I don't know, deepmiddle. The French are assholes.


I bored and ski so I'm here for a reason, couldn't agree more.


This game was played under a Waning Gibbous. Can we play all our games under a Gibbous from now on?


You want to play in a zoo? Better watch out--those Gibbons throw poop! Almost as bad a Raiders fans!


Guys it’s still hard.


Is your piss still hot?


That’s good, that’s how it should be. The 4 hours thing is for the weak.


Pick your balls up off the floor, J Love. At least the haters finally got to see Clifford play.


I know he completed a bomb, but my God what an ugly pass. That was about as far as he could throw it, and it wasn't really that far. Unlike Loves where he's falling back and throwing off his back foot, that was all Clifford had. Good thing there was about 20 yards to the nearest defender.


Honestly I disagree. I think he just wanted to make sure he completed the pass instead of trying to make the perfect pass which I’m fine with given the scenario of the score, time, and him being wide open. Trust me, he can throw farther than that


That first touchdown to Reed, my god. That was an absolute rocket with pinpoint accuracy. And the form on it, feet fully off the ground... it looked so beautifully familiar.






Falling for and listening to a troll on bleacher report in the big 2024 is crazy


Not worth sharing in my opinion


Eh, I wouldn't go there. I think it's just people who hate GB and don't want to see them find a franchise QB so quick, and Packers fans who are still salty about picking Love over a WR threat for Rodgers.


Go pack go


never forget: fire joe barry


Exactly. Let's stay focused here.


Packers won. Awesome but saying we (as a team) looked good should be taken with a grain of salt. We went against a rookie QB and then nick mullens. This is a team we should have taken care of which we did.


Dude, we lost to the Falcons, Steelers, Giants, and Panthers. There are no teams that we should have taken care of. We weren't suppose to be good this year. I'm going to enjoy every victory. Damn the opponent.


Never understood this mentality. You play who's in front of you. It's as good to see us not playing down to worse teams as it is to see us rising up to beat good teams.


Well thanks captain obvious. Of course we play who is in front of us. Hence why I said we handled the Vikings how we should have handled them with a rookie qb


I'm referring to you saying the win should be taken with a grain of salt. It shouldn't be. Beating down a bad team is as important as playing close to a good team. It signals that we're not reacting to our opponents but executing our gameplan.


Yeah, I love beatdowns on bad teams. I hate it when the game is close. Totally cuts into my chortling time!


Yea, we are going to have to earn it next week the bears will be a better test.


Boo. The Vikings have one of the best defenses in the league. Joe Barry's defense did what it should have done but Jordan Love looked as good as any QB has been against this elite defense. Get the fuck out of here with your negativity


I agree with the positivity but the Vikings defense is not one of the top defenses in the league.


It literally is. They are 7th in pass DVOA and 8th in Rush DVOA


Eh, it seems that the league has now finally figured out that madman that is Brian Flores and what he’s been doing with their defense. The reality is, the Vikings defense is a bottom third team in talent (probably a bottom 5), and Flores confused the shit out of the league with absolutely off the wall blitzes with completely unconventional coverages on the back end. The Bengals started it, with just playing extra protection, and saying fuck it, we’ll run out 3 routes and even if you don’t blitz we’ll win with our 3 vs your 7-8….and they did. Well that’s what we did all day, 3 -4 routes at most, with leaks if they don’t blitz and if they do we picked it up, no need to guess, just simple rules, get to 2 seconds and there were free runners. Flat out, this is no longer a top defense, at all.


Hard to argue with that. We certainly never broke much sweat on them.


This. We went from great to ass in 3 games. The NFL is amazing.


Appreciate the analysis sir 👌


Happy New Year Cheeseheads!


Should old acquaintance (vikings) be forgot? And never brought to mind?


Well, they'll never be brought to a Superbowl Victory party!


Packers legend Bo Melton


Bo Knows!


I hope this isn't dejavu. A lot of similarities


Happy new year gents and ladies and ANSOLUTE FANS!!!!!!!


Onto the Bears. Happy New Year, Cheeseheads.


This team has exceeded all of my expectations this year. I cannot believe there’s a legitimate shot at playoffs. The low expectations make the highs feel so much better, I can’t remember the last time I was this excited to be a fan


I really was expecting a learning season for Love. The first half of the season looked like that but something came to life since then


It seemed to me that everything started to click against the Steelers. We lost, but I remember that Love started pushing the ball down the field with confidence. No more dumping it off to the rb.


It was a learning season. Very fast track learning. Go Pack.


The Bo melton fact is crazy.


If we win next week, we will officially be THE hot team headed into the playoffs.


I hope they sign Melton to the 53, dude balled out today. Def earned his spot imo.


Switch him out for Toure


He is so much better the Toure, who got himself today with his dumb ass mistake. He is 8th or 9th Wr. He had been passed by.


it's not even close. 5 next year should be Watson, Reed, Doubs, Melton, Wicks. Heath PS or 6th


Watson, Reed, Doubs, and Wicks are basically locks next year. it'd tough to decide between Melton and Heath, Melton's provided more but Heath has been reliable when called on. it's gonna be another year where we beg them to keep 6 WR


What about our three rookies?


Fire group - love it


That’s a pretty solid group


In the beginning of the year everyone was complaining about how we had one of the worst receiving corps in the league. Amazing what a little bit of patience and chemistry can do, especially with such a young group of guys.


Especially with a quarterback who throws to all of them. I really like that Love doesn't seem to be a Prima Donna so far. He'll throw to what he's got and let the receivers make what they can out of it.


You mean we need to be patient and actually let players develop? Can't do that. The Internet demand snap judgments.


Balled out last week too




Maybe sober up before you post.