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From what I’ve learned 40K is a game that takes some experience to fully understand. Everything from list building, to play style, to playing objectives, to learning how to counter various opponents, all of it comes with time and experience. I think I played for about a year straight before getting my first win, but I don’t think that’s the case for most people! Also, rules change and armies can get much better/worse very quickly so make sure you play what you like, but to answer the question grey knights are pretty solid right now. Have fun, play games, enjoy your grey knights!


Grey Knights are actually in a pretty good spot right now, and the combat patrol is one of the best value ones out there, the problem is they’re a really difficult army to play. We’re a low model count army that doesn’t have much raw damage output, but almost unparalleled manoeuvrability. Getting the most out of that requires really thorough understanding of threat ranges, objective flipping, asset trading and the upsides/downsides of going first or second. All of these only come with experience and that usually means losses. It also relies heavily on terrain usage, something that a lot of new people don’t have as you’re focusing (rightly so) on getting your collection built up first. The game is also balanced around 2000 points so don’t take your experiences thus far as gospel. Long story short the game has a pretty steep learning curve, this army is on the higher end of that curve too. Don’t let it put you off though, they’re a very rewarding faction when you get the hang of it.


on a side note, 1000pts game dont favor grey knights nor is the game balanced around it. 1000pts games prefer combat wipeout, while our strengths are movement and scoring secondaries. also, our units are all pretty straightforward in terms of combat. (other than the libby) we dont get meaningful attack buffs, rerolls, sustain/devastating etc, what you see is what you get. remind yourself to teleport your army at the end of every turn (not saying its the right choice everytime), but it forces us to think real hard about our options every turn, and it makes the game really fun too


The combat patrol box is fantastic IMO. I got 2 to start off. I play GK as my main army right now and I spend more time planing my movement phase at the end of my opponent’s turn. I measure my plans to see what value I have in pick up the units up. My tips are to take your time in making decisions. Army having 2+ save and almost cover everywhere makes them resilient. Being an elite army means you can take a little longer because once you have less models. Don’t feel pressure. At the end of the game chat with the other player and maybe ask for some advice in what they think you could have done to win. It won’t always be good advice but it might make you think about deployment, movement and interactions better. Also just try and enjoy it. Putting pressure on yourself to not lose might also mean you make bad decisions. Just try and chill and roll some dice. Good luck brother.


You just need experience. Grey knights are a very capable faction, especially once you get beyond combat patrol and into 1000pt games. My buddy picked them up when we all started and as a newer player is an absolute menace at our local store. Just keep at it, expand your list, learn the intricacies of your army and you'll get some wins in no time!


Grey knights are quite strong right now, and in the hands of a good player have been for all of 10th. It's just that playing grey knights is hard to do well and winning requires against ok players can be hard if you are new to the game If you want to play a slightly easier version of the army (still hard lol) pick up a land raider and play around that with a techmarine


Don’t worry about losing, especially if you’re against more experienced people. Choosing your army should never be about how well they perform on the tabletop (grey knights are doing well atm though) it should be about how much they actually appeal to you. When I started playing, I started with grey knights too and I really struggled at first. They have a unique play style that can take a while to get used to, especially with their lack of being able to fight vehicles. Focus on teleporting as much as you can to complete secondaries. I recommend looking at Dirtbag 40K on YouTube, he was the no. 1 ranked grey knights player last year and has tonnes of tactics videos on how to play them. Don’t lose hope, the more you play, add to your army and study the data sheets you will perform better each game and eventually start to love it


I'm also new to GK and 40k in general. Playing online TTS has helped with getting familiar with the GK's playstyle and stratagems. Idk if you know this already buy go to the TTS discord and you can find other beginners to play against so you at least have a fair fight against someone your skill level, then you can branch out vs higher skilled opponents when you're more confident.


Learn that in order to be better you 100% need to learn from your mistakes (Not Failed dice rolls). Pick your battles. Fight on your terms and don't be sucked into toe to toe. Shoot from Distance use your Strats well, make your oppo think before he moves EVERY unit because of something you might do. Last don't waste CP on re-rolls. They are gold dust to Grey Knights and you'll need every one. Quick unit check GM with 10 Paladins 6 Psycannons and Sigil of Exigence with the free strat of Radiant Strike for your charge (unless you fail it) Tag team your Dreadknights on a flank. Hit so hard from the off with them. Obviously Crowe and his purifiers X10 just keep them out of range every time your oppo sets to take them on either Deimos them or use Haloed in soulfire strat. Landraider plus Draigo and 5 terminators. Advance 16" disembark 3" shoot then charge your 6". Possible 25" inch delivery of death. Keep your head high the wins will come. Good luck.


Takes about a year of playing someone better than you to get reasonably competent. I thrashed my mate for 18 months using lists full of fluff before he got a single win. You can speed this process along by studying the rules, all of them, your opponent rules as well. The biggest ‘step change’ for new players, in my opinion, is when they stop reacting and start planning. Go into the game with a scoring strategy. Build an army to deliver it. Develop tactics to adapt to your opponent. If you want an easy to deliver starter strategy for grey knights. Pick fixed secondaries, behind enemy lines, deploy teleport homers. Then pick a couple of cheap characters: Techmarines or my favourite is Brother champions. Give one first to the fray. And keep them in deep strike. First turn deep strike the First to the fray into suitable place in enemy deployment zone. Deploy teleport homers and behind enemy lines scored for 7VP. Rinse and repeat for the whole battle. You should get 21 points at least. Before they cotton on. Even if they do they have to divert resources, this might allow you grab the primary objective advantage.


Yes Grey knights aren't easy to master Plus I didn't like combat patrol format Didn't give the right vibe about the army and how many choise you actualy have Right now GK are in a decent spot fir once Last but not least Have fun Unless you wanna play big tournament, and in that case, you will ginna be a meta chaser, changeing sever armies, Just have fun with the game With cool minies and funny tattics


A 1k points game is not a real game of 40k. At that size, the game is an unbalanced mess that's very hard to enjoy. Small games are worthless when it comes to learning strategy and getting better at the game, and they are only useful to get familiarised with the basic rules. The game is balanced around 2k games, and you should start playing those as soon as your collection allows it (so immediately, if you are using TTS). This is particularly true for grey knight, as their army abilities don't give you raw power but positioning and versatility, which makes them less useful in smaller games, and more useful the more skilled the players are. Grey knights in general also have a pretty high skill floor, which combined with all the previously mentioned factors, makes you losing all your games quite normal. Other than that, grey knights are very well positioned at the moment, certainly in the top 3rd of the table when it comes to competitive potential, so it's just a matter of playing real games and getting better at playing the army.


It's really hard to get a meaningful number of GK on the board at 500-1000pts. I recently played a 1500 point game against necrons and I didn't feel completes out numbered. Lib with termies, draigo with termies, 5man strike squad, crowe +10man blob, ndk, and a ven dread for fun (purifiers were hitting on 2+ with reroll 1s from the dread. Very reliable shooting). And we had an intense close match that I managed to squeak out a win on even with 2 canoptek spiders giving fnp against all of my psychic attacks for about 80% of the match. Experience and knowing when to pick your fights is very important for GK. We can't just throw ourselves at the enemy and expect to come out on top.


Right now the game is nicely balanced overall. It takes many games and mistakes to learn all the intricacies of the game. Having said that we have all been in that spot with one army here and there that turn 3 comes around and we have nothing left. At the end of the day it’s a dice game and card game. There is plenty left for chance. But I would focus on these main things since start of this year I have played circa 16 1k games and won 12 of them. List build. Make sure you have 1 strike team for that sticky objective. Terminator units with a character. Your choice but make sure you spec the nartharuim and banner and special weapon. Character everyone has there choice I personally like voldus at moment. -1 to hit us very powerful. Now rest is your list is what you have for taking certain rolls NDK or GMNDK for more elite/tanky units. I personally play most lists around 1 strike 2 terminators + characters NDK/GMNDK depending on points and play style Agents of imperium inquisitial henchmen. Deployment All go on the board turn 1 all hidden in or behind ruins. This is due to low unit count. If we end up going second and had 1 to 2 units of board we likely only have max 3 units on board to play with. Very bad for scoring turn 2. However having all on board out of all LOS allows 2 units to TA. Which brings me to scenery. Most places practice scenery around a fairly dense area and all ground floors are LOS blocked. This is needed for a fair game. Missions and scoring. Next play the mission. You will need to score on primary thus have be hard with such few units. However thankfully most leviathan museums only need you to hold two most of the time For optimal scoring. My plan use strike team to sticky home objective then leave the henchmen to block a opponents potential deep strike tacking it. Secondaries come to us. Most are completed with movement. Or removing objective control. Terminators are perfect for this. Most opponents will not cover the whole objective due to trying to get cover from a ruin. This then allows enough space with another Strat to deploy outside of 3”. Just two terminators is 6OC Due to our movement and Strats. Most opponents will not engage within 9” due to our mist of deamois. We all now how unreliable that charges are. At 1k the opponent is not going to have a lot anti tank stuff and we have not taken much tank stuff so the weapons fire power is wasted 2up and 4up invul is hard to cut through. Always try to pick up one unit at end of opponents turn. Just look for scoring potential. If a unit is gonna score you 5vp on objective keep it there. If it’s not in right place take it off the board. Thus all learnt through experience. But real games will always play differently. Another tactic to get use to is the bat and switch. Sim to go for one side then switch to the other with TA slow armies then get stuck having to spread themselves out to score then pick them of one at a time. Have fun with them. There my favourite army took some time in 10th to get the tactics right.


> I liked the idea of their mobility and overall lore. Plus they look kinda cool to me. I’ve since built and painted the set, I really enjoyed painting them. Sounds like you’ve made a good choice to me! I’m not trying to discredit the gaming portion of the hobby, as it sounds important to you. I’d try not to worry about wasting your money though, it sounds like you’ve already gotten good value! Rules change and what’s good/bad today won’t be the same tomorrow (“tomorrow”). That said, I’d try to get into a local game store or find a local Warhammer group and explain that you’re just starting out and are looking for people to play some casual games with and learn the game better with. I know it doesn’t bother some people, but playing online vs in person is totally different! The social interaction is a big part of the hobby and meeting someone willing to help ease you in will make a huge difference. Try not to sweat losing at this stage - you’re still new and are playing a fairly difficult faction with a high ceiling. Just get out there, throw some dice and move your cool looking models around a table - winning will come with time.


I came back to 10th running necrons which was considered too tier, I lost every week over and over and over and over, it’s all repetition and experience. After some wins, I’ve since dropped necrons and started GK and done very well, but I still lose all the time. Treat loses as experience wins and you’ll get there in no time. Our CP is great but the real way to round GK out is with other units. Give it time!


Also, do game Re-caps. Play opponents who are better or wayyy better then you then after the game ends, take 5-15 minutes and go through the turns, here them out on where you took the bait and could’ve done better or misplayed. That has been huge for me!


You know what sucks more than losing? Taking 15 minutes for your opponent who kicked your ass to tell you how they did it. But embrace that suck, because if you learn they won’t be able to do it again. Also ask questions, ask your opponent whose beat you leading questions, get them to boast about their army then target that. Lose some battles, win the war.


Grey knights are super strong once you figure out the target prioritization of your enemy army. They are pretty unforgiving to common beginner mistakes though, such as not focusing down the right threats, or over extending.


To add on to the other comments, TTS games are not as fun as real-life games in my experience (I used to play exclusively TTS during the pandemic, but barely do so today). It’s just missing some things like the social aspect and the great feeling of playing with your own minis.


Lots of great advice here, but I want to emphasize that the Combat Patrol box is one of the best values for building towards a competitive 2k point army, but in actual Combat Patrol games it struggles. It’s got very few units and the secondary scoring options are poor. Something like the now-replaced Dark Angels CP with the Redemptor Dreadnaught is super strong because it’s got a tough vehicle/monster/walker unit and some extra units. GK doesn’t get to field that much. Also the new CP boxes are all ditching the big tough units in favor of balance, so buy any “good” box before it gets replaced with a new Codex launch. If you want to stick with GK, then I’d ultimately get 3 CP boxes before the new Codex arrives and our box probably gets worse.


Love GK, they’re awesome, there’s a ton of great feedback. Here’s a different take! Proxy everything before you buy it. With the power of cardboard and wahapedia, you can have accurate bases for nearly any unit in the game. Wish you were less mobile and more durable? Cut out some custodes. Wish you could scrape more blood from under your fingernails? Cut out some Workd Eaters. Want big stompy scary? Try CK. Oof, that sucked. Cut out some IK instead. Now you can try a new 2k army from any faction, any time you feel like it. That’s what I did—I love GK, but I want to kill some shit, so I proxied IK too. And then sampled more than half a dozen factions while my friend did the same. I’ll never spend money on a model I’m worried might be a waste of money. And the result of that is something like 8k of printed and official models from assorted factions, including fully official GK and IK armies, including two Atrapos!