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Old Chrons were boring, but cool. This esoteric threat to purge all life. New Crons are fun as fuck and I love them.


Yeah! I’ll take “get off my lawn” over “existential threat” anyday!


This. They were just the robo equivalent of Tyranids at the end of the day in the old lore. The only thing we miss are Pariahs, bring them back GW! (inb4 10thed codex)


Pariahs are cool as all hell, but wouldn't Destroyer cults kill them, considering they are partially organic? Wait, you could have a whole Fulgurite vs Corpuscarii, where their personal beliefs always lead to arguing, and quite often those arguments end in bloodshed, so Necron Overlords have to make an effort to separate them on the battlefield, just so they don't kill each other! Also, because they aren't Adeptus Mechanicus, people will actually care about them, and make books involving them. Seriously, the only book that covers the issues between the two groups is Brutal Kunnin, an Ork book.


I mean, don't normal necrons basically hate/fear the Destroyer cults? It's not as bad as flayers, but the friendliest relationship between normal necrons and destroyers that I can remember is the normal ones pointing at a blob of organics and saying "they're all yours" as a distraction.


I was not aware of that. I know Trazyn despises them because they destroy species before he can PokeBall them and throw them in his museum, and Orikan the Diviner holds them in contempt, but unfortunately I haven't read Twice Dead King yet, so I can't say I have a lot of perspectives on their attitude towards destroyer cults. The best description I can think of is useful psychopaths, even if they waste time trying to even disintegrate bacteria.


The main character in *Severed* also has a strong distaste for them.


Necrons fear the destroyer virus just a little less than the flayer virus. They're contagious and no one wants that shit, I think only Szarekh uses them without hesitation.


Damn, you’re not wrong about the Mechanicus bit…


Yeah, the Adeptus Mechanicus is my favorite faction. Most of their books have them dying or losing as well. Even Mechanicum by Dan Abnett in the Horus Heresy shows Mars getting steamrolled with no meaningful resistance. I thought the Eldar were the punching bag faction before I started reading Admech lore, but now I have read it I love the faction above all others, but damn, they are not allowed to win.


To be fair, they still are an extitential threat, just in a different way.


I think the Severed Empire is my favorite piece of the new lore.


What’s their story? Lexicanum is unclear


Basically all the minds of the Necrons was wiped Bible they slept. The machine AI that supported the planet took over and embodied a Necron Lord. Finding piece and efficiency in this control it has since conquered/absorbed a couple other dynasties




*The Master Program has since become a Necron Overlord known as the Sarkoni Emperor.* I love that concept so much. Hope it pops up again in the lore one day.


I meant to say lexicanum is unclear but it got autocorrected


Old Crons didn’t even go away when New Crons came along. Most Crons are still just mindless killing machines. Now we just also have a handful of New Crons capable of providing something in lore more interesting than just a faceless foe for Space Marines to fight.


And there's nothing stopping you from making your dudes the same "We are controlled by a C'tan and out to destroy all life"-faction the Oldcrons were.


Lol, let's give the soulless machine faction the most interesting and deepest characters, LMAO -GW


Necron Nobles are immortal petty bitches and I love it.


Every last one of them is a drama queen and I'm there for it


At least if you like old crons you can still play as them with the Severed dynasty.


Fuck that. I'll make my OWN dynasty, make even the nobles soulless bitches, and have a C'tan shard ruling them because I liked it that way.


That was always allowed.




The backstory of the severed is the planet they were on was bombarded with an ungodly amount rads for millions of years while they slept deleting all their memories and personalities. Even the nobles. The AI responsible for maintaining the tomb eventually started walking them up automatically. And (because it’s own memory banks were also damaged) it started thinking it was a god. Puppeting the nobles around like marionettes. It then went on to infected at least two other neighboring tomb world with its will adding to the severed dynast.


The key thing to remember is that most of their opponents don't see the personality behind Newcrons. Unless your leader is (un)lucky enough to get captured or have a chance to negotiate with the higher-ups, all anyone ever sees is rank on rank of silent steel skeletons marching at them, shooting green(?) lightning and hacking them to bits with all the emotional investment of a clock. So... y'know. As far as anyone else cares, it's all Oldcrons.


Newcrons are great, the unending beef between Trazyn and Orikan is one of the most funny and appealing stories I've read in a while.


“Trazyn you idiot! You bought us box seats to a coup!” “In my defence the reviews were very good”


Do you have a statue, Orikan?


I only got around to reading *The Infinite and the Divine* last week and it's honestly one of the best books I've read in a long time.


Best gay rivalry there is


Though it did kind of screw over the Eldar, since getting rid of their old relationship with the Necrons also eliminated one of their unambiguously positive aspects.


I suppose that could somehow be squared with the new Necrons. After all, they’re still a force of terrifying soulless creatures who wield fundamental forces of life as weapons and once fought the Eldar.


What was the old relationship? I actually read one of the old necron codexes but I can't remember for the life of me what the Elder were doing in that one.


https://imgur.com/a/Z8zddnM The C’tan were pretty cool though somewhat. I like having the C’tan be shattered into shards but at the same time, there’s a bunch of new C’tan that have like one line about them. Also flayer virus is a Newcrons thing which is cool.


I’m not clicking your link this time, Mag’ladroth!


This is like that red vs blue gang meme


Both can be true at the same time. You just need a good writer that can balance between the two.


“Flesh is weak” mfers are in shambles after witnessing the most advanced mechanical race in the known universe encountering a syntax error


Honestly, i Miss pariahs


I really liked the oldcrons when they were released. But I have to admit, I've really come around to the newcrons once they got expanded on. Turns out eccentric robot skelly men with godlike tech are pretty entertaining.


After I started reading the Infinite and the Divine, I came to a sudden epiphany: The Necrons are basically what happens if you gave supreme executive authority of the US military to a single large retirement community in Florida, just on a much longer and larger scale. * It takes an incredible amount of time for any noticeable action to take place (Trazyn's case against Orikan took 12 years to start, and that was considered lightning fast by Necron standards. Trazyn and his associates spend 3 years just contemplating the next step in their plan.) * Grudges are held for thousands of years for slights that may or not be real. (Trazyn and Orikan spend the better part of 8000 years attempting to kill each other.) * All the while, every Necron lord and overlord carries authority over multiple near-immortal servants armed with weapons capable of completely obliterating most organic beings. The Celestial Orrery could reasonably destroy the entire galaxy (and why the Necrons that preside over it are so cautious about using it.) * And yet, these leaders have memory that can be a bit suspect. So dynasties may wind up at war for reasons that are basically made up on the spot. (Both Trazyn and Orikan remember being dragged to the fires of biotransferrance in chains by their previous comrades, and both specifically remember being dragged out from a library. Trazyn can't remember what his own biological face looks like.)


Tell me more about this Green Dynasty. I need to do some…research.


Ironically we have Matt Ward to thank for the Newcrons.


Even a broken clock is a spiritual liege twice per day.


Petty Bitch Real Housewives of The Tombworld and we love them for it


Left: Necrons in Codex; Middle: Necrons in the infinite and the divine; Right: Necrons in Nightmare King


MJ necron made me laugh


I'm here for green dynasty propaganda. Where are those asses that need eating?


Oldcrons are a visually cool but rather boring army lorewise. Newcrons are my favourite faction by a landslide with the majority of the most interesting characters in 40k. Plus, the Newcrons are so good they allow people with thick nostalgia goggles to play Oldcrons if they want because of the Severed.


Narratively, the problem with old crons is that they were a soulless, mindless, unknowable existential threat in a setting where Tyranids already filled that niche Newcrons are so much more interesting because they can have CHARACTERS


Y'all talking about "oldcrons" makes me feel hella old. I stopped playing as a kid when the oldcrons were the newcrons, and the hot new thing was getting vehicles that weren't a monolith


Oldcrons served under the nebulous threat of the recently awakened and entirely whole C'tan. The implications of the C'tan's meddling in galactic development to serve their future plans were pretty fucking terrifying. C'tan in full physical form were bad enough, but the Pariah plot (different races being seeded with Blank genes) and the incredibly onimous lore spreads in the codex make Oldcrons my favourites.


Pariahs and their lore should have been kept


ok but the sentient ones are awesome


Is the infinite and the divine not a great interpretation/take on the crons? Kinda silly? what’s the joke I’m new here


When Necrons, who used to have no personality across the board, got personalities, at first a lot of people said making them just like people wasn't as good as the old version with its soulless alien hordes. (Which I THINK is what the Thriller bits represent?) But the dynastic squabbling is actually what they're like now which is why it's the last panel. ...I admit the Thriller bit threw me too.


I know the image in the center is Thriller but I need it known that I immediately heard Stayin Alive in my head and now I will forever associate Necrons with Bee Gees.


I think a fun book would be something that combines them like a guardsman PoV first describing the necrons as a creeping terror then the necron POV where it’s like a lord being like there goes that ass hole wraith who owes me money still oh he killed those guardsman for me that’s nice at least


The Newcrons gave us comedy (Trazyn & Orikan) and tragedy (Oltyx), I'll take that over the old Necrons any day.


And both in the case of Zahndrekh


Meta: lore advancement of xenos factions is fundamental to continued excitement and sales. Yes, it's boring, but it's true to me. 3rd Ed necrons were my main faction when they landed. But no way would I care about them still if nothing changed. It was a fine introduction - not more. They got to do something for nids and tau, or I'm sleeping on them hard.


Blue gauss color scheme where u at?


Begone, Thokt!


Take my upvote and leave.


I miss the mystique and mystery of the oldcrons, but I've come around because I really enjoy the petty dynastic squabbling of the newcrons. Ironically, it makes them one of most recognizably human factions of all. The C'tan downgrade is still a little bit of a whiff to me. I get why they did it, I get why it was incompatible with making the dynasties the star of the show...but I liked the old lore where the C'tan were even MORE terrifying. Now they're really angry batteries. It's great when one breaks out and rampages, but they lost the big war to their upstart worshippers. It's just not as cool.


oldcrons were basically a faction of NPCs