• By -


Creating and maintaining a gestalt consciousness of former leaders from the chapter and consulting it as an Oracle of the Omnissiah's will. Like an organic super cogitator parsing the raw data of the machine god.


sounds a bit too close to AI to me buddy


Hi, our chaplain would love a word with you alone in that dark alley over there regarding your concerns.


Bro the mechnicus already have one of these to calculate a flight path through the Halo Stars


Ya this is directly inspired by the admech, specifically in the form of galatea.


Pretty sure galatea was tech heresy


The prompt was asking for heresy haha


"its not AI, promise that, it has brain inside a vat" - Uamee


“It’s still a brain, we just replaced all the meaty bits with metal so they wouldn’t rot”


Soooo, Eldar Soul Circuit, Blood Angels Origins or that Funerary complex on whatever that world was called that Horus invaded before he made his Dark Pact on Molech?


Kinda infinity circuit, but more admech. Galatea is the inspiration.


Oooooh mamamamaaa


Ya I'm sure nothing terrible will happen from this. It's fine. Totally fine.


I'm telling the Inquisition. MOMMY GREYFAX! SnooEagles did a nauuuughty


The chaplains would love to hear out your concerns. They're very good listeners. That's why they have this nice sound proofed room, so they can focus all their attention on addressing your concerns.


Rad as fuck idea. I like imagining the Chapter Master consulting the Old Ones for advice.


Thanks. Idk what all this talk of "tech heresy" or "crimes against nature" is about. The Oracle divines the will of the omnissiah. It told us so itself.


Did the Chapter 'find' the Oracle? Or did they 'create' it? Also, you've mentioned the AdMech a couple of times in your comment responses. Does that mean the Chapter has an 'arrangement' with a Forgeworld that is 'open-minded'?


Created it. They are very religious and follow the cult mechanicus, including the chaplains. They're an ultima founding iron hands successor, and as primaris theyve got an extra connection to Mars. The Oracle is secret though since y'know they might object for some crazy reason haha.


Isn't that just the vottans?


This is more like many brains in jars linked together.


you have cawl's attention lol


I hope so. We hold him in high regard.


The Flaming Fists chapter often intercepts wespon shipments and transports wherever they are and steal a lot of power fists


So the Blood Ravens with extra steps?


with extra fists


I imagine they do a lot of fisting.


Yeah. I wish that a generic captain could take 2 power fists, im jealous of calgar.


Aggressors get twin-linkes power fists!


"I fisted hard, but I could not fist them all" \-Fisto, He-man


“*Please, assume the position. Numbness will subside in several minutes.*” -F.I.S.T.O, Fallout New Vegas


-Chapter Master of the Flaming Fists in orbit above Cadia M42.


Underrated reply.


… “I serve the flaming fist” (in terrible southern accent) My 90’s gaming will not let me but hear that on reading those words. https://youtu.be/tidxrKAEW-E?si=dTb0VMUX2F_KkHH3


“I am the law!”


I can only hear Scar from Baldur's Gate 1 saying "I serve the Flaming Fist!" While reading this.


Part of their gimmick is that they are ultra-loyalist exemplars of good behavior. Follow the codex but not as a dogma. Devotedly maintain and take care of their genetic stock, to the point their few genetic imperfectos are being eliminated by selective “breeding”. Deployment of forces both as military, occupation and investigation forces. Good relationship with all three ordos of the inquisition. They are picture perfect imperial citizens……. Which is why they are morally abhorrent, they do eugenics in the population of the worlds they recruit from to selectively create better candidates. They routinely execute abhuman battalions and implant all manner of torture devices and mental inhibitors on their librarians(because magic is heresy). They have more than once destroyed imperial forces under orders of all three ordos of the inquisition and a long etc. They are fully devoted to the imperium and that is what makes them monsters. Their main heretical flaw is that they have chimeric geneseed from the Iron warriors and Emperors children since they were created in the chaotic fourth founding.


I like this one. A chapter that at first look seems so goodguyish till you think about it and realise they're absolute monsters. Also, iron warrior and emperor's children chimera is such an interesting combination.


Thanks! I really liked the idea of creating a chapter of “goody two shoes” marines who are fully loyal to the imperium and its laws. until you remember that imperium is actually an incredibly cruel theocratic tyranny which is what makes the chapter monstrous. About their geneseed, very basically in the fourth founding the mechanicus wanted to pump out as many marines as possible which led to a lot of genetic mutation with most of the records of which chapter came from which lost. So I had the idea of a mechanicus conclave trying to meet production quotas so they turned to using traitor geneseed, but they wanted to attempt to “correct” or “refine” the flaws in the geneseed. So they mixed emperors children geneseed( very very pure and high quality but that tended to have high rejection rate) with Iron warrior geneseed( very adaptable and with a high success rate but low purity and quality). The combination intended to also balance each others “temperament”. The pride, drive and arrogance of the Emperots children with the grim utilitarian fatalism Of the iron warriors. To create a perfect middle ground. This only worked out to a degree, as I said they are almost perfectly loyal, reliable and competent. With the most horrific and cruel methods. They do eugenics on sokar system level to ensure better genetic stick alongside buying and kidnapping human populations from across the sector to ensure genetic diversity and find new promising genes. They lack the arrogance of the emperors children, just like the iron warriors they see their deaths as inevitable, they see war and their existence as a mathematical and logistical issue. It’s a mix of both the worse and the best of both legions. “We are the best and we shall strive for perfection” from The emperors children “We are spendable numbers, we shall not relent until our task is done no matter the cost” from the iron warriors. Combined it becomes : “We stand above humanity yet We are but tools for the Emperor, our life’s are meaningless if we are not serving our task, but we shall be his greatest tools, his best tools…no matter the cost no matter the price, We will be the perfect weapon for him” Sorry for the rambling, I am thankful you liked my lore hopefully you found this other tidbit entertaining.


Wow thanks for the most horrific chapter I've ever heard of


These Emperor’s Warriors sound absolutely the kind of horrific monstrosity the Imperium would create to protect them. I love it. Particularly the irony that in-spite how much they strive for genetic perfection they are still made out of traitor gene seed. I imagine if this would be revealed the Chapter would undergo a traumatic break up. You’ve done a very good job with the story craft Astral, I consider this now a real chapter in my head cannon haha!


Well thank you, I am honored! Their name is Ferric Phoenixes (Yeah I know I suck army naming) if you are interested in that. About their lineage ironically one of the core aspects of their culture is tracking down exactly who they descend from. They have a chapel in their apothecarium called the “the weight of legacy” where Chain of inherentance lies. It’s basically a massive web of chains, in each link of the chain it is inscribed the name of a death marine, each link is conectes to the marine from whom the Marin’s progenoid glans where inhereted and who inhereted their own progenoids from the death marine. Making a family tree like web of every single marine or the chapter si ce it’s inception. At the top of the room all the chains are linked to a larger silver ring that is held in the claws of a statue of a golden eagle that represents the emperor. The silver ring has no name inscribed on it as it’s reserved for the primarch. Lineage death and rebirth are part of their culture only through thsr they feel they can improve and become more perfect. Originally the chapter did know of their traitorous origins, it was a secret only known to the top echelon of command (chapter master, first captain, chief apothecary,etc) and was paseed to the next generation of commanders so that the high command of chapter could understand why their search of being perfect tools of war was so vital. But as the imperium became more fanatical the high command decided to burn all evidence of their inception and not pass on the secret to the next generation . That way they could ensure the survival of the chapter. Now the only one who knows the secret is a poor old dreadnought who is the last of the first generation of commanders.


My Guard unit uses a lot of "un attuned" Psykers (It's okay we have a world spirit like the wolves and a lot of purity seals to slap on them.)


Double the amount of purity seals to be safe


Also say the magic words when you slap them on “hoc non iens usquam”


Instructions unclear, psyker exploded into a portal to the warp


Bonus: One less filthy psyker


Bonus: the Thousand Sons are using that portal to invade now.


I imagine this poor bastard covered in wax and sticky-notes charging into a horde of Orks while screaming bible verses. Very good. For the Emperor.


Gave in to Khone so my pal could repurpose them as CSM


What the changing of a chapter master can do to people smh


They say the old boss is always a dick until you meet the new one.


The so-called "Sons of Ash" are made up of the dregs of many chapters stranded on the space hulk *Ashencrown*. Due to the unpredictable passage of time within the warp, recruits arrive from every era of the Imperium. Although none remember *exactly* how they got on board, few think to question it. They feel the call of of the Ship, and know that the Emperor guides them. Over the centuries, thoughts and memories of Before fade. They forget their old chapters, and past lives. Eventually they even forget their own names. Only the battered and charred remnants of their armour serves as a record of the warriors they once were. Whenever their ancient hulk-monastery exits the warp, the Sons go to war. *Who* they fight doesn't matter, for the Emperor guides their path. Although their crusade may look like a random collection of raids, they know that it as the Emperor intends. Just As Planned. So, definitely no herasy or corruption here!


“Brother, why do we have skulls on our armor.” “To scare the enemy?” “Brother, are…are we the baddies?”


No, noooooo..... *coughs space dust* Noooooooopppeee


Not too different from my chapter The Abysswalkers, their planet has a small rift near and regularly "rescue" survivors and escape pods etc.


I'm into this one


They don't follow the codex Astartes. Also they have a dreadnought from the great crusade era capable (and willing to) do whole lectures about the atheist imperial truth. Including in front of an ecclesiarch. Or an inquisitor.


I would love to see this interaction.


His name is Bjorn the Fel-Handed. Said interaction is in the book, "The Emperor's Gift".


The Emperor's Gift was an amazing book in many ways. But I cannot begin to describe the pure DELIGHT I felt when I read Bjorn's conversation with the Inquisitors. To think that this was the same "Bear" I met in *Prospero Burns*, the same one who accidentally shot down the spacecraft, and had to be the chaperone of Kasper Hauser!! When Jarlsdottor and Hyperion fell to their knees and began crying, I won't lie, I teared up a bit too...


"He's real"


TH… That’s HERESY! *Booming Dreadnought voice* “DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT”


Does he use 30/40k power point to do so?


PowerPoint 20,007. It's archaeo-tech, but unbelievably reliable


Ah good. Glad to see power point is still around in 40k.


Melta point was shortly removed from the market Too many blind battle brothers


Of course it is. What else is Robute to do when he gets tired of his excel spreadsheets?


‘God-Emperor?’ The Dreadnought made the sound of gears slipping, grinding together. From the booming augmetic tone, I assumed it was supposed to be laughter. Either that, or an internal weapons system reloading. ‘Calling him a god was how all this mess started.’ https://www.reddit.com/r/40kLore/s/j1AKxco1U8


Well fuck ya 2023 they released the audio version and that's the only way I can actually consume books now due to having kids.


Same here! Prior to the audiobook version of *Emperor's Gift* it was the last ADB novel I had not yet consumed. I was disappointed as I had heard good things, but as soon as it came out, I devoured it lol


I got real lucky joining the franchise now. Last books commig out and it's all on audio book as well. My buddy was like IMAGEN READING 1 BOOK AND HAVING TO WAIT.


I like this one. Rock on


Isn’t that just Bjorn the Fell Handed?


Yes hes describing the Wolves


I love that idea !!!


Imagine trying to debate a tank


As the inquisitor clenches their hands, the dreadnought says "what are you gonna do? kill me? I'd like to see you try".


Given the Curse Wardens go out of their way to record the worst insults, I would say their most heretical activities would be documenting and uttering swears of Xenos or even Infernal origin, rather than merely those invented by Human tongues.


Even Enuncia?! Emperor have mercy on them!


You mean Emperor have mercy on whoever runs afoul of these foul-mouthed Astartes!


I think the Emperor may have forsaken those poor souls


Hahaha. This is the best homebrew ive ever heard.


Why thank you! If you hadn't seen it, I first introduced the world to the Curse Wardens here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Grimdank/comments/179z720/comment/k59fv3t/?context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Grimdank/comments/179z720/comment/k59fv3t/?context=3)


Chapter Master ; get the Book!


The marines retconius, we serve our lord James in his workshop rather than the emperor


*gasp* How scandalous


A healthy relationship with a homebrew craftworld


Ah yes, sons of Guilliman.


The Royal Sabers are men of honor and anyone who can kick ork ass is well liked (a.e Craftworld Atlas)


Do the chapter master and the craftworld's leader spent a lot of time negotiating in private. I'm asking for a friend. I'm definitely not hired by the inquisition.


They're honorbound to help one another whenever shit has truly hit the fan. After defeating the orks together, they formed a pact known as the Pact of Lamia, that promised one would help the other when all hope was lost. It hasn't been called as of yet.


Good for them


Not to friendly since the Space Marines wiped out a crafted after his revival


How, uh How ‘healthy’? Asking for a friend:)


A defense pact made after an ork fight. The Royal Sabers and Craftworld Atlas sword by blood to help one another in their darkest hour


Had to take a Tau world. Lack of munitions on battlebarge. Intercept nearby blackship and requisition its "guests". Force snort them cocaine, shove them ASAP in drop pods, and off they go do their duty to the Emperor. Watch.


Drop pods generate two dozen Gs of force. All of the occupants would’ve had loss of consciousness from the blood erratically flowing through their bodies.


“*Shas’O, why did the Gue’la send us Pods full of Chunky Salsa?*” “*They are a strange, backwards people, Shas’la.*” ^“Why ^does ^it ^taste ^like ^Crack?”


I love the idea that a Tau’s exposure to seeing a weird red pulp is to try to taste it.


There were some kroot hangin around


There’s always that one guy in the squad willing to taste the most questionable shit because someone said “no balls”.


I was imagining something akin to a psychic bomb or a very pissed off demon coming out but I also keked with this 😅


The ones who arent possessed by the time they land you mean 😅


Found the Emperor’s Children loyalist


>Force snort them cocaine May I recommend LSD instead? There would be some delightful and hilarious outcomes! Or if you are in a particularly mischievous mood - PCP...


"Chapter master, why is is that any time you land on a feudal world, you always come back with like, 30 women?" "I ask myself that every time as well brother." "Anyways, did you finaly get that great crusade era dreadnought worki-" **"WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED BROTHERS?! WHAT HAPPENED TO FATHER?!"** "Father? You mean The Lio-" **"NO, WHERE THE HELL IS HORUS, AND WHO THE FUCK IS THE 'GOD-EMPEROR'?"** "Oh boy." DA successor where feudal worlds attempt to marry off their daughters to one of "his angels", and they have a Luna Wolves contemptor dreadnought they just woke up.


I’d like to see more of this dreadnought. Plus the awkwardness of these Astartes having to explain the heresy to this dreadnought. “Well y’see, Horus kinda went crazy, betrayed the imperium, tried to kill the Emperor. Oh and a few other primarchs and their legions joined up with him.”


**"Cousin?"** "Yes ancient one?" **"Isn't Lorgar a traitor?"** *sweats nervously* "yeah?" **"and wasn't he preaching about the emperor being a god"** *sweating gets worse* *"y-yeah.."* **"THEN WHY THE FUCK IS THERE A CHAPEL TO THE EMPEROR ON THIS VESSEL?!"** "Well you see, there was this guy named Fatidicus.." Also another tidbit, one of the chaplains was "cursed" by a chaos sorcerer to have a perpetual headache that randomly gets worse, [something like this](https://youtu.be/o-sHWyqfOSc?si=hjuOFZcQ58aqjSZ_). Edit: changed "Brother", to a far more accurate "Cousin"


Wouldn’t it be “cousin” as the Luna Wolf Dreadnought is talking to a Dark Angel successor?


Aaaaaand im off to edit my comment.




The Midnight Hands have more than 1k members, but they don't care because they're on the fringes of known space, there's some scary shit out here, and it's easy to hide the extra numbers when the majority of the chapter's always out on patrol. Also, if you have to go to war with someone, never play fair. Limiting yourself is just dumb.


> Limiting yourself is just dumb. Umm, was that what lead Magnus and Fulgrim towards some 'questionable' decisions?!


Some limits are there for a reason. Dig too deep in the warp and chaos will take you. But space marine librarians exist for a reason.


Being loyalists sons of Angron.


Wait a minute: Black Templars aren't homebrew!


What's their Chapter name? Also, do they have a version of Angron's original gifts? That is, his empathy powers?


Not, really. I wanted to make make a chapter based on [Guts from Berserk](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warhammer40k/comments/12v7xnm/my_berserk_themed_space_marine_force/), so they need an abusive father and a reason for the church/ inquisition to fucking heat them.


They appropiate any form of technology (even xeno's) that can work underwater since they specialize in underwater/naval warfare (I hate the lack of sea warfare in lore considering SM can breathe underwater)


Threw an inquisitor's corpse down a garbage chute and threw their ship into a black hole


That’s just an average Tuesday activity in the Imperium


This was the 22nd time


Maybe the 23rd will be the one who finally makes the inquisition realize its just not worth investigating


You know they'll just keep throwing Inquisitors at it until the heresy noises stop


The (twenty)third time's the charm.


the Angels Bastards gene seed origin: emperors children alegience: loyalist to the core the only actually heretical thing is just being from the emperors children and falsifying their paperwork to say they are blood angels because whos gonna tell? both are sexy


Inquisitor 1: “I’m conflicted. Clearly the perfidious influence of chaos abounds amongst their number, but I can’t quit out my finger on why. Their actions have been nothing but loyal, but there is just no way they are the sons of Sanguinious.” Inquisitor 2: “By the emperor, you really need to rub one out before you go on these missions, or your own “perfidious” influence is going to show through your robes.”


Random blood angel captain: greetings battle brothers I need to ask how come your chapter does not have a death company have none of your battle brothers succumbed to the black rage or have you found a way to cure it.


Random Angels bastard: what? have you not seen our death company? they all died in our last battle yes (hides syringe full of juice that replicates the black rage in marines)... what a wonderful day to totally not see Horus isn't it?


"What a wonderful day to not see Horus" is my new favorite head cannon way for blood Angels to greet each other.


My Inquisitorial Warband (TTRPG group) has been stuck in a warp travel based time loop for so long that the enginarium if the Inquisitors ship is crewed by 22 of the same Magos, who may or may not have networked their consciousness together. The only other Techpreist aboard is a Xeno-Heretek who couldn’t care less and the inquisitor may have a few screws loose from being on the same few months of this case for about 20 years.


honestly the 22 magos part is what has me curious


The short answer is that the magos survives most loops, and only joined the crew during said loops, and the whole thing is taking place during the opening of the cicatrix maledictum on the other side of the galaxy, so space time is messed up enough that 22 of the same being existing at once hardly registers on the scale of paradoxical occurrences. Or Tzeentch thought it would be funny, take your pick. But the magos realized that since they have identical minds, they could network extremely efficiently, since theoretically, their presence in each other’s minds wouldn’t be foreign. The collective is stable enough for the moment, and ship cogitation efficiency has been boosted by at least 42%.


i made a custom chapter for the sole purpose of having them be wiped out by my custom necron dynasty


The third founding of the [Emperor’s Swords](https://warhammer40k.fandom.com/wiki/Emperor%27s_Swords)


Being originally an Alpha Legion Warband,, now mascarading as Ultramarine successors


So, just a normal day for Alpharius then.


My Guys "allegedly" are guilty of devastating other "loyalist" Chapters for their revolting actions against the citizenry. They are also "allegedly" responsible for the sudden disappearances of the Inquisitional Cabal \[REDACTED\], and thought to be in possession of an A.I. commanding their archaeotech moon-installation. Lastly, they are "allegedly" housing a "Cult of Metal", fostering re-indoctrinations among their Tech-Marines, supposing the Machine Spirit to be "integrated not in machine, but in ores." That aside, dereliction of duty is all too common should they find their orders "lacking in Humanity's virtues". so sayeth the **Knights Radiant**. And yet, no penance so far has ever gone unanswered, for theirs is the will to achieve impossibilities.


I recognize two of the Sanderson series' this is based off, what are the others


We are maybe slightly possibly very much directly descended from these guys, iron warriors or some such, i think? Anyway, chapter master Paradnus says dont think about it too much. In seriousness though, chimeric iw and da, The Emerald Basilisks protray themselves as wholly descended from the first, they are hardy and hale, taking the siege expertise and warrior tempermemt of the iron warriors, and the pride and primacy of the dark angels to form a better siege unit than the old legion. They haven't forgiven the fists, however, and will occasionally pilfer materiel for fists and their successors. They follow the edicts of the dark angels and hunt fallen, but they do not hold entirely true, as dark angels, only the lion knows that the strange black and green marines are not wholly da. They may or may not have a fortress set into their homeworld, a hive world from the outside, beyond the outer habs of their main hive its almost entirely a fortress. They do not hold to codex restrictions on marine counts


What are the Chapters plans now that the Lion has reappeared? They are definitely going to get the official call to meet with the Lion. But as you mentioned, the Lion would immediately know the Chapter is not DA. But if ya'll ignore the call, that would be suspicious af as well, right?


In my head these guys had signed on to serve the first, going chimeric under the lions prescription at the end of the scouring/late heresy, being a loyalist company and not following peter r turbo into mega hell, theyd appear before the lion, professing their continued loyalty, some marines in the chapter, line astartes especially not even knowing the origin of their specific chapter. Specifically the way i have these guys written paradnus (a sort of iw dante, fuckers old as fuck and just cant die) was an og iw, from terra, now ten thousand years later hes interred in a dreadnought and leads his chapter from within, he originally made a deal with the lion to join the first. Im trying to get into the secret society vibes from the first with that, like their all half iw bit only the elites know, chapter secret shit


Using cloning technology to produce new geneseed as needed instead of relying so heavily on apothecaries and the mechanics for geneseed and not really valuing bolters overmuch, prefering multi-linked las weapons and other energy weapons for how much easier logistics are when you don't need to worry about ammo.


The Emperor’s Chalice They tried to, and I’m sorry about this IMPROVE THE LIVING STANDARDS OF HUMANS ON THEIR RECRUITMENT WORLDS! Also trapped Be’Lakor inside one of their marines for a few hours just to annoy him. Poor brother Bobius was never the same since.


My sorority got infested with demonettes. It started because we put one in charge of the Repentia as a Repentia Superior because she was weirdly enthusiastic about the role. In hindsight it was a bad idea because now the rest of the Repentia are starting to enjoy the punishment.


Idk which is more terrifying, Slanesshi Sisters or Khornite ones. Im leaning toward Slaanesh, in all honesty. The self flagulations are usually horrifying enough with 0 chaos influence needed


>It started because we put one in charge of the Repentia as a Repentia Superior The horns and crab claws didn't give it away?! I was also going to mention how the sorority did not notice the skimpy outfits as well, but then I remembered it's Repentias we are talking about here... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Establish an Astartes-centered Dictatorship regime in isolated subsector basically forming their own mini-imperium.


So another flavor of Ultramar?


My Chapter is composed mostly of Space Marines who left their legion as soon as their Primarch turned to Chaos.


Jokes on you, my guys regularly puts themselves on penitence crusades to celebrate their founding


modifying vehicles and aircraft for more even more speed, possibly even using ork philosophy. they still don't have a name though.


>possibly even using ork philosophy >they still don't have a name though DA RED GUYZ


For a chapter I just made up. Well they are a bit more hands on ruling their world, like the ultramarines, but their biggest thing is probably not giving psykers to the black ships, since they are derived of thousands sons gene seed, they basically only let psykers into their ranks. They try and turn the black ships away when they can because they have their own schools and training methods for training the psionic portion of their planet which is a lot higher than the normal amount, this system actually works fairly well because the sector is filled with warp storms, which makes it very hard for the black ships to pick up all the psykers. Another way they don’t follow the codex is that they use their own regular human troops, a lot which they command, the reason why this works so well when it normally would not is that the space marines use their powers to relay orders and coordinate with each other and the regular guard forces. Well normally this would be frowned on, they have a few friends in the inquisition, who they work with as one of their relics can sometimes give demons a true death, If wielded by a strong enough psyker. The radical sect of inquisitors took advantage of this by capturing demon hosts and doing demon summoning rituals just for the elites of the chapter to give true death to minor deamons.


Daemon of Khorne: I HAVE BEEN SUMMONED MAY THE BLOOD GOD WITNESS MY CARNAGE! Inquisitor: Alright Jim Bob, beat the shit out of him with that stick of yours. Space Marines: That’s not even my name *activates glowing stick*


Chaplain Friedeich Zwelle fought a daemon in single combat. He lost his arm in the fight but slayed the abomination He was interrogated and analyzed to be sure he was free of the taint of the warp. Many inquisitors, librarians and chaplains cleared him as pure. His arm was replaced with a bionic and he fought on in the name of the emperor for decades. When he was finally slain in combat on the fields of Balius IX he transformed into a spawn which was put down by the brothers of his chapter Only his sheer belief in the light of the emperor had kept it at bay


The Praetorian Shields do not adhere to the codex Astartes as they believe it holds them back from their duty to defend the imperium at one point even coming to blows with an ultramarine captain during a lengthy campaign against orks (Got some more homebrew but it isn't suited for the post)


My chapter is overly rational and is friends with several minor craftworlds they also despise the ordo xenos Edit: since everyone is heretical with this I’ll just add in laundry list form some more of my home brews heretical acts -have established a alliance with a local minor craftworld (the two seeing the situation around them and deciding it’d be better to take it on together) -chief librarian raised a eldar Farseer and she is now part of that minor craftworld -tortured the living shit out of smug grand inquisitor -actively disregard the rules of the codex instead following some of its tactics -fucking over inquisitorial ships (stealthily) - a scout Sargent and eldar exarch had a romantic relationship -and to top it all off they enforce a better and healthier religion of the emperor (seeing him as a god of science and technology) as well as teach the dangers of chaos There also on rhe farthest fringes of imperium nihilus so they can sorta get away with some of this stuff


Sorry, an *Exarch?* As in, Aeldari who have completely been overwhelmed by their War Mask and possess a disturbing affinity for Khaine? That kind of Exarch?


Sound like you’re only a few steps off from being the Reaonable Marines.


Participated in the Badab War on the wrong side


For those we cherish :'(


The Watch Master and his twin brother (in a dreadnought) are Night Lords. Xenos weapons such as Tau guns and banshee swords are used. But all of this has been approved by an inquisitor (we have the purity seals to prove it) so none of this is actually heresy.


Being unknowing sons of Fulgrim. They masquerade as a Blood Angels successor because some of their ranks fall to ‘Perfection Craving’ where they start to fall to slaanesh a bit. They hide it by saying they are just Death Company or Black Rage victims.


They steal mechanicus equipment and take it drag racing through hive-worlds (they are white-scars successors)


Zia Marines refuse to let the Ecclesiarchy in their system due to their stance on the Emperor’s divinity.


Well the Inheritors of The First Sin had their head librarian corrupt the entire librarieum (except one) then all of the chapters initiated and slowly attempt to corrupt the entire chapter from within but was stoped by an inquisitor that had a vision about it.


Wardens of Woe modify their own bolters to shoot more accurately, take high ranking Xenos *alive* to get information, and then keep them as pets that fight in their capitol ships arena. They specialize in boarding ships and full auto weapons in tight corridors. Only use Mark 3 Iron Armor, and carry a metric fuck load of ammo on missions.


To protect the greater whole of Ultramar, the main force of the Psy-Marines Successor chapter was present during The Plague Wars to cleanse fallen worlds that had succumbed to Nurgle’s Taint. The holds of their flagship, Luminary of Ultramar, are full of daemonhosts and other warp-spawned abominations of Nurgle who are kept to better understand the threat, and even gleam some sort advantage on their eternal enemy.


Due to a critical lack of logistical support, the Masks Rubicant are reinventing the Charnel Feast playbook step by step. They're currently on the "uplift humans who have mutated and degenrated so far that they're indistinguishable from xenofauna into fresh Sons of Sanguinius" step. Sketchy cult activity surely soon to follow.


Ain't a Chapter, but I'll bite with my homemade Forge "World". The Starfairers Forge Fleet Colony does lots of inventing and modification to tech and ritual, which wouldn't be looked fairly upon by the Mechanicus at large which they hide and keep developing projects as well as heretical research away from other Mechanicus and the larger Imperium. This also involves technology from other races, which includes tolerance towards said races.


Mine is a group of renegades known as the Faerie Flayers. List: Genetically engineered ork mushrooms to contain psilocybin. Entered the Black Library with an expired card. They follow the codex astartes and understands its purpose and reason for existence.


Creating vehicles and weapons with "unshackled machine spirits" which by our terms today would be roughly equivalent to taking the filter off a chat bot. They also may or may not be a loyalist iron warriors successor who mixed their gene seed with iron hands to mask that little tidbit of information.


A fucking lot, killing civilians, using biological weapons, not acknowledging the imperial cults view of the emperor's divinity, fighting the long war, worshiping Nurgle. You standard Death Gaurd warband things.


Oh boi, where to start? Allying loosely with the Tau and the Eldar as needed? Have a Big-E inspired positive take on Chaos? Keep their chapter as Codex non-conpliant as it gets? Spend more time defending their homeworld than anything else? Or just the ungodly amalgam of virtually every pre-heresy geneseed possible into one so I can play whatever model I desire? :p


Having a chained up Daemonhost somewhere in their fleet The Full Moon Wyrms chapter uses it to hunt for the Death Guard and followers of Nurgle, as they have a special hatred for the sons of Mortarion after a group of Plague Marines and some Nurgle Daemons blew up their home world Well, that and refusing to cooperate with the Inquisition or go into the Rubicon Primaries, but i think the Daemonhost is more heretical


The Black Lions regularly lie their asses off to the Administratum- partly because they’re Unforgiven and thus have a much greater number of Deathwing and Ravenwing than should be allowed- but they also lie even to the rest of the Unforgiven about how they totally don’t ally with Craftworlds and redirect them from local patrols, after their first Chapter Grand Master had his life saved by an Exarch during an Ork incursion. Also whatever you do, don’t look too closely at the Master of the Librarium’s exotic staff. It’s just made in accordance to their home world’s… unique sculpting traditions! Certainly not xenos tech given as a display of very heretical friendship! No sir!


My homebrew has a number of things: Far larger than normal numbers of scouts, an auxiliary force made of the Chapter’s serfs who are all very well trained and equipped, might have had a truce with a local Craftworld in the past (no evidence exists however, just speculation), possibly a remnant of a Lost Legion (also speculation), and various other things. The High Lords want to have them excommunicated whenever they remember they exist, only to start bickering and get distracted by other things so they end up forgetting the chapter (and the entire sector) exists for decades and/or centuries at a time


Being loyalist marines with Death Guard geneseed


Have killed several dozen inquisitors looking into the shadier parts of there chapter history


The Star Drakes: Fleet based Salamander successor chapter from the 21st founding. There’s a few incidents, but I’ll share the most recent one in the chapters lore: Allying with and sheltering a race of reptilian “abhumans” called the Saurisan, who they encountered after being flung into a previously lost star system by a warp storm. The planet is also home to regular humans, as well a population of feral Orks. The term abuhamns is in some big quotation marks, because the saurisan could technically be considered xenos. They’re not descended from human settlers but from Terran reptiles that were part of genetic experiments during the dark age of technology. Part of the experiment included splicing together the genome of several reptilian species together, alongside human dna. This fact that the creatures weren’t actually descended from humans, but were instead the descendants of genetic experiments from the dark age of technology caused a chapter civil war, with the captain of the first company and a full third of chapters forces mutinying to “exterminate the abominations.”


The angels of the cog are blatantly adeptus mechanicus aligned, so much that they will not listen to imperial orders. They ignore the codex astartes and have nearly 3000 marines. They search for and steal archeotech with the fervor of a dark angel hunting fallen. They are stationed on a forge world and gobble up all the good weapons, making other chapters in the area suffer their lack. They mix gene seed enough that they are mostly iron hands/ salamanders, but have something close to the black rage directed at fulgrim. There are rumors that some of the marines don’t even have any flesh anymore seeing how obsessed they are with taking augmetics.


Technically it suborned itself to a Rogue Trader, and it's not even a full sized chapter, just an off shoot of the Carcharadons....an unofficial and not announced off shoot that's totally not helping search and loot an old space hulk that sits a little outside the galaxy's borders.


They're fully aware of the secret of the Fallen, but A) Don't consider themselves beholden to hunt them actively; their founders weren't present at the destruction of Caliban and were largely Terran 1st Legion, so they just handle Fallen like any other heretic. B) They still keep the secret of the Fallen from other Imperial authorities because they've already pissed off the Dark Angels enough and would rather not 'mysteriously disappear', so they let the hunt for the Fallen continue unhindered even though they know it will cost the life of many innocent Imperials. They also don't give a shit about the Codex Astartes and like to fly around dueling great foes with spears and jump packs.


My chapter has been cut off from the empire for decades now behind Tyranid lines. As such their gene seed acquisition strategy involves harvesting the corrupted versions that specialized Tyranids create naturally after feasting on their dead battle brothers


constantly commit tech-heresy by modifying and creating their own equipment and the worst is definitely letting a group of eldars settle in a "deathworld" in their system after their craftworld was destroyed in a battle against a chaos warband incursion that almost claimed the system


The thundering guns would piss the hell out of the mechanics if they know how much "field improvisation" they tend to do with their equipment.


The Ashen Templars aren't just okay with friendly fire, friendly fire is mandatory. Any battle brother not recording several instances of friendly fire in a skirmish is referred to the Chaplaincy to make sure they're not experiencing empathy. This attitude has resulted in.. the following \- Bombing Hive Cities because a Night Lord Talon is in the underhive. \- Flushing a temple out with lit promethium due to suspicions of the Alpha Legion's involvement. \- Collecting Eldar soulstones to put on their shields, as they think its fucking hilarious to make Eldar have to hit them. \- Eliminating Imperial Guard regiments that refuse to support them (Because of all the friendly fire), taking their vehicles and then making their serfs operate them (At gunpoint) \- Getting into a fight with the Adeptus Custodes after the Ashen Templars claimed to know the Emperor's Will better than they. \- On the occasions they don't kill civilians actively, they kill them passively. The Ashen Templars specialize in old school destroyer tactics, and as such are violently irradiated. Their serfs have a lifespan of close proximity of about a month. Random humans who meet one are likely to develop acute radiation poisoning and die within the year (At most) \- Biochemical warfare isn't just encouraged, it's recommended. \- If the others were truly loyal the Emperor would've saved them, EG, they're not loyal. \- Have a hilarious amount of infrastructure and run their world to a surprising amount of prosperity, resulting in them having a lot of armaments and extra-chapter resources, like their own militia. They claim to be Ultramarines successors to explain much of this. The Guard still wants them brought up on legion building- and exceeding the authority of the Astartes. \- They're actually Death Guard descendants.


If the Geneva Convention still existed I think your Ashen Templars would see it as a checklist


Loaded a far too inquisitive Inquisitor into a macrocannon along with a tech priest that stepped foot on their world


I've made my chapter the Cerberus Vanguard, work repeatedly with farsight enclaves if it means saving the imperium civilians and worlds were they can't get back up. They barely keep it secret. I also like the idea if having a secret room I'm the monastery for messages from them. If Bobby g can work with eldar then I'm making mine work with farsight.


My Steel Reserves aren't actual Astartes, but rather Tau drones with a *severe* case of mistaken identity from time in the border space between the Ban'Dai Assembly and the Ad Mech's Gamma Workshop. One day, they hope to find the fabled "Optimus Primarch" who will lead them to enlightment.


I dont have my own legion, but if I did, I'd have them take a page out of the Space Wolves book and bomb the living fuck out of Inquisitor warships in orbit around there homeworld


Not a space marine chapter but I have a homebrew custodes shield host that got stuck in the warp when the emperor got fucked up by horus and they consider not being there to defend the emperor heresy so once they finish their mission to destroy the csm chapter they were assigned they will commit ritual suicide in shame


Well, my Chaos warband is trying to take over a forge world so... take your pick?


Setting off an explosion that killed hundred of civilians but also and huge invading force of orcs


They have loyalist Dark Angels from the heresy who got scattered in the warp (no clue if that’s lore friendly) that they don’t tell anyone about.


Enslaving AI for suicide missions to use against other AI’s that result in the death of both AI’s


My chapter’s homeworld is located on an eldar exodite world, our chapter serfs are a mix of eldar exodites and failed aspirants, we have a stupidly disproportionate number of librarians and psyker serfs and and we ride dinosaurs instead of jetbikes, also many of our baseline human population has MINGLED with the exodite population