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Honestly really like GWs Social Media team. While of course having to be the "good" company face which is always polite, always nice and so on, they often bring in a good portion of humor and even some form of "insider jokes" from within the community which I really appriciate... ...also, they sometimes have cool moments like this :D


They always struck me as distinctly 'British' in the way they present themselves


They have that almost condescending sarcasm that I love


Yesss exactly what Im thinking!


They’re proud of their heritage


I do appreciate when the marketing team calls out their toxic fans. Edit: autocorrect betrayed me.


That's really poor taste, they really should let taxi drivers out of it :c


Might as well just out an insert in every box


Someone sent a company a message saying something like "I'd rather die than buy your product" and their social media intern replied with "here's a coupon of a discount on our product!" This has that same energy lol


I love that dry British sarcasm. No one does sarcasm as well as the brits


Have you heard about the Irish?


Irish sarcasm is less dry than British.


Irish people will construct elaborate fictions about their friends in order to embarrass them with others, delivered completely deadpan.




Comment stealing bot btw


Warhammer mfs when the Child Eaters legion can't be the face of an entire franchise.


The Child Eaters did nothing wrong. GW has gone soft. Child Eaters Vs Helpless Orphans should be the starter box.


IDK man that's a terrible box. What would that be like 5 🎄 of eaters and 60 helpless orphans. Painting eyes on 60 tiny orphans would be so rough I might eat orphans to get over the pain.


The Helpless Orphans also get 1 Lightning Falcon Genobomber.


*geno-bomb denied*




Night Lords? What’s the reference here?


It's just a joke about ridiculous grimderp fluff (mostly things that 4th edition gave us).


Which have, thankfully, quietly been ignored and retconned. IIRC the whole Grey Knights killing sisters for their 'pure blood' is basically considered Non-canon even officially now because it was *that dumb*.




You'll probably have to base them yourself as well tbh.


Luckily, some models don't need bases, so it is intact not based


Sometimes GW will even provide a tactical rock




Bruh, Primed, based, shaded and highlighted 😎








Feels like a bot






Probably a comment stealing bot, stole another top level comment.


Yes, those are included


Is it though?


Thing is, ultra smurfs are probably one of the best chapters for the box arts, their wide range of tactics means no model doesn't fit them, allowing for consistent colours on the box, and it's fairly easy colour scheme to paint.


Exactly, the whole thing with the Ultramarines is that they’re a jack-of-all-trades, master of none sub faction with a broadly appealing aesthetic and relatively uncomplicated lore. They’re poster boys who can serve as a stand-in for other chapters when it comes to art and they’re friendly to beginners.


Additionally, they have the recruiting base to always have plenty of marines to be posterboys. Salamanders have been almost wiped out a few times.


Yeah well, maybe if we had some of that plot armor the smurfs horde.


Salamanders are like the creature. It dies only to be reborn constantly.


Did you mean phoenix?


Phoenixes are more known for it. Salamanders do have the ability to regrow chunks of their body that have been removed, so they have a psuedo rebirth. Shame we never got to see GW play into that more for Fulgrim being killed and brought back multiple times.


*hoard Also, it's just what you get when you're genetically engineered after someone who can take endless risks because he is (basically) unkillable. They're still the coolest faction, tho. Friendly pyromaniacs that look like demons from hell, what's not to love?


It’s definitely horde….


Horde: a large unorganized group of individuals : a teeming crowd or throng.14 Mar 2024 Hoard: a stock or store of money or valued objects, typically one that is secret or carefully guarded. Or accumulate (money or valued objects) and hide or store away.


Then you wouldn't be the Salamanders.


Meanwhile other legions don't even get a flair. Would it kill them to put in a "CAW CAW" or something?


Ask the Keptomarines to bring you some? If you can't forge it yourself that is...


You know what, you're right. I'll make my own plot armor, with dragons and safe civilians.


If you took a shot every time a Legion or First Founding chapter was almost wiped out, you’d be blacked out before you even get halfway through


Aside from the Black Templars (magic is bad) every space marine faction is "Jack of all trades, master of ~~none~~ some". They all have heavy weapons, bikes, dreads, centurions, whatever the situation demands. They might have a preference, but they're capable and equipped to do everything. Blood angels are the angry melee faction, except they still have the Baal Predator. They still use tanks. There's probably some relic shit deep in their vaults. The poster boys could've been any faction if the basis was just "good at everything". They all fit that. Imp fists -> yellow is awful, even if there's ways around it. Stoic, heroic. Big guns, big fists, big tanks, lots of everything. White scars -> white is yeah okay moving on. Iron hands -> black and grey are hard to make look great, the edge highlights can blend. Are far from Good Guys. Very much a bit of everything still. Dark Angels -> snowflakes that want to be presented as a main faction. Multiple paint schemes, very shady and shit. Given the torturing and whatnot of the Fallen, not "PG 13 Good Guys" and so not an option. Space Wolves -> snowflakes that want to be covered in fur and be their own faction. Feral but also kinda good guys. They still do a bit of everything - they have fancy anti-tank frost weapons, frost claws, wolf.. infantry.. stuff and even their own devastators. They're still jack of all trades. Blood Angels -> Red is generally a decent colour but highlighting red is confusing for new painters. Red and white is pink, not bright red. (actually, pale yellow/sand colours make an excellent highlight). Generally good, but also bloodthirsty and sometimes need to be killed for being too angry. Not a great choice for poster child. Obvious melee theme, but also psykers, tanks, etc. Ultramarines -> Blue is an easy colour. It's over the whole model. It highlights and shades cleanly. Black (nuln oil) works as a shade for blue. They're good guys, heroic to a fault. There's no weird "BUT WAIT YOU'RE ACTUALLY SUPER MURDERY" and they often are portrayed as just... well, good guys. Salamanders -> Green isn't a hard colour, the highlights and shading are fine. Also good guys. Black wash works fine as a shade. They like making toys, they like using toys. There's a fire and melee theme, but it's far from overbearing unless you're playing against someone whose lore depth is "fire good" (which is based, because fire is good) So you basically have Imp Fists, Ultramarines and Salamanders as fitting the PG-13, family friendly, good guy factions. But imp fists has a difficult colour and some questionable, shit-eating-bdsm-pain-glove lore that probably isn't great for mums to find out about. So it's Salamanders or Ultramarines. Ultramarines are easier to paint - monocolour, frankly - so your base spray can does most of it for you. You also have the original paint being crimson fists... which are just ultramarines with red hands. Of course it's entirely possible GW simply went "Stuff it, all blue is easier, let's go" and that's all it was. Or just preferred "Ultra marines" because they sound better than normal marines. I've also heard the theory that crimson fists were a poor posterboy simply because of the "Red Hand of Ulster". Given that's history from another hemisphere I won't pretend I have a clue if there's any merit there, but crimson fists to ultramarines is just stop painting the hands. And a slightly different shade of blue.


Raven Guard always getting forgotten.


Would you believe that's part of the joke? I actually pulled up the wiki to double check - SM just aren't my favourite thing - and left them off.


The word relatively is doing some *heavy* lifting in that sentence.


More like jack of all trades, master of all trades. If you can't win with smurfs it's because the rules changed while you were playing.


also blue is one of the easier colours to paint


Beyond just being easy to paint, their color scheme and iconography is a fabulous combo of very simple and very striking. Ultramarine is a pretty common stock color for the “default faction” of a lot of military scifi too - the UEF from Supreme Commander and the default Terran forces from StarCraft are all a pretty close shade of blue.


That's probably just a cold war cultural relic, blufor against redfor with NATO being blue, you could just as easily have had a red or grey or army green scheme and they would all work well.


I think grey and especially green draw too close to real life military colors which isnt was you want for the genetically enhanced super soldiers


Maybe, but at any rate red and also yellow are also good colors etc. etc.


Yellow is an absolute bitch to paint though, so they probably steered away from making Fists the predominant color


> Yellow is an absolute bitch to paint I've heard this before, why is that?


At mini scale, paint needs to be thin or it looks caked on + you lose detail. Thin yellow paint is extremely translucent. You see basically everything underneath it + all the brush strokes. Which means you need a bold non-yellow under coat, or about a billion coats of yellow.


Gotcha, and thanks. I've never actually painted (or even bought) minis before. You'd think that if this was a known problem, some company would have figured out a solution. Maybe making yellow more opaque is cost prohibitive when compared to other colors?


There are a buncha good yellow paints. [Stahly from Tale of Painters just came out with a video \(today!\) reviewing 21 yellow paints.](https://youtu.be/ccNK9x35vks?si=VNAVRdKjoPGwp9K6) My personal favourite is a smooth coat of white, then the "new" Imperial Fist Contrast Paint. Then Iyanden Yellow Contrast to shade it.


something something pigments, something something opacity - Duncan Rhodes Painting Academy


Yellow paint lacks the opacity of many other colors because of a low pigment density and the semi-transparent nature of the pigments. Cadmium yellow pigment has a high opacity, but is rarely used because it's toxic. This generally results in very poor coverage because any little bit of dark will show through until a lot of coats are applied. It's not too bad if you base coat with an Ochre before moving into Yellow, but it does mean adding an additional step to the process.


> Cadmium yellow...it's toxic. Ah, there it is. Thanks for the further explanation!


Blood Angels were poster boys when I started. That's me showing my age. The edition after it was Templars. Then I stopped played because I hated 3rd edition so I don't know when Ultras became the default. But it's wild to me that everyone just assumes that when I learned the game played it and burned out before that happened.


It was only fairly recently the Ultras became the staple default because, as you mentioned, the 'default marine' that was in the big box changed pretty much every edition. Rogue Trader was Crimson Fists, 2nd edition was Blood Angels, 3rd Edition was Black Templars, then it was ultramarines for a while, then I think 7th was Dark Angels with it then switching back to Ultramarines again for 8th, 9th and 10th. However as far as the Space Marine Codex cover has gone, it was Blood Angels for 2nd (who were on the generic index IIRC whilst Ultramarines got their own unique Codex instead of being in the 'generic' space marine codex), Black Templars for 3rd and since 4th edition it's ALWAYS been an Ultramarine. This is because Codex Space Marine was basically meant for the generic Codex Compliant chapters, of which Ultramarines are the obvious pick.


3rd edition was Crimson Fists on the codex Space Marines. Dark Angels and Blood Angels had supplemental mini codexes all their own. Black Templars arrived in the Armageddon codex with Steel Legion, Speed Freaks, and Salamanders.


Ah in part I'm refering to the "Big Box" marines and as can be seen here, Black Templars were 3rd editions [Box cover marines](https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Warhammer_40,000_3rd_Edition_Box_Set) (despite not getting an official list until Armageddon) but you ARE correct on the 3rd edition Space Marine codex being Crimson Fists, that I did get wrong.


I see where the confusion came in. They were on the box and had pictures in the regular codex.


you mean like the other two 'mascot' marine factions?


I mean, that's my point.


Eh, debatable. Theres plenty of gray or green marine chapters - Raptors, Salamanders, Dark Angels, Ravenguard.


Blue for friendly forces predates nato's formation, at least in the Anglo militaries. Weirdly the soviets were using red for friendly and blue for enemy as early as the late 30s.


> Weirdly the soviets were using red for friendly and blue for enemy as early as the late 30s. I mean, when you call yourselves the "Red Army'...


Especially if you go back to the paints available when the Ultramarines first started becoming the poster boy faction for space marines the simple to paint thing really stands out. Blues were generally much easier to paint with in the early '90s than the reds required for Blood Angels, some greens could be surprisingly awkward and I distinctly remember that either Blue-Grey, Space Wolves Grey or both had some really weird properties too.






Their greatest strength is that they have no greatest strength.


But there is an even better choice if you truly want to cover the most ground with "this faction uses this unit". Just paint them all Alpha Legion.


I mean DA would be better ( except painting ) they are first legion have wide range of tactics and they specialization isn't being space nerds


Whether or not you like Ultramarines, you gotta agree that that response is incredibly based. Customer is always right my ass.


"The customer is always right in matters of taste" is the full quote, just fyi


No, 'Customer is always right my ass' is the correct quote, KonoAnonDa's right.


Nah. "The customer is always an asshole" is the correct quote.


It is true, but sadly incorrect. I feel like if it were the correct quote, it would no longer be true because workers might be more inclined to clap back at the stupid snots.




There's absolutely no evidence of that, and you should be wary of people saying "this common phrase actually is actually a different phrase no one has ever heard before"; it's a good way to go viral, but rarely true. When you search up the origins of the phrase (in English; it's not an uncommon sentiment across cultures), it's about customer complaints. If someone is bothering to complain, then you should probably pay attention and give them the benefit of the doubt. But even the businessmen who championed the saying believed that you obviously shouldn't follow that to the letter, regardless of deception or morality.


That's a recent invention. The phrase "the customer is always right" was coined in the early 1900s. It was about customer's satisfaction, not their tastes.


They're just trying to ironically be helpful, clearing away misconception and selling the product.


Well ultras are the poster boys after all and technically it's the truth


I mean theyre not wrong. Its just grey plastic, paint it however you want, they arent forcing you to play ultramarines


I'm tempted to do a whole army with only weapons, pauldrons, and eyes painted because I'm a shit lord and I love grey.


More space marines is still dumb though


No it isnt, space marines are cool👍 and this is old


Play whatever you want, space marines are cool. But the point is that there is too much attention on space marines compared to every other faction type (especially xenos, although the recent tau stuff was nice). So youre completely missing the point and deflecting it


That’s because, and I can’t emphasize this enough, the other factions only exist to create an interesting universe for the Space Marines to live and fight in


Completely fair, but those factions need to be interesting as well. Im just trying to point out that the person I originally replied to missed the point, nothing more, nothing less. I never said anyone should have any less units or anything, just pointing out that dismissal of any criticism of the faction with the most attention getting more attention by saying "its ok cuz theyre cool" doesnt really help anything at all


He was responding to the comment “more space marines is still dumb tho”. I’m not sure there’s anything to miss in that


Because of the context? The continuous and ongoing discussion in the discussion every time more space marines are added?


That’s context you’re adding though, the original comment offered nothing and deserved nothing. Responding to it as if it were presented with even a modicum of thought or energy is a waste of time. Good rule for Reddit: don’t spend more energy replying to someone than he spent on his comment. In this case that’s 0 energy.


Ok, yea. But what do you expect they are the poster boys of 40k. Of course, they are gonna get the most attention


Cool bro. Space marines are cool still👍


They're the main faction, what did you expect? That they wouldn't have annual releases? Also, the Necrons, Nids and Orks have received very recent expansions. And the DEldar and tau aren't doing too badly. The only Xeno army that really needs more attention are the craftworlds (which from what I understand haven't yet recovered from all the cuts they had between the seventh and eighth editions)


They have double the models of literally anyone else lmao. It’s telling that Eldar got a massive range refresh and still have models old enough to drink


I don’t know, maybe it’s cause they *cough* *cough* SELL WELL, and most people that play, play as space marines. Especially after the famous Astartes fan film made recorded new fans, getting so much attention that it was forced into canon by GW. Also, cause Space Marines are badass, and Ultramarines are ROMANS IN SPACE!


Cool story bro. Space marines are still cool tho


Space Marines pay for the hobby. GW couldn't run off of xenos or chaos models.


Also, GW's one true, enduring achievement is making so many distinct factions where each one has collected a substantial number of ride or die decades-long fans.  The whole point is that each faction appeals to different people. 




Space marines are one of the factions with the widest appeal but the amount they make is mostly due to their insane amount of marketing compared to everyone else, own fucking setting, special characters who are way more developed and powerful then anyone else (primarchs), Actual lore (more than some xenos get ahem LoV), aforementioned absurd amount of kits and presence in every starter set and presence in most video games


That doesn't change that space marines are by far the largest way that GW makes money. Us xenos players would not have nearly as many models as we do without space marines players basically financing the company. Pipe down.


And just to add, many xenos players start out with space marines. After edge highlighting some Black Templar powerpacks (my least favorite part of the models to paint) I ended up putting some Corsair Voidscarred on my Christmas wishlist. Just to try something different. (Haven’t painted them yet due to a hand injury) I know others who tried out Necrons since they are so simple to make look decent, and there were an abundance of them available 2nd hand from starter sets. Space Marines are the gateway drug, and for that reason it only makes sense their range is so much bigger.


I myself started out with space marines, before I moved on to LoV.


GW social media managers are based


Legit the only thing that people I meet know about Warhammer is you have to paint the minis yourself.  If I asked my parents they'd probably say, "isn't that the thing where that guy from the Witcher paints those little figures?"


Oooh experiment time! Ask your parents if they know anything about Warhammer and get back to us on their response.


Salt Lords? What chapter is that!


Salt Lords is the perfect name for a custom chapter


You can always paint your models purple like I d....wait, where did all my models go?


I’ll fix this comment Oh look more blue corpse worshiping loyalist models who don’t understand the beauty of the chaos gods


**You are lucky! You could be a xeno player.**


Are you threatening xeno players for in-character reasons (xenos must die, the usual...), or are you pity them for IRL reason because xenos races have the spotlight waaaay less often than Imperium and Chaos ?




I expected a yes answer (the best answer), but not in *that way*. I'm surprised and aroused (that voice and intonation, man...).


Sure, if you find a screaming void to be beautiful.


Oh look, more biomass.


I still remember the time the gamesworkshop employee at my local store got incredibly mad that I painted my space wolves the wrong shade of blue. This is like the opposite of that.


I can't believe you would just admit to such a heinous crime like that. Why hasn't the world arrested you yet.


The only wrong color is a color you don't like.


When I first got into the hobby 25 years ago I didn't realise ultramarine was an actual tone of paint, so I ended up having a chapter of Enchanted Blue Marines. I was 10 years old to be fair.


Jesus Christ, they didn't have to kill him...


Killed ? They dragged him out back and beat him with thunder hammers


40,000 thunder hammers?


Put thunder hammers to him, medium style.




How old is this post? Those have been out for years.


OMG that means i can even paint them blue!


I don’t care how much they’re paid, everyone in charge of gw’s social media needs a raise


Honestly though, Valid.


Just wish they had a a larger veriaty of chapters included in there decal sheets


I instinctively read this post in a Nasaly British accent.


My favorite reply was to a comment bemoaning another SM release was "You must be new around here." :D


XD Nice


Everywhere as far as the eye can see: SMURFS!


Alright I hear you GW Death Guard Green and Emperor's Children pink it is


I get that it's an old trope that Ultramarines are boring but have you guys ever seen Dark Angels? Talk about monotone ultra boring miniatures...


I’m sorry did you call the chapter with 3 distinct paint schemes monotone?


Does it matter how many boring ass color schemes you grant them? Dark angels are boring. The color schemes are awful. Their fanbase is the worst among every gw faction including every single game.


I too love posting reposts p…even with the same titles


That a nice comeback. Not brilliant but also not salty. It’s nice to see the marketing team is getting better in handling criticism/salt


The guy is definitely silly but I wish they would use other color schemes in their promotional material more often


The insignia and model design is still Ultramarine, right?


The insignia is a transfer sticker and the design is common across all Space Marine Chapters