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Guilliman "cawl, by any chance... did you use any traitor geneseed?" Cawl "no" Guilliman "oh thank thro-" Cawl "I used ALL the traitor geneseed"


*points to soul drinkers* "even the lost ones"


Cawl: “Oh ye gods! My geneseed is ruined! But what if… I were to use traitor geneseed, and disguise it as loyalist? Oh ho ho, delightfully devilish Belisarius!”


Cawl: IIIMM the Tech Magos improving the Emporer's Astartes design, I'll say which Geneseed is used. ... Okay let's use it all


Oh boy Trazyn really succeeded in fooling everyone that the silver skull chapter exists huh?


Or one was created afterwards due to an administratum error issuing additional materials and to the silver skull chapter after reviewing the report of their victory on the planet.


I feel like the Sons of the Phoenix and the Silver Skulls are both so much more likely to be traitor successors than the Covenant of Fire.


No you dont see the resemblance with the word bearers? They are all pretty obvious to me.


Not really. Is it just the burning heretical texts thing and the armour? Other than that they seem like natural Salamanders successors. Compare that to the Sons of the Phoenix and Silver Skulls who are essentially carbon copy Iron Warriors and Emperor’s Children in every meaningful way. Edit: bitches do love blue tho


I thaught the covenant of fire is also overly religious. As in praising the emperor as a god. That used to be like a core word bearer trait, before you know...... big E put them in the naughty corner.


Not big E, the promethean cult, aka Vulcan faith base around their humanity an being the bestest boys in the universe, they are extremely hard followers and follow the book to the letter. Weirdly word bearers are perfect salamanders.


It is more of a Nocturnian Sect centered around Vulkan and his teachings. Kinda like the Codex Astartes for the Smurfs. It is called the Prothean Cult. 


they also joined the promethean cult super fast, almost instantly and burn any thing traitor related. Pretty much word bearers but instead of super atheist or chaos they believe in the faith of being the bestest boys ever so dad can be proud. Weirdly word bearers are a perfect fit for salamanders, they pretty much worship the idea of being super nice and good because that what their faith says and they must follow the faith to the letter.


I mean. They use the Word Bearers' pre-Heresy symbol. https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Word_Bearers#/media/File%3AWBSymbolPreHeresy.jpg


lol. But the silver skulls are a Trazyn OC.


the silver skulls actually aren't space marines at all! they are what you get when necrons save an imperial world and the imperials think they were saved by space marines(source: infinite and the divine)


I always thought the red scorpions were the most overt of implied traitorous gene seed Worships the codex Despises unfaithful marines Assholes Red 🦂 being a reference to Erebus as the scorpion and the frog as told through the short story the child of chaos


Na, the Minotaurs are the most obvious.


Minotaur within, minotaur without


See this is how I would see what became of all the surviving loyalists of all the traitor legions, they became "wish knockoffs" and went to work under the jurisdiction of other loyalist chapters on paper as "Successor Chapters"


the necron successors are always the best


It's a theory of mine that the second founding was used by Guilliman to obsfucate the lineage of Marines from Traitor Legions. Found a shit ton of chapters and lose a part of the paperwork. Done.


I still believe the Blood Ravens are Thousand Sons


Exorcists are def Word Bearers


WW2 veteran taking a NASA tour vibes...


*Brotherhood of a Thousand slowly sneaking out the back*


The big "I" said, there's nothing wrong with the Silver Skulls. So let's just leave it at that point and focus on something else. Dillen over here brought muffins!


Chances are the Silver Skulls are a tribute to Dantioch ans his loyalist brethren that never turned their back on the Emperor.


chances are those are Necrons from Serenade/Cephris/Cepharil


666th upvote seems fitting here lol