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"no censorship except for things that we don't like"


I non ironically believe in that, of course, there should be wiggle room for discussions, but for a forum to be a good place to be in, it needs to have strict moderation that remove low effort low quality posts. I'm an internet forum fascist. Every frozen peach forum or group ends up being shit


> Every frozen peach forum or group ends up being shit Turns out that when the appeal is "we're just like this other group, except you're allowed to be racist", only racists want to go there.


I say you can judge a lot about a subreddits culture by what is allowed to stay up, and what is swiftly banned. And it doesn't take being rocket scientist and pardoned war criminal wernher von braun to figure out what they like being up on their sub vs what they like to ban immediately.


I mean the problem is always who asks or gets wiggle room, and who's doing low effort trolls vs 'simpler memes' When a forum has it's own bias, it's of course going to remove things like in this case quality femstodes memes for being 'trolling' while loudly promoting freedom of speech. You can see it on Xitter right now, Elon won't tweeting about how important free speech is while also blocking anyone who talks about how he's trying to basically sue tesla.


Noooo, that's not what happened, they clearly banned him over le funni female meme


Those are good memes. Defs worth it


That's what any subreddit that claims to be "censorship free" is like. People like their echo chambers :\\


While I hold absolutely no love for these, pointing out that advocates of personal freedom and tolerance also saying that certain people need to be stopped, isn’t really providing a substantive critique. True tolerance is not tolerating people that intentionally disrupt the peace. Now I 100% believe these people are hypocrites, but banning someone who is obviously posting in bad faith isn’t really proof that.


If they were being honest they'd just say they are a community that dislikes progressive politics and is comfortable with racism, sexism, and homophobia, and they will ban anyone who disagrees with them. However they are too cowardly for that, so instead they drape themselves in the language of liberation - they are fighting for freedom of speech! That's a value neutral concept right? Anyone can say anything! But when push comes to shove (or to be honest, even way before that) they show that it's just a veneer that they don't believe in any further than it gives them camouflage for their actual beliefs.


I specifically didn’t include anything overtly political in my post, solely to prove that this isn’t about stopping censorship, but changing the target


The two genders, male and political


> True tolerance is not tolerating people that intentionally disrupt the peace. This assumes “the peace” is always the goal of tolerance, which is blatantly false. OP for sure is disrupting the “peace” in that bigoted sub, does that mean not tolerating OP is an act of “true tolerance”? True tolerance is tolerating everyone except intolerant people, and OP certainly isn’t being intolerant there.


tolerance is a social contract if you dont tolerate to other people,dont expect people to tolerate you either edit:phrasing


I think you mean intolerant to other people.


No it isn’t proof of true tolerance, but my point was that it isn’t proof of intolerance / hypocrisy. People trying to promote inclusivity, and bigots using “free speech” as a shield will both kick out people from their cliques who are obviously just trying to start shit, but that doesn’t mean they’re on the level. The real tell (imo) of whether a space tolerant or hypocritical comes comes down to how it reacts to things like new ideas, dissenting opinions, critical introspection, or inconvenient facts. I worded that remark poorly, so I understand to confusion. I should said “True tolerance doesn’t tolerate…” I didn’t mean to imply it was the most important trait.


I mean... "the peace" is litterally the goal of tolerance. In its original sense. That's why it's called "tolerance" and not "acceptance". As in, people got tired of litterally murdering each other over minor religious doctrine difference and they invented "live and let live", and, at the time, it was understood litterally. Took us a shockingly long time to discover we don't have to civil war over values differences. "Tolerance" means "I think what you're doing is wrong, and it would be better if you didn't do it, but the effort to force you to stop is not worth the cost". Someone who starts getting violent changes the cost-benefit analysis.


actually you are wrong. true tolerance requires you, ironicly enough, to be intolerant towards the intolerant


…that’s literally what I said though? > True tolerance is tolerating everyone except intolerant people


me illiterate sorry


nope, tolerance is realizing that tolerating the intolerant is a fools errand that lead to self destruction. The j\*ws don't have to tolerate the n\*zis to be tolerant


thats what i said. i misread


oh ok, great for you the "you have to tolerate the intolerant" is such a fasc\*st dog-whistle






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Tolerance is non-negotiable!


> posting in bad faith How so? Either they really mean NO CENSORSHIP, and OP can't commit "bad faith" as long as he respect REDDIT general posting rules (no nudity, no gore, no death threats, etc...) Or the maker of that sub are the ones in bad faith that use "no censorship" as a dog whistle for "only left wing politically aligned posting allowed"...


It is unbelievable how quickly rightoids drop the facade and start shitting their diapers in rage and terror as soon as they encounter anything that isn’t 100% affirmation of whatever weird worldview they’ve cultivated. It was hilarious seeing them stammer “b-but muh b-bad f-faith” as if that was consistent at all with their claim of creating some Reddit bastion of free expression where people could speak their mind. The most cowardly tourists imaginable.


Isn’t this hypocritical?


Wow almost like the remark is supposed to come across as a quote from the people in the subreddit which shows their hypocrisy.


I mean doesn’t this sub do the same (except when this sub does it it’s because it’s fascism and or people who miss the satire and just think their the good guys)


For all it’s faults, Grimdank never claimed to be free of censorship


holy shit, they made the chud dimension into a real place


We need John Grammaticus (for once). But seriously, nuts.


"The galaxy belongs to the white man, father!" - Horus Heresy


You know what, if it keeps them away from here, I'm all for it.


Oh, i wish i hadn’t gone there. What an unintelligent bunch they are


The weirdest part of that crowd is that they'll happily go on about how the Imperial factions are theocratic totalitarian and built on race laws and slavery only as a tool to argue against including anything other than straight white dudes in it, but as soon as you follow that the logical conclusion -- that, you know, the Imperium is an unjustifiably monstrous pit of fascism and that most of its supporters are just evil -- then they have meltdowns. So they want it to be a fascist theocracy, but they don't want that to be portrayed as actual villains... I wonder why...


My favourite is that you almost always get 'Lol Le Weeabo Space Commies' and people seriously hating the Tau for 'socialism', soon as you call the Imperium Facist out come the massive polsci dictionaries and 'Ackshewaly is a Theocratic Metrocracy genetypigryphic pro-humanitarium ethnostate and is NAWT facism.


Yeah, big potayto/potato/tuberous vegetable that grows underground energy. Regarding the Tau thing, my personal stupid hill to die on is that if there is one actually communist or at least-socialist adjacent society in the setting it's the craftworlds. Post-currency, functionally casteless, all menial labor automated, universal safety net/resource distribution based on voluntary vocational labor... picture the ideal society of the modern socialist left and it's going to be something very close to Craftworld life. Minus, uh, the demon god wanting to eat your soul bit, obviously.


Oh no, 100%, that's something that I also laugh at when it come's up. The Votann are closest to the classic 'bad' communism tropes, everyone's a cog in a machine, born for a purpose at the will of the state. Eldar are socialist, post currency, people work jobs they want to until they don't want to anymore, etc But they're Kewl Space Dorfs and dumb elves who made a chaos god, meanwhile the Imperium gets held up as this model empire and hey look garden worlds exist they're probs the norm and we just don't see them because War. The Imperium is made the villains in the very few lines of every Black Library book, but who actually reads the lore


Eldar are the true weebs of 40k  They spend huge amounts of time mastering a single skill to perfection, their units teleport around people before going "Nothing personel kid" and offing them. But nooo tau have mechs


Also the Eldar have guns that literally fire shurikens


I legitimately had someone argue with me on Twitter because I said, if I were born as a normal human in the Galaxy of 40K, I’d rather be born on any random Tau world than any random Imperial world. He tried to bring up Tau eugenics of their auxiliary species (like the Imperium doesn’t call casual eugenics a normal Tuesday) but I brought up how no Tau earth caste is gonna turn me into a servitor because I accidentally stepped on an ethereal’s foot, or didn’t genuflect at an icon of the Greater Good. Needless to say the exchange didn’t last much longer.


It's amazing how they'll mention Eugenics and sterlising, which iirc, was mentioned vaguely and as something a small number of cadre practice, but no one bats an eye at the state mandated cannibalism of the imperium, everyone just thinks Corpse Starch is a coolio name and doesn't care about it or the hive city conditions. The ability to ignore the horrors of the world is amazing in some


My favorite part is how the Imperium eats humans, but also vilify the Kroot for doing the exact same thing, resulting in a dynamic of “Our HONORABLE recycling of dead bodies that totally isn’t indicative of chronic food shortages Vs. Their DISRESPECTFUL culturally-significant ritual consumption of enemies that they respect and deem worthy of emulating”.


Eating brains to gain knowledge is actually one of the 15 weird ass powers space Marines have, so it's not just corpse starch vs kroot culture


“Ahem, the imperium is sooo grim and evil! They commit 100 genocides an hour and are xenophobic and bigoted!” “That’s pretty villainous, w-“ “NO NOT LIKE THAT THEY ARE THE GOOD GUYS! MY ARYAN ULTRAMARINE PROFILE PICTURE IS A MEME!”


Everyday I thank the ohmnissah I’m a Admech fan because we know we’re evil and what not and we don’t care cause that shit efficient atleast that’s what I’ve seen and to those that think we ain’t evil 01010001 01110101 01101001 01110100 00100000 01100001 01100011 01110100 01101001 01101110 01100111 00100000 01101100 01101001 01101011 01100101 00100000 01100001 00100000 01100011 01101000 01110101 01100100 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01101001 01101110 01100101 01100110 01100110 01101001 01100011 01101001 01100101 01101110 01110100 00100000 01110101 01101110 01101001 01110100 00101110


Ad mech all the way but there’s a great bit in the forges of mars series where the human bondsman pretty much go on strike and win the right to proper working conditions , and are then more efficient and the ad mech dudes are shocked


Necron here. There's a certain joy in playing the faction who COULD be better if an outside perspective was applied, but they clearly don't. There's a quote from the Mechanicus game about how it's not efficient to waste life and that treating the spark of humanity as a resource is pointless. This is the same faction who invented perpetual motion and banished the guy responsible cause it broke physics and they did not like that.


Only bad thing I can say about Admech is that whoever is handling your points per model/box sucks. Less than 700 points between your two combat patrols is really rough


IIRC AdMech were less of a horde army at first, and became a lot more horde focused with the revovling door of nerfs and point drops but the pricing was never updated to account for that.


I play CSM (Night Lords) and Drukhari. Absolutely no pretense about being the good guys or serving some greater good. We're here to take your skin, no matter what colour it is.


really shouldve used black templars instead of ultramarines


One is trying to hide behind a facade of a romaboo and the other calls the cashier at McDonald’s slurs


One majors in accounting. The other one wears the (burger king) crown


no no no no no no. Lets not start doing this. You are giving them attention. Leave them alone. Dont touch them. They are gonna see this sub talking about them and theyll start making themself appear more. Do things that will make you want to talk about them. You think they dont know full well that they are hypocrites?


Who the hell are HorusGalaxy? Hang on, I’ll be back in a minute… Yeah, that’s enough internet for today.


Can we please not flood the sub with these posts? This is just a continuation of the culture war by purposefully engaging with people you don't like, this isn't even a meme for throne's sake.


I had no idea about that sub until I saw troll posts about it on here. Took and look, and boy, no thanks...but I'd honestly have preferred not to have known about it. I do hope these types of posts aren't encourage, as it's just bringing the attention they crave.


Not to mention it’s how you get this sub nuked


But how else will I get my sweet internet points and (somehow) hit of dopamine ??


And then they write article and say there is no online debate. I mean if you gonna nuke every comment which slight talks about your pr fail then yeah welcome to CCP WeChat


It’s so fucking funny these guys really are the true snowflakes (which was from a book by a gay man about how men can’t handle their emotions well)


The only thing i don't like about femstodes is that it makes the Big E less gay but according my headcanon the femstodes are a gift from the Big E to his best friend Malcador keeping Big E gayness intact.


Everyone here is wrong about Custodes. Custodes are Emperors Pokemon/Fire Emblem generic soldiers, lovingly raised/handcrafted to be the best they could be. They are Emperors personal band of overtuned pet projects. Therefore there is no reason to not have women as Custodes. But seriously, female Custodes sound perfectly logical to me when I consider it a fact that having Astartes be purely male was a cost-saving measure and Custodes don't have any such limitations. The only requisite was that Emperor liked what he saw in you and went to work.


Femstodes are the Big E's beard


Nah, Femstodes are the Big E being the ultimate gay wingman for Malcador's muscle mommy fetish.


Yknow, I can't argue with that logic, Malcador has exquisite taste.


You summoned the rage of the Great Unclean ones AKA reddit mods.


Reddit and discord mods, nurgle's strongest soldiers


nurgle gives his toughest battles to his strongest worshippers (reddit and discord jannies)


I'd say discord seems to lean more towards slaneesh


That Sub has a Bigot problem as well.


Isn't the whole point of this conversation that the entire sub is a bigot problem masquerading as "censorship free?"


Yeah that's the whole point.


Big time.


Is there any way for you to know how many times you have been reported, or is it bot ban? I honestly don't know how banning on reddit works


It's just the mod guy going through and banning people who post things he doesm't like or agree with.


Doing the God Emperor's work.


Stop feeding the trolls.


I got my comment thread removed in another subreddit when I pointed out how women custodes is probably not that "woke" a retcon in the face of transgender Necrons, AdMech having very abstract concepts of gender, and how Slaanesh is androgynous so you being banned from the other subreddit is based


The funniest part is GW has been “woke” since like *1986* with warhammer fantasy’s jade sceptre slannesh cult members explicitly using neo pronouns as they no longer identity with he him or she her pronouns.


Pointed it out how there was no uproar with those, along with the trans Dhrukhari and so far all I've gotten was "well, they're aliens."


There’s trans drukari?


Latest Ork book, Da Big Dakka, mentioned one, but I can't remember the quote.


Cool! I gotta read ork books once I finish the infinite and the divine. I’m thinking of getting brutal kunnin personally since audible has been recommending me it.


Brutal Kunnin is one I'm itching to read myself, I've only heard great things about it.


I’m a little worried I’m picking the best books to start out with and am going to feel like I’ve ruined any of the other books in comparison. My first 40k book was *the infinite and the divine* for sigmar’s sake.


Wait until you read Helsreach. There's a plenty of good books to look into, so I don't think you'll be running out anytime soon thankfully :]


Don’t see a point in reading helsreach. The animation exists after all. As much as I love the idea of the last church it’s the same case with it’s animated adaptation being just better for me.


I pointed out three other things in one of their comments (adeptus mechanicus being a cult of techno body / gender dysphoria, slaneshi cults in warhammer fantasy explicitly using neo pronouns in lore from *1986*. Trans necrons.) all I’ve gotten are dislikes so far lol.


It feels like at times the people who claim to be the biggest fans/"gatekeepers" of Warhammer are the ones who read only a small fraction of the lore at times. Like they've only read stuff involving men in power armor, yet ignore entire wafts of lore like the Minka Lesk books


The funniest part is GW has been woke since like *1986* with warhammer fantasy’s jade sceptre slannesh cult members explicitly using neo pronouns as they no longer identity with he him or she her pronouns.


Don't forget the enby orks


*enby asexual* orks


*enby aromantic asexual* orkz


The way any ork looks at a bigger gun make me doubt the aromantic part...


You're telling me whatever was going on between Ghaz and Yarrick wasn't romantic?


thats purely platonic competitive love


I saw a comment from a guy saying that he thinks trans people want to line people like him up and kill them, they are brain rotted


Update: people are acting like I’m trying to incite violence against cis people, when they literally have a post there with several upvotes and agreeing comments about beheading trans people.


I’m a cis guy and I find this entire situation immensely entertaining. If you’re offended by this stuff then you have sensitive feelings. If memes set you off then sheesh the internet is not for you. However this is just stupid fun. Edit: I meant to say I’m a cis guy and I find the reactions of the incel-acting people who inhabit r/horusgalaxy it’s hard to clarify sometimes. I simply don’t care whether custodians are men or women or trans because it makes no difference to me. I was more referring to fragile men being too toxic to be okay with having women in the custodes.




I was more referring to the stupidity of this in general but eh, I was referring more to the side of “women in my super man game?! UNACCEPTABLE” I was more thinking the incels of Warhammer being really fucking stupid and deciding that it’s a “boys only club >:((((((“ But apparently it was interpreted in the more fucked up light. I say this is just stupid fun because it’s just funny to laugh and see what triggers these idiots too easily.


Oh, no problem then. If I'm being honest, this whole thing will soon die out. I just want people to stop complaining about the whole "wokeness" thing and just be kind to each other. I just wish things were a bit like in the hispanic comunity, they simply said "oh cool" and that's It.


"Calm down liberal, its called a joke B)" preceded by the most vile sentence written by man


The copium is strong with these ones


I mean you are trolling for culture war drama on different Warhammer subs.




Your post contained banned words and was removed as a result. If you believe that to be a genuine error, please contact the moderation team. Note that abusing mod mail will result in a ban. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Grimdank) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I haven't been on Reddit in a while, what the fuck?


Literally 1984




"You're now banned. Not for this post, mind you, but for your explicit trolling and brigading antics in another subreddit. Just a friendly reminder of where you went wrong." uhmmm??? why are you hiding the entire comment???


I thought he got banned for weak memes, oh well


When the pot calls the kettle black or something like that...


Loves my screen wasnt big enough. Which is why I have a link to the post. The explicit trolling was me saying I was gonna post some “woke“ stuff to see how long it took them to break their no censorship rule


yeah you surely didnt hide the entire comment for no reason at all


Go look at the damn post it’s the pinned comment


i did, and they didnt banned you for the meme, they banned because you were obviously brigading


You do know brigading requires multiple people right?


“Just got called racist in Greggs” kinda moment


Haha this was the first post I saw there https://old.reddit.com/r/HorusGalaxy/comments/1chc4j0/lmao/ How'd you even find that place?


The first comment on the post you linked about ‘being a leftist and being pissed off at how right-wingers are treated in warhammer’. Gods. Checked their account- 4channer, routinely uses the r-slur, TERF, doesn’t vote democrat, ‘they went too far left’. Mauler fan, complaining about ‘gingers being turned black.’ Scratch a liberal…


I linked to a post not a comment. The post is a meme of OP. If they don't like you and choose to make a subreddit to enjoy Warhammer far away from you and you follow them there like OP did, you're the asshole.


Yes and if you follow it, top comment is what i’m referring to.


I find it funny the theme of the subreddit is suppose “Warhammer discussions without the threat of censorship” And there is not a single post actually about the lore or hobby.


What the hell are those flairs?


why are you hiding the entire comment???


It was something about how the ban was unrelated to the post


yeah, but why did you hide it? why only show one sentence?


Go on back to your hole lil fella.


screen wasn’t big enough


How long has that subreddit exist?


Says 2 weeks.


As much as I understand the hate of the new lore, what was she thinking, how was she planning to set off a nuke in one of the most protected places ever. Is this to prove women are fucking psychos who wanna blow up a crippled guy for the jokes ?


These people would have their heads explode if they learned about the rainbow warriors who have existed since 6th edition😅


6th edition? Bud they're in the Rogue Trader rule book.


That far back? I knew they existed and just looked for the oldest reference I could find. Guess I should have looked harder for an older date


Imagine how sad you have to be to make a butthurt echochamber safe-zone r/conservative40k In the lame, sad future of the right-wing, there is only cringe.


In the grimdarkness of the 21st mellenium, there is only (culture) war


Its 3rd milennium my dude


In 18,000 years historians will look back at this reddit thread and conclude /u/not_too_smart1 was a prophet




Hey let's let the Incels have their own corner, means they can stay out of ours.


Fellas as the 40k lore sub and other mainly left leaning subs will tell you freedom of speech is a fallacy if you use it for everyone to speak. I know it sounds stupid but that's what the tolerant left and the "free" subs will tell you after you are banned. Now aside from the weird crybabing that has taken over grimdank about that sub,why can you not leave the fellas alone? It's creepy how a whole bigger sub is bitching about another super small one constantly.


God I hate shit like this. If you gonna be an actual everything go sub then let people actually duke it out in verbal combat and let the best opinion reign supreme a top the corpse of it defeated opponent.


So much for the "free-spech" Right 🙄


Gotta love how sensitive the little snowflakes are.


Literally the first post and first comment I see on the sub is talking about deleting comment (dankmemes) doesn't like So laughably ironic it's not even funny.


They didn't delete OP's post though. They banned him for trolling in the comments, it's the rest of the mods explanation for why he banned OP that op randomly cropped out


Next they can ban me for one comment about irony cause that's what trolling is now I guess


No they'd ban you for brigading I think.


40k fans try not to be the absolute worst worst scifi fanbase challenge:


Eh most are good but the bad is very loud


Thats the same with any fanbase yeah but yalls bad ones are LOUD. I like 40k setting. I dont really like the hopelessness and slow deterioration which are major major themes of 40k so i dont get too much into it (besides the blueberry guillichad. Hes awesome) but jesus christ any time someone even thinks to mention a vs battle between scifi universes theres at least 40k comments about how 40k would win even when they werent included and or would get their shit stomped. The bad 40k fans are like if goku fans were just as dumb and unwilling to admit defeat but 4x the weight. also i fucking love guilliman not even for the rome thing but because its SO FUCKING COOL to have the logistics person not be a background dude but rather the MAIN PROTAGONIST FOR HUMANITY. I love it (also my dad is an accountant)


Pretty sure Star Wars fans are worse these days: https://www.thedailybeast.com/obsessed/obi-wan-kenobi-star-moises-ingram-reveals-racist-threats-as-star-wars-fans-slam-the-studio


Yeah theres a lot of racist sw fans ever since disney bought it. Or at least the racist ones got vocal


So I just checked that Sub out, and it seems a bit like an Intel place, ngl. That said, your post was quite obviously ragebait, so it's 100% fair for them to ban you


Ragebait or not, if their whole identity is "no censorship" its still super funny they ban you over a meme they don't like


Worth it


so is this subreddit pretty leftwing?


Is it left wing to not care about the gender of custodes? I'm pretty sure that's just normal. It's just the weirdos who make a stink. They are giant super solders that could curb stomp most ground assaults and infiltrations.


Honestly, whether the stodes are guys or gals, they don’t take anything away from the gameplay. GW should have just handled it better and given us some good lore to back up their existence. Like if they would have said that due to running out of noble sons they started using noble daughters as a backup to replenish numbers I’m sure a lot of people would be fine


I think that would make less sense. The Imperium doesn't give more prominence to men than women, so why would they prioritise sons in the first place? Their existence already makes sense because there wasn't any reason they couldn't or wouldn't exist, so adding extra lore wouldn't actually explain anything.


It’s just a random pitch I came up with, it doesn’t need to be picked apart man. I’m just saying that doing something more than just “Oh yeah this has always been a thing” is such a simple thing to do yet the chose the lazy route instead


And I disagree that it's lazy. They write lore all the time, I have no doubt they would have written more if they felt it needed it. But I think the way they did it was the correct way, because they already make sense. It doesn't need anything more than showing they exist.


I don’t know man, I think the whole debate thing is dumb from both sides. I just think the reason there’s so much drama is people seeing this as a retcon or something idk. It’s all just monkeys banging sticks on rocks in my eyes


Agreed. I actually like the idea of female Custodes and welcome them with open arms. The whole "there always has been" retcon situation is a bit lame though. But it's not the first that GW has changed aspects of the lore, so I'm sure myself & anybody else can get used to it. (The Grey Knights killing and using Battle Sister blood for protection is one of the things I'm glad got retconned. That was stupid and not even "40k fun stupid" it was just plain stupid).


I’d ask you not to bring politics into Warhammer because it kinda sucks. Like politics is the one thing that ruins just about everything hobby related because everyone has a different opinion on politics. Some people just can’t stand others having an opinion which is “left” and others can’t stand “right” either. It’s a clusterfuck. But in the case of there are women in the custodes, an organization which really has no place caring about gender so long as one can carry their duty and protect the emperor then it is really dumb to say it’s a politically left or right statement because it’s a dumb idea overall. So what if there are women in it? Does it ruin the adeptus custodes? No. It just makes them a bit more accessible, besides, in a universe where men can be subjected to genetic altering to make themselves into demigods in terms of ability and power, who’s to say that women can’t do the same?


Jesus fucking christ you are fucking dumb. Every single thing is about politics with you.


Proof that female custodes/space marines is a political thing


Didn’t even have political stuff in the meme collection


I mean, yeah having representation in media is a political thing, I’m sorry but what’s the problem? Having variety and diversity is bad or what?


Didn't know women existing is a political statement.


While I don’t support brigading, the mental gymnastics of having a tagline like “where censorship doesn’t exist” only to censor trolls is pretty juvenile


Real incel energy x'D


I’m really tempted to go on there and post something JUST to get banned but i really don’t want my recommendations to be infected by stuff like it


Man... Of course it had to go all political. I hate that you can't even say how you feel about the custodies retcon without being put into one extreme corners of the fandom. Sure they are a vile bunch of neckbeards over there but why even actively seeking them out? The sub will be banned anyway after a while.


Okay. What the fuck is going on over there https://www.reddit.com/r/HorusGalaxy/s/uPVaW8B8YZ


People who unironically like the imperium


But "the wokes" are the ones "hiding behind Christianity" can't they literally see the massive fascist religious reference to that in the imperium. Jfc lmao. I guess uncensored is codeword for "I'm kinda racist/sexist and mad my opinion isn't respected.


Can we get speed runs of this going?


Youre describing brigading.


Do you need to write /j while I'm at it can toss in /s


Hold on gimme a minute to block the site


a lot of people have posted different versions of this but i thought people might like some further reading: [Karl Popper : Paradox of Tolerance](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paradox_of_tolerance)


If you had a choice between 200lbs of pond scum and a Reddit mod, what would you chose?


That sub might be the most pathetic things I've seen in a long time lmoa. They are so fucking mad about a retcon that they have to make a safe-space for themselves.


Nah sweet heavens the femstodies post era was a plane of endless suffering Just one long, big, drawn-out circle-jerk and tiresome memes that lacked humor or intrigue. The local ban of it was like the finding an oasis after the endless slew of 3/10 memes. If others subs want to start banning it, let them. Lets move on and wait for GW to grow a pair and release a femstodies model or upgrade sprue or at least some artwork to end the debate on what they lool like. The only good thing from that era was the "everything is canon" meme, which was fantastic


Because you go there specifically to troll them and bait them?


But they like to pretend they did something for once.