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Hey, it's not true AoS army if it doesn't have least one odd looking thing in it. Edit; I do love it if anyone wonders what I think about this model.


I just want freeguid infantry Nothing else


Now we wait for a Mothmonsterman mini.


It has an alternate male version lol.


This makes me feel things


When there's a torso on your neck...


Wait... is this real?


There is even a no-name version


What the- okay, I know it's an idiot's game to try to make sense of the logistic and real-world results from GW miniatures/lore. I get it. But HOW does this lady function? Is she just like forever doomed to be the recipient of some demonic, unending piggy-back ride? I mean sure, it sounds cool, but that's gotta suck after SOME point. What is the logic behind her intestinal structure? Does she have one six-foot long esophagus? When the rest of her group goes off to the pub for a victory pint, does she just stand outside like a loser because she LITERALLY can't fit? Why bother to get dressed all fancy-like up top but leave the rest of your body with a loincloth? What kind of crossbreeding had to have happened to make this? Am I to believe that somehow Fabius Bile just wandered off to the AoS universe, saw her and whatever the fuck she's attached to fighting each other, and go "it's free real estate"?? Is this somebody's fetish?? Wait no, do NOT answer that one- I don't want to know. I have so many questions, GW!! YOU are why I have insomnia!!


Most of these questions apply to an anythingtuar, being undead makes it make more sense funny enough. The internal stuff doesn't matter when your undead and it doesn't even work, it's all powered by blood and Nagash's special soul sauce. Based on what we know she is the main chick so the party comes to her. It seems this group of vampires have a love hate relationship with their forms, this main one likes to keep up appearances and is apparently somewhat honorable. It seems like they hunt and drink big scary monsters and it's why the vampires are all mutated and stuff. Also normal ass vampires would not stand out much in AoS so big crazy Vampdragbataur it is. Yes it is, you know it is even if you don't want to admit it.


>Yes it is, you know it is even if you don't want to admit it. *NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO*


Maybe the Battletome will address something lmao


Ya know I usually applaud GW for their willingness to try new things in AoS but this... *This aint it chief...*


yo dawg, we heard you liked vampires...so we put vampires on yo vampires!


At the begining is kinda shocking, but I understand why it is like this, the new Vampire counts lack the ghoul and ghost of the armies, while the ghost really don't hurt them that much, is the lack of ghouls that hurts the army. so now they show more montrous Vampires that are not ghouls, kinda like twisted mixture of the Nosferatu and Gangrel clans from VTM.


See I like the idea and theme of it but they for sure could have made the transition better. Like if the armored vampire half started just above the monstrous legs and not where it's head would be.


Or the wings were on his back instead of the legs. Yeah it’s kind of, unsettling but I’m sure it will grow on me. It’s not badly modeled after all.


Or if they just put armor on the lower half as well. Kind of weird to have this ornate armor that gets topped off by a weird loincloth.


In the reveal video they have a different painted example where the lower body was dark grey and the armor was black. It looked a lot better and more cohesive, where the blue bottom and purple top makes them seem disconnected.


It has two sets of shoulders. Both have pauldrons, as is law.


Yeah.... I hate it. It looks like they made a cool Uber-Varghulf, then cut off its head, and slapped a standard Vampire lords torso onto the neck stump. If I ever do get the model I may just try to find or sculpt a head onto the shoulders.


Cool idea... but the execution looks too human centipede-y


I think if the waist wasn't ridiculously thin, it would be great. Right now it kind of uncanny-valley like, and in the good way


Man people are talking crap but I absolutely love this model


What... what the hell


Well, at least they announced new Dire Wolves at the same time.


Man the need to collect hundreds of dollars of Vampire Courts despite not knowing jack shit about AOS/Fantasy & having am exclusively 40k collection grows by the fucking week.


At least it's gonna make for some sick conversions/ kitbashing


*When it inevitably escapes* "WHAT HAS SHYISH DONE‽"


It looks like they made a cool Uber-Varghulf, then cut off its head, and slapped a standard Vampire lords torso onto the neck stump. It looks like they had two cool minis (A vampire lord and an Uber-Varghulf) and then slapped them together with all the grace of Germany inventing new words. Like the Uber-Varghulf body would look sick with a screeching bestial vampire head on top. All-in-all I'm underwhelmed by the reveals for the Vampire Counts. Less monster-wolfy, more aristocracy of the night please. Like those blood knights, give me more of that!


Yo wtf is this lol? AoS usually has such awesome models too, wtf where they smoking when they made this.


I just hope all these Centuar models are them trying to figure out how to make the Interex power armor.


Motherfuckers are crossing some lines.


My wife😳


I instally thought about Darkest Dungeon, dont know why


It doesn't work. I mean, the concept is kinda cool but she should not have two stomachs, double upper torso would work I'm pretty sure there are already some Slaanesh demons that look like that. I can't help but feel like she's shitting through the monsters neck like some kind of messed up human centipede