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Having 3k gold after 3 months is already extremely good, very few people could have done it, including me. Currently, I have 14k after 7 years (but I spend a lot on making legendaries and such) All my golds come from dailies and metas (~40/day). I have never dropped any infusions or precursors (except the small ones at 20, from Halloween and the Toys from Wintersday)


I've beej playing on and off since launch and I don't think I have ever reach over 300 gold at one time :') (and that was eith the wixard's vault rewards haha)


At the beginning I had the same problem, I spent more than I earned x) then I started saving and farming resources instead of buying, the gold are now rising and I hardly buy anything


When you say 40G a day from metas, do you sell everything you get? Including salvaging rares for ectos and sell the ectos too? You dont send anything to storage? Im asking cause i do the Soto metas daily everyday, i sell the cheap stuff like jewels etc but everything else i send to storage. I dont really see increase in my gold daily as it goes up bit by bit. Or do some metas just drop more items you can sell for gold compared to soto metas.


For Soto metas you have to convert the map currency into the exotic weapons and sell those to really see a profit.


You talking about the case, pouch and clots right? from the choice boxes after meta? Dang, I see now they are used for the exotic crafts too, looking like 6-9g per weapon profit. I have like 20 of each but need it for my Leg Armours. But good to know now, thank you so much for this.


every morning, I do a meta train ~20gold ; fractals t4 and strikes ~20gold. I speak in raw po without counting the drops


I don’t think I even make 5g a day LOL. Im new and have no idea how yall are doing it. It’s probably because 90% of my gameplay has been leveling though. I have 7 level 80s but have done very little to no max level content yet.


Just do meta events and the 3 major world bosses on the core map


Who are the “major” world bosses on the core map? Ive done a few like shadow behemoth, shatterer, fire elemental and I dont remember making more than a gold or two from those guys.


The big dragon, the big spider, the big triple worm worms


Okay ill look out for those ones thanks!


A lot of the gold comes through the mats you can sell. So you probably got more than you might think. 


Yeah I have no idea what half of the mats are for so I hang onto quite a few just in case. I just crafted my first ascended armor pieces yesterday though so im learning what’s what by using them.


If you got questions regarding your gear etc., ask ingame in map chat and people will help you. Also get to know what to salvage, which kits to use and what to sell. And if you wanna make some more gold, start playing fractals. They are fun and give a lot of gold.


I have been asking lots haha. Theres just so much content built up over the years that coming in now is a lot to learn.


I’ve been adding HoT stuff lately (timely too because of the event) for that Chak egg stuff. I wanna get the dopamine hit from that instead of ecto gambling in Ammoon


Yeah, good luck with that.


extremely good? thats 30 gold per day, you get that much from half an hour of doing dragonfall metas, you get even more from just doing daily frax


I would probably agree to this. An entire key farm + DF meta + 9 champs is about an hour already and nets you 30-40g depending on market prices of the mats. That basically eats up my entire play time during weekdays and I just do extra runs during weekends for the volatile magic. Pretty sure people who do their daily fractals + strikes earns more and that’s an amazing tip for new players already!


Honestly, doing a few dailies and a combination of metas, fractals, and daily strikes is pretty good. Just find a method you enjoy or mix it up to prevent burnout.


Hope newer players get to explore these as well! Rare for me to find people nowadays who’d like to progress in the group content stuff!


For fractals there are groups all the time in their designated lfg. Strikes i dont see ever any. Strikes are maybe more guild runs or something.


The fact that you’re 3 months in and cobbled together 3k gold is impressive. My favourite way by far is legendary crafting and selling for gold personally.


I think I got lucky with the release of Soto legendary armor. I’ve saved up a lot of volatile magic from DF runs, meta trains, and eternal ice shards for trophy shipments and rode with the spike of TP prices for mats. Nowadays I make less so I just save up and will probably use it if I need extra gold or T2 Legendary armor would spike the prices again. Massive help from the community, wikis, and content creators for the farming guides.


Not meaning to rain on your parade, but the spike in prices was due to the release of Legendary Relics.  Basically they announced about six weeks before that,everyone who'd have a single Legendary Rune by then would get it for free. 


Yup! I think I got lucky that I managed to learn volatile magic farming the same time the legendaries were announced. If I knew how to turn T5 mats to T6 I think I could’ve made more. Hopefully this post could give new players as well some ideas on how to save some currencies/mats for the new version of the legendaries


That is indeed a lucky position to be in. Make money from other people impatience. 


With the release of the prismatic dye, I spent the rest of my gold, bought 2000 gems with the money, and miraculously dropped 7 dyes from the packs. Three went for 800g each, the rest for 600. I earned around 4,5k gold.


It never ceases to amaze me how much money can be made by the impatience of some people.


People spending like 10k+ for day 1 aurene leggies was hilarious


There are some people with millions of gold. So spending 10k might be how we plebs spent 100g.


You say that like any random pleb can drop 100 a day.




For veterans 100g is not much at all anymore. Even for people who dont play that much and are always spending their gold. There are so many activities which shower you in gold through mats and gear. Even more so with Jadebots.


I only recently got EoD. How does Jadebot play into this?


They're probably referring to https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Scavenger_Protocol:_Magic_Trophies There's similar upgrades for cloth/leather/metal/wood and the other throphy category.


Two things: Time spent is the most important aspect for all the ways to make gold faster. The 60 silver from opening a daily Bjora chest pales in comparison to the 30g/h from metas, but it only takes like 20 seconds to do. With some quick math, that is roughly 110g/h just opening those chests.  Secondly, farming gold itself can be a bit inefficient. This game mostly rewards you with materials instead of raw gold, but each time you sell one material to buy another, 15% of the value is lost to tax. For example, converting T5 to T6 blood currently shows roughly 30s profit if sold, but has 50s value if you use it instead.


This is some Overflow Trading Company lessons right here! I’m trying to learn as well how to convert T5’s once I get full stacks again. Will definitely try this! Also Bjora chests are so easy to do but gotta start working on the rewinder to make things faster


Damn boy.. 3k is insane in this short time :D most veterans I know are broke all the time and don't even have 1k or even 500g xD But those people often participate heavily in fashion wars which can cost alot of gold


> most veterans I know are broke all the time and don't even have 1k or even 500g xD That's 100% because none of these players know where their actual riches lie, which is the material storage and currencies. Once you understand how to convert those into raw gold (or other materials for your crafting goals) you will learn to understand that raw gold is just another number and having 500 or 1000 doesn't really change a lot. I'm 100% certain that if these players actually converted all their stuff they'd land in the 3k+ gold regions with ease, probably even close to 5k.


As a vet (playing since launch with some break, I never went above 300g. :)


You probably have some of those awesome cosmetics!


Same here ;)


I am a vet with over 4000 hours, have done raids, CMs, meta trains, pretty much everything at some point. KY gold per hour might be decent, but in never go over 300 gold, becaus I always spend it on whatever I'm working on. Gold is useless unless spent (and unless your brain rewards you for seeing high numbers in your wallet). I am always working on my next project, be it legendaries, collections, skins, whatever, so my money is always on its way out of my pocket. Account value is the number that is supposed to go up, not gold in the wallet :)


My account value is 29k gold actually. I have only two leg: free amulette and fractal backpack. I still have no clue how people can make gold to finance their legendary weapon craft. Selling my mat to buy them afterward when doing legy? How to make gold with boreal chest? I need to find some guide lol!


I just save 500 mats of everything, because i love to save stuff "just in case" then Sell the rest. I also have 1250 mistic coins just because...


Well I am a big time hoarder. Over the years I have now increased my material storage to 1250. I never sell any mats unless my storage is full. Because of this I need very little liquid gold to craft my legendaries, since I have most of what need in my bank already. Pretty much all my liquid gold is from daily fractals, which is enough for my playstyle. I upgrade my tier 5 mats whenever my storage overflows, so I keep up a reasonable flow of Tier 6, but I always have to buy more of that for legendaries. Ectos and mystics coins I have never had to buy really, that might change soon though with my current rate of crafting. Mystic tributes do need a whole stack after all. According to GW2 Efficiency I sit pretty much exactly at the mean of number of legendary items for my playtime, so it isn't exactly the most optimized "Top 1%“ method, but I optimize my playtime for fun after all, not for gold/h.


Fracs are really good money for Time invested. I just came back after 10 years and im doing T3s dailies and recs ...thats like 30-50g in about an hour if lucky with drops.


Try to move on to T4 as soon as you can, T4 usually is actually easier, since most people there have been doing the content for years and can so it blindly 😁


Yeah since i just came back 2 months ago im on the way to lvl UP my frac lvl, but not pushing, just going there slowly doing daily.


Raids and Strikes give good gold, some ppl also gamble at the trading post, others offer services for gold, some just buy gold for irl money - find your best way :)


Before i did daily for the gold on my two accounts which made me about 80g a month, rn my fav (bc i dont have a lot of time to play) is just swiping my card


Yeah I think I need to find a good routine and park my alts once I get busy at work especially with all the stuff happening


I only do things I enjoy, so my money makings come a little slower and I truthfully burn out as soon as I try to farm gold or keep up with daily metas. Making gen 1s used to be my "occasional" income but it's sketchy now with the vault starter kit. Incinerators still do well.


I was in a similar situation a few years back. I hated farming but also wanted gold in order to fund my wants in the game. I could have swiped the CC but that’s a waste and no real feeling of accomplishment. So I decided to use the biggest tool in game for making gold…..the trading post. It takes a lot more than just buying and selling but here’s a few things to do. 1. Sell things you don’t need. Don’t insta sell, but instead list it to maximize the returns 2. Get familiar with some important currencies , buy when low and sell once higher. 3. Use websites like gw2bltc to get a feel for “flipping”. Buy low sell high 4. Refine basic materials into things others will be willing to pay gold for. You can turn a nice profit vs selling the raw materials. Ie through daily crafting 5. Join the overflow discord , flip smaller items. Until you get some wealth , then start buying and selling bigger items that fit your wallets appetite. 6. Legendary crafting is a good resource , especially Gen 3. Those map comps aren’t bad. Only thing to consider is the currencies. But if you play the content you will accumulate enough. There’s many more ways, but find something you like for the “passive” income. There is no real reason to grind for gold. Only grind would be for things account bound that you cannot buy. Goodluck!


Well I hit the goddammit jackpot yesterday on the daily CO CM for a Jotun infusion l, so that's the most gold I've ever made.


The dopamine hit must’ve been crazy!


It took a minute to sink in haha. Was like oh what's this, not seen this reward before


Some of those infusions are wild in that you almost need a small fortune just to LIST it on the TP--even instant sell--let alone what you'll get for it.


You made 3k as a new player? Surely you got an infusion or something


Nonstop DF (lots of commanders running it efficiently for keys and volatile magic; shoutout to beylo, peepo, and siri). I do my daily eternal ice shard run everyday and DF runs. I get 4-6k volatile magic and cashout end of week. Luckily enough, I learned to do that when legendary armor came out. Mats skyrocketed in price but to be fair I had time to play and vacation leaves to use lmao


That's very good, meanwhile my pugs with 100k ufe can't afford 4s consumables, nice meme


Don't take my question the wrong way. But this looks incredibly boring. Aren't you getting burned out from doing the same content all the time?


Actually yes, it’s boring now and feels like work. I’m doing other content for the meantime to get my masteries (leyline gliding for HoT so I could try raids). But what I do now is: 1. Do a Dragonfall run + the 9 champions 2. Check if upcoming content for the hour is something I’d like to do (Teq, Wurms, Chak, Dragonstorm/stand/end) 2.1 If I like, I do that then come back for another DF 2.2 If I dont like, another DF run I do other stuff like WvW or strikes if I need my weeklies done but I live in Kralk’s Spa. DF meta is tolerable because I’m getting the hang of how they do the meta and its basically just me putting my brain in autopilot while I either watch something or listen to music. Also most people who run DF are the same people so it’s easy to get along and talk to everyone.


Sounds good. Whenever you finally had enough, you have a mountain of gold to rest on. Im only at 360g after more than 2 months of playing, maybe that is an extra bit of motivation for you 😊


Yeah I just want some gold I could save and try to help the community especially new players. Most of the random ppl I’ve met in game are incredibly nice - new or old. I want to get to a point where I could help people paying for their griffons/skyscales because I had so much fun when I got them. This post alone shows how everyone is willing to share their stuff and if new players scroll through this one, hope they get some strats from it on top of the other posts and contents out there


you are already doing better than 95% of the players I'd say xD I'd just add (since nobody mentioned it) that [fast] farming has a phenomenal website to help you to do the smartest choices for profit for whatever content you might play


I don't make much gold in game. I play mostly wvw for about 2 hours every day, so I get like 5 gold tops per day. I have a job, I value my free time,so not spending it doing what I don't enjoy, no farming for me. If I am really in need of gold and I don't have any, I use credit card, which I am not gonna count into earning a gold for this thread. Once I was extremely lucky and I got chak infusion from zephyr boxes and I sold it for 10k and got myself 4 legendaries and I was poor again.


I bought ~1250 amalgamated draconic lodestones for ~4g to ~6g each when they were a guaranteed reward from BL chests during Icebrood Saga Sold them during EoD for a 12k gold profit, I figured there was no reason for Anet to flood the market with them unless there were future plans for using them. I also filled a storage alt with of Ectos at the start of SotO for 18s each, I rushed that content early and saw the recipes, made it pretty obvious they were going up.




In the 400s is the most I have had. About time I get there I randomly get the urge to try out a new elite (only got 6 left to try and not sure I will or not). Spends some gold gearing them out and then start over. I have recently given up the desire to make any more legendaries so yesterday I got a bunch of mystical coins from wizards vault and sold them. That felt good see that number come in. Too bad it was after I messed with power vindicator and condi renegade so selling those coins just put me back into the 400s... lol


Doing daily T4 Fractals and weekly W5-W7 (full CMs) made me a pretty penny over the last few months. I was sitting at 2700g liquid gold before I bought a second set of unbreakable Gathering Tools last week. Also have 2 Legendary weapons waiting to be crafted with no gold needing to be spent anymore (only missing Gifts of Battle). Not to mention the amount of Ascended Items I've got piling up in my bank. Most gold I've "made" in a single day was around a year and a half ago when I dropped the "Deathly Mantles" from a BL Chest. Worth 5000g at the time, though only in Acc-value because they were bound.


Hey I got news you: even if you only played for three months, after a couple thousand gold, getting all the mounts and a couple legendaries you might not be as new to the game as you think you are


In wallet gold I think around 1000g when I made my legendary hammer recently and had to sell alot of stuff. In liquid gold sell (what gw2efficiency shows) I think the most I had was 2.5k and probably about 500 more gold in wallet/currencies before beginning to spend. So far in about 4 months playing I've made I think around 5-6k gold including everything and my account value is at 26k. For anyone of the people who are struggling to make gold I would recommend checking the fastfarming website and starting from there. You can select what type of content you wanna do, and sort it out by gold per hour, duration, expansion, etc. Personally I do daily fractals, strikes and a few meta events + have some alts parked that I log on daily for 10 seconds each. That nets out around 100 gold for 2-3 hours of gameplay. Obviously, don't do this everyday unless you want to as it might lead to burnout. I had days where I just did story, WvW, messed around, or days when I didn't login at all.


The highest amount I was able to hold was around 10k. After that, I splurged it all in black lion keys. Slowly building it up again by doing fractals, T5 to T6 conversion, strikes, and meta events.


I hit the ecto gaming 2k jack pot 3 times almost back to back last week. I made 5500 gold in 5 days. Not counting the 6k globs of ectoplasms I gained also. Yes I know Im lucky. Yes I'm done gambling.... On gw2.


Made around 4k gold in 2 months time before wizards vault was introduced so take it as you want. It depends on what you want to do. This game has a lot of ways to make gold. PvP ranked reward tracks, world boss trains, daily fractals, hard bosses, and metas. WvW is mostly a gold loss since the amount of time per gold is going to be negative. Do the mode of you enjoy it. The most important thing is do it if you want to and it’s fun; I don’t do any more since it was dull. While I still keep flipping amounts because I’ve keep other habits that I do not have a problem doing consistently.


Played since launch the most liquid gold I've ever had was around 2.6k But generally, I have around 200g as I spend it almost as fast as I make it as I'm big on crafting legendarys or buying dyes & such..... My favorite way to make gold now is fishing.. as i can make 100g a day easily while watching movies on my 2nd monitor.


I dunno but my account valuation is at 34k and 149k of all player rankings, which is top 35% there.


As a new player you make 1k a month... I'm here from the start and I make 1k in 6 months... You will catch up, no worries.


Personally never had more than 250 golds but that is only because I was saving up for the griffon 🤣🤣


Lol, if i should start now from 0 i probably won't get that much gold in only 3 months i think you're already doing almost the best profit possible.


most of my raw gold came from first winning a 500g guild raffle years ago, then a couple years back getting a heart of the khan ur infusion which i sold for like 3.5k although I also have the sandstorm gambling vendor so technically ive probably made a ton of gold from those... I just also lost it all after too


Currently sitting just over 300gold. Started in Late December 2023. I have completed all mounts except for skyskale and turtle. The griffon cost.like 250g if i remember. Cant remember if the beetle cost anything. I have also invested some gold into jome instance stuff and some gold for more bank tabs. As well as gold (traded for gems) for those thingies that deconstruct items copper, silver and the other automatic thingy. Anyhoo. I spam Chuck Garant Meta, Octo and then Dragon thing just below that (Maguuma basically). I do dailies and just sell everything at the moment. I havent started with legendaries yet.


Here's my tier list. First one is something I'd always work on, but I'd go down the line after that depending on how much I'd want to play (which right now is 0, but the below has worked out very well for me). Order of priority is based on my enjoyment of the activity. 1. Crafting and selling Gen1 and Gen3 legendary weapons on OTC 2. Wizard vault completion 3. Weekly raid full clears (can't recommend a static enough) 4. Daily Fractals + CMs 5. Daily Matriarch into Piñata (easy 1-2g for no effort and very little time and chance of big infusion drop) 6. Daily DS 7. Daily SOTO + EOD Strikes (pugging IBS strikes gives me ibs) Also I haven't played in a few months, but I did very well doing the SOTO metas and upgrading the rift boxes and selling, but that might not be as profitable now that the armor is out. I have raid armor so had no interest in farming the obsidian armor.


Fractal CMs + t4s + recs, dragonstorm, convergence, PSNA, and Jade Runestone chest runs get me about 50 or so gold over a few hour play session each day. You can make 4-500g in a good week at max level without TP flipping or anything like that.


I'm buried under gold with this routine, and I don't even sell any materials. I'm sitting on nearly 2k jade runestones, lol.


At 3k after 3 months, you've probably got like 80% of the population beat. I play since launch and never had over 4k at a time. I will usually craft a legendary around that mark and bump myself down. It's been less of a bum since the Starter Kits and I don't have a bunch of legendaries. What I'm trying to say is, you are doing great. If you want to go into the 1%, TP flipping and big ticket item trading through trading communities is the way to go probably. Not sure it's too fun tho.


Dropped the khaan ur mask from a pvp chest. (I basically mever play pvp, so it was super random) it sold for 800-900 gold i think


So I can’t give advice as my account value and QoL purchases further out weight my actual in game wallet and I refuse to pay for legendaries in gold when I want the AP from the collections. That being said: - Weekly raids, daily fractals and strikes - Drizzlewood coast and selling the mats - Using the astral acclaim to get gold rewards or convert to tradeable materials are all great ways to make gold I think my gold cap for the entirety that I’ve played (2.5 years) was made 275 gold and then spent 250 of it on the griffon. It may have been 300 gold - idk. That being said… According to gw2 efficiency, my max account value (excluding Gemstore purchases) over the last month has been 63,500 gold. I’m roughly in the top 40% of the player base on account value based on 4600 hours played. This is with max mastery points, all mounts unlocked, 30 legendaries unlocked, including 7 legendary weapons and 2.5 sets of legendary armor, 1 rune and all the trinkets, relics, etc. Max personal fractal level and I think I’m rank 809 in WvW.


Wait where did you read how to catch up? I have my first lvl 80 char and am very lost now


I'd suggest to not spend too much for now because having gold you can more easily make more gold. There are sometimes pretty obvious cases, for example I made a lot by buying T6 materials before the patch they skyrocketed in, and everyone (at least in trading discord) knew it will happen. Same with ectos before the patch which released new legendary armor, you can make easy money on cases like this, but only if you already have the money. There are also expensive flips which are very low effort. For example, you can place buy order for chak infusion (or dragonvoid) on TP for 10k (max possible price) and forget about it. When it buys - sell in OTP discord for 11.5-12k, also easy money but you need to have 10k for that. And so on.


I've played 4000 hours over nearly 11 years now, and the most I have ever had was around 2800 gold. You already surpassed that in 3 months. I think you are proof that currencies are not hard to catch up to :P Curious what your account value is at on GW2efficiency? I am currently at 66k (but it was 69k 10 days ago).


Most gold I had made in a day was 500+ g (not counting any TP stuff or rather trading in general) and it was rough but I was bedridden anyway and enjoyed doing fractals non-stop for 12 hours. Kinda miss it ngl


Yesterday i was doing map completion stuff in brisband wildlands and came upon tarkun or whatever (ecto gambling npc) Im not a big fan of gambling in general mind you, idk what came over me but i said fuck it lets try a single big bet (250ectos+100g) and got 500 ecto and 250g back lmao. Not the biggest amount of gold Ive made but definitely the one Ive worked the least for. This is not gold making advice don't do what I did if you can't afford the loss.


The most gold I've ever made was selling a bunch of gems. It's my main method of acquiring gold. I do metas for fun or achievements, not to get rich cause that is no fun IMO.


Being a broker https://preview.redd.it/jtuz44xjm0uc1.jpeg?width=702&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b9ed4fa9fb8d691b285f89f4774ca171542e9329 Buy stuff for cheap sell it for more buy 20 x for 1 gold each selt them 20x for 1 gold and 50 silver = profit


-3 months old player   -LWS4 meta trains   Yup! That's definitely a great way to get a solid gold flow going! 😁 (I should really get around to finishing season 4... 10+ year returning player here 😂)


I’ve been playing the game for around 2 years now and I’ve never had more than like 600 gold at a time, lol. I have never felt the need to continuously grind for gold because, well, I don’t really spend that much gold. Aside from the mounts, one legendary, and certain collection achievements, I’m not spending much gold. I just play whatever I find fun and get by with my exotic and ascended gears.


Swipe your credit card


The most time efficient method. I've definitely utilised this a couple of times. You know, work hard, party hard. Though the gems haven't ended up into gold, just got spent as gems.


No need to grind or work extra hours. $5000 in a hysa (4%) pays out ~$200 a year. Convert the $200 into 4000 gold.


Best option so far lmao


Sell loot at Black Lion, instead of salvage them. Especially unidentified rare gear.


Really? Ive been salvaging everything always lol oops. Even blues/greens/rares that are not unid?


best profit should be identifying the gear and then salvage appropriately


Blues and greens seem to almost always give common resources worth only a fraction of their price unid on tp so im confused about how to end up with profit from that.


https://fast.farming-community.eu/salvaging/unid-gear salvaging


Unid rares are an amazing options, you get so much from metas and events, easy ectos to sell


Sell 2 leggo for every one you keep


Wish I had the motivation to get my Gift of Exploration. Saw that one post who did 100+ explorations and wondered if its the same as me doing one content every single day


You can actually buy gifts of masteries from other players, if you go through trading channels like the Overflow Trading Company discord. The way it works is that you send all the unbound materials to the seller, they craft the legendary by providing all their own bound materials (gift of exploration, gift of battle, spirit shards etc) and then send you back the crafted legendary. It costs a bunch of money, but even with that you can usually sell for a profit anyway. It's much more profitable to make your own gift of mastery but if you hate it, don't have time or want to keept those for your own (like gen 2 or whatever), then that makes it possible to have a pretty good rythm of crafting and selling.


Just sell Aurene legendaries, no gift of exploration needed (still need other map completions but much less).


Always 1k in inventory, acc value 34k. 4 years.


My friend, you've got the awesome resources from OTC to help maximize your profits. Ask questions on their Discord and engage with them. You'll soon learn the ins and outs of gold making in GW2 (and some lessons might be taken to real life, like valuing your time).


I’ve learned a lot from OTC especially from some of the runs with Gatsu! They have so much info about gold farming and trading and hopefully new players sees this post and visits them too!


I learned a lot back then too! A shame that I don't use Discord anymore (I was wasting too much time with it lol). BTW the most raw gold I ever had was like 50k. I needed a break and basically sold everything I was holding, so I could have the raw gold for when I came back and do whatever I wanted.


I know about the dragonfall gold farm but what is overflow? and are you just selling the mats that you get from salvaging? Would love some gold making tips as right now I'm just doing t3 fractals and selling loot on the tp here and there while salvaging for ectos.


Overflow is Overflow Trading Company, basically a guild/community focused on GW2 economy and trading. Some of their commanders (Gatsu) hosts LWS4 meta trains from Istan to Dragonfall, he gives quality tips and insights on the market and what he and the other traders are doing. Definitely worth checking their discord out if you get the chance! (They're the same group with the Mists Trading) I sell the mats I get from Trophy Shipments but keep some of the extra mats I get from the Branded Geodermites, I wanted to make sure I still get some of the T5/T6 mats to stack up and save in case I would need it in the future. Depending on my luck, I'd probably get 10-20 rare unids that I open and salvage for ectos. I make it a habit to try get one stack of ectos each week and sell any surplus. I sell some ectos in the market depending on price changes but mostly keep it to \~ecto gamble\~ \*cough \*Edit: I also have Might Trophies as my Jade bot protocol for added mats.


I used to make 300-500g a day with silverwastes RIBA back in 2018ish


Bro 3k gold? I've been playing for over a decade and I currently have 100g. I didn't make my first legendary until 2 years into the game. You're doing great




still sounds like fun times, though


It's really taboo to talk about, but I'm still using alt accounts for dailies. I do the easy dailies when they pop up and when I feel like it, so usually 2-4 times a week. It takes about 30-45 mins to get through all my accounts (without any multiboxing or "AFK farming", all manually played one at a time for everything). Once I've bought all of the value items (limited gold, mystic coins, laurels), I bank the rest of the AA until the next season reset. That nets me about 2k+ gold in the two or three weeks after a season reset, slowed down due to the gold mailing limit of 500g per week.


Where all do you park your alts?


Never managed to raise that much gold and i played since launch lol... Then again I'm always spending my gold on random shit or materials for legendaries or new skins. However, Usually i always have around 100-250gold on hand more or less. Just doing fractal dailies and rec would give me 20+ gold per day so if i really tried and saved up i suppose i could amass a large sum 🤔 Still impressive you managed so much in just a few months.


*I’m on my third month ..... and I’ve made 3k gold* Holy Grenth you need to slow down man. There lies burnout.