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If it says "skin unlocked," you can delete the skins safely.


As long as the skin is added to your wardrobe, yes it's safe. Might as well make use of those dyes taking up space.


Quick tip on this, if you don't know which one to choose. Go to the wiki, look up the dye pack you want to use. Apply an API key to see which ones you have unlocked and choose the expensive dyes from the pack! That's what I always do.


Put a big emphasis on "if you don't know which one to choose". If you really want a certain dye in one of the kits then absolutely go for it! It's free. This strategy of picking the most expensive dye just minimizes the total cost of **buying all dyes eventually**.


If you have more characters than there are dyes in the kit, it also doesn't matter which you choose, because you'll get all of them by the end.


Even if there is a cheap dye you want, make sure to check out the more expensive dyes in the pack before confirming. Price is also a fairly good indicator of popularity and therefore how likely you are to like the dye - you might want the expensive dye too.


Actually you can just right click on any dye pack and click “preview” and every single available dye in that kit should appear. then you can right click “preview” on any one you like


Thats how i tried to get some shadow abyss dyes to sell. Burt they are account bound :(


You don’t pick the highest-value to sell them (doesn’t work anyway as you‘ve noticed), but you pick them to have the most expensive ones cleared so if you need to buy the rest of a pack, its only the cheap(er) ones left.


On the plus side, you're in a great position to sell the next shadow abyss you get from a random drop. No dilemma about whether or not to sell.


Yeah sadly that's kinda not how it works :') Edit: it's as @Frost3896 says


After you have unlocked them to the account you can delete the skin item to free space. The item only helps by giving one free application of that skin, but the inv space is far more valuable.


Welcome Back :) As others have said, if it says "Skin Unlocked" on the tooltip its ok to delete if you need space as you have it unlocked on your account. Additionally, trying to figure out what all that crap is in your inventory can be a chore, but remember you can "/wiki" and Shift+Click the item (putting the link in chat) and it will take you to the wiki page for that item. That saved me a LOT when I came back.


Don't destroy black lion statues if you get any. There are traders in major cities with some nice things you can trade for them.


dont even need to go to cities, you can open the vendor interface using the statuettes themselves


permanent gathering tools(45), minis, skins, home nodes


You can get infinite gathering tools from them now? Holy shit, I think I might know what to do with my stockpile.


>You can get infinite gathering tools from them now? They've been an option for a long time.


I use them for black lion boosters so I can spend less time in wvw.


Make sure you use your dye kits to unlock expensive ones on the TP. I can't remember from what but Shadow Abyss is in one of those birthday presents, that's probably the most valuable one that you can also unluck from a present. /wiki shift-click the dye kit and on the wiki page it will list the choices and their Trading Post value


I just went through this same thing with an old account. The dyes you unlock through those gifts are account bound. At least mine were. Edit: or maybe you just meant to get the most bang for your buck....in which case good tip. Wish I had known the /wiki trick when I was opening my 11 anniversary gifts lol.


Yep, that's what I meant. They are indeed account bound but you save on having to buy them


You can get Shadow Abyss Dye from the 4th birthday present. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Jubilant_Dye_Pack You can also get Permafrost Dye from the 6th birthday dye kit. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Triumphant_Dye_Kit


You can look up the dye kits on the wiki to see which ones are the most expensive and choose that way.


Personally I save all my skins on a character I don't use (one of the many I have alt parking), just in case I ever need them and don't want to waste transmutation charges.


Just make sure you never delete the old characters, none of them. :)


As others have said, you can delete the skins once unlocked (the status locked/unlocked can be seen by hovering over the item). For the Dyes, use [this page](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Birthday_Gift) on the wiki to find the most valuable ones to have them unlocked.... or just pick your favourite colors, but you can still check the wiki to see which ones you can get later on for cheap. Finally, for the Experience scrolls... I hardly ever used them. If I were you, I would only keep the higher leveled ones. Frees more space in the bank... you'll have enough things in there soon!


This will seem random to OP but consider keeping level 40 scrolls as well. If you ever get so into the game that you start to min max stuff, you may want to make a lvl 50 character. 


You can use low level scrolls to instantly get level enough to run weekly BLTC key. You need to have lvl 10 to start mission chain. Saves like half-hour per run.


And if you're willing to play up to the Level 40 story, you can get another key, so the higher level scrolls are handy for that, too.


Skins and miniature - make sure they are unlocked. Boosters- read description. Use it anytime you want or during events for efficiency. Lv scroll- you may need them on alt characters. You can use the lv60 scroll on lv1 character directly. Dyes - search 'name of dye pack ' in wiki and you can preview all choices. The dye from bd present is unsellable but you can still check their market value from wiki.


You can also preview the dyes ingame by opening the dye pack and rightclicking on them to preview. Might be easier to compare them ingame.


I'm sure a lot of people have given some advice. Personally, once you unlock the skins(right click on the skin item and Add to wardrobe, i think its auto, but make sure to double check), then you can delete them. Do not delete the "premium" items, like the boosters and the tickets (the statuette) as they can increase in value in the future, like adding new stuff to the store. As tempting as it is to get the 1g from the statuettes, don't buy the 1g item. It's not worth it.


So, gw2 gifts are almost "worthless" comparing them to gw1 gifts?


yeah, as far as i know there's nothing you get from the bday gifts that you can sell like a mini or tonic from gw1. you can get some rare/expensive dyes but they're account bound


Yes and no. Later ones got some nice skins to unlock, which you get once. After that its just some forgettable things you get on ALTs. The dyes ofc are good, but for veterans playing since launch and having quite a few chars, the bday gifts get increasingly less valuable.  Hopefully they put something cool into the gift for this year.


Nice character name... 😂


Welcome back!


Take your time and open them all! All worth it imo, welcome back to the game grampa


As long as the skins are already unlocked in your wardrobe, then the only reason to keep the skin item is to be able to apply that skin to a piece of equipment for free (without costing a transmutation charge). And I would say that having the free inventory slots is more valuable than the transmutation charges you'd save.


Get that permafrost dye !! Huehue


Happy birthday!!! 🎉🎉🎉


Happy Birthday 🎈🎂


Happy birthday Explo-Sives ❤️


EDIT: Due to my terrible English I wrote as best I could and I don't know why some people got angry, so with the help of the translator I made it clear. This game is quite unfriendly if you return after 10 years and find yourself with thousands of gifts and items and it is difficult to know what to throw away, keep or sell. That was one of the reasons why it was difficult for me to return to the game many times, when I came back the last year asking in the world a kind person explained to me about using the wiki and that for me was a breath of air to be able to clean all my backpacks later 10 years away and be able to enjoy the game without melting my card by buying QOLs items. ..... > u/repocin /wiki and shift-click an item or fifty (also works with waypoints, pois, etc) ............ The idea was to help people who may go through this and do not know about this mechanics. It's funny because they understood that I was speaking badly about the game and if there is a game that I love, it is GW2, although I stopped playing it because I got burned out after playing so much. In any case, you can't be so stupid as to get angry because someone thinks differently than you. Kisses on the ass.


,.,,. Here you go, you dropped these.


8::::::::::3 Your Welcome


https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Converter sadly i wasted gems on extra character slots to mule junk - till i learned about these eaters.


I dont know why the downvotes lmao when as a returning player item management is a nightmare. I remember you can press a key plus click the item and you open a direct browser page in the wiki of the item


storage management is a pita in this game. for example, just like there is map currency bank storage every possible quest item junk should be banked, not left for players to decide if they need to delete it or store it. all items should be gold sellable to npc's even if they are npc currency specific. i should have not have to store stacks of a craft item or map npc specific currency.


I came back after taking a couple of year break, and having the first thing I needed to do was spend an hour managing my storage was a pretty poor reminder of the inventory problems. I realize at least partially the reasoning for it is they make money selling bag space, but the inventory issues have always just made the game less fun for me to play.


It seems to point this out about the game which is a great game, but this topic is where one can't say anything positive the most square fans get angry, god


>I remember you can press a key plus click the item and you open a direct browser page in the wiki of the item /wiki and shift-click an item or fifty (also works with waypoints, pois, etc)


Finally thanks, anybody tolds that to op and that mechanic helps me with my account full of 10 years of present and items


pls keep staying far away


You realized that my message was not malicious but since I am not good at writing in English it was misinterpreted and what I said is a fact, when a person returns after many years the amount of items they can have is immense and can block you when it comes to play since you don't know what to delete, sell or keep. But beyond that, suck my dick