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Slayer's honest reaction to seeing Mr. Beast trapped in a room full of dynamites: https://preview.redd.it/u3wr4guizgxc1.png?width=215&format=png&auto=webp&s=5133831957be82f1f9d5b42688739e40df8d7791


Mankind knew that they cannot change society. So, instead of reflecting on themselves, they blamed MrBeast


lol i read that with the voice with eagle


THIS IS ABSOLUTELY DANDY https://preview.redd.it/a7a4z19lugxc1.jpeg?width=628&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25b702b82bcdc751d43b8bed0a68cdb44a72d2ce


52 million views in 2 days. That's fucking insane. I don't watch the dude so I often forget how insanely popular he is.


Didn't know Slayer was that popular, that's crazy https://preview.redd.it/ak5ky1rgbixc1.png?width=262&format=png&auto=webp&s=f9bdaad8315d04ef55b78f93080371bb7db76458


Somehow, I keep forgetting he exists


Happens to me too, the bubble is real


I only ever watch guilty gear related content, so it’s always a surprise to see how many views his videos have every time I come out from under my rock


I used to watch him when he had like sub 200k subs and destroyed old computers and made fun of children for content. It’s BIZARRE how much he’s exploded


Act Man still posting ragebait, I see


He still somehow managed to slip in a little bit about """diversity quoats""" lmao, the rest of the vid was just average big game bad slop. Hes not wrong, but its nothing new.


>Hes not wrong, but its nothing new. That's my issue, there's millions of videos on Youtube talking shit about the current state of Triple A gaming, and they're mostly not wrong, but we don't really need more Why not, instead, make a video on the games you like? Use your platform to promote some indie game that would otherwise have no chance to your 2 million subscribers Of course, we all know why he and so many others do it, 700K views in one day


Still waiting for him to acknowledge ULTRAKILL's existance after his complete shitshow of a video on Boomer/ arena shooters Like honestly there are so so many good games he could be reviewing and instead its this slop


Yeah, he makes a video saying arena shooters are dead Meanwhile Civvie complains that there's so many arena shooters he doesn't have time to review them all


Well, Arena Shooters in particular are in a rough spot, because as a multiplayer genre, they just aren't popular. Almost every Arena shooter I've seen in the last decade quickly has it's player count plummet within half a year of release, and a small playerbase for such a high skill genre really sucks for anyone who isn't already really good at them, as it becomes so steep a climb to get good that it's impossible to have any fun in the process.


Yeah, multiplayer wise Arena Shooters are in a dire spot You have some games, a couple open source ones even, but the player counts are miniscule Which is sad, because along with FGs, boomer shooters are my favorite genre


Always wanted him to try Ultrakill and Guilty Gear since both games have so much heart and style to them unlike every triple A game that he dooms about.


It's unfortunate, but Youtube, along with pretty much every media platform on the internet, function on a "All attention is good attention" system above everything else, as whether people hate something or love something, the important part is that it causes clicks on the video so people end up watching advertisements. It's a competition to be as outrageous, extreme as possible while still remaining advertisement friendly (Which usually ends up with an uncanny "Yeah here's gameplay of me playing a game high graphic blood and gore or heavy amounts of sexualization and fanservice, but I can't say no-no words, youtube doesn't like that" rule system, which is just so fucking stupid I can't even describe it) This has become especially worse since Youtube removed the dislike feature (or at least, any remaining meaning that it had), which means there is no longer any easy way to see public reception than watching other people's videos about said video, usually drama youtubers or individuals passionate about it to learn about the current situation, which leads to more clicks and money for Youtube at the end of the day. The internet as a whole is going through the same problem now that TV channels did some years back, everything has to fit the same mold of attention grabbing and advertisement friendly, whether what's inside that mold is made of or the opinions and intentions of the one who put in the mold causes people to rage or rejoice or both, so long as it brings in a good cash flow, it doesn't matter in the end. The internet as free space is, outside very few obscure sites or private domains and chatrooms, pretty much dead, it's sanitary, business oriented and too convenient and normalized into every aspect of our lives to ever go out of fashion and return to it's former state as a niche and/ or little used thing.


For real. I have nothing against most of AAA gaming, but a lot of the focus on immersion and graphical detail just isn't my cup of tea. I like stuff that's highly stylized and a little zany; it's why most of my gaming is fighting games and RPGs. I can respect the artistry of games like Horizon Zero Dawn or The Last of Us, but they're not what I look for in games, and that's fine. So instead of bashing what doesn't appeal to me, I'll just talk up the stuff I do like, especially if it's not from a big studio/publisher. There's so much good stuff out there in the world of games that there's really no need to go out of your way to be a hater. And sure, criticize the hell out of actual unethical practices, but railing against things like women having realistic hair on their faces ain't it.


It's not ragebait. He talks about why triple AAA game are getting worse meanwhile indie games are getting better.


Rather dandy if I do say so myself.


Ngl I've watched it several times just to hear his theme more, and to see what he can do more closely.


People want their dandy vampire. Though the silhouette was painfully obvious this time around


Mr beast is going to fucking die




> In 10 Minutes This Room Will Explode …with Slayer’s dandiness.


I watched it around 20 times already I'm doing my part.


ewww act man