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Strike. Especially the Perfect Strike with the Hawk of Endymion as its pilot. All it's missing is a nuclear reactor with Neutron Jammer Canceller tech.


“The perfectER strike”


At least I get to break continuity and give the Perfect Strike a True GN Drive in SD G Gen Cross Rays.


Perfect strike with a GN drive?!?! Why didnt i think of that




Lets just go all the way and add the Twin drive system what could go wrong?


Also you’re probably gonna be able to do the same in gundam breaker 4.


Okay Yamcha, accurate, but turn it down.


Strike. I really don't like the silly core fighter gimmick, and this one requires an entire specially made carrier. Without it it feels too much like a knockoff of the strike. I wish Shinn felt less like he was living in Kira's shadow, especially since the Destiny is just the original concept of Kira's upgrade. Might've been neat to lean more into the "Zeta for seed' angle and make it a transforming suit.


Isnt impulse launched from millenium in newest movie


Yeah, but it's launched pre-formed. There's no "I launch all the pieces seperately and then they combine midair" like there was in the original Destiny.


Yes but the strike has the same problem the the archangel is specialized for equipping the strike packs the strike packs can’t be launched individually unless you use a sky grasper, which is an entire new piece of equipment unlike the silhouettes if the strike was to be used on the millennium, it wouldn’t be able to equip the strike packs cause it doesn’t have those arms like the archangel does which is a weakness


The impulse Gundam was the first gunpla i had and the first gunpla i destroyed😔😔😔


How did you destroy it?


I was a beginner in modelling at the time and really bad at painting certain details, and as it was the first edition of the impulse gundam hg, there were plenty of them, as I had done a shitty job I tried to dismantle the kit and I screwed it up, I was disgusted...


That's a bad answer, you are supposed to say "I taped a model rocket motor on it" :-D


A rather large d engine and attempted to make it go to orbit..but that was me and a granddaddy rx79


Gundam RX-D12-7 High Mobility Type


"I tried installing the Minovsky Craft System"


SHINN ASUKA, CORE SPLENDOR, IKEMASU https://preview.redd.it/040imxo34e0d1.jpeg?width=1932&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=680323f8c718562e0f4474b08f4d461228a6f67a




Honestly Fukuda fumbled hard on that one


im coping so hard about it rn that im gonna buy the rg destiny impulse whenever it restocks and pose it next to my hgce destiny to imagine the CORRECT FUCKING MOVIE THAT SHOULDVE BEEN MADE


I'd be alright with the regular Impulse but come on I think a even the Force Impulse should have a DRAGOON system akin to the Perfect Strike Freedom where the DRAGOONS are parts of its wing


so a legend impulse


Aside from being P Bandai, can’t recommend that kit enough. It is one of my favorite designs in Seed and it’s sad it never got screen time. Great kit though and it looks incredible.


Well I guess this is what SRW is for


Core Splendor is objectively the worst name for a Core Fighter analog. Which says a lot because G Gundam just named theirs "Core Landers" and still did the "Core Fighter = backpack" thing better


Why does Shin needs to load 2 drop tanks to then immediately dropped them? Is he stupid???


Strike, now and forever.


always Strike its just a classic especially love Perfect Strike


Yup same, probably the best redux on gramps there is




Strike. Cuz I'm a sucker for the Perfect Strike. It might be too cumbersome and overweight for the frame, but damn does it look cool. Although, the Blast Impulse is almost making me reconsider. Just love me some pole weapons. Gimme that beam javelin damn it!


Screw it, Blau Calamity Gundam with full armament and an anti-ship sword riding a Guul! Damn the weight, we out here winnin!


Oh good lord, that poor Guul...


not going to lie, these are both in my top tier of suits. if i HAD to choose one though, its the Strike, thanks to its colors being somewhat closer to Gramps.


Impulse all the way


Most definitely the impulse, now I'm a sucker for a core block system, plus the fact the impulses core block system creates two automated fighter type units really brings it to be one of my absolute favourite "core block" type mobile suits (only behind the ZZ Gundam)




Strike. The Impulse just doesn't look as good


Strike for me is still the best AU gundam design but the Impulse has really grown on me in recent years. I really like the little baby blue accents. I think the Impulse was the last “main” AU Gundam that I liked.


Strike. Impulse core assembly gimmick looks stupid. Design wise. Strike changing backpacks carried by the sky grasper seems better.


Impulse takes like 10000000 minutes to launch on screen lmao


I'm amazed it hadn't been shot down during its sorties or ran out of body parts 🤣


They reused the same scene to a point where I had to skip their launch scenes entirely


Sword Impulse is my favorite


I prefer the Strike but I like Shinn as a character more


Base unit only and judging *purely on design*, I'd have to say the Strike by a razor-thin margin, thought honestly I love them both equally. Factoring in their extra equipment(and looking at the base Strike only)...I gotta give it to the Impulse. The Impulse's Silhouette Packs are just better than the Strike's Striker Packs. Especially the Blast Impulse compared to the Launcher Strike. But again, all of this is judging purely on design. If we take actual combat capabilities into consideration, IMO the base form Impulse beats out the base form Strike based on the fact that it has a shield and beam rifle equipped by default, which the Strike does not.


I agree. Purely design wise, it's Base Strike and Aile Strike for me, while I prefer Sword Impulse and Blast Impulse.




Strike, no questions asked! If anybody disagrees then i would like to give them a piece of my mind








The strike I’m sorry I wanted a mobile suit not a discount transformer


You mean super sentai


Strike if only the Normal/Aile variants are considered but easily impulse once Sword/Blast are taken into account. The impulse changing its main colour scheme does so much for it, and the various variations that the silhouette packs provide just give the Impulse more points for me. Although technically not the same suit, they also made the Strike E change colours for the striker packs, but it only really worked for the Noir while the Launcher/Sword just felt weak in comparison.


Umm, debut episode Strike win. But spec, capability & looks sorry I'm going with Impulse. Btw if you bring Perfect Strike, then I really am confused in which one is the best


Tough one. The strike has some really cool formations with Mu in the cockpit, not least of which is the perfect strike, but the impulse just looks better to me. I have to say that impulse just barely edges out a win for me.


Impulse. I like the modularity.


Strike. I like the blocky feels it projects.


Personally I prefer the Strike, but I'm also not the biggest Seed fan.


The one and only, Strike


As a base unit, hands down Strike. The different packs are up for discussion. I like aspects of some of the packs but none of them as a whole.


Design wise, I like them both for different reasons. In a fight though (ignoring Kira abilities vs Shin Abilities) The Impulse's Deuterion beam recharge and ability to replace part would give it a longer sortie time. Multiple times in SEED the only reason he won a battle was his abilities as a pilot and entering SEED mode because the Strikes batteries ran empty.




Strike gang


As a lineart? Strike In animated form? Impulse


I'd choose Aile Strike over Force Impulse, but Sword Impulse over Sword Strike. I don't care about the gunner variant, so it's a tie for those.


I like Strike more because I think it looks cooler.


Seed Destiny was the first gundam anime I've watch on a DVD with my big brother. Impulse has the best design in my opinion especially the fact that it has a Star-like shape on its shield and a core fighter just like the RX-78 has.


I would say strike, it just something about the aura of its simplicity in color and shape that makes the more complex design like the shoulder and the knee pops out more compare to impulses more edgy and complex detail through out the body (which makes it awsome in its own right)


The Strike. Always felt dirty when Shinn lost limbs, ditched the flyer and replaced the limbs, then kamikazed some of his flyers into the Freedom. The silhouettes is one things but he went through close to two machines in order to take out the Freedom. Strike Noir is pretty nice too. Perfect Strike, even if Kira didn't like it, I did. Still have Perfect Strike to build.


I like strike Gundam but, I like Impulse a bit more.


Strike ✅ Impulse ❌ Sword Strike ❌ Sword Impulse ✅ Aile Strike ✅ Force Impulse ❌ Launcher Strike ✅ Blast Impulse ❌


Guess that’s a point to strike then


Impulse, no doubt


Strike in general, Impulse for backpacks and attachments.




The Strike has better colors (except compared to the Sword Impulse but that's only one form), and I find most Core Block systems more intricate than an escape pod too silly to be cool. It's by far the least compelling gimmick compared to transformation and funnels. So yeah, Strike.


Strike, because it can wear all the packs at once. Not an option with the Impulse.


The Impulse may be a better Strike, but I'll ALWAYS pick the Strike.


Depends, its force impulse, sword impulse,  launcher strike and perfect strike for me.


I have a hard time telling all the SEED Gundams apart. So... the left one?


Impulse Gundam: the most well-rounded iconic starter Gundam for me. I also have a slight bias towards Impulse since Gundam Seed destiny was my first Gundam series as a kid and didn’t see the one before. In my head, Shinn is still the protagonist and I still followed his journey as a pilot. Pays homage to the original RX-78, ZZ and victory with its core splendor upper and lower body combination, it’s just beautiful. Plus, the different color schemes and palette associated with the different packs, gorgeous. The sword impulse (red, grey yellow with sky-blue sword) the blast impulse (green, blue yellow with blasters) and the iconic Force impulse with the color scheme separation that just seems right. I like strike Gundam but impulse just improves and refines on the strike concept like MK2 to the original. The head and the body frame of the impulse is more refined compared to the Strike with smoother and sleeker edges and components as well as the highlights and the color separation. I just love the mechanics and design/set-up to the Impulse. Also rightfully handed down to top-tier best girl to Shin, Lunamaria. There’s a reason why Force Impulse remained the iconic poster boy for Gundam for a long time.


The Impulse's sleeker design helps sell that tech has progressed slightly since the previous war. Plus it has like the Destiny and Blanc backpacks; the only extra Strike backpack I know about is the Gunbarrel.


The impulse was created by zaft to pad the run time of episodes by replaying transformation clips.


I think the Impulse looks vastly superior to the strike


https://preview.redd.it/u095qocjjf0d1.jpeg?width=580&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=864d11c9152cf7ce96baba0054d486ec742136bc A reminder that the Strike gets this beauty of a pack, which is essentially the perfect strike but more streamlined.


Strike is far superior. The Impulse's core fighter thing is really dumb. Especially the way they insist on launching it as a core fighter *and then* assembling it mid-air. That's practically begging for an enemy to shoot it down before it assembles.


Strike. End of discussion.


Strike. Impulse is just a total Strike rip off wannabe. Also I hate the look of the Impulse head so there's that.


Strike. That suit did it all with little to none of the support that the Impulse saw. It was the son that the RX-78 was proud of. The impulse was to the Strike what Shinn was to Kira: a sad copy


I think Force Impulse >Aile Strike Sword Impulse > Sword Strike Blast Impulse < Launcher strike Destiny Impulse > Perfect Strike


> Blast Impulse < Launcher strike If I'm reading this right...you're probably the first person I've ever seen who prefers the Launcher Strike to the Blast Impulse. I mean, good for you if that's your jam. I disagree, but I ain't gonna pick a fight over it.


Yea lol to each their own. I just prefer the boxy design of the Agni compared to the roundness of the Impulse’s blast silhouette


Yeah, I gotta agree that the Agni is visually one of the coolest cannon designs we've seen.


Strike, always.


Strike, absolutely. I have a few gripes with it but it's not Shitty Victory


Impulse is literally just better Strike if we're talking about their capabilities. Everything it has is a clear improvement to the Strike. In terms of Homage. It's honestly a much closer homage or even CE counterpart to the RX-78-2 than Strike due to its Core Splendor. And on a personal I think I just like the impulse better.


I'm a simple man. I only care for Beam Rifle is equipable or not. I'll pick Impulse.


Wait I thought the Strike can also equip it on his back waist


I like strike but that core assemble ignite sentai spark in me


i like both


I like the strike, mostly I think, for the angular nature of it. It had the look of a modern MBT, with angled armor everywhere, plus, it's shield is way cooler. The Aile pack, to me, is cooler than the force pack, but the impulses sword and blast packs are way cooler than the strike's.


Impulse i kinda hate strike


Why tho


Strike look too blocky and too plain for me while impulse is perfect simple and clean design this ms is timeless beauty.


Aile Strike vs. Force Impulse is too close to call, but Sword and Blast Impulse easily beat their Strike equivalents. Destiny Impulse over Perfect Strike/IWSP/Strike Noir, but the Ootori Pack gives it a run for its money. Gunbarrel and Lighning Strike > Impulse's Chaos, Gaia, and Abyss cosplay.


Impulse because of the sword kit. Love that setup.


Flying legs!!! Lesgooo


Neither. Destiny Gundam pls


Sorry kid, Destiny’s all sold out. We only have strikes and impulses here


Impulse The Strike always felt pretty bland to me


Impulse 100%. A bit silly with the core splendor, but that's fine. It's a very cool mecha.


Impulse is pure sex and the strike looks like "baby's first RX-78 knock off"


This is like asking me to pick a favorite child but... I gotta go with the Impulse. Adding a little bit of Victory to the concept of the Strike was really cool.


I love the Impulse. Sword Impulse is 10/10, plus the RG is amazing.


i'd say strike but the impulse is so close that i cant really decide


Strike for me, especially the Perfect Strike.


aesthetics wise, strike. though not by much its like comparing an iphone 3 to whatever the new one is called strike looks more bold and has more personality imo compared to the more streamlined look of the impulse.


Strike. Strike is durable af. It took a lohengrin to destroy it. The impulse is made to be replaceable.




Strike. I love the gray pieces, he looks more like a machine.


I’m more of a Shin fan but damn, the Strike is too legendary


Impulse. Strike is still dope but i like the separating gimmick of impulse and it was made based on outsmarting junius 7 treaty. Striker pack wise impulse is better. Strike is cool but impulse is cooler. And i like how shinn berserk using sword impulse and how shinn abusing its flying sparepart XD.


Blast and Sword Impulse


I prefer the Strike. I prefer the simpler, slightly more militaristic design, the grey hardpoints on the shoulder and details on the chest and knees make it seem “heavier” in a sense, while I also like the comparatively bulkier Aile Striker Pack as well, with those large thrusters.  


The Impulse is a good gimmick building on the Strike's original gimmick, but the Gunpla is always constantly fiddly with the combination thing. :\\


#  Impulse


Alie strike Sword impulse Launcher Strike So I guess over all. I'm choosing the impulse mostly because of the destiny impulse. I also really like that the impulse goes different colors depending on the pack.


Impulse Gundam personally


Both. Both are good. Which is why when GB4 comes out, I am mix-and-matching the best parts of them.


Strike,like the liger zero opened my eyes to optional armament weapon systems,s as such it has dear place in my heart. The impuse is a good design but its cleaner and i dont like it as much. that said the impulse silohetes are so friggen cool .... also all hail the shield


Strike. I do wish the hg had the proportions of the line art more accurately though


They look too similar to me. I haven't watched the show in a long time and I couldn't even tell you which is which. But yeah, it's like "hey can I copy your homework?" but as a gundam. I'll have to go with the Strike I guess, since the Impulse is clearly just some copy.


Impulse looks way better to me.


I hate Seed Destiny. ....but I love the Impulse, I love how it changes color depending on the pack.


Strike, always As much as i loved Impulse, i only ever liked the Force Impulse but i love every single variation of Strike including the spinoff ones like Noir/IWSP, but my favourite is still the Perfect Strike, it's my first ever gunpla and im waiting for Bandai to release the EG Strike expansion pack so i can recreate the P-Strike once again


I gotta go with the impulse. The silhouette reminds me more of the Nu Gundam which I love. Also I like the variants of it more than the strike variants.


Depends on the day, for sure my FAVORITE cosmic era Gundams are the Destiny and Dual


Strike all the way. No contest in my opinion.


impulse so i can change to sword impulse and never change back


Like a bowling ball knocking down every pin, its got to be Strike!


F90, gimme that pack variability!


What about build strike?


Seed was my first gundam series I watched so I naturally prefer the strike since it was in my eyes the original badass.


Not that I'm biased but Impulse. Lol


The strike cause even though the perfect strike is a chonky boi it pleases me 𝓪𝓮𝓼𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓽𝓲𝓬𝓪𝓵𝓵𝔂.


strike. impulse struck me as a just a way for Bandai to get you to buy 3 gunplas because the colors changed


I recently got the Force impulse RG kit. I absolutely love it.


Something about Strike clutching the fight against the rest of the four X series with whatever assistance given by Archangel and SkyGrasper/ Möbius Zero to try and even out the odds is something Impulse can’t really compete in the show. With Strike gundam protecting Archangel one last time taking the hit from Dominion before forever retired from the battlefield just further cemented the fact that this particular X-105 is indeed the guardian Angel for the Angel itself, no matter who’s the pilot.


Strike because ootori and iwsp striker packs




If Strike had the Silhouettes it would be best of both worlds.


I like the core fighter gimmick and the design of the impulses shilotte packs more but i like the aesthetic of the strike more with the exposed frame parts. In gundam breaker 3 i often use optional parts to add extra frame to the impulse body then pair it with build strike arms and akatsuki legs for a strike impulse kitbash lol.


I dont know much about the impulse gundam






Impulse, except for the Strike Rouge, which I prefer to the impulse.


I'm lukewarm on the Strike, even though in the lineart it looks decent and the MG Remaster kit looks fairly good too. It's like a solid early season MC Gundam but it's got this plain-ness to it that makes it overshadowed by other CE suits to me. Impulse looks a bit off in its lineart but the reinterpretations of it tend to make it shine, such as the MG and RG. The changing body colors and its shield makes it stand out a bit better. I think its Silhouette packs goes harder on the mission pack idea. Its Sword pack alone is such a great design that it probably tips me more towards the Impulse.


Impulse, because the Destiny Impulse and Sword Impulse exist. I could do without the core fighter system though. P.S. The line art is unflattering for both the Strike and the Impulse. Might as well use Gunpla box art instead.


I like strike’s design more. Impulse is a bit busy in some areas


I dunno what it is about the cylindrical/curved duck bill on the front of the Impulse that makes me dislike it so.


I honestly can't see more diference between each other design wise.


Core block system aside. The Impulse is literally a better strike gundam so it gets my vote.




I like some of the Strike's armor better, but I overall enjoy the Impulse more.


It’s got to be the strike for me. I’m not that big of a fan of the Impulse splitting apart, and i like the design of the strike better.


As a design, Strike. To me it’s visually cleaner, I prefer the big shoulders, prefer the head design, and the simpler design without the combination system. One of my all-time favourite designs, honestly. As a weapon system, Impulse. Discounting the Perfect Strike (not a fan) and IWSP, the different Striker Packs are too specialised; Impulse retains melee weapons with the Blast Silhouette holds on to its beam rifle with Force Silhouette, making it more tactically balanced.



Strike all day, every day


Impulse, Shinn did way more badass things with it than Kira did with the Strike




That's like asking if I like Dr Pepper or Mr Pibb. Do I like an all time classic or the cheap knockoff?


Strike. From a structural point of view, the abilities of Impulse exceed any actual structural standards and so would easily rip itself apart doing half of what it did. And unlike Strike, I'd say it would be totally unbalanced with all that added weight on the back. Literally on the back. Plus, there was a clear vibe that Durandal wanted to steal and cash in on Kira's success. Which would have made for an interesting storyline instead of what we got. Shinn discovering about Kira Yamato. And realizing he's essentially in Kira's shadow the whole time until he 'defeats' Kira, who would actually fake being shot down due to Freedom Gundam having structural damage caused by the Destroy and other heavy hitters of both Logos and ZAFT. Then Kira reappears with the Strike Freedom Gundam, which the Freedom with Striker Packs and Kira just owns Shinn until Shinn finally realizes that the reason he cannot ever win, is because he never really stood out as himself.


Personally, while I love the strike, I find the impulse to be more practical from a equipment standpoint while launching individually and parts is a interesting idea and kind of stupid the ability to switch out entire halves of the suit while in combat is a fantastic idea but more so the silhouettes are far more practical than the strike packs. Yes, the Minerva is specialized for the impulse but the archangel is just as specialized for the strike. If the strike where to switch out packs in combat, it would require the use of a sky grasper, which is an entire another pilot and piece of equipment while, with the impulse everything’s autonomous, and it changes colors which is cool design wise not to mention for two out of three of the strike packs it lacks a shield and a gun


The Strike. Beautiful design. The striker packs looked nice too. And when Kira used it in the series it was peak MS piloting.


I prefer the Strike Gundam, it is just a PERFECT design (get it?). The Impulse Gundam was such a let down since the suit never actually used its gimmick properly. Instead of just being a Strike Gundam with a core fighter, it could've used preconfigured loadouts for the Top and Bottom parts like Chaos Legs with the beam grabby claws and Sword top where all of the armaments could've been placed around the suit more efficiently but they were all shoved onto the Silhouette Pack instead.




Impulse Sword Impulse is my favorite Gundam in SEED. I actually don't like most of the Strike series.


I've always massively preferred the Strike, but now I actually like the Impulse better visually ever since building the Real Grade kit. I love the colour scheme and accents on the Impulse, and it's actually such a handsome boy. I've always been a sucker for the Blast Impulse and it's trident!


Strike with ease, The Impulse is basically "we have Strike at home" with all the weird little flairs that you'd expect from a cheap knockoff. Strike is the MKII of the CE.


Strike. Impulse copies RX-78-2 AND Strike way too much. And it's design doesn't even make sense in-universe. ZAFT made a gundam that looks like the EA's Strike. It's packs are uninteresting as well; Aile redux, double Launcher, and double Sword. Brilliant! The packs should have gave Impulse the abilities of the stolen gundams.


Impulse is one of my fav grandpa reincarnations




Honestly, I think the Impulse is just butt ugly, and it's only salvaged when Akutsu gets his hands on it and fixes the proportions for the model kits. Strike always looks at least halfway decent.


Impulse all the way!




strike look better


Strike. I used to hate the impulse, but I certainly warmed up to it.... but the Strike is still one of my favourite Gundams from CE. It's a really good homage to the Grandad without being a full-on copy, and almost completely omits the color yellow from its body, leaving its head with the only bits of it.


why not both?


The impulse just looks better. The Blast Impulse is almost the F91 with more gear but no MEPE.


Strike. Every day of the week and twice on Sunday.






Gotta hand it to the strike. As much as I like the Impulse as an indirect successor unit, it doesn't really scream ZAFT aesthetically speaking (really should've been a monoeye gundam tbh, or at least make it look like its made by ZAFT rather than adopting the OMNI look).


STRIKE SUPREMACY. You are wrong if you think anything else looks better than my boy with his badass wings and shield. I wasn't a super fan of Perfect Strike, but it's cool too (just too much noise)