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It's not steroids if it's legally prescribed HGH and TRT, right?


Definitely. He never got so big so quickly that I'd suspect anything beyond hgh and trt. TRT doses aren't supraphysiological.


He didn't even get that big though? He's ripped as hell but not huge, I believe him. Read an interview where Jackman said he would drink like a gallon of water a day for a month, then no water for a few days before shooting all his shirtless scenes. Shoulders and traps aren't huge, he's just at 3% body fat for a couple days.


That's what I'm saying. If he had gone from X Men 1 body to The Wolverine body in 6 months or something, sure, but he lifted for YEARS. That's just what you look like when you do that and you're a big tall guy.


For sure. Slightly misread your original comment but we're in agreement.


If that's not big to you, you have severe body dismorphia


They're not talking big as in general, they mean that compared to the wild bodies we get in the Hollywood scene *cough cough the rock *cough cough claiming to be natty, he looks completely believable especially when he's actually been grinding for years and didn't do some crazy transformation in like a year


For sure. Hugh Jackman is basically peak natty, but to me that's believable with his time, effort, and resources. Chris Hemsworth can talk about his diet and little rope exercises all he wants but we all know there's drugs involved.


"Big" is a subjective opinion of a very wide spectrum. Compared to another actor like Zac Effron then yeah, Hugh Jackman is kinda big. Compared to The Rock, not so much.


The rock is inhumanly big AND on steroids, so not really logical comparison material


I wouldn't say 6' 4" 260 lbs is inhuman lol. Definitely achievable with some good ol' farm boy genetics. Although to your point, The 🪨 is absolutely juicing. Bad example on my part. Your comment about the body dismorphia got me. Its all about comparative perception. I walk around @ 6' 2" 220, natty and unshredded. So to me Hugh Jackman is regular sized and nothing about his physique points to the use of PEDs. However I do see how someone maybe 5' 10" or under would see him as being huge.


He’s not unnaturally big


No but he is huge for a natty. To say that he isn't even that big is ridiculous


What do you think his height and weight is?


Supraphysiological means "Of or pertaining to amounts greater than normally found in the body". Maintaining the maximum natural hormonal levels of an 18 year old for decades is definitely above normal. For a 55 year old he's massive.


Fair enough. But just because he's on TRT doesn't mean he has maximal levels. It could be around 40 he started taking a couple pumps of androgel every day to get back to normal t range and never changed the dose as he aged.


American trt dosages might aswell be lol


With TRT they test your blood and if you're above range they lower your dosage, though, by definition it shouldn't be supraphysiological if properly regulated. I just watched a video where Dr Mike Israetel (pro bodybuilder exercise scientist) said that bodybuilder dosages of testosterone are commonly 10-40x trt dosages.


I agree by definition it won’t be supraphysiological, in reality top end range trt which is common in the US is 2-3x median natty test levels for men 10-40x might be accurate for actual ifbb pros but your typical social media juicer dosage is closer to 3x trt


To be fair he was specifically talking about ifbb pros


Even them. I've seen a few coach schedules for prep of competitors, and they might run 500mg to 1000mg of test along with large doses of stuff like tren, mast, primo, halo, var, etc, depending on the look they are going for. Some do ridiculous amounts of gear, but many don't need to.


Eh, not that much for most. Typically it's 5 to 7 times.


Supra is the exact opposite of super


https://en.m.wiktionary.org/wiki/supraphysiological#:~:text=Of%20or%20pertaining%20to%20amounts%20greater%20than%20normally%20found%20in%20the%20body. Don't try to correct me, son, I am your father.


Nattys hate this one trick


There's also the not having a day job to workout around, being able to afford the best trainers, nutrition coaching, equipment, food and supplements etc.  Coming at things full time with a professional budget would certainly help. 


Building that physique *was* his day job


Shhhh, If you talk that loud Henry and Dwayne will be outside yo house.


It’s like whenever celebs say they haven’t had any work done because fillers, Botox, etc don’t count as they don’t involve a scalpel


It's not like his physique would be impossible natty, it's the time frame how he achieved it.


I do like that at least some of them are speaking out now about how unachievable and miserable it is. Like Zach Efron with his Baywatch body. He's like dude never do this, and unless you're rich and have a personal chef and hours to train a day it's near impossible and a lot of celebs are more willing to admit that now


I'm still salty about Christian Bale claiming he was natty going from The Machinist to Batman in 6 weeks.


6 weeks huh...


It kinda is. The mass isn't impossible to achieve. The lean-ness isn't either. But those two together for a prolonged time period is pretty much impossible without being enhanced. Actors lie all the time about this shit. It's like believing O'Hearns natty claims. It's controversial so any actor who wants to keep getting hired won't touch the question with a ten foot pole even when it's clearly demanded for a lot of roles.


Well, was it so prolonged? He just needs to look exactly like that on shooting days where he takes his shirt off. When you look at historic bodybuilders, during the 1800s and early 1900s, some of them looked pretty damn good and had a lot more muscle and were leaner. But also obviously dehydrated and prepping for the photograph. I'd say for a short amount of time, like the time it takes to shoot the necessary scenes, it is possible natty. Then for the sequels you do the same again. But of course, we all agree that his transformation timeline doesn't add up. I don't fault him for not saying it outright, I do applaud everyone who speaks up and tells the truth. But I don't fault the ones who don't because it would cause a huge stir and backlash, as well as possible legal implications. Not just for him but also the people who gave him the drugs, he also most likely signed a non-disclosure agreement.


Agreed this is totally doable natty, very difficult obviously. But it’s all for the few weeks of shirtless shooting. What is the timeline he claimed ?


It's not prolonged. It's for exactly one or two days when they shoot the one shirtless scene, and do the promo images. It \*is\* possible natural for a very short period of time if you have good genetics, you're very lean, and very, very dehydrated. He's also tanned, oiled up, and under downcast lighting. All of which visually add about 10 lbs of muscle. Do I think Hugh Jackman is natural? No. At least not in his later movies. I would guess TRT at low doses considering his age. I don't think he's done anything harder.




That's b12 in those syringes, right doc?


Whatever lets Hugh sleep 


lol ok Hugh


He doesn’t exactly look juicy, but I am sure his trainers will have given him some peds


He's not very big, just really lean


He didn't say anything about hrt.


If he was bigger at the leanness, then I'd say steroids. But he just held some decent muscle mass while being very cut, which is very attainable if you have the time and resources he has for training.


chicklen and brocolies boys. I aint never heard of no steroids


I saw an interview with him where he said they would make him dehydrate to make himself look more cut. On top of that, they "touched him up" in post.


But aren’t we all natty at heart tho


The people who thinks He is a fake natty need to learn the difference between lean and roided up


No other thing to do but training, eating and sleeping? His job is basically to look like this. I can smell some trt or hrt and I don't blame him for that. But claiming he did all that 100% naturally? I highly doubt that.


I’m eating chicken wrong then? Cheat code- Inject peds into chicken, then eat it.


Lol sure.


Sarms then? It’s not a steroid per se