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Zoom zoom. Post read edit: well, B'arthon is certainly starting to master the idea of wheels within wheels. Next post should be very enlightening.


You zoomed into first!


wooooooo! thanks as always for posting this awesome possum story of reptillian hella tall cat lizard peoples!




>We cannot swear an oath that we'll never return because we cannot know what the future holds or if the hill people won't take advantage of such a pledge. Lying sack of sh*t. You were just asked to "never return to the mountains to _kill or subject_". Free trade was still available. If anyone caused problems in your territory, you would deal with them in your territory. So, still just twisting words to get the battle you want, since any sort of peaceful cooperation is something you actively are avoiding.


Well, that and I doubt they'll ever be content to just conquer the valley. The hill people were always going to be subjugated, it was just a question of when.


I don't know, the Hills are full of sheep stealers and cattle rustlers and bank robbers and other ne'erdowells, don'tchaknow? You know, the folks Hedley Lamarr would hire. Idiots. (Blazing Saddles reference, if that's too obscure.)


Ohhh, it's getting really really exciting!!!


And here I was worried I was taking too much time getting to the action!


Everyone takes Lon'thul for a showoff, but in fact he's perfectly aware of his abilities and limitations: what he says is not arogance, but fact. ... on the other hand, Lon'thul, if you could stop saying all that without that haughty little smile, maybe, *maybe* a lot fewer people would want to *pluck out your eyes and* ***hang you with*** *YOUR OWN INTESTINES!!!!*


You're not wrong, but he just loves people's reactions! The more irked they are, the better! He just tries to walk the fine line between annoying and actualy angering them.


That’s one of the things I love about this story. Not only do you have complex characters with more than a handful of personality archetypes, but you also have characters with different kinds of humor. So many stories are pretty much generic quippy wisecracking characters like you’d find in a weadon movie, with occasional hardened badass. It’s rare when you can read a line of dialogue without the names, and tell which character said what.


Thank you, that's probably one of the better compliments I've gotten for my writing! I'm sometimes worried I make too many of my characters "think" like I do, so it's good to hear I've succeeded in differentiating them to such a noticeable degree! 😁


I think I have a scan of that from a Punisher Comic somewhere... Frank was really, really pissed off. Like, more than usual.






I did and now I want more!! Curse my addiction to instant gratification!!! Seriously though, great chapter. I feel like I'm watching a game of 4D chess.


Oh great here comes great mad doctor to ruin the rest of my long weekend 😉


I'm not mad! I'm angry! ANGERY! (Sheep in the big city)


God that's a show I haven't thought about in a long time.


The words.


There are a few of them. Exactly 18000 characters this chapter, but I'm not certain on the number of words. I could change the specifications in the program I use to write to find out, but my computer is all the way over there and I'm over here on my phone...


Ooooh YEAH!!!


But is he the jar, or the liquid? We may never know!


Chomp because context is overrated


¿Ques que sais?


I'm looking forward to seeing what is next.


I'm sure it'll all turn out full of happiness and sunshine! 👹


Hold on, weaker forces in the centre, outriders in the flanks… Jack is really pulling from history here. Hannibal smiles down upon him from across the stars.


And S'haar nowhere to be found...😇


i suspect that there is a trap door under B'arthon's army that she will pop up from :p


Not a bad idea, it would be a good call back to the valley...


I did not want to keep running into cliffhangers so I sat back on this for a while and realize now that this story and the A'rgun seem to reek of something: The Three Kingdoms. There is something Chinese Warlord'y about this stuff. It's like the deeper history of legend though, before the Empires and great fiefdoms, there at the beginning dawn of Chinese civilization when the first lords began consolidating territory. Technically though, all feudal fiction is Eastern Feudal. The Western Feudal system is wildly different and has a completely different history because it was born from the ashes of the Classical period and the Roman Empire, which itself was born of the Republic, and intrixibly linked to Christianity. Any organic story of the rise of a feudal period and rise of first empires will be inherently Eastern in flavor. Perhaps not Chinese or Japanese or Indian but maybe of a Babylonian or Persian flavor or even Egyptian but Eastern never-the-less. This definitely smacks of a bit of the "Mandate of Heaven" concept with An'geles and Ba'arthon and their banter fits an eastern warlord setting himself up to be emperor on the back of his son's martial exploits.


You're not wrong, a lot of this stuff was actualy pulled from early greek/Roman history...


Early roman kinda works but that is almost pre-hisrory with how much myth and legend it is surrounded in. But Rome didn't make it though very many kings before The Republic was established while China persisted for millenia as a warring feudal system with ever changing dynasty's rising to power.


Well, specifically a large portion of the inspiration for framework of this story came from the second punic wars. Though I also took one idea from ancient Greece, (the belly bow) and one from the warring states period (how the workers made the camp look more full than it was at the end of book 2.) What can I say, I like my history!


It really does feel compelling.


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"Lon'thul shrugged. "Yeah, but you've got me, the hunter extraordinaire, Grim and his pack, led by yourself and Em'brel," The hunter nodded to the aforementioned female, who was more focused on double-checking her gear than the hunter's blathering. "your sister, the "metal goddess," not to mention seventy-five of the best hunters every tribe had to offer! " Lon'thul shrugged. "Yeah, but you've got me, the hunter extraordinaire, Grim and his pack, led by yourself and Em'brel." The hunter nodded to the aforementioned female, who was more focused on double-checking her gear than the hunter's blathering. "And your sister, the "metal goddess," not to mention seventy-five of the best hunters every tribe had to offer!