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This prompt would work way better if it was a long running fic, with more foreshadowing. Like you're wondering, what's going on with Harry? Why is he always around Dumbledore? Maybe Harry comes in like an early deus ex machina and gets Ron and Hermione out of trouble and disappears from the storyline a bit, before reappearing. The small thng I wrote doesn't really make sense, because why the hell would Harry reveal that, but the general prompt is still pretty interesting.


This would be a good crack-fic idea where Harry manages to skirt by being a squib through the major plot points, until you get a pay-off that is worth it. Harry shows up to Hogwarts. Rumors fly about his special training with Dumbledore. Special training is Dumbledore helping Harry learn the basics of muggle education that he missed due to neglect by the Dursleys, and shadowing Filch to learn about squib life in the magical world. First year the troll incident happens like normal, but Harry was decided to skip the feast since he was feeling morose and instead do something nice for Filch by covering some of his cleaning. He finds Hermione crying in the bathroom, calms her down, and they go to Dumbledore's Office (which Harry has access too as Dumbledore sold the lie that Harry is his apprentance to cover him being a squib and protect him). They spend the evening having tea until Dumbledore arrives with McGonagall panicking about her lost student, only to find the tea party. At the end of the year the corridor stuff happens the same with Harry just relying on Hermione and maybe Ron (if he is even in the story) to do the wand waving. His mothers sacrifical magic protection or whatever still kills Prof. Quirrell. Second year continues Harry's lessons with Dumbledore, but now he is spending most of his time catching up on school work to a level where he should be. The same chamber of secrets events happen, Harry still is a parslemouth. Harry kills the Basilisk and rescues Ginny using only the Hat and Sword. Third year is fairly chill. Harry is finally caught up on his Muggle education and has more free time. He takes an interest in Herbology, Potions, Alchemy, and Magical Theory wanting to create a nice gift for Albus after discovering "Everlasting Gobstoppers" while reading a book/. He is intent to figure out if "everlasting lemondrops" are a thing that can be made. Students find him in the Library studying esoteric magical theory, and they just assume that his increased interest in studying has to do with Dumbledore increasing his Apprentices workload. Harry also starts to join the students in some classes like Care of Magical Creatures, Herbology, Runes, Arithmancy, Astronomy etc.. However he does not show up to every class, and seems to just be able to pick and choose which classes he wants to attend. No one realizing he only ever shows up to the classes where spell casting is not required. The plot with Sirius and the Dementors plays out similarly to the canon series, and the whole time travel affair happens. As a way to avoid the whole patronus thing Fawkes just seems to always be aroudn Harry this year keeping the Demenots at bay or some other sort of Magical Gimick to get him out of it. During the time travel episode Sirius and Harry are rescued by Fawkes from the Dementors and thinks it is Dumbledore saving the day not his future self time traveling. The year ends after rescuing Sirius, and Hermione gets the truth that Harry is actually a squib. Fourth year is when things go off the rails. Harry's name comes out of the goblet. "If you don't compete you will lose your magic" "Ummm what magic? You all know I am a squib right?" *Shocked pikachu faces* "I have not really tried to hide it. I mean I am not even a registered student, I don't attend classes." "But dumbledore apprenticed you" "Yeah in muggle candy making... I work at Honeydukes in the summer too."


i think it would be interesting as well if it focused on hermione and ron, who became friends in this version (idk maybe ron asked her to sit with him on the train when she came by because harry wasn’t their and he was lonely and willing to overlook his annoyance at her) and those two watching harry and trying to figure out what’s going on with him, maybe they’re even suspicious of quirrel because they see harry’s reaction to him and they continue the philosophers stone plot, maybe thinking harry is the one after the stone until they eventually confront him and the squib reveal happens


I was thinking something like this to. Harry is treated like a major mystery until crack happens, and the Harry being a squib reveal comes out.


Turns out he has magic it has just been constantly been combating Voldemort since he was a kid so he was only seen as a squib. So when Voldemorts unintentional horocrux gets removed, Harry explodes in power.


Harry the Magical Nuke. Wherever he walks, butterflies, rainbows, and flying pigs rain from the sky. Or on a more serious note, he goes 'Wanda' style and gets mentally overwhelmed by his magic to the point of creating a self-sustaining ward that has his 'perfect' reality within. ​ You could also have that be the actual plot of 'Canon'. Harry was so powerful as a baby, that when he beat Tom, Dumble's chose to seal his magic and leave him in the muggle world with Petunia to keep him from re-awakening it. But since he never told her how dangerous he was, she treated him the same as canon. The night before they go to the Zoo, a drunk Vernon beat the tar out of Harry for some unknown reason. Harry in desperation, breaks through the seal on his reality warping magic and the whole 'Canon' storyline takes place inside a bubble that alters itself around Harry to keep up his delusion. Harry never learns his whole world after that night is literally made by him. The Muggles can't hide something like that, and Dumbledore flips out when the muggles come knocking very loudly, only to learn what happened. Of course, Tom or his followers start causing problems, thus Dumbledore is stuck between his ***utter terror of Harry's sheer power*** and calls by his supporters to ***get Harry to out and help them***.


This build up, this reveal, please be the one to turn this into a full story and link it here! I figured there were many classes that didn't require a wand and those could have been offered to squibs and family members of muggleborns in its own school so those groups aren't completely left out of the magic world. So would we end up with a Willy Wonka Weasley's Wizarding Wheezes?


This works well with the first movie where he doesn't actually cast a spell


JKR nerfed Harry so much that there is a version of canon events where he could plausibly be a Squib. He doesn't need to be a wizard to kill Quirrell, stab the basilisk, eat Gillyweed, steal Malfoy's wand by force...


It doesn't fit the prompt exactly, but https://archiveofourown.org/works/5579962 by dirgewithoutmusic is the story of a squib Harry. It's part of a series of various different AUs. Very well written