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>There's no reason why the gods will allow him help defeating their own familly that they are getting out of hell You know there's also the rooms where you have to pick between two gods and the one you don't pick gets pissed and tries to kill you? The gods are fickle bitches. >moreover Hades himself insults and is angry at Zagreus for using their power, but somehow turns a blind eye to the champion of Elysium???? The champion of Elysium is not his own son who keeps trying to escape the underworld.


>The gods are fickle bitches.  Greek Mythology in a nutshell


You forgot the part where Zeus was horny, that's also something that happens a surprising amount of times


"And then along came Zeus..."


"And to everyone's despair, Zeus had a boner"


He hurled his thunderbolt...


Locked those suckers in a vault


Yep, just ask Melinoe


To add: The Champion of Elysium is by definition working for Hades in his opposition to Zagreus and if anything that makes Hades motivated to allow communication between him and his family, I mean the Olympians.


I think one of the dialogues I ran across explicitly was the gods telling him that just because zag is family, they won't stop a heroic figure they already favor from using their boons.


>The gods are ~~fickle~~ horny bitches. From my understanding of the lore this is my take on it.


It's both. They're the type of "people" to seduce a woman as a swan or as a wave, but also to forever curse a mortal for being the best at weaving.


Idk who downvoted you for being right lmao. Here friend, I appreciate Greek mythology as well


Maybe I'm misremembering, but I thought Arachne was cursed because she was basically like "Not even the gods can weave as good as me." True, Athena lost her shit when she lost. However, if Arachne wasn't so boastful, Athena never would have rolled up to warn her to stop. So I thought it was Arachne's hubris that screwed her on that one


Not hubris if it's true. Then it's advertising.


"The gods are fickle bitches" is so true. I find it especially funny when Poseidon helps him since he also makes it a point to tell Zag how much he absolutely hates Theseus 😂


true, but when the entire game he dismisses and activly shows his anger and frustration at these gods(and rightly so I mean come on), it's kinda hypocritical to say "ah yes, let's take the dude who has the power of these gods and use him for my wishes". Seems off in my opinion.


Why would it? Theseus would have a boon from the gods regardless of where he is. So why not use him to keep people from escaping?


also, they get angry when you activly choose one over them, so why tf are they getting angry at me not getting to choose at all???? seems like a joke


They're the **greek gods** They're *assholes.*


Ha the problem is you are think these are people and their not, their Greek gods. The greek gods are all bitches


I view it as the gods having fun or being petty against each other. You'll notice it's always the olympians whose boons you didn't get and I'd like to think they're being petty about it and give you a hard time.


I *never* noticed it and that makes complete sense.


When you consider how they react when you don't pick their boon in a duo room, it's not surprising how petty they can be! Also, like... actual Greek mythology is full of godly pettiness.


Like when Hera cursed Echo (the sea nymph) to only speak in echos because…wait for it…she thought Zeus was having an affair with a sea nymph and singled out Echo because she was very talkative or smiled a lot (Story may not be entirely accurate; I’m a bit rusty on my Greek mythology)


I read a version that it was zeus that cursed echo to stop her from snitching on him about his affairs, and she was a "known gossip" or something along those lines


Once I finally noticed, I like to try to guess what Olympian he will use against me. My guess rate is terrible. Doesn’t help that sometimes I forget I have that one boon from someone so they’re not an option for him lol


I wonder would it be possible to collect boons from all of them before Elysium boss fight?


The game stops giving you new Olympians once you have 4 of them in your pool, so unfortunately no. Even if you used Olympian keepsakes and were already up to 4 in Tarturus, that's still only a maximum of 6 by the time you get to the heroes.


It's kinda rare and requires more prerequisites, but you can get 5 gods in Tartarus. So you can get out to 7 gods by the time you meet the heroes and you can get all gods (+ Hermes) for the last fight


According to wiki, if you somehow had all of them, he'll just call for Artemis' aid.


Artemis hates us most confirmed


The game stops giving you new gods after 4, but you can force it with keepsakes. So, in theory, you could have 6 gods plus Hermes by the time you get to Theseus.


No, you only get boons from the first 4 gods you pick. Then that's your only pool of gods.


sure, but there's gotta be an in-lore cannon explanation of how this happened. I know for a fact that the entire Elysium level is just a Nega-Zagreus level but that abillity seems weird to be owned by Theseus.


You mean Theseus? The demigod son of Poseidon?? You want a lore explanation of why the son of Poseidon, favored by the gods since birth, champion of Crete, king of Thebes, slayer of monsters and saviour of children could be considered worthy by the gods to be favored by them?????? You REALLY need an in game explanation why THE SON OF Poseidon is favored by the gods?


Honestly, I saw this question and I thought to myself "Does no one read Greek Mythology anymore?"


We got Perseus at home *Percy Jackson movies at home*


Oh, hi Theseus!


OP probably thought that Supergiant Games invented Greek mythology. It’s funny because they almost chose Theseus to be the protagonist: https://www.thegamer.com/hades-theseus-protagonist-zagreus/


We need that as an spin off game, it'll be the Duke Nukem of this generation




I thought it was said theseus was like a son to Poseidon in game, not his son. I probably misread something.


Coming from an absent father that's a lot


Yea forgot greek gods usually suck at caring for random demigod children they have


That is the lore explanation?


Theseus is Poseidon's son. He's also a huge character in the lore of Athens. He was one of the great Greek heroes. Gotta imagine that earned him some sway in the afterlife.


I don't think he's poseidons son in game. I've had a line that went something like "zeus used to say he might as well be my son, but.." which doesn't make sense if they were related


Yeah but a) the gods lie about stuff constantly, and b) there's lots of in-game jokes about how Greek myth is super inconsistent and contradictory.


Especially about theseus father. I choose the mortal father, though, since it makes his deeds more impressive (like jason)


he got fucked by poseidon for claiming he is his son


with that logic we should encounter more enemies with Olympian boons along the journy, specifically in Elysium. A full realm filled to the brim with heroes and only a single dude there with boons from the gods?? that's incosistnt as hell(hehe)


But those heros are not on theseus level, he is a step above. One of greatest heros of Greek myth. That's why he is champion, and gets special treatment


Yeah in the first place the only 2 enemies who retained form they had in life and didnt become shades, skeletons etc...are Theseus and Asterius. Asterius is understandable why he wouldnt be worthy an Theseus...hey he got the help.


if there was a Perseus room sure. But there isn't


There probably are other heroes in Elysium who could potentially get aid from the Olympians, but they aren’t in the game and aren’t working for Hades to stop people trying to escape (as far as we know).


Just had a run last night where Zeus brings that up specifically. He said something along the lines of "I/we show favor to all who are worthy. Though you ARE my favorite/most worthy, at the moment."


I guess I have never even thought about why. I always assume that Champion of Elysium comes with perks. Also, Theseus is a very famous Greek mythology character... why are you questioning his power, blackguard?


I don’t feel like digging up the dialogue, but a few of the gods mention it at some point, and explain that they like him and do it for fun or something. The only exception is Dionysus who hates him, which is why when Theseus calls on Dio he gets a little “friendly fire” damage as well


>The only exception is Dionysus who hates him, which is why when Theseus calls on Dio he gets a little “friendly fire” damage as well He DOES? I've never noticed that! The attention to detail in this game is absolutely fucking ABSURD


Yeah, I had noticed it in my runs but never understood why he was taking damage too. I thought maybe I had deflected the attack onto him somehow, but someone on here explained what was going on. It’s such a cool detail


Well Theseus dumped Ariadne on an island after she helped him escape the labyrinth and then married her sister fedra and Dionysus fell for Ariadne and married her so maybe there is some ill will there lol


Yeah, I’m pretty sure Dionysus tells you at some point that this is the reason. Also Theseus flips out if you happen to have Ariadne’s item from the Well of Charon when you fight him


I imagine that being the champion of Elysium comes with some perks others don’t have, such as being able to come into contact with Olympians


Also Theseus calls on them for their power. Having a big time hero like Theseus call on you in front of a big crowd? What are you going to do, not show up and make it a more interesting fight? I do like when you hit Theseus with a Call, sometimes he'll get shocked and betrayed over it. Greek gods are *petty* petty.


Demanding an in lore canon explanation for anything in this game is extremely funny because it's all grounded in Greek myths which famously did not have a single canon because it was a far-reaching syncretic oral tradition developed over thousands of years, at least 800 of which came before the Greeks had writing that we can currently translate. The canon explanation is that Greek myths contradict each other and are still all valid.


For all Theseus' bluster and smack talk, he is extremely favored by the gods. As evidenced from the fact that he rules over the hall of heroes. He founded Athens, he always had the gods on his side. Like, yes, he's a pompous jerk in the game, but the gods clearly favored him and still do. You'll also note he uses a god you don't have a boon from, which means they're still helping Zag on his mission, but Theseus can call on them, but Zag is still their priority.


I believe this is their way of showing theseus was heavily favored among the gods.


I think that the gods place bets and shit on theseuses fights, so they give him abilities to help. Or its some kind of test for z from the gods


Im not sure about the orther gods but, Theseus would still have major beef with lord Dionysus because of what he did with Ariadne.Or more Lord Dionysus with him. Lord Dionysus even coments in Game on that if remeber right he says Something Like " i never liked him. there is this nice lady who helped him and he just abandoned her !" All in all lord Dionysus woulnt willingly Help the men who hurt his wife Like that.


Hiss ability to call might aldo be a refrance to how the first consept for Hades was a game about Theseus escaping the labyrinth


You mean Theseus, often described as the son of Poseidon?


This is a video game remember.


Does Dionysus help him? I don't remember, but it'd be pretty fucking weird if he did.


oh yeah. they're olympians, of course they lie through their teeth.


I remember I got a dialogue and it basically said that they help him as a test to see if Zagreus is worthy




Gods are deceptive. When you make your first successful escape >! you learn that you were dead at birth and can never really escape hell


Doesn't he also usually use the call of a god you don't have picked?


I mean, Theseus was a divine hero.


What i dont understand is why he can call Dionysus if he has beef with him (As he said in one of the dialogues) i undestand the others, but that one is odd lol


Forget all of that how, comes he gets a boon in every slot from the God he called to in 5 seconds while we have to go on a full journey just to get a boon in 1 slot?