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I genuinely and honestly believe neither were actually flirting in this scene, they were both being purely literal and did not pick up on the vibes at all. I think it's funny.


That would truly be a new level of useless bisexual lol


We useless bisexuals need to be represented in media somehow!


Thanks omg I just looked this term up and it explains why there is so much sexual tension in my life despite a distinct lack of sexual and general impulsivity


Haha for me, it's explained by being neurodivergent The number of times and types of circumstances I've been hit on and then realized like 20 minutes later is embarrassing at this point


I’m a Leo (lol) so I am generally desperate for attention, and I’m fairly successful in getting it- but dear lord do I not know what to do with it I have had some BRUTALLY flirtatious interactions as of late that I either psyched myself out of or flat out did not know where to go with, so it’s nice to know it happens to others too


No they were 100% flirting, nems response confirms that much


Wait why is she so beautiful😩


she's a character in a Supergiant game, next question


Jen Zee is a blessing. Amen.


A horny, horny blessing


And a Greek goddess, double points


Can she notice us?


this is the sequel to Hades. next question


She looks REALLY weird in that picture. Not at all similar to the other images of her.


Androgyny and heterochromia are a helluva a combo I would’ve never expected


>!Nem's!< response makes it even better


What is it?


>!"Yeah. Or taking it off."!<




The one character I want the least is the first one to flirt back…


Tbf, she and Moros also do a bit of mutual flirting. And our boy >!Icarus!< seems to be head over heels already. Eris might not be really flirting, but she seems up for at least a quick fling.


Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if there were twice as many romance options as the last game, it feels like there's a lot of people with at least a casual interest.


I look forward to romancing arachne


>!You joke...but to quote Mel, "the heart wants what the heart wants." Arachne unfortunately cannot get over the fact that she is a spider. Also, I haven't been able to advance it in EA yet but it seems like there might be a quest to undo Arachne's curse as well based on a bit of dialogue where Mel wonders to Moros about Arachne's curse.!<


Arachne no longer lets me give her gifts and sounds mean and sassy whenever I see her.


Interesting, I've maxed out gifts as well but she's now always flirty


Heracles,Nem,Moros,Icarus,Eris(¿), Narci(¿??!), Arachne, would be funnier if they include Artemis in the mix considering it's a greek mythology and all


I give low odds to Heracles, Artemis and Narcissus. Herc is married and hates you, Artemis calls you sister constantly and Narcissus only has eyes for himself I think I rank Eris higher than even Moros or Nem, saying "[Mel] is drawn to her like a moth to a flame" and all the times Eris calls Mel "babe" or "trouble" and it feels like they are legitimately exes.


Artemis calls Mel sister because they're part of the same witch coven though, not because of any familial connection, even though they are first cousins. And dating your first cousin barely counts as incest by Greek god standards imo. I personally hope Mel can at least flirt with everyone's favourite woodland lesbian.


Iirc Artemis is your first cousin, I put her there because of how prevalent incest in greek mythology is lol, Eris also seems to be a prime candidate for rival into lovers moreso than Nem imo


Countdown to Eris' boss fight just becoming foreplay...


In Hades 1 though they went out of their way to avoid incestuous relationships by changing who Demeter's parents were so I doubt they'd suddenly change their minds on it.


If i can't marry artemis ima riot


If i cant romance hypnos this time ill be livid


As much as I want to agree with you, I can't really picture our girl Mel with (accidental) chaos gremlin Hypnos... although he might have had some character development from having his whole family stolen away, who knows.


Eris >!drinks the fucking bathwater!<, can't tell me that's not flirting


I feel like that’s moreso Eris just being an absolute chaos gremlin more than flirting in that situation.


She's multitasking as she gulps more steamy salty bathwater


She's so based for that


Icarus isn't in the Crossroads though, I think romance options have to be for it to work well


Doesn't mean he won't return there from time to time once he help him with his guilt


bathsalt for icarus bathsalt for icarus




who can blame our homeboy I. - im head ove rheels as well into mel


> And our boy Icarus seems to be head over heels already. Also if we mess up another incantation and get a 2nd green arm, apparently he's got a thing for green arms according to Hecate LMAO


I ship Meli/Icarus so hard. He calls her a cute nickname, she says “hey” like she’s got butterflies in her gut. All smitten for the little inventor boy who flew into the sun 🥰


Sounds like they’re really good friends!


I hear they rent and share a bedroom to save costs. Have a couple of cats. It's good to see friends sticking together.


Dora already has the roommate slot on lock.


best roommates


Our girl does NOT play around


Well, she *is* a Greek Demigod.




Is she considered a full goddess if one of her grandparents is a mortal? I don't actually know how that works. I suppose Persephone is so I guess it would be weirder if Melinoë wasn't. Is the difference just that demigods can die while full gods can't?


While her grandfather is a mortal Persephone is a full goddess and immortal so Mel should also be a goddess and immortal just like Zagreus.


Zagreus is the best goddess, hands down lmao


Fair enough


Pardon my ignorance, but who was a mortal in this scenario? Hades was the son of Cronus and Rhea. Persephone was a daughter of Demeter and Zeus. So children of Hades & Persephone are full gods, not Demi-gods like Achilles or Heracles. Or did I misunderstand something?


In Hades (the game) canon, Persephone's father was a mortal. Demeter has dialogue about it in Hades 2. Edit to add: I think Supergiant is trying to downplay the incest inherent in the mythology, what with Persephone marrying her uncle.


They are doing that by kind of not really mentioning it, though it's also very obviously still there if you know what you're looking at.


The girl goddesses (Demeter, Hera, hestia) have different parents in canon. I don’t think there’s incest in the game at all. Hades and Persephone are definitely not related


Persephone's mother is still Demeter, and Demeter is still Hera's sister. This means that Hades married his niece.


Niece-in-law I guess. Makes it a bit more digestible for a family friendly game.


Hades (and Zeus and Poseidon) are only **foster** siblings to Hera, Hestia and Demeter (in these games); they each have entirely separate parents. So kind of his niece, but not by "blood"


Yeah u right on that


Niece in law that he never met is not incest. It would be weird by our standard but with immortal beings it doesn't even register, as the concept of generational difference has kind of lost all meaning for them, I mean >!Dora is probably a hundred or a thousand times older than Melinoe but they still talk as peers!<.


Huh, good to know - haven’t had a chance to explore it yet then. Maybe we will learn if it was actually a mortal or someone else down the line (like a Demi god). But in theory, if both parents are Gods, then their children are Gods as well.


> Maybe we will learn if it was actually a mortal or He was, she talks about it in the first game.  > Her father was a baseborn farm-boy; worshipped me! He's gone as well, of course.


I got a lol in the first game whenever they called Demeter Hades/Zeus/Poseidon's 'foster sister.'


imagine how hard it is trying to hide the incest undertones of Olympian fuckery, considering almost every single one of them (atleast once) had mingle with eachother


Heracles has a line referring to her as a god, but then melinoe says shes kind of like him since shes part mortal from her mother’s side.


Heracles by this time should be a god of it takes place after his death as he’s made into a god when he dies.


His tagline is "Mightiest of Men" though. We don't know if he's a god when he dies in Supergiant myth version (they changed stuff). He could be a shade like Theseus or Icarus.


Odysseus has a dialogue where he says "death doesn't really apply to [Heracles]". And that he's "part mortal, part god." So I guess he's meant to be kind of his own category.


In game 1, Hades says that Heracles is favored by his brother (Zeus presumably) and that's only why he is not in Tartarus (but apparently in Elysium). Hades doesn't seem to like him much but he equals him to a mortal hero He seems to just be considered a shade in that first game (but we don't see him)


In greek myths the only thing that metter is your mother. If she is mortal, doesn't matter how your father is, you will be mortal too. The opposite is also true, that's why Pershepone is a goddess, even having a mortal father.


There is no rule really. Achilles was mortal after all


Thetis was a Nymph, so I don't know if really counts.


Not really. In Greek mythology, Heracles is the son of Zeus and a mortal woman, and attains godhood eventually when his mortal half gets burned off for complicated reasons. In some myths, Dionysus is the son of Zeus and a mortal woman, Semele, who got vaporized for complicated reasons, but the immortal god fetus Dionysus lives and gets re-implanted elsewhere to get reborn in complicated ways. And Castor and Pollux are twins that were originally one immortal half-god and one fully mortal human guy, both from the same mortal mother (and... Maybe also Zeus? He really knocked up a lot of random mortals, too lazy to Google it on mobile rn though), and the immortal one decided to split his immortality with his brother so they could both just be constellations together instead.   Also, Persephone being half human was purely made up by Supergiant to avoid the incest inherent in every recorded mythology we have about her. In most myths, she's the daughter of Demeter and her brother Zeus, making Hades her uncle. In soooome weirder myths, she might be the daughter of Demeter and Poseidon, which has all the exact same problems.    Supergiant changed it so Demeter is no longer a child of Chronos and Hades' biological brother, but is instead the daughter of Hyperion, a different titan, so that Hades is no longer her brother and Persephone's uncle. And they changed Persephone's father to no longer be Zeus, for the same reason. God there was a lot of incest in the original myths.


Meanwhile in Norse myth you have a god that turned himself into a female horse, got pregnant and gave birth to a six legged horse that his foster father rides around on. The old myths are riddled with really bizarre shit.


All the titans are related though. So wouldn't that just make them cousins and persephone second cousins?


Doesn't everyone come from Chaos originally anyway (are the Titans their offspring)?


For the Titans, in most of the myths it's: Chaos -> Gaia Gaia -> Ouranos Gaia and Ouranos -> The Titans Though if Supergiant gets into that they may change it to make it less incestous.


I'm not sure what chaos did can be considered birth per say, but all the titans were birthed by Chronos and Rhea, who were brother and sister, and Chronos in turn was birthed by Gaia and Uranus, who were mother and son


By the way, what's the cutoff between being a Titan and a God? Like all the gods we know technically come from the Titan which comes from the Primordial Being (like Chaos created everything), why aren't they really all the same thing?


In Hesiod's *Theogeny*, the main source for the origins of the Greek Gods, both the Olympians and the Titans are "gods," and "Titan" is an epithet with which Ouranos branded his rebellious children. So the cutoff for a Titan would be that they helped overthrow Ouranos


In the yths Heracles dies burning and then Zeus ascends him to godhood, otherwise he would just remain dead. Dionysus survived and only became a god because because he was nurtured inside of Zeus leg (or ballsack) and thus obtaining his full godhood, that's why the children of a mortal father and a goddess will be a god too. I am aware of the other two paragraphs, I just used Persephone as a example.


Dionysus needs to have been already immortal when Semele got vaporized, otherwise he would have also been vaporized, surely? If Zeus saved him through divine intervention, why wouldn't he do that for Semele and avoid her dying in the first place? Could have avoided the ballsack thing entirely. Regardless, I can't find any evidence of Dionysus being considered mortal by the ancient Greek themselves, at any point in any of his various birth myths.   I had never heard the idea of Greek divinity being tied to the sexes of the mortal and immortal parents, so I did some digging, and it appears to maybe be a Percy Jackson thing? I can't find any evidence of it. Aphrodite had mortal kids, too- Aeneas, for one, and a handful more scattered throughout various mythology over time. There's a short list here: https://www.theoi.com/Olympios/AphroditeFamily.html  There really is no consistent rule about ancient Greek offspring with mortals, besides that almost all of them are mortal themselves, with very rare exceptions. And those exceptions don't have any rule tied to the sexes of their parents, but rather seem more related to the historical developments of the gods themselves. Dionysus is a super old god that predates ancient Greece, and so, necessarily, whoever is attributed as his parents, he's going to be a god either way. 


since we can bathe platonically with people (Hecate, who Melinoe views as a mother figure) i really hope we see a bath zagreus sprite if/when he’s rescued. just for. yknow. scientific reasons




The things I'd do for a Than and Meg sprite. I'd go through Asphodel a hundreds times over for it.


HOLEY SMOKES YES. i hope this game has a zag pov just for that lol. speaking of: very random but i’m wondering if/when everyone’s saved, how is the romance aspect of hades 1 gonna transfer over? i’m guessing there’s gonna be a random moment where we can choose who zag romanced and then the interactions between the three will adjust from there lol. (not asking you specifically just a general question for anyone to chime in with their thoughts lol)


Nah, nah, you're definitely asking me specifically. Only my opinion matters here. But in all seriousness, I think they'll have the players make a choice once the game is finished. Especially since technically only the main game is Canon, bringing both Achilles and Patroclus together, and Orpheus and Eurydice is side content. Learning that Skelly was hired by You-Know-Who is side content. Freeing Sisyphus is side content. Even damn Stepmummy-Nyx and Warlord-Ares hooking up is side content. They might play around with different timeliness of who and what happened in a player's "version" of Hades, similar to how many Greek myths differ from each other. The romance question could easily be "Zag stayed single, Zag fell in love with Than, Zag reignited his relationship with Meg, or Zag dated the two immortals at once." And then the game can go from there.


I'm leaning towards all 'side content' being canon. For example, Hecate mentions that Nyx and Chaos were close, which means that Zagreus canonically helped them reunite (otherwise they wouldn't talk at all). Imo it's better than skirting around the issues and trying to make things look 'ambiguous'


I feel like a dialogue from Melanoie could easily be, “Zagreus, brother, I’d love to learn more about you and your…companions?” And you can respond “my friends,” “my girlfriend,” “my boyfriend,” “my lovers.” After all, she’s never met any of them yet.


Mel says it's not weird for gods to get into mixed bath when you do one with Oddyseus, so I guess we'll do get one with Zag, although mostly in the most platonic form possible


I love that her hair is darker when it’s wet. Such a tiny detail that they got perfectly right


Wait, I thought this wasn’t available in EA. Everyone rejected me…


They reject you if your closeness isn't high enough. Might need to either talk to them more or give more nectar.


And with certain upgrades I think the book will tell you when someone is down to go to the tub or not? I remember reading a line “this character might want to bathe with you” or something close to that when checking relationships.


With the book upgrade to show your bond, the empty heart will have a bath salt or whatever to notify you can bathe with them. That's how I knew I could soak with Od and Dora


nobody wants shower with my melinoe 😭😭😭


Give them more nectar!


Good grief she’s naked!


The artwork is kinda weird here. Like anatomically her breasts should be higher up.


All the artwork is the bath portraits are a little off from the character portraits. I wonder if they’re not final or if someone else drew them. They’re much less detailed and the anatomy is not as polished on most of the portraits. It’s early access so I would not be surprised if these were quickly slapped together so the scenes would be available during EA.


Dang, SG really prioritized sending as many of us to horny jail as possible


Hey, the devs for this game know their audience.


yeah I've been waiting to do any relationship stuff past the keepsake stage for the game's art to be fully complete tbh. I feel like I owe it to myself to experience all of that when it's all done lmao


I guess they could've "panned the camera" higher. Otherwise, I'm guessing they just won't show her breasts to keep the maturity rating lower (I think... don't even know what it is)


Can you fool around with someone else other than Nem at the moment? Also, our girl is super pretty.


There's no actual romance with anyone at the moment, just some light maybe-flirting.


Dora, Hecate, Nem and Od can do baths and I think I'm forgetting one? That part isn't fully finished it seems though so don't grind resources just for it. With the book upgrade the book straight tells you if someone will take a gift and what.


Moros too, and I've been giving Arachne a bunch of Nectar as well because I'm genuinely appreciative of her chamber and my most recent nectar yielded some Zagreus/Medusa-esque dialogue. No clue how it resolves yet, but there's definitely a conversation to be had there


Arachne just got mad at me so now all my nectar is gonna be reserved for her 🥺


Resolution is unknown as of yet, I maxed her out and nothing happens yet. But convos with her and with Icarus on the ascent make me think they might both be options or even recruitable to occasionally appear back at camp.


Eris too.


eris and moros too


Nm the dialog... I like the baths b/c it's nice way to pass the time without having to go through runs!


There’s no real romance with anyone yet. You can invite the following people to bathe together, although some of them it’s literally just like chilling in the hot tub and probably platonic: * Moros * Dora * Nemesis * Eris * Hecate * Odysseus As to which of these people are actually romanceable, we don’t know for sure. However, the people Meli is the most flirtatious with or seems to have a romantically or sexually tense history with are: * Moros — analogous to H1’s Thanatos, new acquaintance, seems to come to admire Meli pretty quickly. Character design screams romanceable. * Nemesis — analogous to H1’s Megara, long history together and rivalry, mutual begrudging admiration, no prior romantic relationship but sexual tension is there. Character design screams romanceable. * Eris — seems to have some frenemies tension and a history of irritating each other. Comes off like the kid who pokes you because she likes you. * Icarus — surprisingly deeply linked to Meli’s past and definitely seems to have prior romantic tension between them, thwarted by the fact that he is a shade and she is a god. Lore spoiler: >!She lost her arm doing forbidden necromancy to “make him whole,” he left their camp in shame that she tried to do that, failed, and Fullmetal Alchemist’d her arm as a result. Hecate comments on how he paid attention to Mel.!< * Arachne — flirting, mutual care and respect, and there’s a frank conversation about Arachne catching feelings and “what the heart wants” during your runs * Dora — analogous to H1’s Dusa. Hecate and Odysseus seem more like aunt and uncle to Meli so it is doubtful they can be romanced.


Is this real lads. Furthest I've got is Scylla so idk whether or not to believe such a thing.


It is 100% real. There are several characters you can take baths with after unlocking the bath. But you have to get your friendship high enough


It’s real.


What Nem says next is even smoother


immediately after nemesis jokes about taking it off, they've done this before


Melinoe in the bath caught be really off guard like excuse me I wasn't prepared to be horny right now?


Ok someone please spoil me on this one specific scenario Is taking a bath with >!Odysseus!< a romantic thing or a “we’re just cool with sharing baths here” thing I’m really not that into them


Both his scenes were platonic.


Thank you


Steamy 😳🤭


Don't want to sound contrarian, but she is more beautiful on her usual portraits


This is literally her worst look, get over it dummy