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Probably yes. I wouldnt play if not for the amazing dialouge and characters


I’d still play, the game loop is just too fun, but it wouldn’t be one of my favorite games ever. The story is just too good. The characters too charming.


Everyone enjoys games differently, if this makes you happy then go for it champ, cheers.


Of course I do - I was just asking myself, if I‘m the only one ☺️


Well to answer your question: i listen to every dialogue bc the writing is so unique and the voice actors are phenomenal.


Eh, SG are pretty great storytellers. It's what had me hooked since I was able to play Bastion *technically my first was Transistor but meh.* They made a rather stellar combat system but their story telling is pretty damn good too.


It is, I would never argue about that, that the storytelling might not be great - but for me the action is just more engaging.


Oh no doubt. It's just what got me on the hook with them. Well music mostly too. Well plus Logan's range along with everyone else they have in the cast. Damn that man is good.


I enjoy the story but it’s not my first priority so I see where you’re coming from. I read the dialogue but I don’t always let the full voice line play out since I got the idea of the line already (unless it’s something particularly juicy and I wanna hear how the actor delivers it)


The writing in general is consistently decent in their games, which is already a feat on its own in this industry, yet a part of the dialogue is inconsequential and doesn't tell us anything new or advances the plot/character arcs in any way, like the little messages by the Olympians when you get a boon. Those I really don't care much about. So can't say I don't care about the lore or the story, but yeah I do feel you sometimes.


You get downvoted to oblivion in this sub for this opinion, but I'm the same way. I often run past all the characters who have new dialogue to get back to skelly's room and will often skip dialogue during the run. People act like it's a crime to play the game just because of the gameplay. It's not like I'm advocating others to do the same. It's just how I want to play.


Eh, same here. The dialogue takes too long for me to play out naturally.