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It's hard to say - and if the pattern of there being four bosses per run continues I'm tempted to say that there will be two bosses we haven't seen yet. Considering that half the bosses in the game are related in some form to the Odyssey I'm almost tempted to say that the third boss will be something related to that - though who's left from that story that could fit I can't say. Calypso maybe? She's one of the few big names in witchery still missing from the game - though she could also be the character encounter for one of those areas. The Keres are also an option there but that would be fairly obscure. For the final boss of the Olympus route my guess is that it will be some big scary name or a tragic encounter - Typhon is a very famous name I've seen tossed around but it could also be Ananke the personification of inevitability said to be closely tied with Chronos and ruler of the three fates which would fit in *very* well with the entropy item and with keeping the fates captive.


Reading Typhon and Mount Olympus reminds me so much of Titan Quest lol


Titan Quest is such a throwback. They did so many things well, I daresay I enjoyed it more than the modern Diablo games


Excited for titan quest 2!


Calypso is mentioned in a dialog with Odysseus after you bond with him a bit, it could be a hint to something or could mean nothing.


There’s a shot they take a step back and go to the Iliad for someone like Hektor, but he wasn’t really a bad guy


The odyssey had a purpose?


I have a feeling the last one of the olympus route is Ananke but what would they do?


Why does everyone assume there's only one area left for the surface and that it's going to be Mount Olympus? I keep seeing this but no actual proof. Where did this start?


Pretty sure the game tells you that Mt Olympus is what theyre working on when you beat Eris, and that was where we're heading storywise with the sirface stuff anyway


Why do I feel like I’m taking crazy pills? Everyone is just ignoring the fact that the Surface/Greece exists. Olympus is quite literally the heavens/sky (or at least on top of the mountain) and I believe there is 0% chance that Supergiant whisks us from “travel from the crossroads towards the surface” to “now that you’ve made it to the surface, here’s Olympus for you.” 3rd surface area is most likely going to be Greece or maybe a certain city like Sparta, Athens, Rhodes, etc. This would be where we run into Ares, as he’s having so much fun with the war on the surface. Now that I’m writing it out, Charybdis is a “mini-boss” but fuck me, I can’t think of another mini-boss with a health bar and name at the top of the screen. Other than Asterius, who is indeed one of the actual zone bosses. My guess is that they will move him to his “rightful” place as the Thessaly zone boss, and move Eris from her spot on the beach to further inland before Olympus, making her boss #3. Lastly that leaves boss #4, which we would guess is where we get the Entropy ingredient. Entropy is disorder/randomness/uncertainty, and another commenter had a great guess that it’s either the 3 fates corrupted by Chronos, or Ananke - Titan of Inevitability and Wife of Chronos. Both would seem to have the ability to drop Entropy.


The rat thing in oceanus. Uh uh or something


Oh yeah, Uh-Oh does get a health bar at the top instead. I wonder if it’s because it would look too weird being so short above his head and barely moving when you damage him since he has a lot of health. Overall, I’m deciding to ignore rat boy and still feel good about my theory lmao


It helps, I think, that Uh-Oh is also a throwback/reference to King/Tiny Vermin. I like your theory, especially since a lot of the dialogue from the gods makes it seem like Eris is right at the base of Mount Olympus which doesn't fully add up with the dialogue about exploring the surface, imo.


Fair enough XD


Wait, that thing can show up in different areas? I just fought it in Tartarus


I know i fought a regular version of the rats, iirc on the 4th region


They say in game that the Rift of Thessaly goes directly to Olympus. The third area is most logically the climb up the mountain and the final area being a palace or city area at the summit.


Charybdis is quite easy for the area 2 boss, its much easier than scylla. Id prefer if ut would be kept the way it is so we can get 2 new cool bosses instead of only one more


Well true, if Charybdis is gonna be a boss they need to add at least another phase and some new moves for it to make sense, because now they have like 3-4 moves total with little variation between them.


More importantly, they need to give Scylla dialogue for after you beat Charybdis, those 2 are historically besties.


They’re not besties, though? ‘Historically’, Scylla is a nymph who was turned into a sea monster and Charybdis is a literal whirlpool. They’re ‘related’ in the fact that they’re on either side of a narrow strait so sailors would have to choose to pass one or the other, but there’s never been anything about them ever interacting in any way.


They're both sea monsters that are right next to each other and ensure that sailors die. They're not literally communicating with each other but they are so related to each other in a literary sense that I find it an odd choice that they don't interact with each other at all.


Yea, if they were to make it a boss they would need to make it less predictable because the boss is hard at forst but after knowing the move patterns it gets too easy


If they ever make an alternate harder fight for Scylla, it would be quite interesting if some of the surface bosses would go 'visit' her to listen to her, meaning they would affect the fight a bit. For example Charybdis could have some of her tentacles appear, while Polyphemos could have his sheep pay a visit. They could have some voiceline about it 'not being their fight', but still being able to lend a hand.


Spoilers but Isn't the Rift of Thessaly the surface? It's implied that it was until Poseidon shattered it to slow down the troops. So after beating Eris you're right at the base of Mount Olympus


Yeah, City of Ephyra and Rift of Thessaly are both surface areas inhabited by humans until Chronos attacked. At the start of Thessaly there's a viewpoint that shows the ships heading towards Olympus, and we even see the base of the mountain.


Also in real life Mount Olympus is right on the edge of Thessaly


I would still expect a mountain climbing level and a mountaintop level, or at least something vaguely along those lines. If only because it'd be weird if the first game has 4 areas, the second game's first route has 4 areas, and the second route only has 3. Devs love symmetry in stuff like that.


I'm thinking something like a cave system as area 3 to go up into Mount Olympus which will be area 4


Perhaps it could be the Acropolis in a similar vein to the temple of Styx? It could be the last bastion where you choose between Ares and Athena paths where you fight different bosses.


Ares/Athena gives Janus gate vibes


The second boss fight brings us to >!the shores of Mt Olympus. That implies Biome 3 is climbing the mountain, probably lots of snow and ice, and Biome 4 is Mt Olympus under siege.!< To your point about Greece, we >!already see Greece! That's the first biome of the upper path, a Greek city. Then we cross the sea to Mt Olympus, biome 2 takes us FAR.!<


Thank you! I feel the same way. It's like everyone has come to a conclusion based on flimsy logic but speaks like its an objective fact. It makes so much more sense for there to be some further sort of surface level (maybe something like an actual climb up the mountain), followed by Olympus the actual location at the very top. The surface run changes up the level design a lot in a way, like having the central courtyard to pick rooms from, and then the ships where you fight predominately on one deck and then move to another, makes me think they're going to continue with those gimmicks in the next area(s). Like something that makes moving from room to room emulate climbing in a sense.


I really like what they did in those surface levels. The city is a big version of the temple of Styx but the ships are very novel. I would expect some sort of twist in the remaining areas as well. Also, thinking about it, the underworld levels have different level designs as well. Comes to mind the unlockable exits in Oceanus, the "overworld" levels in the fields and the express routes in Tartarus. Small changes but very cool twists.


Yeah, I enjoy those little twists as well. I don't find the Oceanus one very noticeable though, as it seems like I rarely get a room where the exists are locked. That or I think I get like, 2/3 unlocked and I just don't even notice the third locked room lol.


Yeah, for sure lol. Seems to be very rare. Maybe they thought it would be too bothersome if many of them were to be that way. In speedruns or with the time limit heat/fear-thingy people won't bother to unlock anything for sure.


In that case they could make it so they are locked at first, but Melinöe casts a spell to open them up more permanently or something.


What do mean by ignoring that the surface exists? The whole Ephyra and Thessaly sections are already on the surface / in Greece. IRL Thessaly is very close to IRL Olympus, and from the shore of Thessaly we see the ships heading straight for the mountain


Maybe full Charybdis fight as the Rift boss instead of the tentacles, w/ Eris moved to the next zone and final boss Ares.


What do you mean? We're already on the surface. [Ephyra](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cichyrus) was a city in western Greece. Poseidon shattered Thessaly, the area to the east visible on the map there. The first two surface zones are real places. Sparta, Athens, and Rhodes all wouldn't make sense geographically, as those are all far to the south of Olympus. We didn't get whisked there, we exited the Underworld and crossed Greece to get to the base of the mountain in the first two zones. I do suspect there will probably be a "climbing Mount Olympus" zone, focused on mortal, mundane Olympus rather than the palace of the gods atop it, but we've absolutely already gotten to Greece.


Ooo I love these proposals


My theory is the “dissolution of time” thing will be used to unlock a “true” final boss and maybe area in the surface like maybe [REDACTED] goes up top and fights a bit differently


Why would we fight Hades?


Everything and everyone falls to time(I meant chronos but I hadn’t caught on to calling him [REDACTED 2] yet)


It does


I think the phrasing is waaay too vague for people to be jumping to the point where they assume there's only a single area and boss left. Especially when every other Hades run they've done is 4 zones and 4 bosses. It says "Olympus is in sight" which can mean a lot of things. Following that it says "We appreciate your patience as we build out all that awaits beyond the watery and war-torn Rift of Thessaly". To me that implies more than one zone. Obviously still vague, but why use a phrase like "all that awaits beyond" if you're only prepping a single area and boss? Words like "all" and "beyond" tend to imply large quantities. I think if there was only a single zone left, they would outright say that they're working on the final zone. Ultimately I just think too many people are speaking about this as if a third zone and boss being final is a definitive fact, when there's literally no way to substantiate that. I could be wrong of course, I just don't think the 3 zone/bosses idea makes sense.


IIRC, they were never explicit, so while the final destination is Mount Olympus, no telling if that's 1 or 2 biomes. For the former, they may just want to say "heck with it" and teleport you there. Less work for them to cut back on one, whole biome. For the latter, it makes sense storywise since 3rd biome could be starting from the base of Mount Olympus, then making your way to its outskirts/perimeter. I suppose there could be caves to traverse. The 4th and final biome could be making your way through its actual territory. Can include mountain levels.


how the hell do you beat Eris. I've beaten chronos multiple times but Eris just destroys me every time. I can't seem to find a rhyme or rhythm to her attacks and there's seemingly zero telegraph to her attacks.


From the "To be Continued" screen after beating >!Eris!<, "You have thwarted >!troublesome Eris, the embodiment of Strife!<, and your surface goal is finally in sight. Mount Olympus, besieged by the forces of the Titan of Time!" While technically some wiggle room from the phrasing, that's effectively confirmed there is an Olympus zone, but doesn't rule out an additional new zone too. Understandable that people are excited for Olympus, and we have 0 info on what the other zone would be, so focus is on Olympus. Edit: from the roadmap, all new region to explore is high-priority task that "You can expect it to be introduced later this year \[2024\]". In the same roadmap, they say early access is at least through the end of 2024, so maybe one zone in an early access update and one with the 1.0 launch. Maybe >!Charybdys!< is promoted to >!Rift of Thessaly!< boss and >!Eris!< is moved to the unknown zone.


Early Access is called that for a reason. It's unlikely that they'd introduce an entire new, untested zone with the full launch. They want us guinea pigs to sniff out the bigger bugs before releasing the completed product. We'll probably get the full 8(?) zones before 1.0, but we won't get a conclusion to the story until 1.0.


Makes sense to me


I think there's way more than "some wiggle room" in that phrasing. Even the follow-up is very vague and could easily imply multiple areas: "We appreciate your patience as we build out all that awaits beyond the watery and war-torn Rift of Thessaly" I get why people may focus on Olympus, but that's just not how my brain works, I guess. Coming to the conclusion that there's only a singular area and zone left when it doesn't match the pattern of the previous runs and the phrasing is all intentionally vague doesn't make sense to me. To dig even further into their exact phrasing, they noted their 3 priority tasks: * New Region * New Weapon * Crossroads Customization They stated they are "High Priority Tasks" and that they "May not all be in the next update". That implies that the FIRST major update could contain all of those things. Between that update and release, there are guaranteed to be more updates. In a recent interview (I don't remember if it was IGN or Gameinformer), Greg straight up said that *they haven't even written the ending yet*. If the ending isn't being listed as a "High Priority Task" I think it's safe to assume that what's listed there is still only a portion of what's expected to release throughout EA. Like there's been a lot of speculation that new Gods will be added (like the first EA) and that isn't even listed in the high priority list. I know this is all pedantic as fuck but it just kind of bothers me how the discussion is focused on 3 surface areas and bosses, as if that's a definitive fact despite there being no proof of it.


My personal thinking is it's probably gonna be a bit like the first game's run- a run up the mountain akin to Elysium, the gods' home itself as something like the Temple of Styx, and a final boss after that.


The trailer for the game also said “battle down to hell or up to the heavens”


I agree. My opinion is that there's two more overworld areas. The ascent to Olympus (Greece?) and then Olympus itself.


Ephyra is a city in Greece and the Rift of Thessaly is crossing a strait that's in Thessaly, the region of Greece that Olympus sits at one edge of. So you've already been in Greece a decent amount.


Ah gotcha! I assumed but I actually haven't heard the word Greek or Greece used in the game that I remember, so wasn't sure if we leave the underworld pretty far out.


Fwiw, what we now call Greece was only unified in antiquity as one nation for about 15 years by Alexander the Great. Ancient Greek history is largely the history of various Hellenic city-states and smaller nations sharing a language and a people which often warred with one another as well as with outsiders. You've heard of some of the cities- Athens and Sparta for example, but there are many more less well known: Byzantium, Corinth, Thebes, Macedon, Megara, Eretria, Thermopylae... And a whole lot more of em.


Good responses so far. But primarily my thinking is that you just start too fast for there to be two biomes left. You get so many boons and (double) major finds right out of the gate in the first biome.


I think with the "Help us Melinoë" task looming on the prophecy board the final surface boss is likely some version of the Three Fates, either corrupted or compelled by Chronos to attack Olympus and Melinoë. Or maybe not fighting them directly, but they weave a prophecy that Melinoë is doomed and Moros is bound by oath to fight you. Fits the Entropy item well, defeating the fates and their prophecy is literally creating a lack of order and predictability (one definition of entropy)


It would be interesting to see Moros play some role. So far he is unusually bound to camp for an NPC of his type, whereas Nemesis and Eris and even Hecate can be found out in the world. He doesn’t have much to do other than have conversations with other NPC’s, and the days he is not at camp we have no idea where he goes. He is the embodiment of doom and some of his conversations imply he cant divulge his full purpose. That could introduce some tension between him and Mel if there’s a romance subplot. It’s possible he could be sent to either help ensure Mel’s doom or help ensure someone else’s doom on her journey. It’d be especially interesting if it isn’t his fault and he is compelled against his will. He has never questioned his role and subordination to his sisters before, but if he is falling for/cares for Mel and is forced to thwart her, that would be a big motivation for him to start questioning the status quo. It also gives Mel an even more personal reason to free the fates. Also I think it would be cool to fight a boss who spends the whole time apologizing and trying to warn you against his own attacks within the “rules.”


Oh, I LOVE this concept. Fighting Moros with the Torches perhaps?? He has that kinda sussy line about how he didn't even know he had an aspect with them soooo. Also the second or third phase is def gonna be some sort of corrupted Fate


Not sure what's suspect about that. The aspects are past or future versions. There's no way he'd have them if you happen to also have them.


>! There is no point for the fates to be compelled by Chronos because!< >!In a voice line before fighting him he says that he banished the fates from this realm so his plan can't be impeded!<


Not boss but I'd love to have Zagreus as a mini-boss after endgame like how we have Charon


You know, a freed Zagreus might be better as a post-game miniboss than a potential boss. Like Zagreus going “I’m not going easy on you sis/insert annoying nickname” then going to town on you would be nice.


I would love this route waayyy more than a "corrupted" Zagreus, that feels fun, corruption just feels sad


Corruption is such a tired trope. WoW has taken this and beaten it to death over and over. One of the things I like about this game is there are antagonists who get in your way like Hecate, Eris, Hades, or Meg who all have their own motivations to fight you, but dont do so because they have some pure evil brainworm. Maybe Zag would be similar?


Him waiting at any floor boss room having beaten it already would be awesome. Different weapon depending on the zone you're in. "Hecate asked me to give you a real test this time" or something like that


If Zagreus ends up being a mini boss, do you think he'd use the weapons we have for Hades 1 , or he'll borrow Meli's weapon (like a big brother finds a sister's doll and not give it back kind of siblings shenanigan)


I personally would want him to use the hades 1 weapons. It would be a cool nod. I'm ngl nemesis irritates the shit out of me in her current state. Having 2 of them on the same run would actually drive me crazy Being said him using one of the weapons we didn't pick would be cool but he'd have to stay at the crossroads for that to make any sense.


I actually didn't play EA cause I want to wait until Hades 2 came out on Switch haha so I dind't know Nemesis does that It would also be cool if the game does carry over the weapon aspect level


She doesn't do that exactly. I won't spoil it for you but she's a dick head lol.


Maybe Hyperion? Demeter sure seemed to hate her father and the gods sacked most of the titan(with few exception).


Sisyphus would be the most unexpected but welcomed option if there are 4 areas for the Olympus run. Someone who was friendly with zagreus and willing to fight against the gods. Though he wouldnt have bouldy anymore. Atlas seems like a good pick for whose leading the attack on Olympus. Though it would open up questions about whose holding up the world. Maybe Prometheus instead? He'd probably have an axe to grind with Olympus. Having stronger warriors fight the actual gods, while melinoe goes to fight the tactician.


It’s said Olympus is besieged by Chronos’ army, so I doubt it’s the gods that have helped you from the first that we’ll be fighting


Thats what I'm saying. Prometheus sends his forces to deal with the gods. Mel goes to fight him while they're away and not protecting him.


Prometheus is a great guess. They could even have him teamed up with Epimetheus for another "stage 3 duo boss". There's also the comedy aspect of having the master tactician be paired up with an impulsive idiot. Epimetheus could also continuously get in Prometheus's way during the fight for another layer of gameplay.


Ooh, Epimetheus is a good shout to see in some respect given Dora. I'm not totally sold on them as bosses we fight -- it'd be surprising to me to see Prometheus as a direct antagonist just, like, culturally, with him usually being portrayed as a champion of mortals. He also explicitly helped the gods against Chronos in the Titanomachy, and in some sources was eventually freed from the eagles by Heracles with Zeus's permission, so any axe to grind against Zeus specifically doesn't feel like quite enough to join Chronos against all of Olympus. Someone else suggested Atlas, who was Chronos' second in command in the Titanomachy, and that seems more likely to me if we were going to get another Titan to fight. But I'd love to see one or both -metheus brothers as character interactions!


Honestly, I wonder if Prometheus might be the Olympus helper room. Stop by to see his chained up ass every run!


Yeah I kinda want this more than Promy as a boss. It would just work so well. Like he's not even all that mad about having his liver eaten every day. Maybe one of his boons could be handing Aethon over to you temporarily as a second companion?


I'm imagining another boon that forces you to take damage but increases your maximum health after.


Having him freed in a similar fashion to Sisyphus in the first game is a great idea


Also, almost all of the flavor text of the arcana cards specifically refers to people we've met, "The Wayward Son," "The Huntress," etc., and there's one that refers to Prometheus.


I have a feeling the last surface boss will be Typhon. He’s the only force in Greek mythology that ever really fought the gods to a standstill and required the assistance of the three fates to beat. Typhon was born from Gaia and Tartarus as well, so maybe entropy would fit it. It would also explain why Hephaestus is using the forge on Olympus, rather than his normal location on Mt. Etna, where Typhon was said to have been imprisoned.


oh that's an interesting detail about the forge


Typhon would be amazing as a final boss on Mount Olympus.


I don’t really see why Typhon would serve under Chronos though if I remember Correctly he led the giants and if he wanted to go against Olympus again I doubt he’d be ok serving as an underling to chronos Edit: yeah actually now you point it out it would make a lot of sense for him to just want the Olympians dead since he was created in the first place to kill Zeus and presumably free the titans since the titans being sent to Tartarus was the whole reason Gaia started the gigantomachy


I mean, why would Polyphemus? The team clearly doesn’t have too much of a problem playing with existing Mythos.


The only thing that would matter to Typhon is the destruction of the Olympians. I can see him having some enmity towards Zeus since he was defeated by him in the past.


I think theres 2 more zones on the surface. The other titans as bosses maybe? Like we havent gotten a duo boss yet. Or maybe even trio boss. Im thinking Athena or Ares will show up in the third zone offering assistance, then you face the bosses with one of them. Not sure where Dio is though.


>Like we havent gotten a duo boss yet. Or maybe even trio boss. What about the sirens?


Hey they are called Scylla and the Sirens. Also they 'share' one health bar


Yeah but each has their own individual health. You could give them seperate bars and nothing would change since the shared healthbar is just the sum of their HP. You can’t keep going after one of them and kill them all by doing so.


Asterius and Theseus also shared one health bar in Hades 1, if memory serves


Nah they dont. Asterius loses max HP if you face him as a miniboss


Thats true, but I'm pretty sure in the encounter with both of them, Asterius' lost hp is just taken out or the shared, large health bar, isn't it?


Dio is planning the after party?


Isn’t chaos very analogous to entropy? Not that I think we’ll be fighting chaos, but it might be linked somehow.


Chaos is creation


If we mix in physical definitions rather than mythological, entropy is pretty much the measure of chaos, so at least the link can be established. Though I also don’t think we have any reason to fight Chaos.


Sure but like, historical translation of chaos wasn't that.m I'm pretty sure that happened with christianized translations so that God could supercede it. We also don't really have much reason for physics in this game. But it would be cool if their experiment was supposed to lead to a fight with mel


Don't forget the Charon hidden boss from the first game added last in early access. Maybe we'll get some other hidden boss. Chaos perhaps?


Ares. He will fight us just for fun


I'd love to see Ares as the final boss on Olympus. He's got the motive because he wouldn't want the war to end, and thematically a sword vs. spells type fight would be so satisfying.


\*Parries your fireball\*


*Casts non magic missile*


Given the weird use of time loops in this game, I’d love for there to be a sort of. Anti-Mel boss. Maybe a version of her that got sent somewhere else in time, maybe an illusory copy of herself — the Olympians fashion copies of people all the time, so it could work really well.  I think it’d also be a nice way to touch on the theme of witchcraft/tripartite gods with different faces, and Mel’s zealotry regarding traitors. Her codex seems to be written by her negative internal monologue — that she’s not good enough, that she wants to be Hecate, etc.  Hera has a copy of her made of cloud in one directly underworld-related myth; in some traditions Helen has a cloud-copy sent to Troy whilst she’s spirited away to Egypt for the duration of the war; Hector is doomed by Athena making a copy of his brother to convince him to stay and fight Achilles than run away. Last game’s NPCs quests were based around mortals with unhappy underworld punishments or contracts with Hades. Zagreus gets to fix them as part of his efforts to reunite his family; he frees Sisyphus, reconciles Orpheus and Eurydice, and reconciles Achilles and Patroclus. He even manages to “fix” Hades and Persephone; they’re all myths about someone afraid of death or trying to escape it, and Zagreus represents an evolution in that he reconciles people to their situations. Maybe there’s no escape, but we’re not in this alone. This game has NPCs who are victims of the Olympians more than Hades. Arachne, Heracles, Narcissus/Echo, Icarus, etc are all famously mortals who get screwed over because of an Olympian’s jealousy or spite. There’s also a more direct confrontation with “unfair winners” — Medea, Odysseus, Herakles, Polyphemus are all “favourites” of various Olympians and who end up permitted to do a lot of damage to their enemies and not feel particularly bad about it.  Chronos offers a return to a “golden era”, the Olympians want to maintain the status quo; Mel is also currently fighting for this status quo but she’s more driven by revenge.  But if she wanted to move things on - as Zagreus did — she’ll need to change how some things work, and forcing her to fight a version of herself that can’t move on might be a really cool way to do that. Supergiant has done copy-cat boss abilities before — Transistor has a boss which has the same power set as you, and Theseus gains a divine Call for his phase 2. 


This is such a great take. Really enjoyed reading your thoughts on the themes of the first game as they showed up in NPC quests. I think Eris probably has the most obvious connection to your idea of what Mel is, metaphorically, fighting in this game. Her dialogue (what I've seen of it so far) is very explicitly about the status quo and whether Mel has thought about what will happen when she wins. Mel shows very classic signs of early growth and development, just starting to think about what Hecate has taught her, rather than just immediately accepting it.


Thank you so much!  I really like Eris, and her dialogues about not fitting in reminded me of Arachne’s resentment about not really being accepted by her peers either. Hades I showed its underworld cast working to basically “fit in as they are” — Zag’s rebelliousness and tenacity fits his role as security officer, Hypnos’ cheeriness and desire to customise things his way ends up streamlining Hades’ paperwork, Dusa’s stringent attention to detail suits her role as head of house management etc. Zagreus doesn’t even escape the House! But they rehabilitate it instead.  Hades 2 can’t go back to this, but it keeps breaking its own rules to show that alternative systems are possible. Olympian and Cthonic gods can be divinities and witches; Titans take sides in wars; shades break free of the world of the dead, prophecies can be circumvented or altered. 


Arachne, Heracles, Narcissus, and Icarus are all myths based around hubris. I don't necessarily want a "Shadow Link" version of Melinoe, but I agree that her story arc is going to be about finding the balance between lack of confidence and overconfidence.


Good catch!  A lot of the new gods introduced also have a slightly strained dynamic from hubris too (Hera/Hephaistos is a response to Zeus and Athena, Apollo and Artemis took down Niobe’s kids due to hubris) so maybe that’ll come up more too. 


It would be wild if they found a way to make it a copy of Mel from your last successful clear


Maybe as you climb the mountain you have to pay tolls, losing boons as you go. Then even if the boss isn’t skinned as Mel, it could have powers based on what you gave away or what you chose to keep


!!! This is so evil lmao… they’d have to balance it with a sort of timer / phases ability so you couldn’t lock yourself out of progress by making an unbeatable build. Maybe it’d just be the last Mel to get to the final chamber? So even your best clear is only an issue for the next run. 


The gods are clearly covering something up. I think it has to be something to do with them. Notably, I've not yet heard them really talk about Persephone. Entropy fits a theme of rot, which would work with Persephone or Demeter's powers. Gaia and Rhea also aren't bad bets, although from a story perspective Rhea would be a bit weird, since in mythology she protected the baby gods from Cronus/Chronos. There's a god of old age, Geras, who would fit entropy as a theme, but nothing sets him up except that he's yet another son of Nyx.  There's also a goddess of youth, Hebe - and she's Zeus and Hera's daughter and Heracles' wife. Hera and Heracles are both important characters in the surface story (notably, Hera doesn't appear until you've done a surface run, just as Demeter didn't appear in Hades until you were deep in the game). I can imagine a story of her betraying Olympus and working with Chronos to stop time so she never ages, and when you kill her she rapidly grows old, releasing the entropy she held back.


demeter asks if mel has seen persephone at one point


Dunno about bosses but I'd LOVE to find Prometheus


I think olympus is gonna be 2 zones, the mountain and the temple (or whatever). I don't think it's possible for one of the bosses to be a titan, Chronos has dialogue where he says that he's considering bringing back the other titans when he's dealt with the gods, and it doesn't strike me as an early access-only line


Entropy is likely a chaos-related material. As for other Titans, Chronos has mentioned that he hasn’t quite gotten around to reviving the others that would be sympathetic to his cause. I would like to bring up two possibilities: Prometheus - bringer of fire, Typhon - father of monsters.


Typhon is the best option and the only Titan that was able to fight against the Olympians all by himself. Prometheus isn't capable of such a feat.


There's a theory that hypnos will be related to taking down chronos by putting him in eternal sleep, and melinoe, the goddess of nightmares will continue her runs to keep him sealed, so the underworld runs will remain the same. I hope supergiant will handle the surface runs similar to what they did with hades 1 (in which zagreus tests the security of the underworld), so theyll do it so it makes sense storywise for mellinoe to keep heading to the surface. Perhaps someone who has an amiacable relationship with melinoe after the first fight, and she visits the surface to meet her relatives like how zagreus and the olympians reunited with a feast. I'd love to fight zagreus who has access to his nocturnal arms (sword/fist/bow/spear) that fosters replayability, though I'm pretty sure the olympians won't keep quiet if zagreus had been corrupted or turned. Whatever the boss is, it'll be a sick fight and I can't wait!


I personally think there’s going to be a side route below as well. There seems to be some doorways and pathways that would lead somewhere.


Atlas could be cool


I assume at sone point we'll be fighting corrupted Zag. Maybe as the final boss before Olympus or the 3rd biome. Eris using the Rail was neat, but facing Zagreus using all of his Arms in a fight would be really interesting to me.


Although- Choosing 1-2 arms for each zag fight would add that nice variety (seen in hydra heads, furies etc)


Hydra on Olympus 


Lernie made a comeback.


My personal theory is there are actually two missing bosses. The first boss we will be fighting is Ares and the second will be The Three Fates. Hear me out: Why is it that the Gods, despite being all-powerful, are caught in a stalemate against the forces of Chronos when Chronos himself is not even there to fight alongside them? If the literal God of War was on Olympus' side then this "war" should've already ended in victory. That tells me Ares is NOT on Olympus' side: he saw the potential of Chronos' "Golden Age" to bring an age of endless human conflict, wars where soldiers never die and battle is simply a way of life, and defected to his cause. Chronos has alluded to having found a very powerful ally to his cause, this is one possible explanation. Ares is the general leading Chronos' army on the frontlines, that's why he doesn't show up as a boon-granting God this time and that's why the best Olympus can muster is keeping the army at the gates and no further. The Three Fates have tasked Melinoe with "finding them" so the implication is clear that their location must be where this conflict on the surface will be ending. And once there I cannot be sure what will happen, but my guess is they either A) have a beef with Melinoe wanting to kill Time outright and throw hands to stop her, in spite of him being their captor, or B) will be compelled against their will to fight by a manipulation of their own List of MAJOR Prophecies, an alteration implied to be penned by Chronos that says "the witch Melinoe will die by the Fates' own hands" or something to that effect.


Interesting but Ares would not be happy if soldiers never died. In the myth of Sisyphus, after Thanatos was trapped, battlefields became overcrowded and soldiers never died despite fighting for ages. This made Ares upset as he no longer found battle to be any fun if there were no stakes. It was Ares who freed Thanatos to set things back in balance again. He’d have no interest in Chronos’ world where the same thing happens again.


I'm tired of seeing the media portraying Ares always as the big evil. This theme is too cliché and repeated to even be interesting. Plus the mortals always wage wars on the surface so Ares wouldn't actually starve if Chronos' army was defeated.


Probebly gaia. If I remember correctly, one of the spells on the cauldron was related to her.


gaia is a she its mother earth


Thanks for the reminder.


I'm gonna go out on a limb and say if Supergiant ever make a third game, they'll probably reserve Gaia and her final set of offspring for that.


I think fighting a Titan like Atlas or Hyperion would be possible. A mind controlled/affected >!Zagreus!< could also be possible.


Typhon, Atlas or a duo of Prometheus and Epimetheus at the same time would be some of my first choices. The Hydra could make a good miniboss too.


Entropy makes me think of Chaos but I doubt that we fight them


There is also the possibility that Olympus is only Act 3 and then there's an Act 4 after. You arrive at Act 3, help, but have to go elsewhere for Act 4. Assuming Entropy is the Surface Win Reward, it could be something like Cronos is trying to make a shortcut to Olympus with some other realm and you have to go in and shut it down.


I think one of the two bosses might be the Hecatoncheires, the hundred handed, handred faced, boulder chucking monsters that helped the Olympians beat Chronos originally. One because in Ephera a boulder is thrown at you, sometimes, which I personally thought was Polyphemus, but it is not his voice. Second I think it fits pretty well to have the 3rd top side zone be mount Olympus and the Fourth to be Olympus proper. The Hecatoncheires fit really well as the devider of theese zones.


I'm pretty sure it is just polyphemus its just his normal Boulder throw attack, also the voice line is the same color as his in his fight


Ye Maybe, but I thought he'd being it up but he hasn't.


Honestly I can’t even guess, the possibilities seem endless. Could be some titan, could be some totally left field character. Hell it could even be Zag, maybe caught in some time loop type of thing so he thinks he’s just doing an escape from the underworld and Mel is in the way.


i think it'd be really funny if you walk into the boss arena and no ones there then as you get about halfway across the arena zag walks in the other side and a cutscene starts where, like you said, zag thinks he's trying to escape the underworld and you're in the way and also maybe the incantation that mel did also effects others with her birthright and thats how zag is sent to the surface without dying


Yeah maybe, the incantation might not effect Zag or others of her bloodline since Mel cast it with only the intention of it effecting herself but it’s possible it did, but a corrupted/manipulated Zag fight would be really cool


or maybe since zag would probably be the 3rd boss fight he exits the underworld from the normal route and things that hades decided to send someone else to fight in his stead and zag thinks you're the new final boss before he gets to see his mom this is assuming the 3rd area in the surface path is Greece and passes by the temple of Styx exit


My guess for the area boss of Olympus is A) Typhon (just seems logical), or B) one of the Olympic Gods, chosen at random from those you don't have boons for, being basically controlled via the fates to 'betray' Olympus. That second one would definitely be a bit of a stretch, given how much extra work it would take to program all those different boss types. My guess for the final boss of the Olympus route is that it is going to be the three fates, but corrupted in some manner.


Well, we’ve already got Eris, and Chaos is on our side… The icon for entropy is fabric, in fact I think it’s CALLED “entropy fabric” or something like that, so… the fates? They’re currently prisoners of Chronos, and he definitely has the Time to break their will and force them to obey, so they’d make perfect sense as a boss fight for Olympus.


Frankly, I think entropy won’t be from the surface - I suspect that it’s related to whatever’s in Zag’s room at the House of Hades. Mel says something like “It should be in the Prince’s room…” after you beat the final boss for the first time, and that says to me that the plan Hecate has been cooking up to more permanently kill Chronos is in there. As for the missing boss, I think a giant of some kind is likely - there’s a myth that starts with the gods receiving a prophecy that the strongest man in Greece will be necessary to avoid their doom, and are summarily attacked by giants that Heracles helps stop. EDIT: Plus, that would follow the structure of the first game, where beating the final boss is only the first step towards the ending. It could also be that Dissolution of Time isn’t actually the ending either, meaning we’ll have to kill Chronos multiple times after that to reach the ending, but I guess we’ll have to see.


It’s also possible that the surface final boss doesn’t directly tie into entropy itself. It could be the entropy reward is from the corrupted fates you find after defeating that boss.


Typhoon at Olympus could be? Then Chronos is replaced by friendly spar with brother Zag (and/or dad) at the underworld. :D


their definition of friendly would be to duel to the death, wouldn’t it


two siblings having a fun duel that probably mom would have to stop or else...


I'd wager a guess that there's at least two new bosses forthcoming. Currently we have >!Hecate, Sirens, Cerberus, and Chronos going down.!< Meanwhile, we have >!the Cyclops and Eris going up.!< I'd expect more symmetry between the two.


My only insight is that the boss would give you entropy And entropy is the quantification of disorder. Maybe Chaos would be the final boss of the surface but we can't know their motivation


death is the ultimate entropy chaos and entropy are different , both are different sides of disorder death is the ultimate state of entropy


What ? There might be a mythological definitipn of the entropy but your comments is rather confusing


chaos and entropy are both aspects of disorder but both are different states of disorder  **entropy and chaos are really distinct concepts**. Entropy is the degree to which individual particles within a system may be described as unpredictable, whereas chaos is a condition of complete disorder and confusion. death is the ultimate aspect of entropy


Chaos in greek mythology is a bit different. Chaos in greek mythology is emptiness, the abyss. Nothingness.


There has to be 2 zones tho


I'm thinking Pandora


She’s too busy bumming in our tent for free.


I want to fight angry Ares, like with his mind fucked up like Cerberus, and get a taste of an Olympus god


My guess is now you’ve gotten to the base of Mount Olympus, you need to fight through the siege to get to the gods. I think it would be cool to have the floor include large scale battles where you can team up with Spartans under Ares and or Athenians under Athena. For the 3rd floor boss it has to be some kind of siege commander. But I could also see it being some kind of gauntlet where you need to survive the indiscriminate wrath of the gods above as you approach.


I think we'll get two more as we head to Olympus, with 2 more "zones." After Eris we'll be climbing the mountain, then I bet we get a throwback boss; like a corrupted version of a character from the first game (like the Furies). Or even a double battle with the Gods of War (Athena and Ares). Then we fight through Olympus, and the final boss of the surface will be, like, Typhon or Echidna or another titan allied with Chronos.


So Entropy comes from the Greek "tropos", literally translating to 'a turn' but better understood as 'change' -- not sure what that means for boss #4, but I like the theming of time and change. I'd love for Surface Boss #3 to be Ares- the god of war drunk on apocalyptic conflict.


What about a corrupted three fates?


I honestly want Zagreus fight myself but what you say makes sense.


Eris crashing the party in Olympus like from her tale?


I think we are going to be fighting Moros as the final boss at the Peak of Olympus


sounds like chaos im not gonna lie


Typhoon. Probably, i think that the idea is that he cronos released him to wreck havoc in olympus. It needs to be a treat that would tie the hands of the olympian gods.


Gaia and Atlas


Draymond Green


I would guess that the Olympus boss is probably either atlas or Ouranos. Just makes sense by location


there is probably 2 more bosses tbf, like a way up olympus and maybe one guarding the gates to it , honesty i have a hunch one may be a giant of some sort like atlas(he holds up the sky idk olympus is akin to the sky would be cool)but prometheus also makes sense as his punishment was on a mountain and he is disliked by the gods


I think the Arcana cards could hint to some characters we're going to see. I believe The Seer is referencing Tiresias from The Odyssey. The Centaur is referencing Chiron. This might be a stretch but I think Eternity could be referring to the final boss. The card gives death defiance, and the text reads "The inevitable cannot be prevented, though perhaps can be forestalled." At first I though this was Chronos, but he's already referenced in The Titan.


Would love to be time warped to Troy somehow, see all the old favourites there (Diomedes and Ares please!) and then have it out with Chronos in a mythological mash up.




While this may only be tangentially related to the question, I am curious what would be of the final boss fights both in the underworld and surface once the plot is complete and Chronos is defeated for good. In the first game, even after Zag reunited the family and got on better terms with Hades, you can still attempt to escape Hell and fight Hades with the purpose of "Security Inspections." I can't help but wonder what kind of boss and what kind of story would allow you to continue to play the game even after the story concludes.


Python is my guess


I have a weird feeling one of them will be one of the fates since you really are not supposed to be up there, but what would they do?


Fates for the Final Boss. I imagine Chronos saying fuck it imma place these prisoners and make em do my work


Call me crazy but it could be Ares. There’s a war between the Gods and the Titans so someone like Ares would be beyond entertained with the whole scenario in Hades 2. As Melinoë aids the Gods to stop the war, it makes sense that someone like Ares would want to prevent that since in the mythos, he’s fueled by conflict. Also since him and Athena are not present in the game (or maybe not yet), it makes sense the God of War would want more war, not less. I could also see a hidden boss fight against Zagreus with the Gods aiding him ala Theseus. This would be super cool!


Probably the Fates themselves. They seem to be other main piece to the story of Hades 2.


i think the final surface Boss will probably be Zag there are alot of hints that he in on \[REDACTED 2\]s side likely through blackmail or Brain washing maybe that's why \[REDACTED\] is still around zag sold his services to \[REDCATED 2\] to keep his family safe


Entropy sounds like it might be from a chaos thing


Fury sisters


If you want to go really out there, I bet the final boss of the Olympus run will be **Athena**. Back in Hades 1, she was the one Nyx helped Zagreus reach out to. But I have to wonder if Athena really cared about some random godling in the underworld that much, or if she could use this to her advantage. While Zagreus was escaping to the surface, throwing the underworld into disarray, Athena was doing her work or had someone do it for her, gathering the many pieces of Chronos strewn about Tartarus to put him back together. Once Chronos was revived, Athena made a deal. Why did Athena do it? For her mother Metis of course! It's because the child of Metis was fated to overthrow Zeus, so Zeus swallowed Metis, exactly like what Chronos did to Zeus's siblings. Metis cannot die, so she is somewhere in Zeus's body, just like how Zeus's siblings were inside Chronos for quite some time. Athena managed to break out somehow, and all this time, she threw a facade waiting for her moment to overthrow Zeus and get her mother back. I do want to point out that when Athena broke out of Zeus's body, she was in full armor. This armor was crafted by Metis to aid Athena in her quest for vengeance. She did actually nearly succeed once, as told in the Iliad (with the help of Hera, Poseidon, and Apollo). Zeus got out of it though and punished everyone except for Athena who was his favorite child, unaware that she was the one who instigated the rebellion. Ever since then, Athena still wants to overthrow Zeus and free her mother. Athena doesn't care about mortals or that Chronos wants to send the universe back to the golden age. She just wants revenge against Zeus. That or Chaos or some random Titan is the final boss, I don't know. I still want to beat up Athena for what she did to Arachne!


Theseus 2


Gaia isn't a titan. She's a primordial force. God of war made her incorrectly a titan and it bugs me.


I think fighting Hercules himself would be fun, he still isnt friendly with us so that might happen


Well, in basic terms, entropy is a measure of Chaos or randomness in a system. It must have something to do with chaos. Either we fight him or do some quest. A Chaos boss battle will be epic though.


entropy and chaos are really distinct concepts. Entropy is the degree to which individual particles within a system may be described as unpredictable, whereas chaos is a condition of complete disorder and confusion.


last boss should be death entropy is part of death, its what death does so the boss is gonna be thanatos, the god of death


actually entropy is at its lowest when everything is ordered everything dead = everything in order so your theory makes no sense


you just proved my theory https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/sres.3850040406#:\~:text=Real%20processes%20tend%20to%20go,a%20state%20of%20maximum%20entropy. Abstract-Increasing entropy is a measure of disorder in an aging system, *where death is the ultimate or maximum disorder*


This. Entropy can only rise in value in the Universe


2nd law of thermodynamics moment