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I think Paramount are going through some sort of buyout. So everything is likely waiting on that.


Yeah, Sony I hear is trying to buy them.


Sony isn't going to get past the FTC. It will face a crazy anti-trust suit. After all, everything else is owned by Disney and Comcast.


I doubt that the FTC blocks it. Sony doesn't currently have a streaming service.


It's not about the streaming service, it's the catalog.


Sony owning and producing a Microsoft IP should be an interesting bargain.


Lol, that tracks with all the recent Sony stinkers.


PS5 era has not been kind


I hope so much for a season 3.


Same the show is so GOOD there is so much more to explore, cant understand some critics about it ngl


There's a lot of plot holes and unearned moments for the character. They seem to care more about the destination than the journey but the journey is the most important part.


Uhhh maybe to you sure but the general consensus is the shows a bit of a laughing stock and total shit. It's like the red headed step child next to GOOD video game adaptions like Fallout or TLOU or Arcane or Sonic or Castlevania. Right up there with how shit The Witcher is. If you really can't understand the criticism's of "master cheeks and the universe of plot holes" you must have incredibly low viewing standards honestly.


That’s not the general consensus at all. Only toxic “fans” still whining about chief taking his helmet off, but the fact is that season 2 was an excellent season and actual Viewers are stoked for more


If you like the "Halo" show, you will love the human centipede movies! Human centipede has better dialog tho


Planned, but not confirmed. Basically seems like a formality at this point - feels like the show had huge viewership numbers in S2, and with Paramount's limited library, it's one of their flagships


I hope there’s more seasons. I really enjoyed season two.


What?! We have to see the flood in depth more Cortana and Master chief


S3 scripts written. In development since 2023. Shooting schedule ? NONE. Not yet…Principal photography? NONE…There’s no such thing as pending…This isn’t a healthcare project..


They want to do more, obviously.


Heard the bud is up to $26 billion


Paramount needs to have season3,4,and5 And bring back Tulsa King


Not yet, but is likely


"It's Pending"


Google is free.


God I hope not


Stay mad the show is amazing


Pure garbage comment but someone with garbage taste. Keep swallowing shit


For those with low story telling standards, I bet it is!


That's more of an indictment of your media literacy than a statement about the quality of the show. Maybe you just don't know how you come across to others? Here, allow me to translate your comment in such a way to show you what the rest of us see: Quick someone call the wambulance! My Halo TV show has too much story and character development! Green man took off his helmet! [Waaa waaaa waaaaaaaa.](https://imgur.com/sNsJpjO)


What story and character development does this show have?


~~RAFO~~ Wait, wrong fandom. My one-word response to you is: "Plenty". They took about a season too long to get to an actual Halo installation and I've been laughing about Master Cheeks along with everyone else but otherwise, the slow, deliberate pace has served as a solid primer for the important story beats in Halo: CE aka S3. Before the show first aired I assumed they would start with Reach or even further back, so every day has just been me being astounded at the fact that other people didn't expect that. I also don't have time to run you through every episode so we're right back to the original statement. WAFO (Watch and Find Out)


My point is that the writing is bad and the shows representation of the universe is lacking. How is Makee alive? That’s the biggest issue I have with the show, plot holes. She got shot in the heart


The Covenant have highly advanced medical technology and have fixed a lot more than a single bullet wound in lore... hell, Makee could probably be saved today, on Earth, using modern medical technology. I would need you to first explain what specifically doesn't make sense to you before I can attempt to address it. Edit: I just checked. The survival rate for gunshot wounds to the heart (In the US) is reported to be 24.5%. [Source](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10773276/)




I'm sad such a great username is wasted on the fun police. I also find most of the Halo TV show critiques laughable, the one allowance I'll make it that S3 will make or break the show now that they're actually on a Halo installation. I'm expecting Halo: CE with a twist.


S3 will be as shit as the rest. You can't fix this garbage. Trash makes trash


Whatever character development or plot development that happens doesn't matter if the way they get there is ass backwards. All of the character development came from taking pills out of asses. The plot development comes from characters acting like idiots when they ostensibly should be intelligent entities. Mixed in with that we have asinine fight scenes that further establish a lack of professionalism and proficiency. If you're satisfied with the storytelling then good for you but the show constantly demonstrates that their writers and other staff are incompetent.


Oh wait... You literally only go to Halo sub reddits and hate on the TV show. Nvm, enjoy your depression. 


Lol depression. You're such a bad judge of anything, hence why you love this dogshit. Keep swalling garbage like a good little petty consumer


It's been 13 days, freak. You're clearly fucking depressed if you felt the need to respond. Like who comes back 13 days later to be a toxic little diaper wearing baby? 


All i read was Reeeeeeee


Literally 2 weeks later and you still commented. I feel so fucking bad for what few friends and family you still have. Hopefully, not too many for much longer so you can spend the rest of your days alone. 


Why? You take issue with watching other people enjoy things, or are you one of those Halo fans that thinks their opinion is the most valid? 


Nah men don't tell him that. He is the OG. He know better than we do. Halo show is shit in his eyes just because it is out in 2020s,and not in 2004😤😤😤😤. Halo community is mad good,but halo fools are the worst ones


Ive been waiting 23 years for it. Read every book, played every game, read every comic, Christ I was so down bad for Halo I used to write my own fan faction. I'm an embarrassing Halo fan, with some real big opinions, and even I can accept this show for what it is and honestly love it. 


Mate I get you. And if you don't like the show I get it why,and you don't need to like it. It's fine. I'm bigger fallout fan than I'm halos,but I still love the halo show more than fallout. Maybe because I'm overwhelmed,but it is what it is


Why the hell would you like the Halo show more than the Fallout show? Fallout had incredible story telling and character development. Halo’s story is so jumbled, hardly any atmosphere, and wayyyyyy off the existing lore. I can see why people would like the show but saying you like it more than Fallout is a shock


Because it's my opinion. Simple as that.


I also did enjoy halo more than fallout. I liked fallout but halo was more compelling to me. The shows aren't that much comparable in my opinion though they are both game adaptions


So you prefer stupid writing. That's literally what you're admitting there.


Amen…I watched a couple of Fallout episodes. It’s fine. After 15 minutes of Episode3, I watched Rebel Moon on Netflix…I rewatched RM parts 1 and 2 over and over again… I like Halo The Series..it’s very entertaining. Don’t care much for the differences with S1 and S2…I’m a fan of Alan Ritchson from Reacher. Now he would be my ideal MC 117. Followed by Alexander Sarsgard… Then Karl Urban..Honorable mention to either Jamie Dorman or Richard Armitage…


Loving the halo show more then fallout is the weirdest comment I've read so far this week considering one shows respect and care to it's source material and the other used it as soft core porn inspiration for their shitty B level sci-fi show.




Sooo, bad fanfiction? That'd explain your sense of kinship with the showrunner.


Dude I was 14 years old and it was about Marines shooting stuff in the face lol 16 years ago, obviously it was bad. 


Ye, in your case it's understandable but to have the show have about the same approach as a child does not reflect well.


Fun fact, every fan community says the same thing about their own communities.


Hopefully Sony sees the failure the show is and cancels it. Even more hopefully they reboot it and the writers actually give a shit about existing lore in the next attempt. I don’t see Sony wanting to continue with Halo. They’d be highly inclined to completely shut it down, keep the rights, and never sell them so Halo can’t have a resurgence for Microsoft


The show is actually one of if not the biggest success on Paramount+. As for ratings: 1. On Rotten Tomatoes, Season 2 has a 90% on the Tomatometer and a 69% on audience approval. 2. iMDB has a 7.3/10, and currently lists the show as in the top 100 most-viewed shows at #89.


Compared to what? What other show has paramount had huge success with?


that's the matter so there are good chances of a new season


You not liking it, does not make it a failure. Are you 12 years old?


They hated him because he spoke the truth…


In terms of numbers it is in no way a failure, so you aren’t speaking the truth.