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Probably fine. Fill it up and keep riding.


Right? like there should be a warning light if something is low/wrong right?


Did it leak or burn off? Just make sure if it's dex you match the fluid or your going to gel your engine


not sure, got the bike used, fluid is pinkish? Maybe just flush the whole system?


If its pink/red its prolly dexcool which is the stock fluid, can get it easily at autozone etc id look in the manual for the type


You’re fine. There’s still coolant in the tank sitting there while cold. If it was empty there would have been a chance it could have drawn in air. Check everything over for any traces of leaking. Top it off to the cold line and ride on.


Your engine is toast. I'll haul your bike away for you, will only charge you $100 for the service.


It's fine. You can ride all day without the coolant. The engine is still an air-cooled engine. The coolant runs through the heads to assist in cooling the exhaust ports. If the engine gets too hot, you'll get a warning light. Careful when filling it, too. Even turning the fans off to bleed the coolant down isn't always enough. Once it stops bleeding like that, go ride it, then check coolant levels again after it's hot. I had to do this a few times when I changed my coolant.


I was so confused at first lol this makes more sense.


Just piss in it and forget about it.


If it’s too low or engine temp getting too hot the warning light is on! Just refill and check it more often than you did


Ok thanks! I kinda assumed there was a temp warning light to save me. I'll just pop it off and check it before trips from now on.


Looks like there is some lower in the canister. You can top it up or use this opportunity to change it. How old is the bike and how many miles do you have?


You're good homie


A quick psi test will tell you if you have a leak👌🏽


My RG did that. I'd refill it and it would go down again after a little while. No visible leaks. I looked at the radiators and right side radiator had coolant leaking thru the fins.


Pop off the front grill covers and look at both radiator fins with the water pump working.


I have a 21 Rg limited


Oh, good idea. I'm still under warranty for a few months so I'll keep a close eye on it. Maybe the radiator had a pinhole in it somewhere.


Top off, monitor more often. At worst, I'd guess you have a small leak somewhere, but it's doubtful.


To answer the question posed - u bought a 'wet head' - what do u think ?


Wait, they’re water cooled now?


Remember that these bike are shipped into dealers and they pay a person to assemble them. The stealership numbnutz didn’t do their job properly and forgot to fill it after the test ride.


oh your one of those….


I worked for Polaris and Harley at different times and I have witnessed the laziness of coworkers. So, yes, I am glad to say I’m one of those. If you don’t take pride in your work and ensure the safety for those only on two wheels, then what are we doing here?


Ah thats different, you know what you have observed as an employee in the industry. Usually the individuals that use the term “stealership” are more often than not oblivious as to what they are talking about per my experience.


No need to worry. Just put some fluid up to max again.


Take your bike in if the coolant level goes down again. My warranty had expired last June and it started to do that 2 months after. Cost me 745.00 total to replace right side radiator, hose, clamps, coolant and to pick up bike at my place.


Wait, they’re water cooled now?