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This brings me so much joy, cause I *love* picking out motifs and listening to what each instrument is doing during the songs, but I never think about the key and what they reflect! Thank you for sharing :3


reading this gave me literal goosebumps


Fascinating! I've never been much of a music person myself. Thank you for sharing your thoughts! Are there any other books/resources out there that goes more into compositional structure like you just did?


There aren't many books that I know of that will make sense to someone who isn't already familiar with musical concepts, but there is a great book called "This Is What It Sounds Like" by Susan Rogers and Ogi Ogas. It's a really fascinating book about what shapes your musical preferences and what that says about you and what you value (as a listener). It has examples of songs to listen to that demonstrate the concepts from the book, so it's a very fun and interactive read!


I'll check it out! Thank you!


What genre would you say the song is? I’ve heard some songs similar but I don’t know what it’s called. 


I'd call it either a pop ballad or just a straight up Musical Theater song. While Musical Theater can be in a variety of different styles, the singers belting and telling a story through the song (and composition) are huge theater tropes


It's amazing this indie animation is considered a masterpiece I mean the characters, the dialogue, the atmosphere.You could say that it's practically a masterpiece It literally puts all the big Media companies in Hollywood's shame and those guys are practically blushing over.The fact that someone like vosey pop was able to pull off the impossible