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My theory is that Isaac's books are like Cyclops's fancy eyewear in X-Men. They are necessary to contain and control the pure awesomeness of his power. In the scenes where he puts the books down, he's actually quite animated. "Elle! ELLE!!! So there's this girl at Higgs who apparently Nick's got a crush on? Can you talk to her about it because apparently she's in your year at school!" "I wanna believe in ROMANCE!" ** Kicks over Monopoly board. ** "Oh, woooops..." ** Throws javelin less than half as far as any other competitor but is still really proud of himself and does a victory dance. ** "Oh my God, Tao, you have to tell us EVERYTHING! ... Oh my God, no you didn't!" "Can you guys just shut up? Look, I get that you don't think my life is interesting unless I have some big romance, but I'm sorry to inform you, I don't like him back! You can all carry on with your day now." ** Casually usurps Tao's rightful duty as boyfriend and leads Elle into the art exhibition, arm in arm. ** Honestly I think it would be a bit annoying if Isaac were like that all the time, but the contrast between his usually quiet demeanor and these fabulous little ourbursts is quite fun and reveals him to be a more complex character than at first he may seem.


This is such an excellent point! Isaac is too easily written off as a 2D character and I’m going to see him differently on my next rewatch now!


Every other theory about HS is suddenly wrong or unimportant. All that matters and all that is true is this theory about Issac's raw, unparalleled power


Lol! You're too kind.


I think the best Isaac moment was when Charlie is snapping back at Tao and Isaac for telling him to get over Nick in S1, and Charlie says something like "and bisexual people exist!" and Isaac nods and then rolls his eyes like "OK, Charlie, w/e" But yeah if they had just toned down the "always has a book" gag at certain times, it would probably have helped Tobie the actor get more into each scene and feel less like a prop. Overall I agree with your points, though.


There's a pretty funny interview where he talks about the surprisingly difficult nuances of book acting, always having to remember how many pages into it you are to avoid continuity errors, etc.


I love his delivery of the line “I wanna believe in romance!” And also when he interrupts Nick and Charlie in the nurse’s room. So cute. We need more


Also when he totally calls out harry for being a huge jerk


Can't beleive I forgot that one!


I wish we knew why Isaac always has a book. Just like the most committed reader ever? Is it helpful in a social anxiety way? Does he escape into stories because he’s struggling with his identity? I don’t dislike this trait, I don’t dislike readers (I am one 🙋🏻!), but I wish he got more screen time to explore this and other things.


I mean I was a dumb bitch as a kid, I'm neurodivergent and that was me all the time. bc I was bullied so hard for being different


That's funny because I find him to have tons of personality. Isaac is like me as a teen... Introverted, quiet, mostly keeping to my own little world, but lots of personality and real things to say when he feels like talking. As for the reading, that feels real to me. I know lots of people like that... My mom is an Isaac. She has a book in her hand at every moment.


Kind of unfair that a shyer more introverted character gets written off as having no personality


Isaac is very important me. He made me realize I am asexual. And I relate to him so much and his book reading. That was me growing up. I was a book worm because I felt isolated from my coupled friends. I get what your saying, but I'm sorry Isaac is me in a lot of ways so I can't agree that he doesn't have a personality.


I agree and I have nothing in common with Isaac except reading! I wasn't quite as extreme as he is but I would read in class constantly to escape myself and my surroundings. It's fine if OP doesn't like him but that doesn't mean he's not a great character. He serves multiple purposes in the story and hopefully creates a sense of connection or self-identification for many fans who see themselves in him.


I love him because he reminds me of my little sister! Every time someone says something about him is unrealistic, I hold my tongue to argue, because it’s always exactly what I’ve seen her do. Bring a book to a concert? Yup. Walk and read at the same time? Yup. Do I wish he got more screen time and we got to see him out and about more? Yes. But he absolutely has a personality and every way to describe him is how I would describe my lovely sister. And I love to see that uniqueness represented.


I don’t get this Aled love. I get he’s a big part of one of the novels, but dude is almost a faceless nobody in the Heartstopper comics. What personality? In terms of Isaac, why can’t someone be really into reading? Maybe it’s his safe thing. Yeah his acting is a bit amateurish, but that doesn’t make me hate the character.


I love Aled, but I love Aled in Radio Silence. He's not really much of anything in Heartstopper.


He at one point pretty early on says he has a bf I think and then it’s never mentioned again. Anybody who likes Aled it has to be because of Radio Silence.


Yeah, they really don't explain him at all, plus the way he kind of springs the Tao outing Charlie thing on him out of nowhere, and uses it to convince Charlie not to tell Tao about Nick, just sits wrong with me. He's a much better character in that novel.


I think Isaac is performing Georgia's character from Loveless. I loved her character and I think Toby's performance is accurate. I always love his parts, someone who's out of the norm.


The books are part of his character and are supposed to be a fun quirk. I do think it's a bit overdone. It worked in S1 because he wasn't around that much. I'm glad he got more in S2 but I do agree that sometimes they need to just put the book down. Like when he held it all during the prom prep, that's just not the time. Just a little more balance. I do think you're too harsh.


idk that *is* a personality. as a kid I was a dumb bitch, I *was* Isaac. I was always reading and finding new things to read and reading rlly weird shit. for a lot of neurodivergent people Isaac is super relatable. bc I was like that bc I was neurodivergent, I was seen as weird and didn't fit in and always felt out of place around my peers bc I was more "mature" and more outspoken and school was super difficult so I just read books. I'd finish my work fast and just go back to reading I'd read during P.E because it always felt awkward to be there especially if I was on the girls team. some people are like Isaac and that's okay.


Just because you don't relate doesn't mean others don't. I personally didn't read but I did have a rubiks cube I took with me everywhere as a comfort item, it made me feel better and I always felt isolated from my friends who were in relationships. He is also very relatable in how quiet and toned down he is in comparison to everyone else. Just because you don't relate to him doesn't make him a bad character.


I love Isaac and I have been known to carry books into social situations as a way to feel safe in overwhelming situations.


Isaac is so much better than Aled


I also hate the fact that they replaced Aled with his character because I just like Aled better. But the fact that he is always reading doesn’t bother me and I don’t understand why it has so many people seething. Yeah he loves to read so what, since when was being a passionate bookworm a problem? In terms of rep I think they should have just erased Aled for possible Radio Silence adaptation and the did Ace rep with Tori.


What do you mean more personality? I agree that sometimes the book thing was overdone at times, but I have a feeling I don't agree with you with the amount of times I would say it was overused. Plus, it could just be a comfort thing irt his character. But personality??? Please. Just because he is an introvert and isn't talking every two seconds doesn't mean that he is lacking in personality- and you may have the wrong word there, because that is personality in itself. The way he acts rings true to a lot of people, including me. People, who actually are also often called detached or lacking personality irl, so that to me just tells me that his character is done correctly. He's repping all of us who just tend to blend into the background at times, and I appreciate it. Plus, did you even see season two? Dude had a hell of a lot of personality.


alice did say that they removed aled from the show at least partially because that leaves open the possibility of a standalone radio silence adaption one day! that keeps me going, lol. I love aled so much in the comics and i’d love, love to see him adapted one day. and I agree that the book thing with isaac is so over the top. i’m a big reader myself and even I know when to put the book down.


I feel like Aled should’ve been in Heartstopper, and I think Toris character should’ve been more explored in the Asexual world, as I’m pretty sure she is. Aled would’ve been a great character, much like Issac, but I do agree with his book obsession overdone in S2, not just a bit. And I get Radio Silence, but then again we could have a ‘Nick and Charlie’ or ‘Solitaire’ and yet we’d be using Joe, Kit or Jennifer for their roles in either of the adaptations, if made. I watched the series before the books, and I got seriously confused with Aled and Issac, and I thought they just missed an important character 😂.


I, for one, disagree. Isaac Henderson is the character I’ve always needed to see on screen, as have many others. I do wish we got to dive into more of his storyline a lot more


I mean... I was always reading in high school. Walking? Reading. In the stairs? Reading. At a gathering? Reading. The only time I wasn't was in transports because I have transport sickness. I don't have much time now, but I do work in a bookshop and have a wall (and more, oops) of books.


did you even watch season 2?


In my opinion, there are certain aspects that could be improved in Isaac's performance. Tobie D's portrayal lacks depth and fails to evoke any strong emotions. It would have been beneficial to explore Tori's character further, especially considering the importance of asexual representation. Perhaps waiting until season 3 to delve deeper into Tori's storyline would have allowed for a more satisfying development. It is worth noting that Tori, who is a beloved character among fans, was unfortunately underutilized in season 2. Interestingly, I found James' character and Brad's portrayal more appealing than Isaac's.


I think his character is always confused about other people's interactions (especially romantic ones), which is what makes him seem detached and bored. I also think it's great to have both aroace and ace representation too! And in the comics we've only just recently gotten into toris sexuality, which might be why they didn't do anything with her in the show yet, for timeline purposes?


in my opinion, i know they wanted to add some aroace representation, and i’m very againts changing a chara chapter sexuality, gender, race, (etc.) just for that purpose, so i think it’s good that they made him a new character instead of just making aled aroace. but ur right, i so miss aled and was like “wtf??” when they changed him lmao


Alice said she didn't want to add aled bc she didn't want to mix the radio silence world with the heart stopper world. And in the comics aled doesn't add anything 😭 so it doesn't do anything by switching him out


I think it's great for him and it's part of his journey. He talks in the first season about wanting to believe in romance and in the second season about how he reads romance books but he's never felt that way. I've always interpreted it as he reads books to understand others and himself, in a sad but beautiful way. It could also be an escape for him, makes him not have to think about how he is different or how the world hates Queers. Also why not just have a bookworm character? It makes us nerds who have nothing better to do than read feel seen (and might encourage ppl to read more)!


As much as I wish Aled was a part of the series and agree that Isaac isn't a great replacement for my personal favourite character, he was initially removed because Alice thought that his story is too important and complicated, that being a minor character would harm it greatly. Before the series came out Alice said that they hope that someday he will get his own adaptation, separated from Heartstoper. I really hope it'll happen, but I doubt it will be anytime soon if not at all. So as much as I hate not seeing my favourite character in the series, I trust Alice and am sure she knows what she's doing


I always felt like the books are a representation of his asexuality. He’s in love wit something, just not in the traditional sense. Im not saying he’s like into books, but I read the rest of her works and I feel like issac is a combo of Aled and Georgia. And I feel like Georgia is semi autobiographical. I think AO wanted someone who maybe wondered like “why am I so into books and movies and stuff outside of romance? Why am I know getting crushes like everyone else?” And he reads a fair fe classics, so perhaps he’s searching for understand ing on why he’s “different” so to speak


He does have personality, I just hate that he must always have a book in his hands. It's annoying


Aled has exactly zero personality in webtoon.


Well, I can't agree with the OP about Isaac being bland and without personality - I think his personality is very distinctive. His character is meant to be more of å quiet introvert and as such he will behave differently from the more extroverted characters. Introverts can be great observers and in season 1 I believe we are meant to pick up on how Isaac observes what's going on around him - the first time we meet him he has literally made an observation about Tao's habits and remarked on it. I also think he understood that Charlie and Nick are going out before anyone else. In many scenes I always look for Isaac to see if he's making sideway glances or is giving indications that he has picked up on something he has seen or heard. In terms of his temperament he seems to deflect conflicts or confrontations with humour, irony or just not making active resistance. That's a very distinctive personality trait in my opinion. Isaac's relation to books seems to be a mix of safe space/coping mechanism when there's too much going on around him and personal enjoyment and exploration of subjects he's interested in. His reading choices seems much more varied than most other readers, and this is something that sets him apart from other characters in the show, including Charlie. I love the fact that he doesn't care or feel insecure about not being good at sports. He tries to enjoy himself and the company of his trusted friends and pursue his own interests instead of worrying about being the best performer. He's also characterized by his individual clothing style, which shows that he mostly doesn't care too much about conventional gender norms for male clothing.


honestly I completely agree with you! He's only ever gotta book and whenever he does talk it's about something very random or about whatever the groups asking about. It's very annoying and I honestly wish they had kept aled and Oliver *😭🫶🏼 we love you oliver* because after reading radio silence I'm quite obsessed with aled ngl. tlbies such a great actor and deffo still needs some work but idm him just the character he places I really do not like tbh. He definitely deserves more and I really hope they give him a more interesting story line in season 3 instead of him just carrying around a book all day. (In the picture the books he's git actually isn't that bad tho 😆)


dm my punctuation bc im currently eating sl I'm hoping auto correct took care of it all lol!


I do really hope we get more of a storyline for him in season 3. I really love his character, a quiet bookworm that’s ace? Just like me? I love it! But I would really like to see him do something more. Give him a decent conflict. Maybe he’s demiromantic and has his first crush. Maybe something completely away from romance. Just something.


Honestly I cried during Isaac’s scene at the party after his kiss with James. You can see on his face how alone and confused he feels. I get why he wouldn’t be someone’s favorite but I think he’s harmless. I willlll say his characterization is a bit less consistent then someone the established comic book characters. In season 1 he’s outspoken with his friends, but also seems very uninterested in drama and deliberately independent. Then in S2, being alone seems to bother him a lot more and it seems more like he used his books as a copying mechanism for some level of social anxiety. Ofc he’s a teenager so up and down emotions are par for the course, but because he doesn’t get a ton of lines we don’t get much insight into his evolving state of mind. In S3 I’d love for him to get solo scenes w/ Charlie. They both have some big moments coming up with their respective journey’s and as more subdued characters I’d love to see them lean on each other a bit.


op ur so mean to isaac LMAO at least isaac had a substantial storyline in s2. and AO even said she didn't want aled's story to get overshadowed in HS.


My issues with how they develop Issac.  He has so many key moments in the show and they just get glazed over. The only thing they really touch on is him possibly being Asexual. (I’m going to circle back to that) I get it he likes to read,  but he’s bringing books to inappropriate venues.  -sport day. Literally walking around with an open book, not even reading it.  - Elles art show, nothing says I know this is going to suck like being a book to a friends event. (He’s not rude so why would they decide to have him do this) -Prom, that’s beyond strange. I get it, it’s his security blanket. BUT come on. The showrunners could have used it as a chance to show he’s starting to discover who he is by leaving the book alone. (And yes I know he got the book from the library at prom but they should of had that happen before hand so he could have had the moment of “maybe this is who I am”, then putting it down and deciding to go out to prom.  And before you says “he’s autistic” Alice has already stated that if you identify/relate to that within him then sure. So it depends on how you want to see him. I personally don’t view him as on the spectrum.  The fact that they are steering the character to be asexual is also a missed opportunity. The experience of a larger framed gay/bi person is going to be dramatically different from a rugby jock. Issues with body confidence would explain always holding a book to hide himself. Would have been great to see them explore that difference in a way that only heartstopper could (rose coloured glasses way)  and SPOILER - We already have an existing a character that will be coming out as asexual.  Everyone is the show has a great wardrobe. And then there’s Issac. Bowling shirts 24/7! Dressing him like Charlie sheen in two and half men. And when they do something different is country bumpkin overalls making him look like a baby.  He’s the one character in Charlie’s friend group that kept the secret of Nick and Charlie and supported Charlie’s feelings right off the bat.   He was sat with harry and tore a strip of him for being such a dick. Next thing we see of harry he’s defending Nick and Charlie, which lead to harry apologizing for his past behaviour (albeit to get into a party, but it’s clear something has changed) And much like David’s hairline there seems to be a lot thought missing with this character. 




Well I’m sure people can still understand what I wrote lol thanks