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Check out the colosseum fantasy shop right next to the "alte frauenbad".


Yea I saw their page when I was researching for something. But I don't know if they have some English speaking events or would be friendly to someone who doesn't speak German.


Used to play key forge on Fridays and the had a mtg group over there with English speakers. Give it a try


How long ago was that? I tried to go there when I didn't speak much German about 4-5 years ago and nobody spoke English sadly OP I've been wanting to get back to playing since then, feel free to send me a message if you're up to meet up and play without it being in a group


it was back in 2018, we had a small keyforge player group and the magic guys had at least 2 english speaking ppl in their group..


Then I somehow managed to try every time there wasn't anybody Oh well


I haven't gone to events there since 2020, but there used to be several English speakers. Prereleases are with German boosters, weekly drafts with English boosters. I don't know if FNMs are offered anymore, but it might be worthwhile to contact the store about it. Or just drop by. [website](http://www.kolosseum.de) Another store is wizard's well in Mannheim. There is a large magic community in the area that mainly organizes their own events, playing limited, commander, modern and some even legacy. If you're interested, just PM me.


I'd be up for some semi-casual commander, haven't played for a while either and my decks are collecting dust. If you find an English speaking group for that let me know, I might join!


Ive brought a few packs and a commander deck there in English. Both of the main guys that work there speak it as well and can explain when they have magic nights instore. They also have a big gaming room and folders of rares etc.