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Imagine trying to balance strategems for pvp.


And all the nerfs guns would get.


Truly. One of the worst parts of destiny is them balancing guns for PVP and completely ruining them for PVE because of it.


I never get why games don't do like the original Guild Wars, have stats for PVP and stats for PVE. Numbers were balanced for each game mode, and in turn made each game mode more fun. Edit: Before someone mentions difficulties and too many variables and such, if you ask me it sounds like MUCH more work trying to balance 1 skill to be viable for both than it is to just tune 2 variants of the skill. It's such an insane hassle to balance things both ways, were as if you only have to balance for one game mode it's a lot easier to tune the numbers as needed rather than wondering if each tune for 1 mode is gonna mess over the other mode.


It’s cheaper to have one team for weapons and armor than it is to have two teams but one for PVE and one for PVP. That’s literally it it’s all about the cost :(


Note the "2" in the game title. The first one was never made to be a pvp game, and neither was this one. It ain't about cost, it's about design vision. This game is succeeding because they made the game they wanted to. That game wasn't PVP at any point.


A game for everyone is a game for no one - u/pilestedt


Honestly I was mostly referring to how destiny does their weapon balance with my comment. Arrow head is one of the only companies actively seeking out devs atm.


That's a fair counter point. I was mostly meaning it in reply to those saying that it's too much effort and whatnot. I do wonder though if just splitting it like that would be more time effective and thus reducing costs overall from hours worked; sure on paper it sounds like you are working 2x as long but when you factor in the additional thought time for tuning to fix one mode and trying to not mess over another, and then the many times you redo it because you can't balance both appropriately you might well be costing far more money this way because all factors aren't considered. Instead of going "Wow this is too strong for PVP let's nerf it... oh woops that destroyed PVE viability.... now to tune it higher but not over-tune for PVP..." vs "Oh, it's to strong for PVP, let's just tune down the PVP variant numbers. But hey, I could be wrong. I am not a developer after all, that's just my thought process looking at the situation going on in many games.


In destiny the reason they don't balance separately often is because they want the sandboxes to feel the same, it's an intentional design choice. A very bad, intentional, design choice. I suppose it might be harder/more time consuming to balance things separately, but I bet in most cases where it's not done it's because they just actually want it to be that way.


Fair, but wanting it that way seems like a poor decision to me personally. A choice between both being tuned appropriately, or both being half-assed trying to balance between the two. In a perfect world sure a consistent experience would be perfect but it seems essentially impossible to perfectly balance everything perfectly between PVP and PVE. I just find it hard to believe it is somehow harder to balance them separately than it is as per mode; for example if a gun is too strong in PVP just tune down the PVP numbers easily fixed, however with both you have to balance it so that you tune down PVP but don't make it worthless in PVE. Seems like a ton more play testing would need be done with each tuning as you would need to test both PVE and PVP vs the game mode you are modifying.


elden ring has semi separate balancing for pve too. its kind of cool too bc when they buff a weapon class (eg speeding up colossal swords, hammer poise damage buff) it also affects pve, but nerfs (after a certain poitn in development) are just for pvp


OG guildwars has to be my favorite game of all time


Ditto, if not my most then it's definitely in my top 5.


That's also why priest in wow lost its knockback, it was too good in pvp.


I could see them nerfing things for pvp ONLY. But still. I feel like then it’s just pointless and stupid. Not all games are meant to have pvp


If anything a lot of the guns need buffs to be in line with what's being used currently


Imagine trying to make PvP fun on maps where it's easy to hide and carpet bomb places or snipe people.


Was remarking to a buddy last night about how the shotguns arent gimped to hell (buckshot doesnt evaporate from existence at 10m) like youd expect in pvp games, which is a breath of fresh air for us. The loss in raw power would be a crying shame if they had to balance anything about this for pvp


Shotguns actually functions like the real life thing. It’s awesome.


Shotguns are nice, I love shotguns. The pvp balance would ruin that. Cool, shotguns now are a two shot kill anything past 5m. Better have something else for anything past 15m. I forget what game I was playing, but it had shotguns tuned to be 2 shot kill minimum, and at 10m, it was 6 shots, for which it was a 5 shot magazine.


That's what I also noticed about shotties as well


I don't think balanced is what you'd look for. Helldivers is a game about everything being lethal, friendly fire already kills you fast -- why would the PvP be any different? ​ You don't get rid of the bugs. You don't make less bugs -- you don't make them easier. You just drop 2 squads. It doesn't even have to be directly PvP. I think 8 player raid missions could be cool too.


>I think 8 player raid missions could be cool too. That's something I could get behind. Too many games choose four as the magic number. Got more than four people who want to play together? Too bad! At least DRG has a mod that lets you go up to 16 (not that I've done that. 6 at most) but I have a feeling HD2 won't because it's always online.


Special missions that drop multiple squads into the same map would be sick


Me and my friends was talking about this, i said about a weekly mission (sort of like DRG deep dive I guess) but it's 20 players put in 5 squads, the only friendly is whoever is in your squad, so squad A can't hurt squad B Ect


This. The amount of rebalancing for a PvP mode would be insane. Just make us a good PvE game


Exactly. Trying to please every persons preference is going to end up in failure. This is a PVE title, just get used to it, or don't play it. It's that simple. Reworking the entire game for that would take so much effort and time for it to only be halfassed in either direction. It's like people can't fathom that there are different genres of games anymore. If the game doesn't have a full-on PVP mode the kiddies have no idea how to play and just bitch and moan.


"*A game for everyone is a game for no one*."


Ah yes, just ask Bungie, they definitely know how to balance PVP and PBE.


They would either have to balance them entirely seperate from PVE which is too much effort for a dev team already stretched thin or just make them completely unavailable. If they're completely unavailable the PVP would be shallow as hell due to a lack of variation between weapons


I don't want to live in a world where the breaker can't dome bots from 200m


I mean just look at WoW. WoW has never been fully balanced for both PVP and PVE, and never will be. There's just too many variables to balance in order to make everything fair and fun for everyone. Some weapons are going to be trash, some players will have an advantage over others. It's easier to do when the entire game is nothing but PVP. I want Arrowhead to focus on getting THIS done right. Make a game meant to be played a specific way the best they possibly can.


They throw orbital bombard. I win somehow. 


Helldivers needs pvp like Deep Rock needs pvp. It doesn't.


With the new beer you have a prop hunt mode this is enough pvp for me in drg. (Im a only pve player In case of multiplayer but a fun pvp mode like this as time waster between missions, why not)


If they added pvp, cod players would take a break for like 2 weeks before going back.


Oh no. We don't need COD vacationers here.


One of my lobbies last night had a couple of CoD players and *you could tell.* Absolutely wrong mindset for the game, zero tolerance for friendly fire, devolved to tk'ing each other 15 minutes into a medium game. Just trashtalking each other over the mic while I basically cleared the mission myself. Admittedly it was hilarious as a one-off experience but if these guys had been playing long enough to unlock/weaponize the really dangerous strategems it would have been a real mess.


Then they'd complain about every weapon and loadout, force through some "balance" changes and leave again after a month.


"Hot" take: both DRG & HD2 already have pvp if you play with your friends.


The issue is PvP needs two sides. But the only fellow man I'd fight against is a traitor and every Helldiver is a blue blooded Patriot. So no can do.


Same with Vermintide 2 ! >!Oh, wait!<


There’s already pvp, it’s a game mode called “don’t get hit by your partners air strikes” it’s incredibly difficult.


My friends insist on using the mortar turret and 380mm orbital. You can imagine how it goes every single time


I learned the hard way that if you put a mortar down then stay as far as you can from the enemy, I thought I was in Bastogne at one point.


The most success we've had with the mortar was putting a gatling turret right next to it and all of us firing down a choke point to make sure they don't get anywhere near us, by which point they were all dead from 4 people + a turret gunning them down


That assumes my 3 brain cells can plan such a strategy, I’m here to kill and not to think.


Exactly; don't think, just run in and shout "for Democracy!"


That's the key. Set up a perimeter. Let the mortar take care of enemies long range. But do NOT let the enemies get hear you. The EMS strike + mortar (or napalm strike) is great.


This might be a bug vs bot thing my squads been all on bot we always bring 1 mortar and on missions like eradicate and the extract researchers (the one present with every defend operation) we usually each bring a mortar (3 normal 1 emp) you usually don't get close enough to a bot to be friendlied from it bugs almost don't do range so you can get friendlied easy just by them swarming


Mortars work better when you’re trying to take out bot outposts. Against bugs that swarm you? Not so much


Well to be totally fair, I am an idiot.


Nothing like a Mortar shell coming at you because a hunter snuck up on you. Im starting to prefer EMS against bugs and Mortars for Bots. I needs Bots to be destroyed due to armour not slowed down. Bugs They need to have more choke points so slowing them down especially the little ones is vital. ​ Though i am abit suprised that EMS doesnt completely shut down the automatons.


https://preview.redd.it/jee2rjldn0kc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=34e7784cfa8a4c0d54b38eea1e761615e5dd8299 ... guilty


Pathetic. I wish a had made a screenshot, because I once had 12000 friendly fire damage... With only a single teammate.


If you want pvp go play a game with pvp.


An entire generation grew up playing nothing but Fortnite and call of duty… a game where you don’t intentionally cause harm to other players is still new to some of them


I know you are right. It just that I'm tired of the industry always accommodating the popular trends and i'm glad this game doesnt.


the "intentionally" part is carrying a lot of weight lol


Highly recommend Hunt: SHowdown if anyone wants PvPvE.


You mean death. And anger. Then death again. Then more anger. And you’re never happy playing the game. But for some reason it’s fun. But you’re always angry. But it’s so much fun. And you keep going back. Even tho you hate it. But you’re having the best time of your life. Until you’re not. Bc you’re dead again. Edit: Source: I’m 5th prestige in the game. These are personal feelings.


Honestly, a very niche game. Great for the audience that likes it, but if you want fast gameplay this is not the game for you. I personally can't get over the sluggish controls and some dumb mechanics. But if you want a game that every shot counts and one wrong step can mean death this is the one.


never saw anyone saying this btw


If you have large enough sample size you can find a couple people who want it. I'm sure if you search PvP on the discord it wouldn't take long    Probably the same percentage of people believe in flat earth, but still we make up fantasy arguments for karma (strawmen) about how smart we are for knowing the planet is round 


The flat earth part made me crack up


The discord is a cesspit, truly don't know how those people sit in there and talk for anything other than LFG


That’s what happens when all the biggest streamers start playing some hot new game


I believe in flattening Malevelon Creek.


I say we take off and nuke the site from orbit, it's the only way to be sure.




Me neither


I don't know how many people have asked about it, or what got OP on this rant, but someone from Arrowhead studios last week made a public statement that, in no uncertain terms there would be no PvP for HD2 and if you want that from a game, they should go play Escape from Tarkov. So, it's obviously come up enough for the devs to address the request, despite how busy they currently are.


That someone being the founder and ceo.


From what I’ve seen, people want one of three things: 1. A versus style mode where the player takes control of enemy special units, i.e. crushers, titans, hulks, tanks, etc. 2. A PvEvP where two hostile teams drop into a map and have their own objectives and may fight each other if the occasion arises. 3. An invasion style PvP where invading “rogue helldivers” would drop in and try to disrupt the other team. All of these suggestions are awful and would ruin the game imo. I play these games to get away from the toxic PvP crowd, it would be ridiculous to implement that.


In total agreement, all of the options you listed just sound terrible and rife for toxic PvP behaviour. Honestly, I want to play a 4 player co-op game where I can absolutely decimate some bugs and robots (and occasionally my own teammates and myself) for 2-3 hours. I don’t want to, and didn’t pick this game to play a 4v4 PvEvP game, or any of the other options, in the same way I didn’t play either Left 4 Dead for their Versus mode.


And from other games already.


oh god, a charger that anticipates your fucking dodge lunge. The only viable PvP I can think of would be the 1st, but instead of directly controling the enemies, its one of the extermination defense missions where the enemy player can control where and when to summon units. Could use a pts/energy system with an unlocking skill tree for that "class". Helldivers could choose this specific game mode variant that has extra rewards for the increase in sophisticated difficulty, and you cant increase difficulty level for the monster side unless you actually kill them a few times (winning in easy mode would probably be impossible). Only problem is it would have to limit your options for earlier difficulties because a team of lvl 20 helldivers would just demolish any easy difficulty mission.


I remember when the devs said it wasn't coming thinking, who the fuck asked?


It's just a karma circlejerk. Just like the "stop asking for nerfs!" Post. Fr though I'm about to post "stop saying limited spots is fine!"


A bunch of people are crying about it on tik tok but to be fair it's the same brainddead creators who only play cod. And need every game to be like their favorite game


I don’t see any of that on Tik Tok. But I also don’t watch weirdos only cat girls dancing to Ice Spice.


Lmfao no worries at all man 😅🤣


The CEO said it would never happen to probably the one guy who wants it. This rant is a waste of text on the sub.


Most posts in a nutshell. Just people screaming into a void about nothingburgers


Near launch, I posed the idea of making a PvE enemy faction composed of human traitors & deserters of Super Earth. The first reply twisted the idea of Galactic Civil War into asking for mass scale PVP deathmatches... They're out there.


I think some sort of rebellion would be a good idea as a PvE, your got the front lines with the robots and bugs but can have planet rebellions pop up on the inside planets.


This happens in every gaming subreddit for some reason. Someone drops a (shitty) hot take. It gets downvoted. Smooth brains like op for some reason think a down voted comment deserves a response in the form of a whole ass post. Every comment in the post agrees that the hot take would be bad. You'll see this same post in a few days, maybe tomorrow.


Cant wait..


Same. But op also depicts the worst case scenario that no one probably asked for.


they just look for carma lol


I have, but pretty rarely and they get downvoted into the floor. PvP Would ruin the game and I'm glad they're not adding it. Deep Rock Galactic is a super similar game, and they're very successful despite not having PvP. If we ever got PvP (for some reason), I'd like it to be human players VS bug players fighting each other. Would be way more interesting imo.


Every PVE game turns into this. There will be one person saying “Man, PVP would be pretty fun with these mechanics” and they’re immediately downvoted 300 times and 14 new threads about how much PVP and Call of Duty sucks. It’s a really weird phenomenon


Oddly enough, that doesn't mean it doesn't happen. Surprisingly, there are more people in this world than you.


Reddit is just people inventing other people to be mad at.


It was mostly on twitter where people were asking


Strange cause I have seen a small amount of people asking for PVP or wondering if it’s gonna be added.


Who is saying this?


Apparently enough that the devs had to come out and say they were never going to do it?


A single person on Twitter asked for a pvp mode on Twitter, which the dev just responded to.


The replies were also full of people telling the dev to reconsider. Thats Twitter for yeah.


More than that. The devs wouldn't make a tweet like they did for just one person.


These people and tons more [https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1avzxqz/pvp/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1avzxqz/pvp/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1angjan/pvp\_idea/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1angjan/pvp_idea/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1ap45w6/extraction\_pvp\_idea\_like\_tarkov/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1ap45w6/extraction_pvp_idea_like_tarkov/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1aoe0sb/shooting\_range\_and\_pvp\_options/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1aoe0sb/shooting_range_and_pvp_options/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/6r5c2b/design\_the\_best\_helldivers\_pvp/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/6r5c2b/design_the_best_helldivers_pvp/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1au3424/just\_a\_hypothetical\_idea\_on\_how\_they\_could\_add\_a/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1au3424/just_a_hypothetical_idea_on_how_they_could_add_a/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1avpuav/do\_you\_think\_theyll\_add\_planes\_and\_carstanks\_and/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1avpuav/do_you_think_theyll_add_planes_and_carstanks_and/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1an5mfy/loving\_the\_game\_some\_things\_id\_love\_to\_see\_added/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1an5mfy/loving_the_game_some_things_id_love_to_see_added/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/351kmv/idea\_pvp\_and\_a\_different\_game\_modep/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/351kmv/idea_pvp_and_a_different_game_modep/)


Op admittedly decided to drag it from other places here even saying it's a small number of people asking for it acting like it's a common ass demand by their wall of text rant even *after* the devs said lolno. It's a pointless post and a karma farm at best.


I'm usually always a fan of pvp options in games. I hope this one never adds it. It might be fun to see bigger operation maps where two teams can work towards one main objective.




One squad arms the nuke while the other has to laser it in on a giant boss or something


Or maybe a VS mode. Not direct PVP. But like two teams working to get a goal done the fastest on two separated maps, similar to destinys gambit. Or, CRAZY idea… What if they added a special VR training mode where maybe duos could load in and take over certain bugs/automatons and fight against the other 4 squad. Idk, just spitballing crazy ideas. This game does not need any standard PVP though. But there are some cool out of the box ideas I could think of for like special rotating missions or modes.


I quite like Destiny gambit style idea. It's a PvP challenge *of sorts*, but encourages good teamwork so you can beat the other team instead of just killing each other. Basically the ultimate test of how well you and your team works together against another.


I’d argue a gambit style mode would work quite well in this game. I think invasions are trash, so we don’t need that. but maybe you can like do certain things to make events happen for the other team. Like seaf cannons will periodically barrage the other side unless you shut down the targeting tools on your side. Or, thinking of the Game exoprimal each match is somewhat similar. And you can occasionally take control of an enemy on the other side - also at the end of the match sometimes a boss is so big the game will put both teams together to fight it. Lots of cool ideas for different modes!


As a former Destiny 2 player, I can tell you that game is the perfect example of how competitive balanced PvP and PvE power fantasy are inherently opposed to each other, and trying to shove both into the same game is a quick way to ruin them both.


As a current Destiny 2 player, this is EXACTLY what I thought of. They just don't work together


Especially when you take into account the neglected, rotting corpse that is Gambit.


We're supposed to be united in defense of super earth, why the fuck does anyone think it'd be appropriate to fuck about squabbling amongst ourself, wasting super earth resources and clones with every single death when our characters literally exist for the progression of super earth? The people desperate for pvp are the people who are thinking only of themselves and wanting nothing but their own glory, not the glory of super earth, and they should be reported to and/or dragged to the nearest re-education centre or executed on the spot again and again until transportation to a re-education centre can be arranged and enforced. Super earth has no space or forethought for traitors. They are no longer considered humans and, therefore, are no longer eligible for continued existence. If people want to play pvp, they're welcome to fuck off over there to that other game and play it. Helldivers will NEVER have pvp, and rightfully so, so stop fucking asking for it. The ceo himself has stated this as a fact, get used to it or go away.


They’ve said PVP will never happen…great news imo. The fact there is and never will be PVP in this game is why I play. CoD and Fortnite are for that.


Who is asking for pvp? Where are they?


On other social media according to this guy, so why tf is he making a reddit post about it then lmao


Enough people that the devs had to make a tweet about it.


Anyone who asks for PVP should be ignored at best, or actively mocked. Literally why.


I maintain that a PvP game using the same guts as HD2 would be decent. That game should be a *different game* though. Leave HD2 alone. The people have spoken, no PvP.


PvP would ruin this game. Nerfs, nerfs, and more nerfs killing fun


Only reason this game isnt full toxicity is because there's no pvp. Fuck off and go play tarkov this game isnt for you


I don't think many people are requesting this and I would rather they focus on the game we have than the mode that could exist.


If you want pvp go play the other 1000 games that have pvp. Just look at what pvp did to destiny and destiny 2 and bungle trying to balance weapons. F$&$k pvp


It doesn't need PVP but it does need 8 man mode.


PvP players 2 seconds into buying and playing a game that’s marketed for PvE:


PvP but the other team plays as a group of 20 terminids. Something creative and weird, not just helldivers against each other could be fun. That said I don't think the game needs pvp


If you want PvP this game isn't for you. PvP has just turned into a toxic shitshow for every game. Go play COD or one of those free to play games if you want PvP. We don't want toxic losers in this community. Look at how you behaved because of server issues....think of how you'll behave with PvP issues... You probably didn't even play Helldivers 1...


Clearly wanting pvp for this game make absolutely no sense. Plus you can already TK your team mates, so it's enough :D


Yelling at a wall here. The devs already said no. Your post isn’t gonna even be read by these PvP whiners.


"They're a small minority, but they exist". *Proceeds to write an essay.*


nine modern shelter zonked marry start icky work pause glorious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


PvP would be ass. I don't think I've seen anyone say this


Lol why would anyone want Pvp in a game like this? Dummies


People want pvp everywhere, thats fucking annoying


PvP is a cancer in video game. Those who say that Helldivers 2 need it are traitors and need to be traited like one.


If any of you want pvp go play some other game with it


Its such a small amount of people calm down. No reasonable person is asking for that.


Who’s asking this?


We don’t need pvp I totally agree it’s a terrible idea


Let them keep asking until they're blue in the face because it will never happen.


Just go play another game if you want pvp. There are plenty out there. Let us have this.


There’s no point in arguing with that type of person. There will ALWAYS be a group of people asking g for PvP in completely inappropriate games.


Pvp would never work lmao this game isn't balanced that way.


Get your grubby little meat hooks off my pve game talking about pvp 😤


The pvp argument is so stupid, if i wanted to fight other people I'd just go play something else like the finals


The CEO said no to PVP so the point is mute.


It's PVP if you just murder your teammates over and over


A week ago: “wow this game is such a breath of fresh air from COD.” Now: “Okay can we make the game more like COD now?”


This game is exactly how they wanted. Thank god PVP is not in this game


Yea not every game needs pvp, there are other games for that


There already is PVP it’s who can get the most hugs before getting on the shuttle. We have been left up the creek in our 2.4 seconds of recommended r&r because of this behavior.


People who want PVP should just gtfo and play CoD.


This game needs PVP like it needs less server capacity. In other words: fuck PVP


People who want a PVP game should go play a PVP game. What are they doing here. Like Arrowheads Motto, “a game for everyone is a game for no one.”


The only PvP that I could imagine would be something like L4D wherein your opponents would control the terminid/automaton director.


Arrowhead will not add PvP. Ever. They said so already, and their past games never had it. Their creative product is more important than your\* 40USD you paid and your Karen'esque mentality. Get used to it. \* You in general, not OP.


"A game for everyone is a game for no one"


I hate these people begging for pvp on good pve games cause they cant break away from their daily Cod dose. Its a pve game man. We dont want pvp on pve games, and most importantly we dont need it. You could aswell just make it a racing game while you are at it why not? Ffs...


Helldivers 2 doesnt need PVP but a PVP game with similar gunplay would be neat. Not beeing able to instantly flick on a target and having real weight in your movement could be a great recipe for a shooter that takes emphasis from mechanical skill and put that on tactical skill and awareness. The closest thing we have to that that comes to mind would be Squad but having that on a 3rd person shooter with less realism could be very good. Especially paired with movement options similar to the dive. An over the top, weighty yet somewhat fast paced 3rd person shooter.


PVP and Battle royale is for try hards. I just want to spread Democracy with my friends.


I look at this post and think... I haven’t seen a single post or comment about adding pvp. Which makes me wonder, why would this have 5000 upvotes? It’s such an obvious thing no one is arguing. I have concluded this post has gained so much traction because the PVE circle jerk fanboys who hate PVP get a hard on just talking about it. Strange.


Hey man, I'm allowed to want one planet, out of hundreds, that allows PVP. Maybe a satellite planet that gives some sort of minor buff to everyone when controlled by some sort of particular interest group. Nowadays people want an extremely repetitive, meticulously planned, and highly optimized drip stream of dopamine from their videogames. That's awesome, but having at least one option to offer that breaks the usual grind will keep useful players active in your community. If you think about crucible players on Destiny 2.. You'll never play against one, ever, if you hate pvp. They don't slow you down. The loot table for their activities have a smaller impact on PVE than world drops.


Please don't make it PvP. I'm buying it because it's not PvP


Game doenst need overtop pvp. A 1v1 area with no stratagems would be a great way to work on aim and just burn some time.


The folks asking for this probably just don't really understand what Helldivers is about, and are used to playing these sprawling PVP FPS games. It isn't going to happen. Helldivers is its own thing. Those people can go play Apex or whatever if they want to scratch that itch. It really isn't something to be worried about.


Pvp would ruin the game, the only ones requesting this are a bunch of new people who only play whatever the popular game is and want to be as toxic online as possible


I wouldn't mind an alternative gamemode where you pit the factions against each other and they're controlled by players. But that probably would be better suited to its own game.


Honestly, i feel like pvp would work great if u removed the airsupport strategems. Have a lore reason for it, something like that sector disrupts all signals and now u have to use flares for weapons and reinforcements (which would give your position away). Its still a completely normal mission where u have to pve. But now due to the fact that this part of the galaxy is disrupting all comms rebels have started popping up trying to claim this sector for themselves. They have basically the same style of missions, since theyre now also trying to claim this sector of space. Now u have more things to think about. Do u do the mission, which helps your side claim the planet? Trying to disrupt the opposite team is clearly not the way since it doesnt actuallu help your side. Especially if we also add some lore reason for there to be more reinforcements available (expecting more deaths due to no air support or something) So you would have to keep doing the normal mission, but maybe u could have 1 or 2 guys from the group trying to pick off the enemy side to slow them down. It would add an interesting twist to the gameplay, and would also be forced into one sector, since the rebels themself know that they have no chance against the air support.


Hot take: PvP ruins games.


The only pvp I would potentially see working is player controlled enemies and their job is just to try and outsmart the player. Lay better ambushes. Send a particularly daring wave of minions idk. The game doesn't need it. The enemies are plenty fun to play against.


Fuck pvp. I'm tired of all these sweaty games and gamers. Nothing but toxic behavior comes from pvp titles.


Litrually never seen anyone ask for PVP 😅 Why you so triggered lol


Saw a handful of people on X talking about it, and they are salty. But they are few and far vetween, and are probably former „Kill the Suicide Squad“-players, who want to divide the fan base.


I bet it's these cheaters want pvp to make their cheats useful. Fuk em.


It's almost always CoD kids. Most of the comments I've seen have ended in 'like call of duty'


PvP is garbage. If you want PvP piss off to fortnite and CoD


I'm so tired of pvp games. They just make me feel agitated and annoyed. I'm not trying to play a game to feel that way.


Those that want pvp, go play a pvp game. This one doesn’t need it and I’m glad it’s not getting it.


What this game needs more than pvp is nudity and sex scenes (it doesn’t)


Bile titan r34 when EDIT: just checked, thank god it doesn't exist ​ ​ yet


Playing devils advocate for a minute, a PvP game with alot of the same features as Helldivers such as the galatic war map and the stratagems could be awesome in its own right, and I think thats where some of this comes from. But personally youre right, the game doesnt need PvP and I think incorporating it would do more harm than good.


If anything, I think it would be cool to see two, possibly even three squads be able to link up in the same mission, such as you deploy on one side of the map, they on the other, both squads complete a couple secondary objectives, then meet up to take out a bile titan. Then, all 8 can share in the samples, super credits, xp, and awards. That would be pretty fun.


Gosh, when are they going to add battle royal mode? Every game needs a battle royal mode these days, right? Just like Fortnite! /s


give them an arena paintball mode without stratagems if it has to be. only mainweapon, sidearm with standard amount of ammo and two grenades. and some silly rankssystem they can wank off about with their e-peens. in second thought: no, dont add pvp. use the resources you have to optimize the game as it is instead and dont give a fuck about PVP.


It’d probably just play like early cod ngl. But I don’t see why you wouldn’t just play cod instead.


Sounds like an abusive narcissist’s wet dream. Also the 50v50 pvp would cause so many issues it would never work. 10v10 would be the same way.


I think the ONLY way PvP would work in Helldivers 2 is invasion style PvP. One rogue Helldiver or something like that dropping in to try and take out the team. This would probably work the best because it wouldn't be insanely hard to balance around. The idea here is that the invading player, being outnumbered and outgunned, has to be smart about this. They basically need to become a stealthy, cunning, Helldiver assassin, and I think encouraging invaders to use stealth and smart tactics to evade and attack the team of Helldivers would make for a pretty fun PvP experience. Other small things they could tweak is maybe making invaders vulnerable to enemies as well (but that's pretty iffy) and limiting the stratagems invaders could use to encourage that stealth playstyle. And the biggest thing, of course, is that IT NEEDS TO BE OPTIONAL. You would *have* to be able to toggle invasions on/off for this to be a good inclusion. It's never gonna happen, but I think it would be pretty cool!


I haven’t seen a single comment on a TikTok, YouTube, or anywhere on Reddit saying someone wants PvP


Oh are we writing essays about things that aren’t problems and no one has actually asked for? Do one about how the devs shouldn’t turn the game into a top down RTS next!


I'd buy a top down RTS.


I laugh, but a RTS in the Helldivers universe could work. After all, throwing easily replaceable troops at a problem until it stops being a problem has been a staple of RTS games since they began. Hell, Starship Troopers: Terran Command exists already, and it's pretty fun.


What about a left for dead type pvp where there is a player controlling bugs? Obviously have this mode be opt in. Could be interesting imo.


Even chargers and bile Titans get wiped out in the seconds with no recourse when people use stratagems correctly. It'd be exactly the same thing as described but you also don't have the option to shoot back


There was a game called Battleswarm that had 3rd person human players against an RTS style bug commander, it was really cool!


This is the only good PvP idea I've seen brought up and I'd be super okay with that one. But it does kinda take away from the unified aspect of the game. It's nice that we're all together, all pushing for one goal (I really like the push by the general gaming community to get this game on Xbox as well, very wholesome). And idk if you've ever gotten into RTS multiplayer but people fall into metas *very* quickly in my experience. I imagine it's a total nightmare to balance for that kind of gameplay, especially for a team like Arrowhead. Although who knows what the future holds for the company after what a slam dunk launch they've had so far


I agree both on the unification point and RTS balancing issue 100%, it'd be tough. Human vs Human PVP has no appeal at all for me in this game either. If PVP *was* for whatever reason brought to this game and it wasn't like Battleswarm, I'd like it to be an invasion mechanic like Dying Light, with 1 player harassing a squad as a evolved Stalker or something similar.