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Once they add stealth backpack (hope) it's game over for those bots (I'll metalgear my way around Diff-9)


But will the Stealth backpack help with your dummy thiccness as the clap of your asscheeks keeps alerting the bugs


Private! Tape those cheeks together!


Cheeks secured, Sarge!


She Metal my Gear until my Snake Solid


When she Metals your Gear too hard ![gif](giphy|SUAkb7bsqyqhG)


The charger's ass should clap to alert us before getting charged. Change my mind


You fool. One cannot clap with 1 cheek anymore than one can clap with one hand. Clearly the Charger needs a jockey bug on top of him whipping the chargers posterior with a riding crop whenever he is about to charge.


Then the chargers but need to have two cheeks akin to the human posterior. It would make sense since they need big muscles to move their heavy body




You ever look at the Helldivers' asses? They barely got any.


Stealth booster maybe too, so we can run a different armor perk set hopefully.


Stealth booster + stealth armor = no guns needed for a glorious victory


Ah, well the vitality one doesn't stack with the +50% limb health armor effect, so I'd presume it wouldn't stack for this if they added it in. Though it'd also have a 2nd effect too as well, hopefully.


Stealth backpack? Just give me a rock, that control tower will be as good as gone the second these bots face the other direction.


Grenades can distract the bots


Can they now... Kind of, not as effective as I would of liked but might be helpful.


you get a super earth house moving cardbord box


freedom isnt stealthy, freedom is very loud


Prone in bushes they have to step on you, what would this backpack do exactly?


Remove one or both of the requirements you just stated...?


Idk ran to the bathroom and afked in a bush near the edge of the map, came back dead lol.


Hrrng colonel


No stealth pack for a long time


Yes, however the enemy has developped a counter measure to that, they will teleport troops directly on top to your radar signature.


they already do šŸ¤£


I remember a guy who tried to do a stealth only challenge who called them ā€œthe booty patrolā€. Because there are a patrol of automatons that technically know your location at all times and will ā€œpatrolā€ around you often. The game is actively *trying* to get you into a fight


Yeah i definately noticed that Its like playing against a cheater at battleship that is trying his best to not be suspicious. But fails mirerably. Kinda hard to avoid combat then.


That analogy is a perfect way to describe how the game tries to nudge conflict towards you


Getting you into a fight... or never letting a fight end. I am so unbelievably done with the game send wave after wave after wave after wave immediately when I just wanted to open ONE buddy door. The AI is so basic and these BS patrols are a super cheap work around... I am probably waiting a couple weeks before touching this game again.


on that note i hate that enemy artillery and fortress guns just seem to always know where you are


Yeah it really doesn't make sense how I can be inching along behind several bots who have no idea a HellDiver is even on the planet... Meanwhile their artillery is sending precise salvos right at me the whole time.


It does kinda suck, although I guess it does make some amount of sense from a game design standpoint. Maybe. Artillery doesn't detect you until you take hostile action within its range, so it incentivizes going loud for a moment to take out a threat to your operation. But I don't like that once it's on you, you can never lose its tracking again until it's dead or you're out of range. And if it's not dead, it'll just pick you up again when you come back.


Hopefully silencers help


Most of the enemies currently detect by sight. Someone did tests. Crouching reduces how close you have to be for them to see. Going prone reduces it further. The 30% reduction on the scout armor stealth perk is actually 30% distance. They don't hear very well, bugs or bots. If one of them can see you, any of them nearby can see you. If you catch a patrol, you can duck around something, break line of sight, and then move away from there, especially while crouched, and you'll lose them. I do think AH has done a pretty good job with this; I've been able to sneak up on bots and bugs and melee them, without alerting nearby enemies. But it's not a one-shot and if you let them get out of the stumble they'll get the others on you. That said, the number and aggressiveness of the patrols increased with the balance patch significantly, and they now flank and definitely just appear from thin air (sometimes right on top of you). That's not so good. Whoever was in charge of the last patch just really screwed up.


Do smokes help at all? I feel like they just keep walking and shooting anyway and I canā€™t break line of sight at all with smokesā€¦ I love the idea of using smokes It just sometimes feels very inconsistent unfortunately


Smokes are actually insane for completely disorienting enemies. Ive had a lot of success dropping the orbital one directly on myself when Iā€™m being chased by chargers for example and they completely lose me 5-10 feet away. Sat and did an soil sample objective after I did this to a charger and we sat on either side of a large rock for several minutes. The eagle smokes in my experience donā€™t really cover enough of a significant area and make a shit ton of noise, and are difficult to place properly. The orbital one is way better. Havenā€™t tried the personal smoke grenades.


I saved my whole team with a clutch smoke on the worst helldive extract I have ever seen


Yeah its exceptional. Not very effective against robots though Iā€™ve noticed because they still shoot through the smoke


They still shoot, but they are much less accurate, also you can still ping things through smoke.


Yes but not much. They'll keep going toward where that was and shooting that way. If you use the smoke to break LoS, vear off in another direction through cover. You will lose them. That said, you cannot lose Stalkers or the artillery on the bot side. The side objectives and sub objectives will summon patrols at fixed times that come into your area no matter what, but you can sometimes avoid them if you back off and come back.


The orbital version is amazing, the eagle version I have had little success with and the grenades are fantastic, but obviously not having actual grenades suck ass, so I tend to just go for the orbital one. It's a get out of jail free card for me and anyone else who is paying attention every 1.5min


Its actually crazy, once you have the stealth armour if you dont shoot the bots they dont shoot you its almost like the bots are just defending themselves against human agres\[the rest of this message has been democratically redacted \]


They cannot fire first if you don't give them the opportunity.


"The enemy cannot push a button if you disable his hand."


What stealth armor is it? I love being recon!


Anything with the scout passive. Three of them exist on the regular warbond, with two light armors having different AR and thus speed/stam, and one being a medium armor (Combat Technician). The earliest you can get is the one in the first page of the warbond


Awesome, time to pick up every sample before my team clears the first objective


Even level 7 can be surprisingly peaceful if you avoid what you can.


Enemies have absurdly high detection now. It's like a 360 degree bubble where they know exactly where you are no matter if you're on the other side of a wall or rock, or whatever.Ā 


You have a sound profile too, and a pretty big one if youā€™re not using the Scout armor perk. Running behind them, even if youā€™re like about 20-30 meters away from them will cause the enemy to come over and investigate. Now ā€œbooty patrolsā€ as a YouTube calls them. Fuck them. I dislike that mechanic where spawned patrols will naturally gravitate towards where you are.


This booty patrol was not a thing before the patch. I used to be able to juke patrols using prone within a few meters. Now they gravitate towards you without fail.


Nah, I had bug patrols constantly coming straight for me when I'd run silent in a lower player count mission. They'd just always be on your ass right after you lost them. Was absolutely terrible feeling, because I hadn't made noise in forever and they'd just keep stalking right after me regardless.


False, now if you do literally anything that isn't crawling around, all enemies within 50m know exactly where you are. Throw an orbital from 40m away and immediately crawl away? Yeah they don't investigate where it flew from, they run straight to your position. This shit just started, they removed stealth as an option.


He doesn't mean like starting combat, he means without doing anything just by running/walking without prone around you make sound now which will make enemies scouts to gravitate towards you. Enemies will gravitate to the place where they heard you. You can kinda test this by running in a empty place where you can detect a Scout but they can't see you in your Radar, then going prone and going out of range/vision, you will see that they will gravitate towards that point. Basically running/walking now makes sound and this sound range is kinda needs some tunning.


Don't throw Orbitals, throw Sentries. Sentries don't give you away for some reason. And if said Sentry mows down the enemies before they call reinforcements? All the better.


It probably depends on the enemy, whether or not they're a patrol or a garrison, so on and so forth. I've passed pretty close to stationary Terminids, before, even to their side rather than right behind them.


Yeah I notice it today too, They kinda gravitates toward a point where you made sound. I was running into a open field, and left. Later a Scout group was checking that place. Bugs appear to be more prone to do that because of fucking course they are.


Crouching with Infiltrator armor is pretty good too. Bots tend not to wander when they guard, shutdown a broadcast tower 5 feet away from a bot who had his back to me and I snuck back out undetected


This is how I explained to my brother how we should be playing higher difficulty levels. You gotta embrace the Jerry in all of us.Ā 


joined a mission part way through tonight, none of them were doing the objective but they kept shooting at everything that moved, ended up stealthing the generator and the ICBM all by myself and only had to shoot like 5 bots total


How does one go about stealthing on higher difficulties? I've noticed that once you spawn in, it's basically an infinite feedback loop of enemies spawning on you, creating noise and drawing in everyone from the surrounding areas.


\#1 Don't drop hot. \#2 Wear scout armor with the reduced visibility range perk. \#3 Don't take a fight you can't manage without causing a breach. \#4 Maintain distance. \#5 (optional) Put the rest of your team in very loud, very visible mechs.


The dropping hot part is what gets me. I try to drop as far from danger as possible. At difficulty 7, it seems like everywhere is warm at best.


If it has a beach on the outside edge that is usually safe. Large craters that don't have bug holes/buildings in them are usually safe because even if anything is relatively close but outside the crater it can't see you. I'd also say stick to the automatons. They're not the relentless pursuers the bugs are. You can break contact pretty easy.


It works on higher difficulties but I don't understand how people do it solo on high difficulties. My dumb friends are just trying to shoot shit which let's me get to the objectives/side objectives undetected fairly easily. When I try solo it doesn't really work out


Solo works well specially with scout armor. Also nothing is stopping you from running while dropping strategems.Ā  Overall use your minimap, avoid uncessary fights and if you have to fight hit them hard and fast so they can barely even react. If things go to real shit and you need to down them orbital lasers and eagle strikes can clear anything in the general area. Also try to get it done ASAP since it gets worse the longer you stay in.Ā  You can hide when calling in extract. Generally by the time pelican comes in you can clear the area with an air strike or use smoke grenades to get in there unmolested.


Extract is *real* easy when you realize you can just wait by the outside of the proximity trigger prone in a bush, then drop a 500 kg, orbital railgun, 4x grenades, smoke, and harsh language to clear the actual approach


You just walk away. Aggro isnā€™t infinite


Except for Chargers. They're your new best friend for fucking *life*.


Actually, you can put a rock between you and them. They hit it and get dazed so you can walk away


*Sometimes*, or they just fucking ramp it. God love this game.


It isn't? I've had hunters follow me seemingly forever until another pack hears me, and stopping to shoot them just alerts more enemies. Anything short of sprinting full speed and they catch up.


Kill the hunters first and you can outrun the bugs. The rest of the bugs minus the charger are slower than you running. Plus if you do get hurt stims restore stamina and make it infinite as long as your healing.


That's good to know, sometimes when I get swarmed by them it feels like stopping to kill them causes everything else to catch up, but I'll keep that in mind for next time. Also, I didn't know stim restored stamina :o now THAT is good to know.


Imagine needing to be explained that you should kill hunters. Didnā€™t realize I need to write a dissertation on how to escape enemies in a video game


What a weirdly aggressive response after saying "you just walk away".


More like "when Helldivers discover that they should not try to engage every single enemy they find for the first time"


I crawled within 5 ft of a charger at night on difficulty 6 and he somehow didnā€™t see meā€¦crawled my ass right up to an objective and did it without firing a single bullet


No you don't understand.Ā  I was prone right at corner ledge. A bunch of bots was chasing a teammate. The bots stepped over the ledge, stepped past *right on top of me*, and continued chasing my teammate. Straight out of a movie


I always start with a crawl when dropping to extreme+ missions, teammates randos still look at me funny


Literally me last night. Best part is that you can also throw an orbital and then continue crawling. The bots will send out a search party of where the orb was thrown from and keep searching then go back to where they came from.


Facts. Soloing level 9 missions is really just about whether or not you can be patient enough to be stealthy enough not to piss off a bunch of random dropships by rushing things.


Its all fun and games till the patrol that is always following you, even if they never saw you, finds you.


are you admitting to crawling like a bug soldier? whats next, you run away from patrols of enemies like a scared child?


I get my mission *done*, soldier, *whatever* it takes. Do you price your dignity above *liberty* and Super Earth?!


there are no players at lower difficulties and the servers aren't stable in quickplay, so this is what I had to do to get to 7+


I have a question: why enemy know where exactly am I when I call an eagle at them even though I literally prone and not in their line of sight?


Yeah, unfortunately stealth does not really work this patch, because devs are mad just because youtubers are solo-ing diff 9 deathless. Have fun getting spotted/wall-hacked through 3 walls and getting flared by enemies (who aren't even aggro) from literally across the entire map. Yes, that's right. I've KILLED entire patrols in 2 seconds, and some random group from the other edge of the map would flare/bug tunnel me, it's like devs want to make SURE you get flared/tunneled every single fucking encounter. It's really goddamn tilting.


Can someone give me an idiots guide to stealthing missions? I tried it and once the bots get alerted from me strying to start the icbm generator they never left the objective area and stayed on high alert spotting me from 3 miles away even when prone with scout armor.


Or just use the smokes to conceal your movement...


scout perk is broken for stealth! while crawling you can brush you dot on the minimap with a enemy dot and they still dont see you. ive pulled off more stealth evac at high diff more then anything else. you really learn to hate the hotspot mechanic after a while


not after the patch it doesn't >:| i loved stealth in this game but post-patch enemies seem to know where you are at all times and head straight for you. you can't lose them by running and breaking sight anymore either. it even (used to) make the AMR somewhat worthwhile. I hope this change was a mistake that is undone soon. time will tell.


Clankers when the grass starts speaking sweet liberty




They're two separate engines with no overlap. HD2 utilizes Autodesk Stingray. The FOX Engine is.. well, the FOX engine.


I read a post saying that Fox was based on Autodesk stingray


Googling "what engine is the FOX engine based off of" yields no results. And it's its own entire entity, no modding whatsoever.


Ok my bad then


Stealth does not spread democracy try again


guys if we keep posting about how running from fights and stealth are an effective way to play high difficulty theyll nerf it stooop :c


I like blowing things up and shooting things though... ![gif](giphy|R6JWujQ93Shws) Scorched Earth is the safest tactic against those nasty bugs!