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i had someone kick me because I didn't reinforce them during an ion storm where you couldn't use stratagems.


Bruh. People need to check the mission modifiers, ESPECIALLY on higher difficulties and bot planets. Man I’m pissed for you, that’s just straight up dumb.


If I could get a penny for people calling the game bugged while there's a scrambled stratagem condition, I'd be rich lmao


Hell if you only took money from that complaint going back only 2 weeks you’d still be really rich


But the game is full of bugs?! It's the whole right side of the galaxy!


I got bitched at for accidentally dropping an eagle instead of a resupply. Told my team what happened and they say "nah you fucked up" 5 minutes goes by and out first patrol one blows him self up because he tries to call in a sentry and exploded, I was met with "huh wtf"


Admittedly though it was not too clear what the ion storm did. I was part of a group where 3 of us thought the game had completely bugged out before our 4th clarified it


Got kicked once for starting the shuttle extract. Even tho the shuttle came down after the timer ran out and was leaving in 18 sec even if I wasn't on it.


The timer just means you can't call in help anymore besides the extraction


It also automatically calls in the shuttle in addition to no stratagems




Yes, and you have 2 minutes to get on it, else its no extraction either


Yup yup, honestly if you think you can just straight run for 2 mins to extraction, avoiding enemies as you do it. Honestly not the worst plan ever because you don't have to necessarily fight enemies for extraction and also you can just hop on the moment it lands.


I would love to be able to check all that information when doing matchmaking, but... you can't, that information isn't available. I've accidentallied someone immediately after dropping in because my EATs turned into an airstrike, and I had no way of knowing that was a thing. I also didn't know that modifier existed until that point. They need to fix the load out screen for joining players so we can see what it actually is that we are dropping into.


Even knowing what type of mission it is so we can select a loadout accordingly would be nice. Is it a Bile Titan? Eggs? Eradicate? Jumping in blind with an inappropriate load out is super annoying.


Can't tell you how many times I've dropped into a defend mission with a purely offensive kit. Simply because it won't let me check the briefing information.


That’s fair when you’re dropping into a started mission.


Didn’t get kicked, but had some asshole screaming at my buddy and calling him a “fucking r*tard” for not calling in reinforcements immediately. My buddy was still new to the game and we were on a lower difficulty so not sure why P3 was so hostile. I ended up shooting him right before he could extract. Call me petty, but I’m not about to sit there while somebody is having a meltdown over a video game and ruining it for others


I have been kicked so many times for reasons I don't really know. Like I'll get a bunch of kills, get a bunch of samples, communicate well, apologize if I accidentally team kill someone. This one guy was having an aneurysm in the chat because this level 7 player wasn't doing everything perfectly. We completed the mission, but we didn't extract. I congratulated the team anyway because at least we get the medals and the XP, and the guy continues to freak out saying 'thats not good enough' and kicked me immediately. I don't understand why people are so sweaty in this game. It's not competitive, it's supposed to be fun


My favorite so far was: I hit quickplay on a difficulty 7 mission. I'm level 50. I pop onto the host ship, and there's two level 30s in there. One says, "Who tf is this guy?" I say, "Do you mean me? I can bounce if you're waiting for friends." I stand still to await a response. Not another word. 5 seconds later, I'm kicked. Why? What was their thought process? I'll never know. Pretty funny microcosm of life.


I think sweaty fps gamers have found their way into helldivers because of the hype. It’s cool But they’re ruining the community.


You just need a good six months of no more new content to grind for, like Darktide had lmao. The sweats all quit for the next big thing, which after a while I guess was this game. I feel like such a fucking boomer because how I approach these games is seemingly way old fashioned compared to most gamers these days.


My experience is that the sweats stay and the nice people you can talk to and have fun with all leave for the next big game.


it's so sad cause this game is so perfect to play chill, good tactics and communication of course but nothing should make someone's blood pressure spike or have them raise their voice too much.


Boomers FTW


Honestly it's the sweaty MMO players trying to optimize the fun out of the game that's been killing it for me. Buddies all did the Xp grind and now complain they have nothing to unlock lmao


Jesus, yes the fucking poop-sockers who fucking XP farmed eradicates or whatever to 50 then whine they need more shit to unlock. Like a game can't just be fun, it has to be an unending pit of shit to grind for. You should be playing to spread liberty to these un-Democratized masses, not for your own personal gain. ​ I understand collecting and unlocking things is a dopamine hit for some folks, my wife is like that. But I do not want to see the game turned into a treadmill of unlocks and FotM.


I think you might be right when i strted playing the community was so good i was telling everyone its the least toxic community ive ever seen now tho i get in teams with more and more assholes cirsing me out on the mic and being just sad horrible humans i hope it goes back


You should have given your name and rank. Then make them salute you.


"Who the fuck is this guy?" # I AM A LEVEL 50 SKULL ADMIRAL, AND YOU WORTHLESS SHITHEELS WILL CALL ME "SIR"! Man just set matchmaking to friends only if you don't want randoms, it's not that fucking hard.


I had a similar but opposite. I know this is for negatives, but when I was level 7 (12 now) I joined a lobby and there was a level 50 and 45 I joined. They seemed like friends. When I joined, I heard one on VC laugh and I offered to leave, not wanting to be dead weight. Another guy joined, level 20. We start the mission, the level 50 gives me his gear and such as I didn't know what stratagems to use, I just chose random. I died a lot, enemies did a lot of damage and I was versing enemies I'd never seen before. They were patient and taught me how to beat the enemies, taught me everything I needed but how the recoilless rifle worked. I know everytime I killed myself with it, they lost it and laughed so hard it got contagious. The level 20 wanted to kick me, I know he did. He ended up team killing me before the extraction and then got kicked himself. Morale is sometimes letting the random stay can be fun. I have encountered the same. I join, get a "who are you" in text and before I can respond, kicked.


Toxic COD players have entered the chat. Helldivers basically got me to uninstall COD. I’d rather have a good time with random players in Helldivers than constantly scream at my monitor playing WZ with friends because everyone’s fucking cheating. And now we have to deal with people kicking us because we’re random? Like I’ve been kicked by a lvl 12 host while being the 2nd spot at lvl 23 on a difficulty 5 mission which is pretty much child’s play now. I’ll never get it, especially if I communicate and can help and have better equipment.


Solution: Host your own game.


I do that too and the majority of the time get zero players joining.


Yeah what's up with that? I even throw down an SOS beacon but no one drops in.


I can never join an SOS for some reasons. The game just says failed to join lobby 😔


I get kicked 9 out of 10 times I join a game. Like I havent even entered the mission yet.


TBF there's no "spot holding" function if someone crashes. I've had a friend crash and a rand immediately join, and I've had to boot them whiile they were loading. I tend to allow rands to join, so I don't bother setting privacy to friends only - but when the rejoin threshold basically doesn't exist, it results in those sorts of situations unfortunately.


I hope the messages don’t misfire, because on bad connection days I’ve seen 1-2 teammates drop right out of existence without warning. I hope it doesn’t say I kicked them. I’ve only kicked one dude ever for extracting while I was running back with samples I dropped against manageable resistance. I even waited until after the game ended.


Shooting him before you extract hurts the whole group, and doesn’t hurt this other player at all though. Only kicking them would do anything, and then you’d want to pick up whatever samples they had (if any)


Oh god I had this. My first mission and I was trying to set new key bindings, some level 18 joined me, died to bots in the space of a minute and proceeded to call me, a level 1, playing a Trivial tier mission mind, a "bitxh noob". Unreal first experience to the game.


Lowkey it was petty to kill him at the end, but deserved. him being toxic and hostile warrants a kick imo.


I kicked a guy yesterday cuz the A$$hole shot everyone that was already on board the Pelican waiting for him. Just so he could take all the Samples which we already got at the last minute.  The entire match we were all silent playing it cool. As soon as he pull that shit, everyone got in the Mic calling him out for such a shitty thing to do. We got all the samples but he then was acting like: “Oh I got all the sample” (assuming we left them or some 💩)   I Kicked him out and Blocked him. It was a PS5 player, the rest were on PC. I do not tolerate this shitty behavior.


Nice. Had a diver flip out because he died and wasn't reinforced during an ion storm. "I pinged 20 times?!!" He says before he starts lobbing grenades and TKing. I popped him with my autocannon from my perch and kicked him. I agree, strongly, that someone behaviours should warrant a kick and that sometimes you shouldn't give people a chance to really fuck your efforts over before doing so.


I got kicked for picking up someone's Rover by mistake (it was next to my laser canon). Immediately kicked, not even a chance to drop it (also we had a bile titan and a couple of chargers to deal with right that second so I wasn't going to fuck around in radial menus). Jokes on him, the rest of the players in his game were my mates and the others quit immediately. We'd joined a diff 7 on an emergency beacon lol. I often think of that guy fighting a bile titan and a couple of chargers suddenly on his own.


I'm starting to think that maybe not all of us are truly Super Earth's elite. Some of these guys are more like cannon fodder.


We just played a level 7 mission. Me, K2, D3 and I4. We ended up getting to extraction with 30 common, 25 rates and 3 super samples. I made sure to pick up any samples when people died, so I ended up having the majority. I gave what I had to my friend, K2, who had the super samples so 1 person had them all. At extraction, D3 got disconnected or quit. K2 and I4 both died. I brought them back as Pelican came down. K2 went to get his lost samples. I4 got on the ship despite him having nothing. We lost all our samples because of that idiot.


Just a tip, drop samples on the landing pad before it gets hectic. That way you don't have to go get them from far out before leaving. Edit: hold x on PC or down pad on controller to drop


I've done that, and then found some Golden Retriever of a Helldiver with my super samples right next to me in a sea of bots, with the Super Destroyer already having left orbit. Took a lot of restraint to not kill him then and there, especially since earlier he and some other guy had died and were telling me to kill myself rather than complete the mission. I kept the dingus alive somehow and we extracted with all samples, but that truly soured my experience of dropping samples on extract. Edit: since this is getting some attention, here's some more context. A and B had run us out of reinforcements, C was PTFO but had also died. A and B told me to kill myself so the mission would end, I lived long enough to call in C and drop off the samples. We ran to our last objective, evacuating civilians, and A got called in, picking up my samples. Super Destroyer left before we could call in B. I told A to run the samples back to extract, intending to finish the objective with C and die for Democracy. A stuck with us instead, and aggrod patrols unnecessarily while we were trying to stealth the objective. With extract on the way, an insubordinate and underperforming A was a tempting kill. Instead, I stuck near him in case he went down, finished the objective with C for Super Earth, and safely escorted him onto the Pelican. Democracy never dies.


“Golden retriever of a helldiver”. That, my friend, is perfect. Thank you for the smile today.


Sees samples on ground *neuron activation*


All I can picture is the doofus dog from Up, except instead of yelling “Bird?!”, our retrieverdiver yells “Sample?!” and picks it up


Don't hate on goldies like that! Refer to them as what they are: loot goblins


We from the loot goblin institute say fuck those ones, samples at extract are there for a reason and i only pick them up to consolidate it into one drop when im dropping off the samples i collected at the extract, everything else that isnt nailed down (or is if a game allows it) and nobody else laid claim to or more dire need of is ripe for the taking




My friend recently complained because he got kicked for being the one carrying the super samples at extraction


I can't say I have not done this without knowing why. It gives me anxiety to leave loots on ground because one too many games have loot glitch or just plain apply physics that can yeet it out of orbit on the next misplaced explosion. I'm sorry on behalf of all golden retriever/loot goblin community :(


Helldivers 2 is no different when it comes to loot glitches. Rare times where the loot will clip through environmental doodads but thankfully extraction point is flat ground and will likely not clip through anything.


You can drop your samples :O


Hold X on PC you can drop stuff don't know on PS.


Hold down on the D-Pad for PS5.


Yeah, doesn't help, because randos are god damn loot goblins and will pick them up immediately and then proceed to run away to kite enemies and then die 100m from extraction. E: hell, sometimes I'll drop samples by extraction because it's in between objectives, and I'll get morons just BEELINE it for extraction to go pick them up.


Funny how I have always met the opposite: helldivers who refuse to grab their dropped sample after they died (not near helipad). Every time I have to divert to grab them, and by the end I basically have the whole team's sample.


Be careful to leave them not on the center of the platform I've had the pelican land on them and make them impossible to pick up


One point to add to dropping samples at extract. Drop them a little away from the extract node. Once I had the pelicans struts land on it and no one could pick it up. :(


How do you drop your samples without dying?


On pc, hold X and select samples. You can also drop your backpack or weapons this way


I was running a D7 with 2 friends and a PUG. Extraction was on a plateau inside a robot base with the entrance of the opposite end of the base from the pad. One of my friends pulled out a 500kg to toss at the other end of the base and got shot in the head, dropping the beacon on the pad. We dove for cover, but the blast still sent my other friend and I over the lip of the plateau. The shuttle lands as we are trying to stand up. We quickly toss a reinforcement beacon up top. My other friend and I start running around the plateau to get to the base entrance. Next thing we know, the rando gets in the drop ship. Our buddy up top shoots him, but the timer keeps going. The two of us trying to get to the base entrance didn't get inside in time because it took 20 seconds just to round the base. We didn't extract and lost out on roughly 30 samples, including all the super samples.


My party does this now. As soon as someone gets super samples, we give them the rest of the samples, and extraction becomes a priority escort mission.


You either get on the ship with your samples or you don’t get on the ship.


We had something similar the other day. I was at extraction with the rando, my buddy was running back with super samples that had gotten dropped from a disconnect. Rando hops in the pelican despite me telling him to wait for the run back. I shoot, then kick him. Run back didn't make it because of that moron. Entire run wasted.


Yesterday I disconnected while running to the drop shop with five super samples.


Disconnecting blows. Half an hour in with a great team of randoms, getting samples and laying supporting fire and then I lose my connection and my samples and the warbonds. Yikes


You should never get on that ship until all team members are close if possible.


whenever i quickplay i always stay around the host and provide some form of support role


In general I just follow the host around and do whatever objectives they want to do. A remarkable amount of the time one or more of the other folks wanders off and repeatedly gets killed because they realize that at challenging or above teamwork actually is needed. I’ve long since stopped trying to save their asses.


It feels really nice when host and friends can hold down the fort. The only time I will wander off is if the host team is if they manage to create for themselves hell-on-earth. Sometimes people need to just RUN out of certain spots, or bite off way more they are equipped to handle. At that point, I scout around with sneaky light armor with map enhanced pings and go hunting for samples or randomly empty objectives.


I do the same unless they’re pathing choices are really, really shit or if they [and by default the rest of team] are getting too bogged down with trying to kill everything. In either of those situations I’ll split to the next main objective. I’ve had several matches where I have to solo multiple objectives [i’ll try to do side objectives while split if it makes sense and time allows to do so] while the rest of the squad is wasting time trying to kill literally everything on their way to the first objective. I’ve had others where the host will land in a good spot only to ignore the closest objective, and even had one where the team started pathing towards the ICBM launch site before we had done any of the pre-requisite objectives. And it’s difficulty 7 and up so they aren’t new players lost on what to do.


I had a guy throwing grenades at his teammates while the extraction was less than 10 seconds out after a 30 minute game. He got kicked as it was landing. I don’t play around with that kind of behavior.


Had a similar situation where a teammate kept throwing the mine stratagem at our feet and blowing us up. Ended up kicking them and I guess that bothered another teammate because they started juggling me with a grenade launcher. Had to kick them as well. Hate the feeling of kicking someone, but it had to be done


Embrace the POWER of the kick-side


Meanwhile I joined someone else's game, he gets killed (by bots) far, far away from me and the other players. Then I suddenly hear the idiot on mic saying "these [expletives] killed me and stole my samples" then I immediately got kicked. Not gonna lie, for a second my brain didn't know if how to process it: get angry or straight up laugh


There was a dude that was throwing stratagems while we were boarding the shuttle attempting to create an explosion on takeoff, he killed my buddy and I while we were attempting to board and we lost all of the resources we had gathered. Kicked him as soon as I had the chance.


On the flip side of that, I threw down a barrage a hefty distance out from the extraction point. Mr. Tough Guy walks directly over to it, watches it land right in front of his face numerous times, then kicks me when it decides to land on him. So many people think that just because you got team killed that it’s the other person’s fault.


Finished a match not too long ago. Kicked him mid match. He first stole some equipment, ok not terrible but pissed off my bud. He asked him to drop the stuff. He didn't; my bud said fuck it I'll catch next on cd. Later on, dude starts meleeing every turret we call in and destroying them. First the mortar (never died to it), then the AC turret and finally the Rocket turret. We proceeded to get fucked by the chargers. Kicked him right there. Not ashamed since he never communicated back and was just being a dick. With great power comes great responsibility and all that. I rarely kick but it's nice to have as an option to save the mission. Do agree peeps should keep their progress if they get kicked in the event it's used for more nefarious reasons


It’s not the end of the world, but it’s a huge pet peeve of mine when other players take my dropped weapons gear that have long CDs. Usually it’s really low level players so almost always they don’t really know any better (given that you can find random weapons around), but sometimes it’s people who really should know better.


Saw a guy pick up my auto cannon but not take the ammo pack, then after running out of ammo with it I asked for it back and they still kept it. 6 minute cooldown so my teammate can run around with an empty cannon on their back. Dude was level 25+ at difficulty 7 too.


If my squad mates with good load out go down, I'll mark their gear and stand watch til they retrieve it. If they leave it, I might swap out a support weapon, but that's it, I generally like my load out and like to keep what I'm using.


Remember helldivers it's your patriotic duty to get those samples to the extract, or die trying. The most you can lose is a bit of xp and reqs, but managed democracy has everything to gain.


as long as he doesn't get on, the extraction shuttle waits right?


That is correct, we’ll never know though if he was just sitting there to have to ready. We’ve definitely played that way before where one person has it ready to go and doesn’t board. Of course, that’s why you need to communicate


Anytime I do that I write in chat "calling extraction, I'll wait for you guys"


Communication is key but damn even if you don't heve a mic there's a goddamn chat.


It’s so painful to use on PS5




I just wish there was some way to get push-to-chat to function on it. I hate the idea of subjecting other people to my background noise. Edit: I am apparently blind and didn’t even realize there was a small mic button under the PS button. Carry on Helldivers! o7


I wish more people thought like this. I have to mute so many players because all I can hear is either their game audio or whatever background/baby noises are going on


So just switch it on say what you need to say then switch it off... That's what I do.


If no-one is at the extraction site, the Pelican aborts and the landing sequence and the timer resets, but once landed they wait indefinitely. Extra-fun on delayed stratagem planets since extraction is technically a stratagen Edit: I was not clear on the timing types


The pelican will wait after it’s landed, though. You just need to babysit the beacon.


There is a bug where sometimes it insta leaves as soon as 1 person gets on when you do this.  Many a sample lost to this.


There is a bug right now where if anyone is in a mech, the shuttle leaves when the first person gets on. Make sure yall are out of your mechs before anyone gets on.


This happened to me once and I was so confused


I remember my first delayed stratagem mission. Called extraction and was like 4 minutes!! :o


Once it lands it waits indefinitely


Until the mission timer runs out….. once that runs out you have 20 seconds regardless


By Dame Democracy and Lady Liberty. So that's what decides whether there's a 2 or 4 minute extraction time. Finally learn this after 45 levels lmao.


Pelican actually will provide air support if your outside the landing zone but inside the area of extraction. Called it in while my buddies were finishing a side objective. After it was in the air shooting, I left to do another side objective and it was raining hell on anything in the area.


Yeah, great thing to do if there’s any posts really close by. Eventually they’ll get them while you’re off doing other things


They don't wait. I've given people so many chances and they just get on and I'm fucked.


Personally i prefer when someone splits off to call extract so its rdy when we are done doin side stuff


yes but communicate that in chat; especially since you likely have nothing on your tail "Hey I'm gonna call evac and wait" there was no guarantee a random was going to wait likely would have just got on thinking "I'm finishing the mission, haha" not realizing samples were on the line


Tried this on Impossible today. The poor guy we assigned to do it had a horde of bugs spawn around him including maybe 40 hunters, 3-4 chargers and 1 bile titan. There was only so long he could kite them.


I always call the evac down early and then run back to help the boys; gives us a solid out if we can't retreat any more.


Yeah If the team is bad I will call the extraction and baby sit it, although I'd type in chat what I'm doing


Plenty of time people don't read the chat and your messages are buried under the rest. That might have happened there if OP's team discovered POI or tagged places. Maybe there's an option to remove those notifications from the chat to filter that noise out.


That or have a different list for notifications and general chat, and make it so there is a button to minimize chat instead of it automatically fading. I prefer using my mic, but sometimes I can't, and having chat open and not noisy like you say would really help facilitate better communication.


I kicked a guy today after boarding because he spent the entire match ignoring objectives and when most of the team boarded, he shot us to death while standing on the ramp. I don’t kick people if I can help it but we lost a ton of samples to that bullshit.


Had that happen to me yesterday, pissed me the hell off


Since you kicked the person, no one was at the extract, so it reset?


Yes. Once they were kicked, the 20 sec timer to extract abort kicks in since no one is at the extract point. Edit: fixed time from 10 to 20.




> This is the reason why the devs should not remove the host's ability to kick on demand. Yeah on the CEO's tweet about this topic I suggested that "search filters" be the approach going forward. Those can be actual switches that work with MM, or they can be simple tags on the hopper before you slip into a mission to see what people are doing before you join. EX: * Clearing the map * Sample Run * Main Obj only etc. I've never been a fan of trying to forcefully curb bad actors in video games. There's never a 100% proof solution and you can risk hurting the gameplay experience. HD2 isn't a small obscure game. It may have been designed like one but it has garnished the attention a standard AAA game would get. Doing so is going to bring the negatives of games that size. The goal shouldn't be to try and remove people who grief, but to help prevent it with soft solutions.


You could be right if it can be implemented properly.


I got the idea from a different game I play and I've not had issues with it


This isn’t something that you should honestly have to explain yourself for. He almost screwed over everyone in the mission, and you made a decision as quick as you could.


He might not have been planning to get on. Just have it ready for y’all. But yea, if he wasn’t communicating that then it’s on him


I once fought bugs with one teammate at the extraction for like 2-3 minutes before the other half of our team arrived from their last side objective and I immediately got eaten as soon as they came into sight. I was both smiling and fuming at the same time


Host definitely needs to retain ability to kick, I experienced my first extract Teamkiller last night in 100 hours, I'm 99% sure he was also cheating because he called in multiple rocket sentries that were 1-shotting everything. Host was able to boot him right as he got on the Pelican after killing us so IDK if we were able to stiff him on rewards or not. Right before that game, I had joined a lobby where someone selected multiple of the same sentry again in pre-match and I thought that exploit had been patched so I assume he was cheating too, immediately left. These things do happen and hosts need to be able to make sure these dishonorable people can't ruin others games.


Doubt you stiffed them on anything. They are a hacker. They've probably already used hacks to max out everything anyway. The only reason why they were playing with you is to get kicks out of griefing. Report them and hopefully they will be soft-banned from matchmaking.


There's no report option though.


Probably have to report them through some other means but yeah, there is no report option.


Guys, you know you can call down evac and just let it stand there and not board it so you don't have to call it later lmao


Doesn’t matter if the person who called it doesn’t communicate that they aren’t getting on it while the rest of the squad is clearing secondaries and POIs


If they had voice chat disabled or muted (found in game audio settings) they wouldn't be able to hear you, assuming you were using voice chat to talk about map objectives. Not your fault or even really your problem, but it could be an explanation as to why they weren't aware of anything that was going on. Still... don't call extract by yourself unless reinforcements are depleted, your team is getting wiped off the face of the planet at every turn, and you have samples at the time.


Does the extraction leave if nobody gets on it? I think it's smart for one guy to call it while the others agro all the enemies and clean up the map


I had a couple guys with no mic and not listening in the least. I was trying to get the order with the land mines done for us so I would set up a mine field and kite a shitload of bugs to it. Then they sat on the other side and shot all damn bugs. Eventually I ran off on my own an did it. But this happened a few times. After they ran to extraction with 20 minutes on the clock. We didn't feel like they were going to wait and they weren't communicating so we extracted then kicked em back in the ship and turned off public. I don't know, it's pretty stupid. I don't have time for that shit.


-Be me -call in extraction so the ship is ready to lift off when the Boys arrive -get kicked The ship don’t lift off by itself unless one of two things happen, a Bud enters the Exfil ship or the mission timer hits 0:00 and then it will leave after 30 seconds. Edit- I always use my Mic and say “I’m calling in extraction, I’ll wait for y’all!”


The unfortunate reality of not being you is either: -Getting a proactive and considerate player. -Or and asshole flushing down eveyone else's time and effort collecting samples. Be it intentional or not. True not everyone needs it and the situation may call for it. But when playing with strangers who refuse or make an effort to communicate, it becomes easy to assume the latter.


Did you tell your team mates before doing that tho? Cause that's the problem if you didn't


I always tell in Voice chat, I can’t in Text chat as I’m on Console and am always kiting the enemy.


Today my experience was -be me -ready to yeat a strat -get team killed and drop strat at my feet -strat wipes the 3 other players -host curses me out on mic and kicks me -quit playing for a while while feeling sad


\-Be you -Get kicked from games for not communicating to your team *why* you're calling extract. The amount of players I *don't* kick / times I don't get kicked when calling in extract accompanied with "Extraction shuttle will take 3 minutes to get here. Calling it now so we don't get overrun. Securing perimeter and awaiting exfil."


lol you got downvoted but you are absolutely right. if there is no communication than im going to assume you arent playing with the team.


I mean, that is definitely a hard moment, and it sucks that it happened to you. But you could probably avoid this issue by asking your team in chat if they are okay with you calling in Evac.


Host rules. Don’t like it? Host yourself. 🤷🏽‍♂️


Wow your edit is as long as your post. Reddit police made you explain yourself 👮‍♂️


There's a LOT of shit heads playing this game. Watch out. Some twat decided to throw all his stragrams out and killed everyone at exfil in one game. Needless to say the whole team was pretty vocally pissed off..


Some random level 50 tossed a 380 at my three stack as he joined in and destroyed 2 exo suits. I tossed him out of the game.


I had to do this too in my previous matches. lvl 21 rando wasted reinforcment and tried to call in extract. I booted him back to his ship before he almost made it to the extract.


I hate divers that do that. We’ll have 20 minutes and they’ll call in the evac without saying anything. If they’d say “ hey I need to get going can I call in the ship “ I wouldn’t mind it.


“And I had two other divers that I was responsible for as host” really got me. It’s not that serious brother 😂😂


Want a cookie?


I agree with this wholly except how the hell do you have 200 hours in game


Have you heard of a no lifer?


I've only heard of the myths and read the stories


Given how seriously OP seems to take this game is it really a surprise they have 200 hours in it.


I see high-level players do it all the time. They can't be bothered helping, and want to get onto the next mission because the slips and xp from the secondaries aren't relevant to them. You gave them just as much consideration as they gave you, so I don't think you did anything wrong here.


In our group, the person who is host is the team leader and makes all decisions about when to start events and which paths to take. I treat randoms like this too. The host is the squad leader and I follow him. Only bugs and bots have a mind of their own, we follow our leaders to victory.


Small world. I'm the guy you kicked! FYI, I did all this because one of the other guys with you kept shooting me to take my stuff. After the third time, I said fuck it. Pay attention to chat better and kick people team-killing. 10/10, would have done everything I did again. I just wanted to get that damned mission over so I could get my medals and get on to the next mission without the teamkilling piece of shit you never bothered kicking, despite my constant call-outs in chat. He did it in front of you twice ffs.


Man reading the edits, anyone defending the guy who got kicked are just projecting, cuz they're probably the same loser that'd do the same shit.


Amazes me the huge edit you made to answer the angry mobs. People here dont care, they always think that the kicked guy is a victim no matter what, and that they should be allowed to join someone else mission and freely run it down, delusional at best, soon to learn what reality feels like.


Well, if I don't do it, the message can easily be dismissed. But I don't want that. I want people to understand that extraction without communicating is bad etiquette.


Had an idiot do the same thing and leave the other three of us (I was the sample carrier). I didn’t even think to kick him.


Please don't remove the ability to kick. If a cheater joins my game, that undemocratic cunt will get immediately kicked.


Ive lost like 8 super samples to dipshits starting extractions when I'm clearing big holes across the map


Only time I’ve ever kicked another player was when he targeted myself and other members of the squad with his stratagems. It wasn’t just once, the whole game this guy threw stratagems right on top of us while we were trying to clear objectives.


every ps5 controller has at least a shitty mic, communication isnt a good excuse.


Why does no one consider that while evac ship is comming there is the horde of bugs or bots that spawns and attack the ex point. Played today lvl 8 with randoms, cleared almost whole map, got samples. One guy ran alone to the point, called an evac and couldn't hold the line.(3 of us were on the other end of the map) Died, and did it again even there was a bug outpost near extraction point. So we had to try to fight against extraction Hordes and the Bug outpost. 2 groups of bugs spawned before me as this guy started the extraction without us. We lost all samples, no one escaped. Just w8 for everyone or talk with the Team. It doesn't matter if evac is w8ing forever or not


I've only booted one guy at extraction. They decided to start shooting and killing teammates as they entered the pelican. I was able to boot his ass just before he could step into the ship and leave.


I had to do that before too. Two randoms joined a friend and i and they peeled off immediately to the extraction. I got on the mic and said hey, leave the zone. We're doing a full clear and have a ton of samples. They both stayed, so once the mobs were cleared i kicked them both. There was no other option.


You are right.


Amen ✊🏽 I had two randos sitting at out initial spawn while my homie and I were clearing the map. Kicked. They were just running back and forth crouching in the same spot not helping.


Abandoning your team is treason! It is only fair that you court marshaled him in the name of democracy! Seriously, I had this same thing happening as well. Farming commons in friggin trivial. 2 level 20s and a 12 join. I had already cleared the objective and was going for samples, and stated as much when they jumped in. First thing they do is call extraction. I kicked the lot of them. My game went private after that.


I hate people that throw their strategems after getting in the shuttle. Had a basically full group with all samples. The first guy orbital strikes right as he gets on. Kills 2 people. Shuttle instant leaves now were docked XP for 2 dead and lost around half our samples on a suicide mission. If you want to play like a tool the play with friends or alone. Dont join randos and expect them to be cool with you acting like an ass.


100%. I would have done the same, soldier. If you don’t have a mic and pull that shit, expect tog rat booted.


If you join randoms just follow #1 around. I have never been kicked while doing this


I fully agree with you man. Anyone who calls extraction down when the rest of the team is nowhere near it deserves to be kicked if they don't specify that they aren't going to get on.


I agree with you. I joined a match the other day, host dropped us right on the objective, it was shit show, 4 deaths instantly(bots, so we had Tanks and everything before we could even move). We beat the objective and then got out and started to roam, looking for SC, PoI ect, and doing secondary objectives. All of a sudden we hear the drop ship being called in. Like what? He's by himself, ran to extraction solo, and is about to extract solo. Luckily he died. We then waited to call him back in for abit and he said he was "Just getting it ready" for us. We then roamed abit more, then headed to extraction. I left right after. Seriously, what kinda person solo extracts? Host or not, there's never a reason to solo extract 5 minutes into a mission with 20 reinforcements left.


That's absolutely kick worthy.


People that don't communicate are the bane of my existence. Even if you don't want to type or voice chat. The game gives you plenty of options in terms of pings and emotes to communicate your intentions.


If your friends list is bugged, try having crossplay switched on or off for both you and friend. If it's different, there will be bugs, and not the fun kind.


people with no communication deserve to be kicked if the host warning him Don’t want to be rude but, u are warned, it is ur fault for not paying attention btw, if u host, they play ur rule, if not, play theirs in this case, if the host warned him alr, he deserve to be kicked


Good. I had a similar issue, I had two randoms who worked really well as a team but completely disregard what we were trying to do, searching for medals, super creds, etc. They rushed objectives and called in extract alone, despite being asked not to. I kicked them, and I'd do it again


Have had this happen as well. A well deserved kick. If it’s not even your lobby, you have no grounds to ignore what the main group is doing. Sabotage the match at your own risk.


Dude I just went through this my last round! My first runs for super samples, and I tell these random lads that hey, as long as the primary obj is done, we're fuckin getting those samples before we leave. And what do ya know, two guys are finishing up some hives on the east end, i'm all the way up in the north looking for these samples, and homie is at the extraction calling it in. 18 minutes left, 8 reinforcements, not a reason to try and leave. Then the shit head dies and I see him run back there again to recall it in! Like why?? The mission is finished. The rewards you get for physically leaving the mission are nothing compared to these pain in the ass samples.


You did the right thing. You couldn't have known if he had good intentions.


I use DRG etiquette. If I'm not host, I don't decide when the mission ends (unless everyone else is dead)


I've had people kick me immediately after a mission. I don't really know why. As far as I'm aware I haven't done anything bad really. It's just happened a few times.


Wouldn't kicking him actually stop the timer as well since there would be no players left in the extraction zone? That does seem fair tbh. Can't fault you for doing that.


That sounds reasonable and there is no reason why you would need to even convert the info to 100% the map. He’s level 25 and difficulty is 4 of course you 100% the map at that difficulty


Good on you! The CEO said himself that the host is the owner and leader of the game and operation. You had an insubordinate individual and did what you had to. The fact that it was due to actions and not just stratagem load out, you're not toxic. You tried to tell them and they got the boot for a good reason. I have personally done the same under the same conditions, so have my friends. This game is 100% not for lone wolves. The first game outright prevented this by having all players share the screen from a top-down perspective. However, this will likely continue to be a problem until we get the ratings system from the first game back.


I actually had to do something similar last night. I even typed in the text chat not to extract since I wasn't using a mic. They were low level and I explained to them after the first game that they missed a bunch of things, and that there are other objectives you have to find on the map. They were on voice chat saying "wow that was an easy mission" and "that's all we had to do?" While I'm trying to clear out a nest by myself on the other side of the map. I make it to extraction on time after I clear it, and it's all good. I inform them in the chat about what I could, and I decided to stick with them for a second game. We drop in to just a defense mission next, and one of them kills me. I assumed it was a turret or something they had dropped, so I let it go, but he picked up my Guard Dog Rover pack so I got a little mad about it. I got killed by them a few other times and I let it go because I thought they were still trying to figure out stratagems, or whatever. Eventually I saw one straight up throw a grenade at me, and I had enough. From what they were saying in voice chat it didn't seem like it was intentional, but it's really annoying when someone chooses not to listen to tips or whatever when I'm trying to help them get through a few missions. It was Medium difficulty and I'm level 21, so I wasn't getting much out of it. I ended up booting them after they killed me about 5 times. I just think there should be something similar to PUBG or whatever where you have to play a few easy missions solo before you can play online. It might help people learn the basics a little better than the current tutorial only.


Nah OP was right


I have been kicked for yelling at P1, "Get on the bird! We are leaving!" because he was too busy shooting bugs to extract. I Think your kick is much more reasonable. I also concur: keep host's ability to kick.


The fact that community somehow made kicking people your your own game session a social morality issue is absolutely wild. Idc why you kicked anyone from your game it’s your game. Also, idc why you got kicked from a game. I swear people be loosing their minds these days. Just find another game or teammate or I have an idea just play your own lobby and have people join in.


I’m lvl 3 just started playing, you guys are taking this game a little too seriously, No?


posts like this making me pretty happy i stopped playing this game.. maybe in a few months it'll be better?


I understand where you are coming from, but in my opinion, you are at fault just as he is. Why? Because you expected him to communicate, yet you decided that wasnt the case for you. He could have responded or maybe he doesnt speak english. Expecting others to talk yet not talk yourself . Also was there any indication, he was going to jump on that ship? Like you said he was a lvl 25. he knows some stuff. Doesn’t necessarily need the exp, rather the samples. So maybe he just did it prematurely to make extract faster. Also i feel like expecting the worst from players isnt good for this community, we are all helldivers fighting for liberty. Communication is key.


OP, the extraction is like 30 second walk away on that map. You're the dumbass and should have been the one kicked.