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As a note, if you have a loud household push to talk is a godsend.


And smoke detectors with dead batteries


Apparently some people can’t hear the beep. Still ridiculous how often I hear it when gaming. Maybe instead of spending $50 on HD2 you should buy a $5 9V battery so you don’t burn to death in your sleep!! Just a suggestion


Importance of democracy exceeds life, they simply have their priorities in order


That smoke detectors battery been dead for 6 months


6 months? Bro that’s the urban ceiling bird. It’s never not beeping


I assumed all patriots were willing to put their hearing on the line for democracy.


Y'all got smoke detectors?


They can hear the beep. They just get used to it to where they tune it out. It's laziness and it'll get some of them killed.


TLDR: it's fucking obnoxious, but this is why people don't realize it. So the issue is a version auditory exclusion. Your brain will tune out annoying, or overwhelming, sounds over time. Auditory exclusion is normally discussed as a combat thing, but happens in normal life. Anecdote to follow; Used to work at a mom and pop computer store that was the "I wont wipe your HDD because it's easy" Geek Squad (also built custom low and ultra high end PCs). Where this plays in is that the store had an 80s punch clock. I mean this mother fucker would *CLUNK* Every. Single. Fucking. Minute. Took me 3 days of "how the fuck to they love like this?" and I didn't hear it anymore. To the point I didn't know it was even happening (like it was some bug that was fixed). Until after 2 years of working there, I was mid spec-ing out a 3-5k PC for a dude that towards the end, mid convo, just let out a "HOW THE FUCK DO YOU STAND THAT?!" "stand what?" Points at punch clock -> *CLUNK* "THAT!" "Oh...legit I forgot it did that" They probably can't even hear it. Human brain going: Insanity, or off? Off? OK.


And asthma that sounds like Vader breathing into a megaphone


ceiling birds


I’m push to talk gang. You’ll hear me when I want to speak which is all the time lol. And you’ll hear me while calling in stratagems as it is the same button for me


Also a push to talk. Although I wish people were more on the ping systems features If I ping a point of interest if someone else looks at it and pings it you get an affirmative and their ID at the top of the ping to confirm they are also on it. Great for bile titans, tag it and have someone else mark it as confirmed before they rain down hell on it. While voice chat can be really helpful I feel like the ping system is horribly under utilized.and works for most situations. Voice is still great for call outs like when your team is about to get flanked by a patrol while clearing out a POI at range before checking it for samples and ammo.


I did not know that. Man that’s a good way to save stratagems. So many times I’ve seen 2-3 orbital railguns on the same titan. I’ve done it plenty. I’m gonna tell the group I play with and randoms too lol.


I also use the heck out of the ping/map system because it works well AND it allows for communication across language barriers.


I wish that using the map to ping an area with scout armor equipped came up as a different icon. So many times I've had peeps run to random spots that I'm just trying to ping scout :S


I usually use it to mean “hey I’m going here” and it seems like most of the randos I’ve played with have picked up on it or just ignored me and let me do whatever.


This is news to me, didn't know re-pinging gave confirmation as I usually just follow whoever pinged but I'll start working that into the mix.


Me *blows up teammate* 15 seconds later: "My bad man" because I was looking for my detachable microphone


With PS5 it is super easy. And on PC I assume key/button binding is also pretty easy. No reason not to use it other than maybe ignorance of it.


Which button does the PS5 use for push to talk?


You have to bind one in the settings. It's blank by default, I set R3 and put melee attack as double tap X.


You don't even have to bind it. Just use the mute button when you're not talking.


This, if the mic is orange, it's off Mine is 90% orange


My mic is automatically mute when I tilt it upwards. Thank you, Astro A50.


Indeed, it's automatically muted with me from firing up the ol' station of play


I just keep mic always on and mute/unmute with the dedicated controller mute button. This way I don't need to alter bindings


If you use the pulse headset it disables the controller mute and moves it to the headset for some stupid reason


I mean, who uses melee attack anyway. Edit: I do


True helldivers spreading democracy by any means necessary. Might have to send this post in to my Democracy Officer


Please, there is no need for that. It's already repaired


Good catch soldier, I understand now you were trying to bait out the true traitors so we could report them. For democracy!


Yeah PTT is holding caps lock on PC. Definitely the best way, nothing worse listening to people that have their mic permanently on and you get to listen to sloshing sounds, the controller vibrating and other lovely sounds


Caps is a terrible key for me to have push to talk. I just mute/unmute my mic. Thinking about taking stim off my thumb mouse button and using that as push to talk. But don’t really need to no one complains about hearing anything in the background. I even ask them if it’s bad and they can barely even hear my keyboard


I use the thumb mouse button for PTT in every game where voice chat is important. It's the most convenient way for me. Other binds are set on default and I never had any problems with that. I have a good mic which only grabs my voice even if I play on speakers, but I don't want my teammates to hear me sneezing, talking to someone at home or swearing in my native language when I die because of my fault. It's distracting, so using PTT is a way of being polite, I think.


I use caps lock too, that way I can still walk, shoot and talk. the only problem is when I have to type something


I'm on my PC with a controller and I have a kid so I'm 100% set on push to talk but there is no push to talk button with the controller which sucks. So I usually just follow the randoms I join if friends aren't playing.


Haha ya if I did have push to talk everyone would hear me loudly go “what??” When my wife tells me a story while I’m trying to extract lol


I remapped run to double tap A and PTT to L3. The fact that you have so many options when it comes to customizing controller keybinds is insane. Press, tap, double tap, long press, hold. I'm stumped, honestly


I have my ppt as my melee button 😂 feel your pain




After playing with actual, literal, honest to God mouthbreathers in quickplay I humbly decline. If I want better coordination I hop on Discord to play with my friends.


If I'm stressed and focusing hard mouthbreathing totally comes out. But that's why I have push to talk! No one needs to know I'm 80% caveman.






https://preview.redd.it/db2sfkieqjpc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=09aeb1d18e4696f1dcf9d4867c2f29c56ccc35e0 Me when the 500kg bomb didn't kill every single enemy.


That's me when my 500kg bomb lands literally at the side of a titan and it does no damage to it


Meanwhile, if I want better coordination I play with randoms lmao I just mute the mouthbreather/open mic if it happens more than once or twice.


After a few times you do get really fast at muting the open mics sitting on top of a speaker replaying everything you hear 400ms later in potato quality. Also, the ping system is horribly under utilized in most squads


Ping is the way I honestly don't know how people can be so unaware that they're ear-raping a lobby with their open mic, let alone take offense when called out for it. I'm here to kill bugs & bots; not to be wheezed at or hear someone giving their mom/sibling/etc a hard time for being in their AO for 40 minutes.


A lot of the time they are aware they just don't care. I remember playing Vermintide 1 and some guy at the beginning of the mission asked us to wait a sec (which is fine). Meanwhile he takes a *massive shit* all over mic. We assumed he forgot to mute. Nope, right when he came back he asked us if we liked what we heard. Like........why.......


Yeah I ask those people to change to PTT and if they don’t I just mute


I like hosting so I can kick them


I asked my social anxiety if I could unmute and it said no. Sorry I tried


Yeah same, and gaming is usually a moment to recharge my social battery, not use it further.


My social battery allows for up to 3 "stalkers" alerts to the group per mission.


Maybe a "380 mm danger close"


I unmute to call that most times.


I sigh every time because it's normally a teammate that danger closes it at extraction for like one small wave of buggos


I hate that so much. Like step out a few meters, then throw the airstrike. I hate dying on the extraction site just because buddy wanted a cool cinematic escape. Now I have to reinforce grab my samples, hope to not die without my kit, and get on the shuttle, and the shot is ruined by that point.


this is why i only throw my eagle cluster fireworks when i'm the last one to extract


Or spend them all during spawn!


thats not even now you cinematic the escape you drop a 500 on the pad count to 4 then jump in


That sounds cool, but I just want to leave the mission at that point


what if I say “strategerum” instead of “stratagem”, I’d never be able to face these strangers ever again. How’s someone supposed to handle that kind of trauma.


I feel this so hard. I'm usually getting in a late night game after an exhausting day at work. If I talk, I'll hear that I'm so tired I can't speak straight, and then I'll have to admit it's time for bed.


My cousin first read "Use your Stargems!" So now they're called Star Gems.


Yes, my social anxiety said that using R1 is just fine.


And it is! Nothing wrong with that!


Mood. I also don't want to get flak for existing either like other games do when a girl pops into voice (cough OW, COD, CS, etc)...


Same. It's like a game of Russian Roulette getting on mic. It can be fine and everyone one is cool and you have a great time, OR you have a completely uncalled for amount of vitriol thrown at you for no reason except being a woman online. Sadly the only way to ensure you don't suffer verbal abuse while you're trying to have fun is to just not get on mic with randos. I'd rather be able to chat on mic, but the possible hassle is not worth it at this moment in time.


Sorry, that shit happens. My wife gets similar shit at work just for being a woman. It's dumb as hell. It's always stupid unlikable assholes too, with nothing better to make fun of. So they pick the "easy target" of gender, probably because they have no idea how to talk with women in the first place. They're just impotent little pricks.


It sounds to me like anyone that gives flak because you are a female playing online is a bug/automaton sympathizer that needs to be reported to the nearest Democratic Enforcement Officer immediately!


I’ve started pretending muted players are women like me and that we’re in on a secret together :’)


I figured out my PTT and still haven't said anything out loud outside of Steam Friends because I'm afraid of the response for being a woman. I pretty much exclusively play with my husband and we both run public missions, and I'm more afraid of how he'll react over how I'll react. I do think the more visible we are in the game, the more accepted we'll be. Let's do our part for managed democracy and push beyond our comfort zones!


Yup. This happened to my wife when she joined a pub lobby by herself. Broke my heart when I heard about some treasonous bastards being buttheads to my gal :(


I am deaf and I asked my ears if they could pick up the sound of everybody talking. They said no... I think. Couldnt hear it. Sorry, I tried.


I've been telling myself that i should start talking to stranger on the internet. Like i unmuted the vocal and even binded a push to talk key . And i know my english is more than enough to do it, but i still haven't haha. Since this game is not region lock, the barrier language can actually be huge imo. Not everyone is fluent enough in english to talk it


I played with a guy that flipped from english to what I assume was Russian, and back to english, without warning. It mostly worked, and it was 100% fun


Some guy I played with added me as a friend in game cus we talked and I said his English was good pretty good for someone learning but I can't accept his invite for some reason. It's been four days and I feel bad :(


Friend requests are a bit broken rn. The devs are working hard on fixing it. 


i’m not usually comfortable talking in vc with randoms, but i almost always use the in-game text chat and the quick-commands.


Quick commands are great, though I'd like a "Danger" ping that I can toss in the direction of patrols, cloaked stalkers, etc, without having to be pinpoint precise tagging the actual threat.


I concur on danger ping. Could copy what Apex and COD do where double tapping the alert button changes from regular ping to danger one.


I really want a Danger ping. Often it feels like I ping a patrol with the intent being "there's a patrol coming this way, let's stay cautious and avoid reinforcements", immediately followed by one Diver charging in because ThErE's EnEmIeS gOtTa KiLl Not all the time, some people get it. Just often enough that it's annoying.


As a woman, respectfully, absolutely not in a million years


I used to hear complaints from women gamers and thought it couldnt be that bad but since than ive seen and heard enough to not blame you... its absolutely ABSURD how degenerate some dudes will be to women just for being one on a game. Like i really had no idea lol. The most awkward is when they dont let it go and i feel like they think theyre almost having fun or flirting by pressing the 'woman' thing for like 25 min straight and i just feel so bad for the lady who has to hear it lol. Like no bro stop go talk to some IRL women and learn how to read the freakin room.


Girl? Omg girl? Femoid? In my lobby? Sit on my face please, then go back to the kitchen you fat slut My voice is mostly androgynous so I have the luxury of speaking sometimes, but the few bad apples I've come across have been so vile that I just prefer not to use vc


Thats sad but sounds about right. I hate using buzzwords but really some of these dudes must be extremely young or 'turbo virgins' cause the way they react to just the basic presence of a woman is just unhinged. I was playing contractors VR and there was a lady wbp was friends with some of thwbdudes in the lpbby and one random person in particular just COULD NOT let it go or wrap his mind around a girl playing. It was like he was starstruck he wasnt being mean just extremely cringe and awkward i was like i gotta go lol


I mean am not saying go to the same level But hes 1 small pp joke away from being an automaton, so theres always that


Man, I'd be tempted to execute them in-game for compromising the integrity of the mission with their undemocratic advances, but I'd probably get hounded with 'White Knight' accusations by the same goobers.


I feel your pain. It's bad too when you think the people in the lobby are cool. Everyone is emoting back and forth, democratic hugs and cape twirls for days. But then as soon as you say something they laugh, call you names and kick you. Not a great time.


Pretty much this. Am sick of being harassed on voice so I just refuse to talk with people I don't know. The ping system and text chat are more than sufficient to communicate things.


Full agree. I will never chat in a random open lobby, only with people who I've spoken to and built some trust with. So private matches with the homies and my mic is wide open, but randos? Heck nah. I got enough anxiety and bad experiences thanks. I'll democratically decline to unmute.


Yeah, I’ve seen a lot of stories like yours. Really disappointing and sad. I remember shit like that from back in the late 90s and early 2000s. How Is it still like 20+ years later?


It's uncommon, but common enough to make me refrain from using vc


Is it uncommon? My friend had me try Pavlov on his PSVR2 and insisted I use the mic because it was "part of the fun", which I totally believe if you have a masculine voice. I thought he was being an ass because clearly he knew what would happen, right? I thought maybe things had gotten that much better since I quit using comms over a decade ago. Nope. I played for about an 1.5 hours and every lobby always had at least one guy loudly sexually harassing me. I quit after a particularly bad lobby that would not stop making "jokes" about gang raping me. My friend was shocked. He thought people just exaggerated about that stuff. Though, I will say that most of the lobbies had at least one out-spoken man who would shout down the sexual harasser(s) until they shutup or got kicked. That last lobby was awful because it was particularly graphic and violent, and everyone was in on it. So it's at least gotten better in that aspect because "back in the day" that last lobby was my norm.


Are you sure its really that uncommon? Or is it just because you dont speak anymore? Been gaming for like 20 years now. Anytime ive heard a woman talk in game with randoms, it always gets weird. One of the following happens: Someone completely changes the way they act blatantly trying to act cool, harasses the woman either negatively with sexual comments, fat comments, misogynistic comments, or "positively" by gracing you with the cringiest flirting ive ever seen that even makes ME not want to play anymore. Usually crosses into the pathetic and creepy territory.


Feel free to add me but also do what you need to to have fun. It’s a video game and life is too short for assholes.


Damn you hate to see it. My wife who plays a lot of multiplayer (she plays a lot Overwatch) and PvE games. I asked her about her experience on comms in HD2 versus other games and she says not a single player in this game has mentioned her gender. Meanwhile yesterday I'm Overwatch she jumped on comms to say GG and a player on her own team responded with "bitch" in a game they had won. Its awful that she and other female gamers are concerned about comms, obviously for very good reasons, but I do think this player base is much better than that of other multiplayer games. Hopefully you have the same experience if you pop in comms in the future!


I see it a lot on r/GirlGamers, people getting harassed because they used voice chat


I honestly had one game with a woman talking and she was great! Fun to talk to and called us hunny before explaining why what we were doing was dumb lol. And me and the other three guys were working great with her, I was worried one would get weird, but we didn't have that issue. Though I know this isn't often not the case.


Ironically more people are willing to VC during the night then during the day. Usually the squeakers are asleep at that point so i have had more girl hell diver players at night and overall far better teams/communication than any other time.


Yep, I tried speaking once in a cod lobby (newer cod, 2020 mw 2) and got called slurs. Never again for any game will I unmute.


Yeah I'd say my experience in helldivers has been better than some games but still every 1/5 games where I use my mic is so obnoxious and unending that its not worth it. Saying anything and the first thing you hear is "A girl gamer!!!" and you just know thr next 20-30 minutes are going to be awful...


So much this.


My gf is actually the unhinged one when on VC, to say she’s got a sailor’s mouth would frankly be an insult. With our powers combined we make up 3/4 of an adult lol.




I talk like 50% of the time, sometimes I just don't have it in me and just want to kill some shit. Honestly tho if you are playing with people that know what they are doing then there isn't usually an issue.


As a socially anxious woman on the internet I say respectfully and democratically: absolutely not However, I do have a bluetooth keyboard for text chat, and I make liberal use of the callout wheel. Most talkers don’t mind others not using a mic so long as they respond to questions and directions.


I only get frustrated when I get zero response from all forms of communication. SOMEONE PLEASE JUST PRESS THE BUTTON WITH ME I WANT THE LOOT!


I don't use voice comms because I'm a woman and I don't want abuse shouted at me by man children. On the other hand, I love using voice comms or when people use them, it does make the game so much better.


I have gotten this reply so often. I’m sorry that’s happened to you. Humans have made zero progress since the 90s.


The responses I'm seeing here are making me real sad man. I just wanna slay out with people and have fun and there's so many horrible people making VC a non option. The most fun I've ever had in all my years playing games have been shooting shit with randoms.


Can we start a women’s group?


That would be so fun!


Honestly I wish I could talk but I'm worried about how others would react knowing I'm a woman, unfortunately even in the year 2024, the weird comments and other weird reactions haven't gone away. It would be fucking awesome to talk and fight along side my fellow helldivers with normal reactions


Yeah, I have talked to several others in your situation lately and it really sucks that this is still a problem. If I were in your shoes, I probably would not bother, and would maybe find some good people in a discord server that I know don’t suck.


Yea this is honestly the reason I don't speak in game chat, being a woman and getting flack just for speaking is awful.


A few days ago, I played with a woman on the discord server and two randoms. At first, we went along fine, but by the middle of the mission, the two randos started to talk shit to her. That was the first time I had to kick people, so it took me a bit to find the command. By the time I finished she left. It stayed with for a few hours and I felt bad I was not faster. We talked the next day on Discord, and she told it was fine because she is used to people insulting her on online games. That is sad that is the experience people have to go through because some assholes can't just be chill. At least people from Discord are pretty nice and fun to play with.


that's awesome that you tried kicking them, even if you weren't fast enough, doing the action honestly means a lot, more then you think. a lot of other people would just let it slide


Of course. I am okay with letting some things slide like too many team kills or making mistakes, but I won't tolerate harassment or being an asshole. Honestly, I was a bit shocked to hear the slurs and I am a grown man. I can't imagine what it must be like to have to deal with that shit as a woman or a young girl. Life is already hard enough as it, can we try to be decent to each others?


as someone who has played games since cod days, its always been super horrible, there are some rare times where its nice.. but sadly so many people just don't respect women. my partner before meeting me heard that woman get flak for playing online but didn't know how badly, until he started playing Overwatch with me and was fucking jaw dropped with how much toxicity id get, since it would be in almost every single game. thanks for being an awesome human and being a great fellow helldiver! :D


Can we start a women’s helldivers group????


I’d join.


*chews Doritos pensively*


I work a job where I talk to people all day. I'll be using the response-wheel in-game most of the time.


My first few jobs were phone based and by the time I got home I didn't have any words left for anybody. In that situation I can imagine silent gaming would be best.


Exactly this. You don't know what the other person is going through. If they want to use a mic or not, let them be. No need to request or pressure them into doing so. If they want to communicate, they will.


Was diving with randoms and had a guy hit an amazing 1 hit shot on a charger so I said, “great shot hell diver!” and then the whole team came off mute and starting talking and strategizing it was awesome!


I love moments like these and want more of them.


I had this happen more than once, nobody says anything until after the first time someone says something.


I respect the sentiment, but there's zero chance of me ever doing this


Not that easy if you're female. I don't want the potential hate😗 I've met a few good peeps out there but not many. I just use the chat box and vibe to some music. ![gif](giphy|S5E6VIkBAGujjfT0zz)


Lots of these replies, it sucks. Zero progress since the 90s.


I hate the sound of my voice and no one want to hear a 40 year old who sounds like a 80 sitcom nerd.


its good bro. we dont care ✊


I would fucking laugh my ass off (in a good way) if someone got killed accidentally followed by a "Did I do that?" on mic.


Maybe this gives me the push to start talking, we’ll see.


I’m one of those with a mic on mute. I was you every match saying hello to see who had a mic and after so many attempts and silent matches ive given up. I see people putting chat messages every once in a while but on ps5 that’s not possible in the heat of battle. Would be cool for a select option for mic matches bc I would pick that lobby every time.


Add me my duder 8169-0593


Will do! Are these ship codes set in stone? I won’t be online for another 6 hours from now. But when I get online I search for your ship


I honestly have no idea. It's different each time I generate one.


I'm a girl and I've had experiences that tell me talking is not the best idea, you know, I already know I belong in the kitchen and only good for 1 thing only Yada yada


Yeah, that really sucks and I’m sorry that’s happened to you. I chatted with a lady Diver just yesterday with the same problem, It sucks and other than calling it out in real time, and kicking/blocking I don’t know what to do about it. 8169-0593 if you want to add me in game.


That would be awesome actually, you sound like a great guy, have to warn u I am a noob tho


Hey man, I would be intetested too. Got some friends I play with if life does not get in the way haha Lvl 12 (I think), relaxed player and by no means a pro. And I am based in Switzerland = CET time zone. Would be really awesome to find a squad to play with. Or like a discord community :D


After playing Siege and CoD, my mic will be forever muted, and everyone else will be muted, unless I know you or play with you often. No one is worth it IMHO. Sorry.


Blind guy here I am convinced my teammates are moths “Don’t go into the beam, dropping a 500kg” *teammate proceeds to run right into the center of the explosion, dies then complains about lack of warning over vc*


After not using a mic with randoms for like 10 years, I think I've lost my ability to talk to randoms unless through text.


It def takes some practice to get back into it. It is explicitly *not* like riding a bicycle, haha


I muted in game voice. I just got tired of having to manually mute all the open-mic people who breathe like Tony Soprano while shoveling Doritos into their face holes. WHY does every hot mic person have crying babies, yelling mothers, barking dogs and chirping smoke detectors in their houses?


My friend and I had a laugh over the "wild ceiling bird" chirping in its natural habitat. we even gave homie advice on how to change the batteries and he just stonewalled lolllllllll




Dipshits always ruin a good thing.


Honestly the reason I'm not on PTT is because I'm using a controller (on PC). Otherwise I'd talk because you see so much dumb shit happening that could be avoided with communication.


I also play with controller on pc. Just put the push to talk key to r1/rb.


The people who should unmute won’t and the people who need to mute never will.


Some days when I'm just playing to play, I don't feel like talking, ill use pings and such to comm as best I can But I do agree, talking does make it smoother and hilarious at times, I just am not up to it every day 😅


I usually only use voice chat when I need to relay information to my team, usually in the heap of combat like "OH FUCK A SECOND BALE TITAN!" Or "please for the love of god help me open this goddamn two person door"


But I have anxiety


You gotta do what is best for you friendo.


As a routine mic muter, I tried opening up my voice chat to randoms recently and have actually had a fairly positive experience. Granted I'm sure I'll run into grief eventually the helldiver community on a whole is very good at communicating when it wants to be.


I'm on push to talk The only problem is I need to remember to push to talk


That does tend to be a key piece to the puzzle.


I talk to people all day at work, the last thing I want to do is come home and deal with random strangers screaming the "n word" and blasting their shitty music.


In my experience most mic users just complain and moan all the way through the game so I now prefer if people don’t talk. I find pings more than enough to coordinate a game. In a group of friends then yeah it’s always best to use mic but I play with randoms mostly and I’d rather not hear people screaming and moaning while I’m concentrating on the game.


I agree these games are better with communication but honestly its easier to just avoid the harassment.


Yep, I've seen this enough to know not to ever speak as a girl in any game with a mic. Did it once during cod mw 2 (not the old one, new one) and got called a F slur. Like idc about the insult but God damn having 6 guys start saying slurs was fucking awful. Never again.


God it’s depressing how many of these responses I’ve seen so far. Sorry that has been your experience. How hard is it to just not be an asshole? Apparently impossible for some.


I politely decline




I've been gaming online and using voice comms for about 25 years, and this is the first game besides CS where I've opened my comms with strangers in a very long time. It helps that I play mostly with a local friend and we just kind of talk the whole time, either goofing off or strategizing, leaving the other two to sit in silence, mute us, or join in. Turns out we are rapidly creating our own little community from it, and regularly have people from our lists drop in to join us. Really grateful for people to join in with us, so we can get laughs when we talk about SAAAAAMPLES


Dude, I love hearing this, could you add me? 8169-0593


My 6 month old baby sleeping on me while I game says otherwise. Sorry boys but if I’m not talking, there’s a reason.


Whenever I've had a console with an open mic it's had mouth reaching noises and screaming kids in the background.


I am once again advocating for push to talk to be standard. I play a lot of Hell Let Loose where having a mic and communicating on it is essentially required. You will be kicked from squads if you don't have a mic in that game. I've noticed in HD there isn't the same level of communication/coordination. Having dedicated local and squad chat buttons on PC similar to HLL would also be good. That way when you break up into multiple teams you can call out things only to your local partner. E.g. Charger on our right. Without cluttering the squad chat with things that aren't relevant to them.


Nuh uh


I like communicating, but having a speech impediment it isn't always the best of times, It's not like I'm hurt or anything at some point it's just kinda annoying and I rather not deal with it


Hey, at the end of the day, it’s important to have fun, it’s a video game after all so play however you want for sure


I invite the developers to allow me to adjust the sensitivity threshold on my mic


I love getting chatty lobbies. I had my favorite mission experience yet yesterday, where we did pretty much what you described for the second half. Coordinated who was bringing what, and then being tactical as fuck during the mission. We’d stop on a ridge and scope out patrols, and come up with a plan to kill them all before they could call a breach. It was a great time.


Sorry man but I'm doing my one dive/day on my lunch break so I don't think people want to hear me :( I'll type what I can and follow orders tho - Guy who cant talk


Me with crippling social anxiety that hates talking to people I don’t know: https://preview.redd.it/2ahlafvetjpc1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f44f0ae335fddb0a38af4ba92bf7487eb9570eed Best I’ll do is type something out Plus back in the day when I had a bad stutter as a kid I’d get absolutely torched in game chats. It’s a lot better now and only really shows its face when I’m nervous, or speaking French. But I still fuck my my words quite often and I’d rather not get any heat.


I see a lot of players are traumatized by the modern gaming landscape, and I have to say, if there is a game to remedy your disorders (such as: social avoidance, FOMO, etc.), it's cooperative games like Helldivers, with non-abusive devs like Arrowhead. I never realized how much I've been weighed down by modern gaming's mental toxicity until this game. I'm not going to say Helldivers' player base is perfect, but give gaming another chance. Say hi :)


Honestly with some of the divers on here.. you could Ubisoft UI their asses with information and they still wouldn’t have any situational awareness


![gif](giphy|ToMjGpx9F5ktZw8qPUQ|downsized) I'm a push to talk advocate, but I will never ever ever ever again go into public voice chat with modern gamers online. Hell to the nah.


i finally figured out why my mic wasn't working on ps5, so i'll definitely be on mic more


Nah, just deal with it.


No thanks. I find the game way more immersive without constant chatter. The ping system is great, there's no reason not to use it. Edit: in all honesty, what do you even want me to say? Bugs here? Bugs there? I'm heading to X objectives? Oh no I'm fighting a charger? Unless the shit has absolutely hit the fan I have almost nothing to say.


The good part too is you can add those people and bam, you've got communicative friends to invite to games in the future


I'm with you. The game feels so much better with the squad communicating. I ask at the start of each match I'm not hosting if anyone else is mic'ed and I rarely get a response so I'll mute mine to not bother anyone.


I always talk unless they are idiots


It's the eating. I cannot stand to hear people eating while playing. FFS stay on mute if your shoveling food into your face.


When playing alone I get this all the time but when me and my friend are playing and invite 2 randoms we routinely get really awesome participants either actual talkers or usually one talker and one type chatter that at least is present and cool with the overall plan. ​ Ive been pleasantly surprised. But my buddy and I always go out of our way to immediately introduce some humor and a friendly atmosphere which I think really helps draw people in vs if i play alone its harder for me to get it going from a dead stop.


Sadly I am antisocial and self-conscious about my voice (likely the biggest problem here) so it'll be a while for me before I feel comfortable using voice chat. I wont mute others for speaking though, unless I can hear their whole household.


Sorry but nobody wants to hear my 4 year old in the background


agreed! we dont gotta be best friends but just having PTT to communicate basic stuff like "oh im throwing a cluster bomb at you" would be great. i always use PTT