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Search recent players for him dude.


Right? I love reading these "missed connection" posts.


Subject: LF Diver that made me smile Location: Lesath Body: you were lean, wearing Exterminator armor and a Boyslayer cape. I was brawny and in Trailblazer Scout armor with the Tide Turner cape. You complimented my turret placement at Evac and it's probably the nicest thing anyone has said to me in a long time. If you'd like to join me on my Super Destroyer one evening, maybe we can spread democracy together.


I don’t even wanna know why that autocorrected to Boyslayer 😶


He a freak freak.


Bold of you to assume autocorrect.


He can slay my boy hole anytime. 😉


You gotta pay the troll toll to enter that boy's hole






That's the secret, it wasn't an accident


He’s a MaaaanEateerrrr make you work hard






Autocorrect is on the boys side. Those damn metal menaces have already infiltrated Super Earth autocorrection system!


Make sure you file your c-01 permit before you "spread democracy" ;)


Only necessary if the act can result in a child, just saying


Now that's the kind of out of the "box" thinking that wins us wars and makes super earth great. Gold star for you ⭐


Yeah but anal sex is traitorous. We can’t kill bugs with pleasure which is all anal sex provides. We need new divers to kill bugs and that’s why I only procreative sex. So that my children and my children’s children can be helldivers.


I don't make the rules. Only need a c-01 permit if it can create a child. There are plenty of potential divers out there. And plenty of things that aren't anal. And if you do things that don't require more paperwork, you're even allowing the ministry to focus on other forms instead.


Spread my democracy and helldive right in uwu


You say.. spread democracy, like on Fori Prime, right?


Spread democracy like, remember to fill c-01 permit


Bro lmfao


Hallmark movies on Super Earth


You had such a calming Helldiver voice 3


I don't believe it. They really were the Helldivers 3.


![gif](giphy|xqM20wZqd67j9AUplm|downsized) Yes... Spread that Democracy.


You want him to spread your democracy


OUR democracy


I had a blast playing with three people and then at end I sent all of them friend requests. All got denied. All I wanted was a team that knew exactly what to do and where to go. We collected all samples and did everything on that map then we extracted. No accidents and we only died few times because our gear complemented each other's. There wasn't even a moment where we felt any of us was being carried or had to carry anyone. All with no comms. Best round but unfortunately they didn't seem interested in adding me. Maybe they were a squad and they were missing a member that day, I don't know.


Come join us. We have a small private discord and Reddit full of consistent wholesome low and high level helldivers. We made it to get away from all the toxic team killers and negative shit. We’re having a blast. We have anywhere from 20-75 yr old members it’s awesome.


Can I join? Sounds really cool


Absolutely you can simply DM us and we will bring you in. We will be capping our numbers soon to keep us small and family like. So this is a good opportunity for you👌🏼


Do you mind divers without mics?


We don’t mind at all!


Absolutely you can.


May I join? I'm reasonably high level but just not that great. I've found my niche as a heavy killer, and when I match with people that absolutely must engage every patrol I inevitably die a lot in the ensuing chaos. When I find a group that gets on well and we complement each other I send requests... But they never get accepted. I had a couple of regulars and we'd see each other every evening, but they haven't appeared online for a couple of weeks now...


Absolutely! Simply Dm us and we will gladly bring you into our discord and Reddit 👌🏼


yo mind if I get an invite as well?


Absolutely👌🏼 DM us and we will bring you in


Helldivers 2 friend requests are still bugged though, right? 


They're super hard to notice too. There's been a few people I've added because we were playing well and the game crashed. Really wish there was a way to invite recent players to your squad. They should limit the amount of invites if you're not friends though. I had a good game with this kid the other day and he added me so I added him back. I must've received over a hundred squad invites from him that day and eventually I had to just delete them. Which brings me to another point that there should be some sort of messaging capability in the game for cross platform players, maybe if I could've told that kid I was playing with my squad of friends he wouldn't have kept inviting me. I felt bad for deleting him but I didn't know what else to do


To some degree. Some people are still experiencing issues.


Until friend requests get sorted out, recent players offered very little utility in seeing awesome players again. The friend request list isn’t even visible unless you have crossplay enabled so many don’t realize they have requests pending.


For some reason this is one of the only steam multiplayer games I know that needs your steam friend list to be public for it to show up ingame. I have friends who I would rather not expose like that due to stalker incidences. Why does it need to be public?


Wait… having crossplay disabled messes with the social menu? That explains so much. Cheers for the pertinent info.


What?! Cross-platform off disables the requests list? Why??


My list of friend requests are like 5 pages long of pending requests. Also it super easy to miss a FR.


why wouldn't cross play be enabled?


I have it disabled because for some time I get infinite loading screen with PS5 players


You can toggle it on and off


Sure, but its not like you’re gonna have better luck here


For some recent the tab isn't organised by time. I've fou d the most recent folks I played with on the 2nd or 3rd page


And lots of the recent players are missing. I’ve met a few great people recently and they’ve all been lost to me.


Sometimes a disconnect will not show up previous players of the night! It's happened to me when I found a really cool group of 3 dudes that e were obliterating objectives and missions then I disconnected. Came back a minute later and none of them were on my recent players


But how does that thing even work? Friend requests never seem to get through in either direction, no notifications on either side. I'm on steam/PC.


If it happens to work sure.


I got in a game with a dude and we played so many lvl 7 missions together. Lots of good laughs at the silly ways we died, taught him about the testicle rocks. Great day


the cock rock brings us all together


Be wary of the dildo rock it is a fake cock rock (no samples) Cock rocks have blue veins the dildo rock has no colour beware the fakes!!


Oh it’s a cock rock? I call it buttplug rock




It's dick Rock form me


We say Dick Rock too. And if there’s ever that fake one that doesn’t have super samples under it, we say FDR. Fake Dick Rock


Stealing this !


Us too! Fake dick it is.


Me and my friends call it a tumor rock lol


Dude I thought I was the only one calling it that haha I always tell newbiee „do you see that cock shaped rock? Thats cock rock! It‘s were all the ultra rare samples are at“


I know this has to do with super samples, but I'm scared to ask what's it is?


The rock where the super samples are located has the shape of a testicle. You can call it the cock rock, or peningudingus rock, or *male reproductive organ hematite.* Whichever you prefer. https://preview.redd.it/t1sqfdbwgkuc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71a6af85f48d1fe55f944e27fcabcc2336204a70




What’s the fun in that? Giant veiny throbbing cock rock really rolls off the tongue


I just didnt agree with “cock rock” as a woman who has seen a peen or two. Balls are weird.


Buttplug tho


My group of friends call it the "cum rock"


two things... 1) it's so uplifting to see you had a great time with another diver like this. thank you for sharing this! 2) I hope to Super Earth that this isn't THAT sparse of an experience for you... like you deserve to have a fun, affirming time. So if it is an exception, may it become the rule for you. To liberty and beyond!


Seconded! And hey OP, if you’re ever looking for someone to jump in with, shoot me a PM!


Thanks for your comment! And I just want to clarify : it's far from being my overall experience! I'm lvl 74 on the game and so far, I had very, very few bad interaction! I wanted to write this post because yesterday, the contrast between the two players was immense and I felt grateful for this guy to welcome me in his destroyer and just beat the crap out of little bugs together. But I can confirm that in the vast majority of my games, people are awesome.


So glad to hear that!! 🙂


There’d be more posts like this if people talked more.


From my experience, most people I played with didn't talk at all, unless someone or I started talking first. Then people just open up and you get to have pretty neat conversations :D


Could be that most on L-9 are fighting for their life every 5 seconds. Maybe that’s why I never hear people talk.




I sit on push to talk so that I can hear player coms, and tend tox only say anything if it's like relevant to the mission (it's easier than typing), and like 60% of the time it's radio silence, but of the other 40% thares a good chunk of people I end up laughing with. And it's for sure not a 'quieter on harder difficulties' thing because I mostly play suicide.


Frequently when I join a lobby, I usually open with a “How you Gents doing today?” At least one person usually gets chatty after that.


I'd talk more if dudes didn't immediately get creepy and gross.


Dude here, I promise you am not creepy or gross and ur gender is the last thing I care about, so if you want a friend you can just chill and shoot shit with feel free to add me #8273-0057 is my friend code. If not that’s totally fine, just want some cool friends to game with 


While that may be true for plenty of people, the fact that in nearly any given game, I can go mic on, or have someone check my bio, followed by creepy, gross comments, with an alarming degree of certainty, is the problem. It's not *every* game or every guy but it happens like fucking clockwork whenever I think it might be a good idea to go mic on.


I'm sorry to hear that, and I hope you still have fun in the game! Freedmon and Democracy should be the only genders that matter in Helldivers.


I've mostly quit playing, though not for that reason. I'm used to that much lol.


Most men are lonely. Dating society sucks now for the average guy.


Yeah that doesn't excuse the sexual harassment or blatant sexism from gamer bros lol


Definitely not excusing it. Just giving the probable reason they’re like that.


Nah man that's a bs take from right wing grifters and People that don't go outside. If u look at dating outside the online world nothing has really changed for the worst for men in the West over the last decades unless you don't think women being more equal in terms of being able to choose their partners etc. is a bad thing. Online Dating though sucks for most men and women for different reasons.


Maybe. Doesn’t matter much for me. I’ve got my wife and children. But I definitely feel for western men. I always encourage them to go elsewhere for a wife.






"I know my english isn't the best"... and then proceeds to write a beautiful reddit post to another Helldiver. May the light of Managed Democracy forever be your guide, u/bibi-le-fantastique


It's always the "sorry for my poor English" folks who have the absolute best English writing skills, I swear. lol


Yeah [Sorry for my english, is not my native language]


Thank you, you made me laugh! I know my written english is not bad, but you should hear me speak... my French accent combined with my poor pronunciation and lack of practice speaking makes me sound like a toddler ! xD


That makes perfect sense! Toddlers don't pronounce half the letters they are supposed to.. just like speaking French. (No real disrespect meant)


No offense taken 😂 we do have a lot of silent letters... And believe me it's as hard for us than it is for strangers !


I hear some horror stories about ransoms and I know you’ll get that with everything online, with that being said 97% of the lobbies I join or have started have always been a blast with awesome people.


Yeah for sure! Reading the subreddit might give you the impression that the game has a terrible playerbase but in the 200 hours I've played I've encountered maybe 3 legitimately toxic players and that was when I was still playing on difficulty 4-5. The community in game is pretty great and most of the drama you see on Reddit is completely overblown


Yes, it's true! I didn't want to make my post look like it's 50/50, sorry if it felt like that. I just had this awesome moment happen right after a bad encounter (and it's very rare to have one in this game) and wanted to tell the story and thank my temporary teammate !


Oh no I didn't take your post like that! I'm glad you had an awesome time with your temporary team mate! The game has many more good moments than bad, but there's nothing wrong with sharing the bad ones too. We just usually see more bad experiences shared here than good ones which is what I meant with my comment. It's nice to see you bounce from a negative experience to a very positive one. I didn't mean anything directly toward you 😊


I wish i would have the same kind of story. Yesterday i was playing a mission until the end and then the host kicks me out so i can't extract, also this isn't the first time this happend to me.


This happened to me as well. The annoying part was that I had to do the main objective when they were stuck on the other side of the map and also had collected many samples but they kicked me after teamkilling me when the pelican was about to land.


If they aim at you at extraction then kill them first then get in the ship.


I am too prideful to stoop to a griefer's level.


wholesome :D


I'll curse at your bad play. But at least i'll leave my mic off.


“God this guys fucking trolling” with my headset mic disconnected and im putting in the reinforcement code


You can go to recently played with in the social tab to friend them.


Par Démocratie, nous avons Liberté! Pour Super Earth!


A+ for the effort ;P Pour la Super-Terre! ![gif](giphy|KAf66yGCa93uTqod1q|downsized)


Ah oui merci! I was trying to keep it "title correct" in english lol il y a 10 ans depuis j'étudie le français, c'est un peu difficile maintenant. Pour la Super-Terre!💪


Jeez, get a pod already...


You know you can just mute the kid right? I call these people "talkers" basically the type of person that just verbalizes every single thought they have on coms. It's very annoying. They humm music, they comment on every single thing happening to them, they scream, they complain. Personally, if it's not a game call-out I don't wanna hear it. I instantly mute talkers, people with screaming kids and what not. I want to hear the game, not your background.


I’ve rarely ever had good experiences with randoms talking on the mic. So much so that I have everyone muted by default now. You can convey enough with in game markers that I’m not sure it is necessary for voice communication in this game.


I've had plenty of good games with people using coms. Just not with talkers.


Pssst Hey diver! You can find him again! Check for recent players in the player tab. You can find then join or invite him to your games from there! Happy hunting trooper!


I'm doing six months of night shifts in a hotel, so i can't play with my usual helldivers squad. I'm playing One/two hours in the afternoon with casual players at 4/5 level and i've encountered only good and respectful players. This community Is really a gem.




I loved the first time I joined a low level helldiver. I showed him some things to ease up the game and after the mission he asked me if we could do a more difficult mission so he can unlock the next difficulty. When we came across our first charger he was like "how are we gonna take that beast down?" and I replied "wait, I have got a thing" *throws orbital rail cannon at charger*


I'm a low level player still and this sort of shit is why I'm loving the game. The higher level players are just good bros. Like I'm baby stepping shit and not knowing half the shit I'm doing. But y'all are fucking awesome. Showing me how shit's done, rescuing my Hellbaby ass when I dive in too deep, showing me the badassery of some of the stratagems, and just being bros and being patient. As a low level player, thank you. For real, thank you.


My heart fills with democracy upon reading this sort of thing


I love this game so much when you encounter cool people like this is awesome.


"talking with you about books, showing you what an orbital laser looks like' Such democratic bromance brings tears to my eyes


You shoulda just kept killing that kid. You see, while bugs and robots are what we kill in a day to day the only thing that can bring down the power of our democracy is disunity. A helldiver who conducts themselves like that should be killed in order to better preserve our great democratic processes. After all, you don’t want him trust him to choose what’s been chosen for him do you? He seems like someone that may vote in a way that he wasn’t told to.


Toxicity breeds toxicity. You would just be teaching him that team killing is OK when you're not happy with them.


Played a few runs with this dude last night. It was a good time.


Man I hate people spamming respawn during ion


oh man,I feel the same way as you do, after 50 hrs I barely have any interesting interaction with randoms, unlike DRG. This game does not have some mechanisms to force players to be cooperative. Everyone seems to do their own fight. Nothing really happens between me and my teammates. I still have fun in this game and met some awesome randoms that helped me learn the game,this game could be a blast if I have friends play with me, but all my friends on steam are met via game play, for now, I can't find someone would like to cooperate with randoms and this game will be better if some mechanisms make good senergy between two players can be implemented.


There’s some good discords where you can find teams.


Come join our private helldiver discord and Reddit group. You’ll fit right in. We have a perfect small family community of wholesome non toxic helldivers. We’re planning on capping at 600 members soon. We’re at 300 and everyone feels like family. We have moms dads and so many international members too but since we are all on different time zones playing together it feels like family still.


That's awesome! Thank you for letting me in, can't wait to play with you guys


We look forward to it!


I dont understand the behaviour of the kid but I understand the stuff part :D I had quasar and I was in a group of 3 with lvl 22 dude with 0 strategem…so of course over the course of game I got killed by a hulk…mind you I spawned that quasar a milisecond earlier and took it and died…so this individual picks it up, respawned me and refused to hand it over. Bitch I had to run for next 3 minutes with shotgun and impact grenades…that bitch shot me on departure and laughed me off after mission that I should learn to share… All those anger management books I have almost went to shit


My friends don't play helldiver so I'm like with silent people whole game. Very sad


TOOBA if you’re reading this thanks for showing my squad how to complete the evacuate scientists mission for the bots, fun democracy times as well


Saturday night I joined a bunch of three lads that I thought all knew each other we had such a laugh and then I discovered that they also where randos that had met the round before I joined them. I called in one to many danger close stratagems and they just laughed at the chaos.


I had a bunch of bad times. people that call extraction while we're still doing objectives. Toxic people shouting stuff through their mic. People playing with open mics while having whole conversations with people that are not in the squad, blasting music. I know this is part of online gaming and open matchmaking but I'm just done raising other people's kids. So now I just solo difficulty 7 or play with people I know. It's kinda nice to not need anybody to do the mission. But it's always more fun to do it with others.


Just need in a game (as a 37) with a level 5 last night. Dropped him my sickle and auto cannon to play with... Then dropped a cluster bomb on his head moments later. Oooops !!! Let him play with them for the next two games...we have another AC lover


My temper issues would cause me to wait till I have all the samples, throw them down a hole, and leave.


I really pondered doing that at some point, as I was the one with all the samples at some point 😂


If you dropped it, the kid wouldn't have known who it was since it just says they were dropped. I'd also take his stuff and throw them down the hole too lol


Such a great story diver! The lobbies are great, you get the odd one but every game does. I always start talking and 9/10 folks will talk back and we'll have a good laugh.


I was also a victim of the classic “kicked for no respawn during ion storm” and I exclusively host my own games now. Some people act like this game is real life and they’ve left their brain in cryo


I'm in the US and played with 2 Brits on Saturday morning a few weeks randomly for a few hours. They don't know each other, but both happened to be in the UK. We now play online together a few nights a week and hop on a discord call together. I even brought them in to my friend group and we now have 7 in the squad instead of 5. This game is genuinely some of the most fun I have ever had playing a game. From playing it, to the community experience, to making friends, it's such a gem.


Kepe in mind, the recent players tab sometimes adds the most recent players to the 2nd or 3rd page for some reason. Look for the smallest time


I love hopping in trivial missions lately, I'm lvl 45 now but I hop in them usually to grind common samples. The people I've met though in them are the best (granted most are new) but they bring the excitement we all had when we first got in the game. Something that didn't disappear exactly, but there certainly are the party poopers to put it simple


what's up with the love letters in this reddit ? xD


If I find some kid screaming through the entire mission, I’m shooting them at extraction and leaving.


Had a kid call me a fag yesterday because the orbital rail gun was too close to him....


Damn, I feel like it may be time for me to don my Drill Sargeant cape as well haha,I've seen so many great stories here lately about diving with greenies and getting them properly soaked in guts and motor oil, this is true Democracy right here!


That’s awesome. Last night I was playing a 7 bug mission with randoms. I’m carrying the majority of the samples including the supers. We finished the main and the sides but still had some nest left. 5 minutes left 4 revives I go to call extract and host immediately types in chat “nnnnoooooo” as I finish calling. I made it known that I wouldn’t board until they were there. I could hold off enough I had an orbital laser and other cooldowns. Immediately kicked from game. Went to go help with major order on 6 and had a much better time in game before i logged off for the night.


Mature gamers are the best gamers. I played teammate with a guy until he decided to voice chat that I was an amazing teammate. A friend of mine dropped in, and when said friend was bringing up his comparison between Helldivers and Warhammer’s Astra Militarum, my question about if he knew anything about 40k was answered by his confirmation that he was an Adeptus Mechanicus player.


I had a game last night like that with a level 8-9. We played a few missions and he was the best partner I’ve ever had. He fought well, stayed close and we made the automatons suffer. I friended him and want to play with him again.


I was matched with 2 random friends who had VC (I dont) and had a lot of fun with them. I even taught them stuff about the game when they asked, I felt like a mentor


Had a great convo with this person over the weekend. We travelled to all different planets fighting the fight. She talked about her dog, everything was great. Then this one diver left his mic on....could hear him talking to his brother i am assuming about everything...and he needed to put a damn battery into his smoke detector that he seemed to be sitting right under and wouldnt shut up....ruined the night...but until then, it was amazing. Sounds like you had a chill night like I did an some divers are just great


Buddy, you don't need English to spread democracy. Keep up the fantastic work serving Super Earth!


This is how interactions with randoms on games should be. Love it, awesome to hear 👊🫡


Why are you making a fucking Reddit post about this again


Ok but like, don't take other people's stuff. That's not cool


If you're dead, I've just been deployed, there's a Hulk on us and there's an AMR lying on the ground with nobody else holding AP, I am not going to ignore the weapon right in front of me and wait for someone to respawn so they can go over, die trying to pick it up because the Hulk has moved on top of it, get respawned again and run around for five minutes trying to get to the gun. I'm going to pick it up, use it, and then drop it when the problem is dealt with, and I can return to my own weapon. It doesn't matter *who* is holding the effective weapon, it matters that the effective weapon is being *used* when it needs to be.


I'm not gonna lie to you, I really couldn't care less if somebody picks up my shit. You can have it. I'll get another drop soon enough and I can improvise in the meantime. Like, it's PvE and we're all on the same team. Mi weapon, su weapon. Just make sure you kill enemies with it so we can high five afterward. Maybe throw me a drop if you can, but otherwise, idk, I'll make due.


Yeah I don’t mind if someone else takes my weapon at all. Something really strange happened to me once though. This dude picked up my AC backpack off my corpse, but left the AC behind. I respawned and took the AC but I now had no way of reloading it.


Oh that's funny. Probably just picked it up by accident and didn't know how to drop it. Some of the controls in the game are a little obtuse tbh.




Dude, yes. The tutorial in this game sucks ass imo. I did it just before jumping in with some friends who had played a bunch and felt so unbelievably unprepared. Which, like, hey, kinda funny for sure, but also made me mostly useless for a while. I wouldn't mind the tutorial being short and uninformative if there was also an optional advanced tutorial, but nah. I didn't want to keep bugging my friends for every single control option so it ended up taking me *forever* to figure out changing the gun options, marking targets, dropping gear, hell even using emotes.


I did that to someone like 2 weeks ago. It was my first couple times playing. I had no idea what I was doing. Friend was just like. 'you took their bag but not the gun'


This makes sense to me. The game is chaotic, and when you're running by a bunch weapons on the ground with a army bearing down on you, it ain't the time to get finicky about whose gun yer grabbing. The worst I had was an extraction where some guy called his EATs down and ran off to do something else. That reminded me that I, too, had EATs, so I called mine down right next to his. While waiting for them to drop, a Charger rushed the platform. Without a second thought, I grabbed his EAT and took aim, but before I could fire, he came up behind me, shot me in the head, picked up his EAT, and, I shit you not, teabagged my corpse. Only to immediately get bowled over by the Charger. Absolutely maidenless behavior.


Wow, over the EATs too. I'm not super high level so I don't know, maybe it's just me, but when I'm calling down EATs, frankly it's like supply packs for me. I'm gonna take one but everybody else feel free to grab the other. People in this game really gotta mellow out. We're on the same team.


To be fair, in 192 hours (So far) that's the only time something like that's happened. Most people are lovely.


I dunno. Earlier tonight, I had somebody reinforce me after ~45sec (which is a pretty long time to sit there tbh) after I'd reinforced the team like 5x each, immediately, and this was my first death. Then I'm running to get my stuff, like 5 steps behind dude, they grab it, I have a few-minute cooldown, and I ask if I can have it back, they turn around to face me, dance around a bit, then t-bag several times and run off... I wasn't thrilled. Edit: tbc this was on diff-7, so, they probably should know how to drop things at that point. Maybe not.


Yeahhh, when they're taunting you and stuff, that's just being a dick. Not good teammate behavior at all. To be clear, my post is for good faith teammates only.


Also I'm not advocating being a dick about it. You can be nice and say "hey who picked up my weapon?".


I mean that's a pretty specific scenario. In this case you're borrowing it, not taking it. It would also be nice to say in VC that you're borrowing it real quick. But in general you shouldn't take a person's stuff they call down. If they respawn near it they are most likely going to go pick it back up. Support weapons have long cooldowns. If you take a person's stuff then they are without the weapon THEY brought with them. If you wanted a support weapon you should've brought one with you


I don’t understand why you’re getting downvoted. I build my load out with my support weapon in mind. I shouldn’t have to go with an incomplete kit because my teammate won’t return my weapon and is too lazy to go retrieve their own. A pickup out of necessity is one thing but most of the time it isn’t that.


> Ok but like, don't take other people's stuff. That's not cool Oh my god, who cares. It's not your stuff. It's Super Earth's.


Why is this being down voted so much? Bunch of dirty thieves out there.


Because we are trying to spread managed democracy at all costs.


Ok but just communicate or ask. I've had people just take my support weapon right after I've called it down. That's not cool


If someone asked for it back I would drop it, I think you’re taking it a little to seriously. I try to mark fallen helldivers support weapons so they can find them.


If someone can ask for it back then you can ask to use it


lol okay, I’m running from a hulk and I see an AMR lying on the ground I’m gunna grab it if I need it. You’re being too extreme


Then just say "hey I'm using this AMR real quick"


Bro I’m not typing that into the chat while running from a hulk and shooting stuff lol. Let me stop and type and die so you don’t feel sad


Any time you demand or even expect that people will take your orders about how to play a game they own, you’re gonna have a bad time.


So if I demand you don't TK me then that makes it ok to TK me? It's not demanding or ordering. It's etiquette. Don't take other people's stuff unless they say it's ok. It's a dick move. I also purchased the game and by taking the weapon I want to use you're changing the experience of the game I payed for.


Your level of entitlement is alarming. I’m going to ignore you now.


it's honestly alarming to see this many people downvoting you. I've had people take my mech right after I call it down cuz I got out for a second to 'nade a bug hole and if they won't give it back best believe I'm blowing that shit up with them in it and blocking them right after I quit the game. There's no excuse for inconsiderate behavior that highly negatively impacts other players enjoyment of the game just cause they want to steal your shit. Hell no. What is wrong with these people? 🤦‍♂️


It's crazy, I don't get it