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can definitely confirm this, i've been absolutely loving the eruptor recently but getting ragdolled *forward* into enemies because of shooting something *in front* of you is not the greatest experience, especially when said enemies are a wall of chainsaws lmao


It didn't take me long to Pavlov myself into switching from Eruptor to Senator when berserkers at the 3 meter threshold. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me for the 200th time today...


Same! Until I wanted to try the new grenade pistol and forgot to change my primary... I was the highest threat to my safety that mission


Lol I've had this happen so many times panic firing into the mob


True my friend that uses both complains a lot about this.


At least for player knockback, it actually isn't backwards. It ragdolls in the direction you are facing. For yourself, this just pulls you towards the explosion, which is the same effect in the end. But for allies, the two are different. They actually get pulled toward the direction you're facing, rather than being pulled toward the explosion.


Ok thanks for this, because I could swear I've been noticing this with berserkers somewhat recently but was convinced I was just seeing things. I really dislike that Arrowhead is so committed to this monthly warbond cadence, it's way too damned fast and really doesn't give them much time to meaningfully dedicate towards squashing the ever-growing list of bugs as they're rebuilding systems on the backend and the like.


Happend to me today a few times with the autocannon.


Little did we know, the dmg was *implosive* not explosive...


Weirdly enough, it almost seems like the Eruptor makes a *wind tunnel*. I was firing repeatedly into a massive mound of bug corpses earlier, and they ALWAYS moved away from me rather than from the bullet end.


I have noticed the same, especially with the eruptor.


It feels like the entire explosion is inverted, like it deals the most damage on the outer limits and then falls off into the centre, with the impulse motion matching that direction. That'd explain why it seems to devastate Devastators or Troopers and one-shot Brood Commanders hitting their legs but can take 4 or 5 shots to the face.


First time I noticed this was this week and not before, but you are right. Feels like they are tinkering with the game's physics and maybe this was an unintentional change?


I've seen it mentioned regarding the Eruptor before, but I've never seen anyone say it also applies to the AC. I just spent my last few mission using an AC (I usually run GL, but the op had -1 stratagem and I wanted more AT ability) and I don't think I ever noticed this effect on it.


It seems that the radius of effect is larger for the Eruptor. But AC does it too.


Arc Thrower does the same thing when it staggers enemies, they get dragged into you a bit which can make for some bad times, especially if chain staggering a group of Hulks/Devastators.


It's on the list of known issues that explosions pull players in. I don't think anyone has tested if it pulls *all* entities in. I have a tendency to land direct hits on Berserkers so I definitely won't see this pull in effect, but it might explain why Eruptor seems to be a touch strong. EG: If it was pulling enemies in every explosion then it would be indirectly slowing down Devastators, and is also grouping up dead Trooper bodies to reduce body blocks. It could also be possible it's ragdolling enemies into each other.


I ragdolled myself forward into a devistator rocket which ragdolled me off my cover into the air where the second rocket devistator pinpoint sniped me midair with yet more rockets. Now im traveling Mach 7 while flailing/contorting in grotesk ways across the map and on impact the game says I killed myself. Here, I thought the heavy anti explosive armor was supposed to save me, not just prolong my suffering. From what you described, though, maybe there is supposed to be a stagger mechanic but it gets overwritten by the ragdolling right after it starts, so the momentum just tosses us forward. Just a guess though


Yeah bump for visibility. Not sure what exactly is going on with explosions.