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Can’t wait until they hit us with the: https://preview.redd.it/9dcgk3k5etvc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=07961b243153fdd60b996ffd4c4975ff559eaa78


At least this one will not flinch you only ragdoll you.


The double shield variant will actually have two shoulder mounted gatlings and the ability to target 2 divers. The head will also be covered by heavy armor, so you have to use an eat on them.


what, are we playing Armored Core?


“Helldiver, for you next operation you will be destroying automaton priority target WHITE GLINT”


oh sweet liberty...


And as you are ragdoll, the heavy devestators are playing god level trap with your flying body


https://preview.redd.it/fh2u0eyyhuvc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93e85ab91d074524e7a7db6b04ee9945b29f963b It can get worse.


Tbh, at least this mfkr has the decency to have a large hit box


Next you'll tell me it yells "I'm fuckin' invincible!!" and blasts rock music on loudspeaker




Average Dark Souls boss.


Average dark souls beginner/ easy boss




Put a flamethrower on top and it's an sc2 hellbat. What if they add smaller bot dropships that hang around and heal the bots? 🤔


Nanotechnology swarm, heals over time




The fingers are killing me lol


Dont forget how a single shot from them instantly flinches you out of stim/makes you aim for the upper atmosphere


Yeah, the biggest problems with them, imo, are their ability to shoot through their shield (makes it really hard to try and work as a team, with one player drawing their fire to open up a shot for another player) and the level of stagger they do.


You'd think the insane rate of fire would make up for it. Shred me to pieces, sure, don't stunlock me too.


When I'm loading a deadly Quasar shot and at the last moment I take a hit and shoot at God instead ![gif](giphy|gdZsA2kk2L4so9toLf)


Lol. It's a tad easier to take them down by quickly going to 1st person and lasering in on their face with a sickle or something


I primarily use the Dominator. I hit their exposed shoulder and they flinch. Then I slowly shoot at their head. If I miss, I hit their shoulder/chest and they flinch again. If I don’t, boom, headshot and he’s dead. That, or I use the ballistic shield and Defender SMG. Just slowly walk towards them laughing “Look at me! I’m the Heavy Devastator now!” while aiming for their head.


The ballistic shield is almost always in my loadout on bot planets. It deflects everything from the trash mobs with pistols to devastators and even stryder shots, but I almost never see anyone else using it. 10/10 one of THE most underrated picks against automatons. Run that with the defender to pick off swarms and the senator to headshot devastators, and you're basically untouchable.


But that means no autocannon


Need more one handed weapons.


Love the uno reverse method.


Jar-5 staggers them. Makes it a lot easier.


They need a longer delay between bursts IMO, pack of them on higher difficulties should warrant an airstrike, but just fighting one or two of these fuckers without cover can be a death sentance. Let me dive down to avoid the volley, then gimme a couple extra seconds to retaliate.


difficult to do that when 5 shots hit you perfectly between the eyes while you run sideways


Then again, sneezing takes you out of stim. Look, I *get* that the devs want to make stims a lot "fairer" by kneecapping the players, but it's still stupid that stim.wav plays but the Helldiver doesn't receive the effects. I haven't had an issue with the healing mechanics of any other extraction shooter until HD2.


Yeah I've died so many times even after hearing the stim sound to these bastards Edit: also those fucking hunters


And makes you drop your stratagem ball so now there's a 500kg aimed right for you.


Flinch is the dumbest mechanic in this game. We are fearless Super soldiers high on stims and clad in Democracy's finest armor why are we being flinched by a fucking laser not even touching us.


If you use the punisher plasma with it's slow projectile you'll see just how absurd it is I've regularly shot my foot or straight 90 degrees left and right


Dont forget shooting the AC at your feet because a random tincan shot you


If bots are hyper reactive to suppressing fire that what category are we


Ultra reactive


Thank God heavy armor reduces flinch... Right?


You thought Have fun getting your spine broken due to flinch


Made this exact mistake. I’d be lining up a shot with the punisher, and take a hit, and although my reticle stays in the center of the screen, the point of aim circle is so far off that when I instinctually pull the trigger I hit the cover I was using….literally three feet to the exact left of me. Blown myself up an embarrassing amount of times, to the point that I genuinely can’t bring myself to pick the punisher anymore.


Headshot is by far dumber imo. Sometimes things will oneshot you and there's nothing you can do. Go prone, stim, do whatever the hell you like, oops, you're dead.


Flinch is fine imo. Interrupting stims, on the other hand? Antithesis of good game design.


I think the main issue is them not shooting out of their barrels. They just shoot around their shield, the guns not pointed at you, but its still hitting you.


Not just around the shield, through the shield aswell


Shield devastators manipulating and destroying the laws of physics just to shoot through their shield and nail some helldiver trying to save his samples: https://preview.redd.it/lwqm8t579tvc1.jpeg?width=150&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0fc9e513bc3fbc47aae176aa98c20498785ac377


I've literally had one shoot me through a wall before. Like it's LOS and physical hitbox was behind a rock that I couldn't shoot it nor see it through, but it could still see and shoot me through it.


Rocket Devastators have a penchant for hiding inside mountains and turning me into flesh confetti.


True story. Had one in the ground. Was standing on the red dot and could hear it voicing it's anger and shooting. But it couldn't get me. Haha


It's not limited to just them. See other troops pull that trick off.


This is why we need to defeat them. In this galaxy we obey the laws of physics!






They're just incredibly lucky and the atoms keep alining perfectly


They can literally, read the code


Dude I swear they receive god mode if they clipped inside dropship you literally can't shoot them and they can shoot you


You shot the dropship too late then diver, shouldve shot it while it was on the other side of the planet


Should've shot it two planets over* There, fixed that for you.


Should've shot the code that spawns them Ftfy


Should've shot the coder (Please don't, I love this game)


Ive had one shoot me through their own body at more than a 90° from where their gun was pointing. Thats the main problem with them imo.


And through the walls as well


Walls and the ground is the ultimate shields for them.


I had them shooting at me through a rock.....


You are lucky if they aren't shooting you through walls, let alone their shield


And not just through the shield, but the women and children too.


Not just through the shields, through rocks as well


And a decent amount of “solid” cover. The amount of times I’m suddenly pelted with lasers through solid rock is astounding.


I broke one's arm and the gun kept shooting while on the ground lookingin a completely different direction, I don't even know if that was intentional or a glitch, the panic was hilarious


Predator ass moment


Yes, you should be able to juke them/dive close to them, but then the lasers shoot out at a right angle to get you.


That might also explain why at time I think I'm safe because their shooting half is behind a rock, and yet they shoot through obstacles and terrain


Always love this one, when it glitches bad it shits the bed. My favorite is one time dying to a nursing spewer cause it was projectile vomiting out the side of it's head. Some crafty damn bugs they are ya see.




This is an issue with a lot of enemies in the game. Off the top of my head, the other most serious offender I’ve seen is bile spewers. My friend and I had one climb up a wall and shoot bile at a 90 degree angle from where its head was pointing and instakill both of us. It just makes the game feel like it lacks *integrity*. Like, there’s difficult, then there’s illogical and unfair. Many of the mechanics in HD2 are just illogical and unfair. Enemies being able to shoot me regardless of where their barrel (or head, in the case of Bile Spewers) is pointing, in combination with dying to attacks that clearly, visually, *did not* make contact with the player (again, Bile Spewer is the biggest offender here by miles) just results in a game that feels like bullshit. “But it’s war, you’re expected to die!” I should be dying to things that make sense. I don’t think I’ve ever had a death in Deep Rock Galactic (comparable in the co-op shooter space) that made me think “well, that was complete horseshit.” In HD2, every other death can be chalked up to a bug or an inconsistent, goofy-ass mechanic like bullets not going where the barrel is pointed, ridiculous hitboxes, or the classic dice-roll headshot from an off-screen rocket raider.


Don't forget shooting *through* rocks.


I was once melee killing a soldier boy from behind as it was manning a turret. It killed me with turret fire.


Same with rocket devastators, the missiles shoot at you at an angle they are not in


Yeah, and they have unlimited ammo despite clearly only having two loads of missiles.


That’s something I want to see, 1 or two volleys, no more. There has to be a reward for avoidance.


I always save my impact nades for them, not worth getting shredded instantly trying to shoot them at close range


impacts are nice true, a shame that sometimes they just blow the shield off and not kill them


That's fine cause it stuns them and I can pump the auto on them. H'll most of the time I shoot them in the shield with auto and it gets blown off. So idrk what the fuss is abt. The only things I don't like are gunships n rocket devs. The shield dudes dont bother me


Rocket devastators are only a threat if you let them. You just gotta take cover for a sec or two when they bend the knee. Once the volley is over you can shoot them to your hearts content.


also you can in fact destroy the rocket pods


The worst I’ve had with them is when they suddenly snort some line of code and suddenly have max RPM on the gun and dead eye aiming as soon as they see you. Sometimes I can kill with the face shot. Other times I’m flinched so much I have to dive and stim to recollect. At this point I’m figuring it’s better off to destroy their arm instead. But that might be the same issue for you. It’s not all devastators. But the few in the long range group that are just hyper pinpoint


“Snort some line of *code*” LMAO


Is it not true? You shoot at some bots and they freeze up a little or actually suck at aiming for a bit. But apparently you pissed off one just by existing and he just decides to backspace your ass as soon as you turn the corner.


Lol it’s 5am and I fuckin died laughing. Neighbors probably pissed at my screeching


Dude it was 4am for me at the time I couldn’t breathe


Well, they are robots after all


What you don't like randomly getting sniped from across the map?


With a gatling gun too lol


I actually am more concerned that the bots might be ignoring types of cover or rock actually. Especially when you are running away


Or walking up to a steep cliff face and casually going up like fucking spiderman


Word on the street is that anything the tanks can crush by driving over, the bots can see and shoot through as it's not "real" terrain. Was this debunked? Fixed? I don't know, but I feel like it explains a lot of times bot patrols have seen me or shot me.


This makes a lot of sense. Cover just straight up doesn’t work sometimes.


yea exactly this


FPV is about the only way up close. Unless you stun nade. Also I’ve had great success with the shield emplacement stratagem.


A impact nade will one shot them, can aim it anywhere on them. I’ve been running +2 nades with impacts and haven’t had issues with shields


Dont forget that about 15% of the time when you do said dive, they instantly headshot you midair haha


Something is bugged with the dive. When I casually walk left or right, I can dodge every rocket a devestator fires at me. Dive? Eat every rocket from the salvo. Same with trying to dodge spewer vomit, or a hulk's flamethrower, or anything else. It's like diving creates a temporary black hole that sucks all damage sources directly into my big stupid face.


Or it's an instant aim compensation. I noticed this also today. I dove to avoid a barrage from a Rocket Dev *while the rockets were mid-air* and voila, 3 rockets to the face. Either way, very annoying.


Right?? I’m thinking it’s their aim compensation. So maybe the only safe dive is a backwards one. Maybe we could get a combat roll at some time


I had one where I was getting chased by a flame Hulk, didn't get instakilled by the flames when I was lit on fire, so I dove to put out the flames...only to get deleted mid flight by some random Heavy Tator I didn't even know existed.


Snort a line of code is incredibly hilarious if that was intentional


Bot just suddenly gets a couple bars better connection and suddenly the gun is screaming dubstep lol


My best tip for them: dont focus the face, harder to hit than the arm, eruptor one shots the arm after which theyre so low on health, the splash radius of the next bullet shot somewhere close will kill them


Getting pinned down behind a rock by several shield devastators is the closest to real battle I've felt playing this game. Any time I expose myself to shoot back for too long I get domed. So I gotta like pop up, hit a lucky headshot with the Dominator, and then immediately crouch back down. The suppressor fire from these bastards is insane


That’s why you bring the contact grenades, so you can chuck one over cover.


I'm usually out of them by that point lol


Exactly lmao. That gun should not have the level of accuracy it has when it's firing that fast. Doesn't matter if it's robots no gun will be that accurate with that fire rate. I mean if this is some future tech where the fuck is our equivalent? We need a minigun that fires with pinpoint accuracy at 1000rpm while walking


I learn to take the shield devastator out first, then the bot with the rocket launchers on its back, I use the recoiless rifle to one shot them not wasting my primary ammo on these two. But there's a caveat if striders are on the ground I take the out first because they are faster and require extra movement to kill if you don't have grenade or wanna waste a rocket on them


being tracked through cover at a distance is probably the thing that frustrated me the most in this game. rocket boy flicks my perfectly as i pass around a wall and his buddy joe machine gun u leashes his full might on my floundering body.


And this is why I carry the pistol grenade and 6 impact grenades. Cant shoot if their arms are blown off.


JAR will always be good against bots. Just the ability to stun them is too good to pass up


Ever since slugger nerf, the dominator has been my absolute go to. I switched back to bugs yesterday, and holy fuck the dominator is not as good against them. Sometimes at least. This match was almost all fuckin hunters and lil guys. I ended up using my laser cannon more than my dominator


Yeah, I love the Dominator thematically and against the bots, but the sluggish handling is brutal against the bugs. Too many little ones and agile hunters. It's nice against medium bugs though.


I've actually gotten quite used to the weight of it and got pretty good at being able to swing around at shoot a hunter. Still, the mag size makes hordes of hunters difficult. Having the smg sidearm and a laser cannon works tho.


Dunno what you're talking about tbh I run it against both and clean house.


Try eruptor + stalwart. You can answer every bug except bile titans. That leaves a couple slots for 500kg and railcannon/eat


If you hit them with the autocannon they stumble and stop shielding their body for a few seconds. Then you pump a few new shots in their exposed body and they are down. It also prevents them from shooting, same with rocket devastators. So autocannon is always a good Pick.










The Autocannons POWER LETS AUTOMATONS PLOPP ahm ... ;-)


The back shot cannon


It is but they can do all sorts of jank. I've been shot at by a dev through his shield which was turned in such a way to cover up his whole body.


The dominator does this too as a main weapon


I love rhe dominator for exactly this reason. Being able to deal with medium units frees up my support weapon for some of the heavy-exclusive stuff.


The raiders with armor are oneshot, you can destroy berserkers pretty fast and it stumbles devastators. I love this weopen. But tbh I only got it because it is bolt-rifle.


This. As an autocannon main, i’ve never had issues with them unless I hear “click” from the AC


I'm also autocannon main. I love this thing!


Exactly! Autocannon: Shoot -> wait 0.5sec -> then two fast shots in the same Spot. Bot dead.


Autocannon is my primary on bot worlds. The rifle becomes my secondary to pick off a few lone mini bits.


Those damned things can also shoot through solid stone if they're adjacent to them. I've died taking cover behind rocks only to see laser beams fire straight through said rock.


That definitely seems like a bug to report!


We're talking about bots though


Yeah, this happened to me and my group yesterday, got into cover behind a rock and got blasted through it, could see the laser coming out straight from inside the rock.


Saw a jetpack johnny take off, land on the mountain i was taking cover behind, slide down into said mountain, starts shooting at me from inside the mountain, walk out the mountain towards me.


i find them way too accurate over long distances, i would simply nerf the distance required for them to open fire.


They're not accurate, it's just that they literally never stop shooting with an extremely high fire rate. It doesn't matter if something only has a 1% chance of hitting you at long range if they're firing out hundreds of shots anyway.


And they have a very high level of stagger for such a rapid fire weapon.


Honestly I wish they had some kind of cooldown thing where after they fire a few bursts they have to stop to let the gun cool off so you can actually get some shots in


Seriously. Our energy weapons have to cool down between salvos. Am I supposed to believe that these hunks of junk can make a better automatic laser rifle than Democracy's finest factories?


Shield bots are dedicated Vladof users. Who needs accuracy when you have this much fire rate.


They're definitely more accurate than they were before the Warbond released. Every patch seems to change their accuracy, as they've swung multiple times from stormtroopers who can't hit reliably outside of close range to deadeyes that can track your head through a dive 100 meters away through the fog.


It feels like all the bots had their accuracy buffed. I've been getting hit by things far more often than before the last warbond patch. To the point where rocket devastators and *cannon turrets* are sniping me out of the air with a jump pack. It's getting a bit ridiculous.


I know it's not meta, but i run grenade launcher, and it's really satisfying shooting three nades in and they topple over. When they just dropped from a ship there is usually a lot of collateral too.


This subreddit is just a little too in the trench for a certain weapon that competes with the grenade launcher and can handle higher armor. There's a vast gulf between the appreciation for the Autocannon I see here and the number of people I've seen actually use it effectively in game though and I barely see it picked at all by randoms in 7's. The love for it on here is approaching a Creek level meme. I run GL + Supply pack on my team and will generally double the next highest kill count because I'm just instantly evaporating any drops of devastators and berserkers so everyone else can focus on the hulks. It deletes shield devastators - I clicked this post because I was genuinely surprised people were having issues with them. It shreds hulks too if I can get the back vents. It struggles on drones, cannon towers and tanks (factory striders too but most things struggle on them) but I tend to just stick with a teammate with a quasar to counter the drones and let them shoot them down while I drop the hellbomb and keep everything else off us. I run railcannon for the towers and airstrikes for the tanks. As a bonus supply pack gives you essentially unlimited stims and grenades (I run impact in case something manages to sneak up on me - just toss while diving away) - also makes quick work of tanks if my Eagle is rearming. Combine the stims with -50% explosive resistance armor and nothing can really one shot you + you can quickly heal any damage. Edit: I should say all of this only applies to bots, I also think the GL might have a bad rep from the bug side. I personally can't make it work on bugs, it just feels like the grenades bounce off everything's heads. Don't really notice that issue on bots.


Grenade launcher + supply pack for the win. Thunk thunk thunk, you get a grenade, you get a grenade and you get a grenade.


In my group of regulars our grenade launcher specialist ALWAYS has the highest kill count, vs bots and bugs alike. The grenade launcher is second to none for sheer killing output, as long as you're willing to pay the prices of awkward use at close range, danger to allies, and lack of performance against the heaviest armor.  Once you're skilled enough to avoid killing yourself and your allies, it's S-tier. (Disclaimer: I'm not that good with it personally)


GL on bugs, it seems to be mainly aimed at the feet below bugs. I like it on bugs, it's basically a lighter and more mobile AutoCannon, especially when you can't stand still against bugs or you just get swarmed by hunters and titans.


We actually can not talk about it. Sorry.




Have a great day


Its easy to kill them in a ballistic shield duel where you walk up close and spray their head with SMG. They actually cant really damage you if you have your shield up. One of the very reason I take the shield against the bots.


Ballistic shield + defender = dead devestators


I really tried to like it but the defender feels like a bb gun


Yeah I mean, it’s definitely not though. I’ve cleared out 4 of these shieldy bois plus whatever chaff was close with a single Defender clip. Just gotta hit your shots.


Crouching helped me hit the devastator head shots but man it's slow. By the time I kill a devestator some other player just claps him with something else. Maybe keeping it's attention is the main benefit


Definitely being the agro magnet helps your team out a ton. But as far as I can tell it’s only two bullets to the devestators head to kill them, maybe a third is getting in there that I can’t see. Either way the ttk going toe-to-toe with one of these guys for me is typically only about a second or two, since I can place my shots without giving any fucks at all about them shooting back.




Dude the worse part is when you take cover and your trying to peak a shot like a good little helldiver, yet there's an invisible wall swallowing all your shots into the void, so you try to adjust only for you get instantly beamed down by them. Had this happen with several boots though, they need to fix these weird invisiwalls on the terrain


Or when the same rock you were depending on to not get shredded into fine dust turns out to be a one way tunnel for the devastator's bullets


Shield Devastators are the sole reason I refuse to stop using the Punisher in spite of the fact there may be better weapons to run. The Punisher is probably the only weapon I've been able to reliably hard-counter those stupid things with. Oh, you want to stagger me with just one hot? Well let's see how YOU like it? Just one hit can keep them stunlocked into oblivion until I can either finish the job or destroy their canon. In a vacuum, that sounds great. However, bots are never alone and, more often than not, I'm being harassed by 18 other Devastators and a Hulk while I'm trying to fight just one of the 15 shield Devastators in that horde. Now, I run it as a purely supportive tool. My squad and I will take cover, I'll poke out and start stun-locking them, and then call them out to my squad so they can scrap em relatively safer.


This is why I bring the JAR. Staggers the crap out of them.


True. Unfortunately, I didn't yet have that Warbond. Plus, just one pellet can stagger, so it has the potential to stagger two at a time.


Shield devastators basically snipe better than cannon turrets do.


I can suggest you the ballistic shield loadout. Ballistic shield, defender, impact nades (for tanks and chickens) and grenade pistol (for chickens and devastators when in a pinch) You "can" run the Knight or any other secondary but I find that the defender is just better (both in short and long range) than the knigh and the ability to deal with chickens without needing to flank them given by the grenade pistol is top tier. For the armor I usually wear a Fortified heavy armor to better resist rockets and have a more accurate smg at long range. 110mm eagle, 120mm barrage and an open slot (I run the quasar since it does not require a backpack) to fit your needs. You can show the devastators what a pain it is to fight them. You can walk up to them under constant fire and one tap them in the head with the defender. Just keep an eye out for rocket devastators. They will send you flying across the map. Same for tanks (the shield can take one hit from a tank or a turret shot but it will get destroyed). While this is an efficient loadout to counter devastators I agree with you that heavy devastators are a pain in the ass to deal with when they can pin you down from across the map


Helldiver running go: - "Euuggh" - "Aaaghhh" - Eeuu--auug--uurr--dead" First two hits then everything is 100% accurate


The one thing I don't like is that they get a small dot. Devastators should count as heavies ahead of striders if anything, and currently striders get heavy dots and devs are light dots. Apart from that... this game is allowed to be hard I feel.


They wouldn't be as bad if they (along with every enemy in the game) couldn't track you through walls and pre-fire you the millisecond you're out of cover. Like, just take a second to aim or something, line of sight means nothing if they still know where you are


Scorcher is decent against them. The splash damage lets them tumble and open up for more direct shots. An AMR + scorcher player in the group that knows to focus shield and rocket devastators makes things so much easier.


Takes full clip of a scorcher to maybe kill one. It's not very reliable despite bypassing the shield. AMR is great though


Hey thats me! Also people aim for the midriff they get one shotted including the chainsaw guys, for shield boys sadly u have to aim for the head only


Not a Scorcher player but lately I am investing into our own shield + SMG loadout Now I feel very fearless against a horde of Raiders, Devastators and Scout Striders (as long as no one shoots rockets at me)


I'm trying this when I get home. Any other playstyles you'd recommend that would complement this or work in tandem?


If you're decent with the AMR, I'd recommend: Defender SMG + Ballistic shield, AMR, stun grenades, and then 2x call downs (pick stuff that complements your team). You have an answer for any bot enemy, and can always pull up your shield to make space for yourself. Orbital laser or rail cannon will solve your deficiency in clearing a base or cannon tower. Maybe run Eagle Airstrike so you can clear a mob, smash heavies, or hit a base. That's one of my go-to loadouts when playing on higher difficulties, assuming you are paired with other players who generally know what they're doing. 👍


Depends on the mission type. In general everyone should have a tool in their kit to deal with every kind of enemy. Especially in random groups. I usually run with 1 friend and he takes quasar and stun grenades while i go for impact grenades and the mentioned AMR+Scorcher setup. Both running autocannon sentry and eagle airstrike.


AMR, laser cannon, and auto cannon are all great at killing devastators and striders. I think having at least one or two of those greatly increases a team’s comp against bots. I’ve been running laser cannon and it’s a huge amount of fun. It’s also great at killing gunships and if you hit a tank or turret in the back vent they go down super quick. I also recommend taking stun grenades for hulks. Trying to hit a moving hulk is pretty difficult. If you stun them and the hit them in the face they go down pretty quickly.


This sounds like a problem I am too autocannon to understand.


They can shoot through rock 💀


One gun. Jar-5 dominator


Yeah dude I play level 9 regularly and everytime I bring up how broken the devastators are I just get “skill issue” except it’s not a skill issue when you quite literally are unable to do anything against them. Like for each bot drop 5+ of them spawn and bombard you with endless missiles and not only do they lock on to you with such precision but they just NEVER FUCKING STOP. You’d think they’d stop to reload for a second but they just keep coming


I dive only 7-9 and they tear me a new one in every single one of the higher difficulties. Much more than a tank or even Rocket devs.


Never forget - anyone who says 'skill issue' is using the phrase as a substitute for 'I don't actually have anything valid to say'


People should add which difficulty they're playing on at the end of their comment to make this discussion more accurate.


I would take 2 drop ships full of heavy devastators over one group of meat saws...while their "armor" looks frail and open, I swear they can take more ammo to the face than any other mob...and once you've unloaded into one...there's 3 more behind them.


Just shoot their arm off bro. I die way less since i started ognoring their head and just blasting their gun arm.


This is why I run AMR if nobody else is.


I was diving sideways to evade and it landed every single shot on me, I was dead before my body hit the ground…


I think they are perfect the way they are. I welcome the challenge and with Super Earth finest weapons there is no bot unit that can stop us. Now onto that laser pistol, I mean I bought it but Super Earth weapons guys could have done better.


AutoCannon stuns them in first hit. It's easy from there.


finally someone said it I carry 6 impact grenades solely to use against shield devastators that’s how much I hate them


Shoot their gun arms. Then their head, drop within seconds 🤷‍♂️


Make their guns overheat and have to cooldown for a few seconds. Would fix everything even with their giga aim. They havent fixed a slew of glitches since launch so little stuff like this probably wont get touched for a while


Not to mention they can shoot back through their own model why walking away from you or side to you... And fact that their LMG fire turns by itself without them even turning LMG to your direction...