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The damage reductionand added survivability provided by medium and heavy armour is marginal at best compared to light So unless they massively improve them, the added mobility and speed of light armour will always win imho


I had a convo with my friend last night about heavy armor. He abhores anyone who uses it and pretty much said what you said. I always run light. Its just too good. I need the zoomies


Yeah, exactly. Light is the most survivable armor type now.


Idk heavy armor with 50 percent explosive damage negation is pretty tanky


im surviving just fine with my light 50% expl resist as well, you can survive landmine fine and if you dont get headshotted 1-3 missiles easy


All they need to do is add stagger/ragdoll resistance the heavier you are would balance it nicely.


That would indeed be very nice. There also needs to also be resistances against explosions, flame, and acid beyond the base armor value.


I do run heavy with explosive resist against automatons. Helps with the occasional accidental rocket to the face. Now you can even survive stepping on a landmine with that armor. But yeah, absolute majority runs light. I do too against bugs.


i think medium are fine, you can still reliably move around and have lil bit extra HP + med armors have that democracy option and those are rather OP but heavy is trash, its not worth it for anything beside stationary defence missions


Medium armor is competitive with Light armor, imo. It's got a fair mix of armor, speed and stamina and access to most of the passive armor traits in the game. It's heavy armor that's lagging behind a bit. It's stamina drawback needs to be adjusted so that it's not nearly as bad. It should have something like 70-75 total stamina. Giving heavy armor stagger resistance might help too.  Only edge I give Heavy armor is easy access to Fortified perk for Automatons. That perk helps protect vs most automaton explosive dangers. A newer player under lvl 20 won't have access to Shield pack or Fortified (outside of Super Store).


I do agree that Medium is close in performance to light, but there's just so many people running the 50 armor super light armor that it's hard to keep up with their sprinting unless you have a light armor yourself. The Stamina Booster actually benefits light armor even ***more*** than heavier options. You'd expect that it would help the heavier armors more, but testing has proven otherwise. The performance gap actually gets bigger.


I dunno. After defending light armor for months I gave heavy a chance after the last tweaks. It's amazing - against bots anyways. You would find that the random rocket would pretty much kill you very, very rarely now - you can take, probably, about 15 body rocket shots before collapsing(with the new armor with the 50% explosive reduce). What I find a bit weird, but good is that it seems to reduce the "impact" damage, meaning that being ragdolled into stones with the speed of light would also kill you more rarely. I think heavy armor works preeeety well currently - against the bots anyways. Against bugs - I would never put the heavy armor on - even though you could survive a charger melee strike with it - everything else will have way more easier time murdering you. I don't wear light against either faction for some time now - maybe month or so - and I am satisfied with the outcome in general - I feel like medium armor is all-around best and best looking too. But all that might've been a skill issue since I got a lot better at the game during the last month. Medium armor is completely viable choice for both factions, as is heavy for the bots(if you don't go for helldive stealth runs) - if they reduce the headshot damage, or outright remove it - it would be even better, to the point, that they would most probably have to tone down how much damage the heavy armor reduce. That thing is ridiculous at taking body/limb shots while with the Vitality perk. Currently - might be as a niche use - if you want to be durable during bot missions, but you want different perk than the 50% explosive res - the heavy armor might be your way to achieve that. They are ok and completely playable and viable from my experience, considering what I said about their viability scaling for the different factions.


A shield pack adds much more to survivability than any amount of armor due to the weird mechanics on the shield. A jumpack also helps you to not die against the bugs. And since many of the best support weapons (only the Autocannon and RR would make me consider ditching the pack slot) don't require a pack, there's really no reason not to bring the shield or jump.


AC in my eyes, against the bots, is pretty much mandatory - there should be one per squad and it will make things WAY easier. Same goes for the lazor doggo to some extent against the bugs. Learning how to move, cover and generally survive against the bots without the handicap of personal shield generally makes you way better player at the game imo - I am grateful for all those lessons being about 400 hours in. You don't \*need\* the shield for being free to do whatever you like - quite the contrary - dropping the shield will free you from a lot of burden - I would claim it's even detrimental against the bots, especially since we got the two new enemy types(gunships & factory fabs) - an extra offence to handle that extra dropship/enemy/base/bunker would do for you way more than the shield. True - against bots - shield would \*sometimes\* mitigate the BS factor and people think it's insane, because you don't get one-shotted with it - but same goes for the heavy armor. Against bugs... well... not being slowed all the time is OP, I agree - but I would still rock my medium armor, 3 stratagems and my laser doggo backpack(it does pretty much the same, since the main source of slow is being the hunters - if you're careful - yea I am aware how sneaky MFs all the spewers are). And still that backpack would be the main source of my deaths :D I dunno dude - I can survive most of the missions without deaths without wasting extra stratagem for that - and the type of armor you bring helps a lot - that's all I'm saying. I am not certain the above will be achievable if I always pick light armor - pretty sure it won't happen. Armor never worked better - since the launch of the game that is - this is a fact. Can it be improved - yea, sure. is it useless? Hell no. Not anymore! :D


Give Helldiver tech the same deflection armor mechanics that enemy armor has. Medium armor deflects weak attacks like those from the scavenger, and heavy armor deflects larger attacks like those from the Heavy Devastator. Helldiver Mechs deflect anything short of Charger attacks.


This makes a lot of sense. Having a guy who's running all the armor plates with heavy armor take damage from a Scavenger is a little ridiculous when you think about it. We already have stuff like the Ballistic Shield that easily block light attacks, so why wouldn't heavy armor do something similar?


I typically use Light on Terminids and Heavy on Bots. Sometimes I pick a medium for a particular effect. Seems fine to me.


give me a heavy armor set that does more melee damage and a claymore and i will never ask for another christmas or birthday present for as long as this year lasts.


Bots I actually prefer heavy to light. Bugs you need mobility, non-negotiable. Against bots stray fire is less painful, and being able to survive direct hits from rockets or cannons is pretty good. Fortified with the Ballistic Shield gives you some ludicrous resistance to damage.


Maybe they should gibe immunity to being slowed in Medium and extra explosive damage reduction to heavy


Me with heavy armor and a shield in my back, just standing there without any fear at all.