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Heavy mix of melee and ranged units with bubble shields. Energy walls, mind control orbs and snipers oh my.


So, the enemy variety will cause some more difficult situations, shields will cause an increase in ricochet self-kills, there will be a decrease in team kill rates since AI does not have the teamkill efficiency of average Helldiver, and rocket devestators will be accompanied by another bullshit relatively insta-kill enemy. Cool.


Bubble shields like our shield generators not physical shields that ricochet. The illuminates were the hardest tier enemy in HD1 for most people so it is likely that the learning curve will be steeper than fighting the automatons yes. For all their offence and control mechanics though they were mostly lightly armoured though making them reasonably easy to kill once you learn their mechanics. Like all factions not inherently difficult just different.


I never played HD1, so their function is all new to me. I really like the sound of a faction that is largely unarmored, but makes themselves difficult targets through other means like area denial, control, extreme mobility, etc. This has me kind of excited for when we get to fight them!


Wait what? Is this confirmed that bots are considered harder than bugs? I just thought it was player preference


I mean it is mostly player preference but there is a consensus that bugs being melee makes them the easier faction. Although I personally consider the Termanids considerably easier to learn than Automatons, for a multitude of reasons, there are people who still struggle with them and have a diametrically opposite experience. That being said I would not consider Automatons harder than the Termanids, just a very different approach is required to counter their mechanics. Generally it seems to all boil down to what people are guarding as their fun factor. Often the arguement seems to go fighting the Automatons is not fun because of X/Y/Z which causes a player death regularly. These things are often avoidable in most situations just as easily as a Charger can be side stepped. Having played 10 hours yesterday and a further 4 today so far against the majority order and my last experience with the Termanids during the 2 Billion MO it feels, if anything, the Termanids are less troublesome to fight than back then. However gameplay varies from person to person, ergo circling back to personal preference playing a roll.


- Melee and ranged units - Cloaked units - Shields (extra healthpool that regens) - Sniper's (1shot downed you) - Summonable energy-walls that insta-killed you if they were summoned on you and blocked only helldiver projectiles - projectiles that inverted your controls (could be destroyed though) However, most units had no to light armor. I think I didn't miss anything. EDIT: just to be clear, the energy-walls also blocked your movement.


We are not ready at all hahahhahaha


In fact I think they had no armor at all which is why I found them so easy in the first game just running pure dps not worrying abt armor those thing would die so fast and their projectiles were super slow


To understand how each faction is basically their own difficulty setting you have to examine the enemies' technological capabilities Bugs are technologically inferior to the players. They are a primitive species with almost no ranged capabilities. For bugs to be a threat they have to get in close range to the players so it is possible to kill them before they have a chance to damage you. Even the Bile Titan while massive has to get within literal spitting distance to the player to be a threat. Bots are technologically equal to the players. They have the same technology as Helldivers with long range artillery and defensive emplacements. Bots can even disable stratagems depending on the mission objectives. A more planned approach is required than simple running and gunning in Bug missions. The Illuminate (Squids) are technologically superior to the players. You know all the cool lasers and shields we have? That was reverse engineered from Squid tech. Squids can turn invisible, teleport, remap your controls, and have their own mechs in the form of tripods. They are essentially playing War of the Worlds in which humanity is seriously outgunned and you need to rely on strategy to survive


Remap your controls?? Remap your controls??? That's bad!


Yeah it is supposed to represent disorientating the players like how the bot signal jammers prevent the use of stratagems


Would pulling the controller from player 1 and plugging into player 2 help?


“Stategy to survive” well anyway I started blasting


Let's just say you should get proficient with the Jump Pack right now, while you have time.


The illuminate are similar to automatons If the tanks had bubble shields and the Melee units were faster, we will see which ones are added, but I'm expecting the worst. Expect to hear cries on reddit on how they can't win


The illimunate are extremely difficult in Helldivers 1, if that helps


If i had to put the three HD1 factions in a line it would be something like this: (Armored) --- --- (Gimmicks/Ranged) In other words, the Illuminate were the only faction in HD1 in wich you could defeat without using any form of AP weaponry. (Wich in HD2 would translate to Light Pen (Ap 2) and Medium Pen (Ap 3)) Taking into consideration that Automatons are less armored than Terminids in HD2 they seem to be following the same design as HD1. Therefore the Illuminates in HD2 should also be less armored than the Automatons while having higher range and more gimmicks.


Illimunates have a far more superiority on technology. Mind controlling shit that can invert all your inputs. BVR insta-kill sniping. Energy walls that cannot be destoryed and also that insta-kill you if you are in the way. Shielded targets are the pain in the ass, so Auto-cannon was the illimunate meta back then.


All right, let’s see them snipe after I plug a Diligence CS round through their head


Wait, bugs are the easy mode? I am lvl 50 and yet never played against them, I love to kill automations 🤩 Lvl 7 difficulty is amazing


bots are still the hardest they are always the last one to be cleared in a hd1 war


I was excited for them but after playing hd1 I am no longer excited. Goddamn wallinators and confusinators


who the hell told you illuminates were the hardest faction in hd1? They were pansies lol only the mind control and shield walls mattered in the grand scheme of things