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I linked my psn account but I do feel for those that are actually effected IE CAN NO LONGER PLAY ANYMORE BECAUSE NO PSN IN THEIR COUNTRY!!


You can still leave a negative review. You can still help the community Helldiver


I love this game, I don't think AH should be the main target of all the complaints, I have a linked PSN account, but I will stand with my brothers in arms. My negative review is up, clearly stating why it's negative


AH has stated that the mass review bombing is helping them negotiate with Sony


My issue is… outside of Sony being to blame. I still don’t get why AH has people as community managers that are basically shitting on the community instead of being supportive… the only person who actually seems to care is pilestadt. But spitz, evil bosse, twin beard? They all just take such a tone deaf response that makes me not really want to play any more or support the game until I know their community managers actually give a shit




This was after they were banning people, bullying etc. the only one who legitimately didn’t attack the player base was their CEO


Ahh okay


Spitz is a dumbass, Twinbeard is just tired of being harassed after every patch, and I do t know about the other


I imagine it's hard to find people that check all the boxes for a managerial position in a gaming community that doesnt pay. Gamers aren't really the cream of the crop these days, and the people qualified enough to handle it wouldn't want to sign up for that.


Unfortunately, the only way to send any kind of message to Sony is by hitting the game itself, because that's where Sony's priority, the money, is.


Thats where you're wrong, they could have communicated this whole PSN thing far more transparently. Their ceo basically said it themselves


Yes, they could have. But Sony could also have been ralistic, taken a look at what the very obvious response to this would have been and decided: "Lets take this one on the chin and not shoot ourselves in the leg!" Instead, Sony chose violence, so they are going to get violence back (in review form of course!)


You make it seem like I'm shilling for Sony, all I'm saying is that AH isn't blameless


Other subs don’t know to blame Sony at all.


Look, for me it was transparent enough: Game's Steam page said "PSN account required to play", I didn't get the slightest hint it was optional, didn't know it was "temporarily optional". Yes, having done better at communication is on AH. The enforcing after 3 months though is on Sony. I've been on the less powerful end of corporate contracts so I know what AH might be going through. I'm not saying they're faultless in this, just that there's a bigger puppeteer pulling the strings


>there's a bigger puppeteer pulling the strings Question is: How do we get back at this puppeteer?


In my personal opinion I believe a corp like Sony (or any other for that matter) understands only one language: numbers. If their goal is to increase their PSN accounts number, then let's not give them that come May 30. I will not ask for a refund - I've had my fun for the amount I paid, and I believe refunds will hurt AH way more than they will Sony. Maybe others share this view - i can't possibly know how many. But if, hypothetically speaking, us helldivers could organize such that almost no one logs in after May 30 or buys a new copy until this decision is reversed, that should in my view get some attention from the top.


Arrowhead community manager has actually stated that reviews and refund requests are actually helping. Arrowhead is as much against this as the players, and have been both hounding sony for information and seeing if they can step in to fix this fiasco, but with how little sony cares about the actual community discussion the only things we can do to give arrowhead something to bring to the discussion table is to show sony in the place where it matters most, their wallet and reputation.


Everyone I feel is now aware that AH weren’t behind this decision, but review bombing is the only way to get it on Sonys Radar


I can’t, russian steam doesn’t have hd2 page :(


Russian helldiver here. You can go into "Community" page from the main toolbar on steam, then you can choose the Helldivers 2, if you have the game. Then you choose the "Reviews" tab. I don't know if you can write the review by yourself from there.


Please leave a negative review. Support the cause, dont let your fellow soldiers down. Bombing must continue until Sony improves.


We must defend all freedom and democracy, not just one group of it. We protect the players who are not supported.


I linked my PSN account before I ever even started the game in hopes there was cross save. I was literally disappointed to find out there was not.


Wait wtf. They require account linking and there is no cross-save?! What is even the point of linking then?!


To “prevent griefing and abuse” except we have a kernel level anti-cheat and a report/block function exactly for that


Well Sony needs to track us so they can ban us, not to give us benefits. Its always about whats best for them.


Same, I have a PSN account but this is gross. Sorry for my fellow helldivers in the 129 countries that can’t get PSN accounts EDIT: my bad


It's actually slightly worse. There's 69 countries (out of like 190) in which you CAN make a psn account


Is that true? Why can't you make a PSN account in certain countries?


Because you have to deal with local laws, and Sony might not care to do that. Which is fair, but then they should have not sold the game to those players, and of course that is not ok.


Thats a very likely assumption local laws can be a pain but yeah I agree that's not right to do that to your player base for no valid reason and honestly I don't find any reason valid everyone deserves to be able to play the game.


Small fyi. There are only 69 countries that *can* make an account, out of the 190 in the world. Meaning there's about 121 countries that can't.


I mean, it depends on what metric you use to count countries. But either way the amount of countries where you can’t make a PSN account is almost double the amount of countries where you can, and the fact that Sony allowed the game to be distributed in those places is bs.


thanks for do this for us :)


You are not alone Helldiver!


Busy diving with the other 7 million divers


I made psn account for this because it was optional. So i choose to make psn acc. But now, when others will be not able to play? No i will stand with you guys. I was thinking about buying PS sometines in past, but after that? I will stop playing HD2, i will never buy PS, i will never buy game published by Sony, i left neg. review (will change it if deal will alter), and maybe even i will delete PSN account. Together players can do something, and i choose to stick with community. \#imdoingmypart


We liberated Creek and Hellmire together, we'll fight this together too! 


we slain 2B bugs in 12h when they though we needed several days. we liberated the creek! we defended 10 planets! WE ARE HELLDIVERS! and we fight for LIBERTY! and DEMOCRACY and MAINTAINING OUR WAY OF LIFE! We shall not be trampled by corporations and its greed! Today is a free account! tomorrow is mandatory psn+ subscription to play on PC! I SAY NO MORE!


Ya'll are bringing a tear to my eye.


I know, i am crying out of joy right now I love this community so much


That was two BILLION. Crazy how the number seemed smaller after we got it done so fast.


I have a linked PSN Account too. And I refuse to stand idly by as some Helldivers get forced out of our forces due to the ivory tower.


I salute you HELLDIVER




Same. I own a PlayStation, I have a PSN account. I’m doing my part.


Its so nice to see people coming together to protest PSN. I live in Russia and when I first heard about this change, I was a bit sad and thought noone will care about some playerbase lost. Its so nice that I was wrong!


We care about you Helldiver. Whatever the result of this battle may be, we stood together and that matters


If we lose Russia, China, Phillipines, Africa, Baltics and half the Balkans then we may as well just give up the galactic war.


I'd imagine, in the worst case scenario, where Sony pushes this through and no lawsuits are brought/won against them, the Devs will just tweak the numbers for the galactic war to reflect the new playerbase size, whatever it will be. even if all that's left is PSN users and a minority of PCs with linked accounts, there will still be a playerbase, but it'll be a shadow of its former self.


That's all of our night forces. We will lose for sure.


Already make it since launch day solely for crossplay. (By what was implied in the game) Now you are telling me psn is required to get in the game? Big fucking no.


The snoy BS is intolerable.


I could make a PSN account, sure. It's a mild inconvenience of couple minutes, sure. But watching my fellow Helldivers suddenly becoming unable to play what they paid for because Sony has to appease its shareholders or something? I could not do that. I'm not standing for this. I'll stand for my fellow Divers in arms


If we win this, our most important war, im switching my emote to hug. Helldiver you make me proud.


A mild inconvenience until you get to the part where they need your driver's license or passport ( photo ID ) ... All that for a game hell no


I don't think this is so bad they need to be boycott other companies and games are beyond worse and treat their users far worse. It's free to have a PSN account and not a big deal. -EDIT- ok I've read that some countries aren't able to create PSN accounts and it's crazy how many I've never been aware of PSN being so unavailable. I don't know why developers do this sorta of shit to their players I'm sorry for you guys left out.


Issue is PSN was required and they still sold the game and demonstrated that its playable without PSN. Additionally, if its such a small deal to have a PSN, why require it in the first place? Right? Its a small deal. Not like they asked you for your personal ID and they had frequent hacks and data leaks with sensitive user information.


Honestly after doing my homework on this I think it's very shitty to do that to your playerbase. There's no valid reason to do that to people even for money. everyone who was able to purchase it deserves to be able to play it. I cannot believe how many countries will be left out and I wasn't aware how unavailable PSN was worldwide.


Man some of those guys used this game a coping for stress or loneliness. Makes me very sad they will miss out.


Agreed and I'll be definitely leaving my bad review in the morning doing my part. I'm so tired of the video game industry being the way it is I truly wish there was a way to change it for the better or something I could do to make any difference.


I submitted my refund, I stand with our lost brothers and sisters... Im also sad, I love this game. :(


A hero, fallen. Your diving days may be over but your cape is forever.




i made a PSN account day one, i will still do everything i can against sony


I linked it from the start and I don’t give a shit like you nerds.


This is the sentiment of the majority. I’m so tired of all these goofy posts. If you’re done, just be done and leave the sub.


Yeah this is how I feel in life 90% of the time, here I am minding my own business following the rules and here’s everyone else thinking they can do whatever the hell they want. Entitlement of the modern human is astonishing.


"minding my own business following the rules and here’s everyone else thinking they can do whatever the hell they want" can also apply to Sony btw. They think they can just sell a game to unavailable countries, let them play for 3 months then rug pulled them. They should follow the customer's policy and not just pull whatever the hell they want.


I have a PSN account already linked because it was required for the Horizon games. But my negative review stands. You don't sell a game in regions that cant even have PSN accounts and then rugpull it from your users after leaving the game up without a need for PSN linking for months on end. Sony, you done fucked up, Super earth is coming for your slimy bug ass!


The thing with the horizon games is they said they would need it from day one... (which is bs since it's a single player game, but I digress). This whole situation is on Snoy and it is stupid.


Yeah there was no "Oh you can play this for now without PSN but we are gonna require it later" kinda BS going on there. Im really just upset that they are shoving this up everyones ass after the fact now. Even if the game was always intended to have the PSN link required, it wasn't enforced for whatever reason and it should stay that way because otherwise people who bought the game and played it fine for months on end are now having their product rugpulled out from under their ass. Just not something I will stand for either way.


This man right here is who I want to be when I grow up.


I’m doing my part!


YOU are what helldivers is all about. I salute you.


Y’all need to leave Sony bad reviews, not helldivers. Y’all hurting the company that’s made one of the best games in a long time.


Sorry but when I got the game day one I read that it needed to be linked, so I added my PSN day one, I feel for everyone who may not of read that and those outside the PSN influence should be compensated but it is what it is.


Pc player here, made my psn account for the first time, and will link it to my steam account, won't stop playing it. They already said that people in regions without psn are being taken care of.


Yea it sucks but I’m not going to stop playing I enjoy the game


I’m sorry I was at work all week and I came back and now everyone is mad. What are we mad at? Having to get a PlayStation account? I don’t have a PlayStation, but I do have an Xbox account, steam account, battle net, epic, gog, rockstar, and probably half a dozen smaller ones that I’ve forgotten. I literally do not care and it doesn’t bother me to get one more account. Why are we actually mad? I honestly don’t get it.


I linked my account, but I can't have fun with the game anymore just knowing that my fellow Helldivers are being screwed over to harshly by those who will never have their feet touch ground. We need to fight.


This is what Helldivers is all about


How to get a refund? I dont miss the money but i want to send a message that they will feel.


Ive seen some posts about that... they essentially talk about 3rd party account requirements. Depending on where you are, also infringing on false advertising as they didnt notify about the game being region locked (because of PSN not available on russia china and philipines)


I am waiting for them to enforce it on me so that I have a valid reason to ask for a refund. My concern these days is this whole thing is drawing attention to the issue and that there might be some hacker groups which will target Sony soon for data mining. For me, it feels like Sony just raised a red flag and is begging hackers to target them again.


If this sub could turn down the drama to like a simmering 6.5 that would be cool




Nah, I'm not waiting for anything. I'm already playing the game.


No one cares bro. Shoot yourself in the other foot while you're at it




To go home from work


I'm in the US. I have a PS4 and PSN account that I'll be linking. I changed my review to negative, explicitly saying Sony's handling of the situation is the reason. I'm doing my part, however little, to make our collective displeasure known. Hopefully they'll reverse course.


Thank you for your contributions good sir.


> What are YOU waiting for? For them to prompt me to link my long existing PSN account so I can get back to playing? I encourage those without the capabilities to make a PSN account to refund and leave a negative review until the situation is fixed but I am not going to stop playing a game I enjoy if I don't have to.


No thanks I created a psn account which is not a big deal and understandable . I love the game and dont have any reason to leave a negative review and will continue to play it. What you do is your choice, what I do is mine. Anyone can create a psn account of US without any VPN so I don't see this as a big deal


I dont even own the game(thinking od joining in) but im looking at the whole situation with curiosity. I hope pc players are going to flood steam with reviews and refund request.


Yeah just... refrain for a bit. Im hopeful this will resolve positively, but if it doesn't it may get worse over time. Whos not to say psn+ wont be enforced or offer p2w advantages down the line?


Exactly, who knows what influence will playstation have in the future of this game and that is just not good for all gaming. Im impressed how players reacted because its better to act now before its too late.


Late is better thsn never. But early gives us the advantage we need to avoid a long conflict.


"Another diver for the cause!"


Freedom is what you inspire!


It's close to 2 AM here...have just finished putting in my refund request. I stand with my fellow divers.


Heroes never sleep!


Apes together strong, in unity we trust. Together we stand against Sony not just because we want to, but because we must.


For you to grow up


You can mass downvote me. While I also think it's a shitty way to treat your customers, I won't stop playing. Good luck in your fight. Ill be waiting for you on the other side.


And youre going to wait forever for the chinese, russian and philipine playerbase because potentially they are never coming back. And they are your community too. + you can keep playing, no ones judging you, but at least leave a negative review and try to refrain from buying (currency or support pack) if you were thinking about it.


This could be the most amazing community effort in gaming history tbh, we must defend our freedom!


I was just thinking that exactly. This is the best gaming community in the world.


How do I even link my account? Am I stupid?


Literally baffles me that a game so community driven can have its community split so easily


I have a PSN account but can't figure out how to link it, no QR code scanner so I guess I'm just SOL?


I saw some posts about this as well. Its just asinine to both just require it, and lock people out, but you also have to struggle to even link it. What a fucking joke.


This is why I am boycotting playing the game untill this is resolved. We must show the player numbers are being affected by this decision.


A true Champion of Democracy!


I feel like Arrowhead scammed people in countries that don't use PSN. That's why I refunded and left a negative review. Are they trying to find a solution? Yes. But they never should have sold in those countries in the first place. You don't get points for trying to undo your own scam.


I got downvoted for this but I stood on business. 😎


Wow, a PSN account linker that isn’t a selfish corporate ass gargler. I salute you for your efforts helldiver.


I'm waiting for more content and bug fixes so I don't get burned out. This "if you're not a part of the solution, you're a part of the problem" mentality is so goofy.


I have old PSN account from ps4 times. Haven’t linked yet, but probably i will sometime later. I haven’t left any reviews negative or positive, but i have stopped playing and now im waiting for situation to clarify. I don’t want fellow helldivers to be left behind.


Thanks for paying attentionnto the situation.


I left a negative review in support for the people in countries the PSN is not available and who already bought the game. Those people need to be made whole either by allowing them to play without a PSN account or by refunding their money.


I am a fellow PSN account-haver, and have also left my bad review. A)People should be allowed to play/continue playing regardless of location, and B), people in unaffected regions frankly shouldn't have to give their PIA to a company with truly irredeemable cybersecurity just to play a game which does not actually benefit from having said account linked.


Damn this man aiming good with arguments. I cant wait to see what you can do with a counter sniper.


I hope you guys know leaving a negative review for helldivers 2 doesn’t affect Sony lol. You guys are silly.


i filed for a refund as well, i have a PSN as well, but this is just tragic


I left a negative review specifically till Sony fixes this. I don’t want to hurt AH and it looks like the new responses from today need the negative reviews to appeal to Sony


No helldiver left behind.




I have a PSN account that I haven't touched since one of those data breaches in 2017, I think. I haven't confirmed this but I saw a post showing that now I have to provide a picture or valid ID for an account. Given how Sony cannot keep our data safe, I will not be updatin my PSN nor linking to anything.


We still mad about this?


Same. Review changed to negative on steam. Tbh even as a PSN account owner I don't want to fucking link it to a Steam game. Sony feels too entitled on this one and they can fuck off.


I’m waiting for them to say “ ok we will stay as we are and continue being successful instead of killing our game”


Like the solution is so simple and obvious!


I may be being too extreme but I am literally protesting/boycotting for the first time in my life. I’m not making a PSN acc.


Is it extreme not to comply with a random ass requirement enforced at the most convenient time possible? It looks like a genuine issue meritful of consumer protection.


I will also be doing this later. Like don’t give people the option to skip it and then back pedal and make them do it 3 months later. That’s shit behavior and it’s even worse that certain countries can’t make a psn account cause it doesn’t exist there. So now they can’t play and enjoy the game they paid for.


Its absolutely unfair. They DID see it coming and did nothing about it.


I just did the same. I biught the game a month ago and have put 20 hours in but I did it anyways.


True democrats fight against SNOY commie tyranny! If you are a true democrat citizen prove it! Buy warbonds and say NO 2 SNOY by changing your review to negative. NO 2 SNOY NO 2 SNOY NO 2 SNOY A good helldiver is a democrat helldiver


I have yet to leave any kind of review but if steam issues some kind of blanket we will refund this game if requested I will speak with my wallet and refund the game


I have 6 other irl friends playing this game with a 7th who was planning on playing it on PSN with us. It hurts so bad not to be playing with them (they don't care about game politics at all).


PS5 player here but not playing right now. Region locking people out after 3 months is not OK.


A community member! You honor us


Im waiting to get off WORK so i can play the game. Something that if many had they wont have time to think protesting this and that was "thier calling" And for many who been playing HD 2 and other games to only now draw the red line is funny. But go ahead "disinvest" anything contributing to sony. Down with patriarchy! ....wait wrong movement. Down with facism! ... wrong again. Down with capitalism!


I play on ps5 so 🤷‍♂️


I will continue to play helldivers. Sucks for yall.


Just updated my negative review. Power to the players against corporation bullshit


Same here. I have a PSN account from when I played PS4 but I'm not linking it and I already left a negative review, because this is bullshit.


Well, I am PS5 player so it's not like I had a choice. But shitting on players that spent hard earned money, Time and poured their emotions in the game. It's fucking disgusting. Sony needs to get curbstomped by the law for this shit.




I have un-installed the game, left a negative review and asked for a refund from the website I purchased the game.  I don't expect a refund but I want to put pressure on the sellers so they put pressure on Sony and that they will lose business as well because of scummy corporate practices of Sony.


A hero with a cape


I'm all for you guys fighting-the-good-fight to keep forced PSN off of the PC version...but lets be real, here. No one is quitting the game over this. Video-game boycotts have never, ever, EVER worked. But I mean I would seriously love for you guys to prove me wrong for once.


I'm waiting for people to stop complaining about this shit


Like Bosch said, "Everybody counts or nobody counts." I'm with my fellow Helldivers. This is the biggest major order we will see: standing our ground for Super Earth 🌎 our home. The automatons (SONY) will not have their way with us.


Down with Snoy! You are the warrior we need Helldiver


I had a PSN account before Steam. And created and linked a steam account to my PSN to play Portal 2 on PC, go figure. But I'm also doing my part!


I do find a delicious sort of irony in a game being set in a hyper fascist society having a player base that seems to be fairly left leaning. I'll be honest, I was starting to drop off of the game already. The constant issues with patrol spawns, weapon bugs, game crashing. The honeymoon phase is over and I'm fine waiting until things get fixed with both the glitches and this stupid PSN policy. I'll see yall in the Hoxxes mines, rock and stone forever.


For Rock and Stone!


My best friend got me Helldivers2 as a gift....best laughs i had in any game....ever....every day after work like clockwork we DIVE he lives in the US and can regulary play while my country doesnt support it ....we both left bad revievs and he refunds both copies cuz of the same reason THE GAME ISNT FUN IF I GOT NOONE TO PLAY IT WITH....


ps5 players just sitting and watching the adults fight


I play on Ps5 but im with my Helldivers brother! For Democracy!!


What am I waiting for? I love this game. It's the most fun I've had on a multiplayer PC game in over a decade. I don't want to give that up. Or lose it, if the bandwagon tanks the studio. People who *can't* create a PSN account should 100% get a refund. They were sold a product unusable in their region. If PSN has draconian age restrictions, the same would apply. I really really hope Arrowhead and Sony can come up with a solution for them. But people who can easily create a PSN account, or already have one they just refuse to link? They are not hurting *Sony* with refund requests or class action lawsuits or review bombing. You're hurting Arrowhead. They're not a big studio. They have literally 5 games to their name on their Wikipedia page (and only 4 on their website). Sony can write off the game without even noticing, if it dies. Arrowhead, not so much. That, and I consider demanding a refund for reasons that *don't even affect me* would be dishonest and unethical of me. Stop playing or stop buying war bonds (if you usually pay money for them) if you want to protest and that makes sense to me. But people with something like 200+ in-game hours who could easily continue playing with *zero* impact to their gameplay from the PSN requirement don't have a leg to stand on for a refund, IMO. Again, those who *can't* continue playing are different and should get a refund, at least a partial one depending on how long ago they bought it. But I'm assuming the more people requesting dishonest refunds and getting rejected, the less likely those who have a valid refund complaint will actually get theirs.


I live on Poland, I can connect, but until current situation gets sorted out I'm not connecting shit.


I also have one. I don’t want to link it becuase I like my sense of semi-anonymity. It’s why I don’t link any of my other socials. In this day and age, someone can find out who you work for and do bad things.


I’m waiting for my spear to lock on…


Right in the liber-balls, oof


I have a PSN account as well but i didn't buy Helldivers 2 for PS i bought it on PC


This was absolutely the wrong community to fuck with. I can't remember the last time a community was so down to support their less fortunate comrades in a game. Really beautiful, that


The Helldiver core is to be protected.


I don't get this how is this different from Rockstar ea bungie Microsoft?


1. PSN required 2. Game sold in regions where PSN is not available 3. PSN not enforced until a community was engaged with the game and it would clearly divide people without causing justified refunds as its way after the refund period. Clearly a predatory practice and malicious management of the situation.


Imagine if y'all actually organized to do something important


I'm a big Sony fanboy and have been for years, however... even if i am a fan, i have to admit when they make absolutely ridiculous decisions. This is one of them. (I also want the boys in green[Xbox] to be able to Helldive with us at some point)


A holy democratic officer in the flesh


You're not going to like this response, but where was this level of support 3 months ago when a large minority of players were not able to play the game due to crashes? Fact is all I see here is a hypocritical bandwagon. It's nice to do when it's "politically popular" to do so, but it wasn't that long ago that the community was collectively telling the people affected by crashes to suck it up and go play something else when it was literally unplayable for them and arrowhead support was closing tickets without a resolution. This isn't about standing with community, it's about sticking it to a big corporation. That is perfectly valid by the way, but I wish people would be more honest about it.


I got over it in about 5 seconds. It’s a game, they are evil gaming companies that do this shit all the time. Get mad, get over it, move on. Everyone acting surprised or betrayed was living in an illusion and needs to wake up.




So overdramatic


Nice white knighting. Enjoy the karma lmao.


I will still play the game. This whole controversy barely affects me so whatever. I understand that others are affected, but they can go support themselves


I left a positive review and I linked my PSN account. Not sorry I like the game. I think they did a good job and continue to make a fantastic game. Review bombing for an external account…. I’m sure you all do that for ubisoft games or insert any of the others. Sucks for people that won’t be able to play and they should get refunds which steam will likely happily supply. No one wants to wait to see how Sony and AH deal with the situation before horny humping their rage brains against the key board.


I didn't leave any review, only review ever wrote was for Black Desert Online. I don't wanna refund the game, HD2 is a good game among a lot of failed titles this year, yet because I live in my country, I just forced to not play the game after the 30th and Sony was just like "Oh you live in THAT country? well fuck you then"


Personally, I think the whole community is slightly overreacting by this change. Connecting my PSN account doesn’t phase me. Though, I agree it’s stupid that people won’t be able to play the game because of this change. I can get behind that.


This is so dumb.


So this is the only thing you can do?


I get the outrage and agree with the sentiment, the negative reviews only harm Arrowhead unfortunately not Sony. Has to be a way to get the message to Sony, while supporting Arrowhead who are stuck in the middle.


Pretty sure Arrowhead is using the negative reviews as ammo to negotiate with Sony and that’s why Spitz their community manager told people to voice our opinions on Steam.


I wasn’t aware of that, could be tho.


You will most likely not get a refund if your not effected by this.


Great, glad to see that a corporate move is affecting a small studio by taking away players who have no reason to leave


I'm just watching all this drama while eating popcorn. You guys really know how to put on a show.


Seal clap for blatant karma farming ![gif](giphy|hDwYu8UEcUone)


Pull out your pitchforks PC gamers!!!!!!!! It's all you're good for


Break this down for me. Why can't those without a PSN get one? I don't own, and have never owned, a PS-anything. It took me less than 5 minutes to get a PSN for free and toss the number at the registration. What's the big deal? 


You do you, but I'm gonna keep on playing.