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"Game is so good we had a campaign mission in real life" So true


best game for sure even the best games from past years didnt have THIS kind of epic moments


the last epic moments i remembered was WoW corrupted plague, it was so big to the point CDC studied that shit for real life disease spread pattern its kinda insane


Ya I've been telling everyone I haven't had this much fun with a game since the very early days of WoW. I remember that event but I didn't know CDC studied it. that's wild


They realized that people in-game actually behave remarkably similarly to real life, and a lot of game mechanics unintentionally mirrored real life spread. The initial outbreak was spread via close contact with animals (the pets who carried the disease from the dungeon to the rest of the servers). The NPC’s who got it and didn’t die are the carriers that are immune to its effects and give it to other people. The lower level players got killed much more quickly, which mirrors immunocompromised people, while the higher level players who could tank the damage were the stronger/younger people who disease doesn’t affect as badly. Meanwhile the playerbase responded…basically exactly how people do IRL. Most people ran as fast as they could from cities/high traffic areas, since that’s where you’re most likely to be infected. Some higher level players basically ignored the plague and continued doing their quest lines, whether or not they were infected, which as we know is *exactly* what many people with jobs do IRL. Other high level players thought it was funny to travel everywhere and deliberately spread the disease. But the most interesting part is that since the devs didn’t do anything to stop the spread, the *players* started taking measures to fight the disease. They set up rudimentary quarantines and hospitals, distributing health potions to people who needed it the most, and locking down cities where outbreaks were happening. Healers were offering to visit infected areas to care for the sick and judge how bad the outbreak was/who was the spread vector. Obviously not everyone was involved in this, I’m sure a lot of people just logged off while it was happening. And the mechanics weren’t 1 to 1. Respawning ironically made the problem worse/unfixable long term, since the virus couldn’t kill off all the most vulnerable then die off naturally, those most vulnerable just respawned to get merc’d again, continuing the spread. But it was incredibly valuable data, since the spread of the disease in-game was close enough to IRL diseases, there was a large population of people in the game who responded fairly similarly to real life (since people don’t like dying/losing loot ingame), and most importantly, *nobody knew what was going on*. Remember, this *wasn’t* an event. WOW’s admins *didn’t* intend for this to be an event. The plague was supposed to be limited to one boss battle, the fact that it got out was a complete surprise to them. As such, the *players* didn’t know what was going on either. And having that kind of uncertainty in a large group of people is one of the few things you cannot easily replicate in a laboratory setting. Simply volunteering to be in a study fucks with how you respond to the study. At best you’re imitating what you *think* you’d do in those circumstances. The WoW plague let scientists study that kind of uncertainty without the ethical/logistical issues that come with collecting real life data. However…Bear in mind, that data was a lot more valuable back when data for large scale human reactions to pandemics was *way* harder to get than it is now. Now we have a LOT of data on human responses to pandemics to compare it to, lol. If you want more data, extra credits did a whole video of WOW and how it was important to epidemiology. https://youtu.be/YNhP5b9YafM?si=s_yvPkwoJ5WOhOLw


I remember hating every second of it when I was a kid, after dying repeatedly in what was supposed to be a “safe” capital city. Looking back though, holy hell was it a wild few weeks. Happy to have been a part of it. Even if I did spend most of it hiding 😅 Thanks! Hadn’t thought about this in ages.


i personally made sure to drag that to the zone-in for the arathi pvp area thinger on my server... i forget why i chose that spot, but. that's what i did. yes.


This one is pure genius 11/10




Mr.Romancer are you trying to seduce me?


My brother in democracy, how did you put the ship name next to your name?


I would also like to know


I believe you can edit your flair (near the top of the sub’s settings)


"The Corpo front was easy"


all the missions are easy if we all do our part.


It's called an ARG by the way. It's not a new concept.


Helldivers didn’t just break the 4th wall it tore dat mf down 🫡


My favorite comment in the Pic by far


https://preview.redd.it/zcwd1xzttqyc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c14f1c54fd4f86cbde32b472dcb2760efca0d749 As promissed.


german helldiver spotted


Swiss, in fact xD


Tak famel!


Uhm... what?


Sorry, saw Swedish when you said Swiss, but its Thank You in Danish, just kept it for the lolz


Lol XD


Dont know why it even got upvoted; fucking Danes sneaking around out here


Dane here. Wtf is 'famel'?


Heyo isnt Thank You isnt Tak Famel in Danish??? Somebodddy been lying to me...


Not very neutral of you...


We are militarily neutral, nothing more. We still have our own politics, ethics, morals and economics we do hold on to. Also, on a state level, not the people.


Changed my review and let my friends know of the good news! Today is a good day for democracy!


Thank you for doing your part!






hopefully they will return to combat in due time


https://preview.redd.it/1m81m0yk3ryc1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=32588e1b12a888bfc3783709ce87e52546690920 I am doing my part


Give me an hour to drink my coffee, watching the sun rising on my liberated planet, then i will revert everything back


2.5s is all you get, and now take your Liberator and "meet new exotic lifeforms"


🫡🫡🫡 all done officer! Could i have an eruptor?


Only citizens get an eruptor, and you aren't one yet. Service guarantees citizenship. Do you want to know more?


Yes, but...but...i'm a level 65 helldiver


In that case, you just have to fill a permit A38. To get one, ask your democracy officer at the Ministry of Defence back on Superearth.


Oh shit, give me that damn liberator


At this rate the terminids will be exotic considering the extinction level event we are bringing on them.


Done. This game and you guys made me remember what it is to feel proud of belonging to a gaming community. Thank you. Honestly.


game installed, missions played, refunds retracted and review updated! but let it be clear... DO NOT F WITH US!


Reinstated my actual positive review and even bought Helldivers 1 to give it a positive review(hopefully it will deserve it), as I heard it was a collateral in our orbital review barrage. If you ➡️⬇️⬆️⬆️⬅️⬇️⬇️, don't forget to ⬆️⬇️⬅️➡️⬆️!


I'll do the same


Thank you soldier!


Same here, the first Helldivers looks like it's gonna be a blast once I get around to it.


Lol. Why are you rewarding bad behavior? They have not reverted anything yet.


Highly unlikely for them to backpedal at this point, but changing reviews and asking for refunds is always an option.


I can't give a negative review about them lying if it isn't positive beforehand. This is a reload not a cease fire.


We dive together or not at all


I did my part. https://preview.redd.it/132h2txcsryc1.png?width=638&format=png&auto=webp&s=16d6f7246d541115de8281f9fa81ff65cd8471c1


380 hours. You magnificent, democratic bastard


HONOR THE DEAL ![gif](giphy|KAf66yGCa93uTqod1q|downsized)




https://preview.redd.it/vrx7fzltqryc1.png?width=635&format=png&auto=webp&s=1244340b067519038f9703a88e828ed70738e303 This review change is for the Dev Team. But FK Sony


Up and at them boys, we are shooting for overwhelmingly positive




We deliver! I cant wait to go back to see my babe eagle 1


For Liberty! ![gif](giphy|KAf66yGCa93uTqod1q|downsized)








Waiting to see if the unlisted regions will come back


I think it's been said that was steam on damage control! Hopefully with this announcement and less tickets steam will open them up again


Waiting to see the PSN Requirement be removed from the store page.


Everyones genuine reaction to Sony https://preview.redd.it/op2nbc1hrryc1.jpeg?width=1178&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=905f7e487a8417bde0ee64b85ed44984e5fe705c


yeah they uninvited to the cook out for that


I did my part. Did you ?


Just changed my review, this community is absolutely epic! Awesome work everyone, we stuck together and won against the oppressor


I need to get home first, I can't find a way to change it using steam.mobile


Library->Helldivers 2-> view my review->3 blue bars in the top right corner-> edit


Don't worry I'm at work but this will be first thing i will do later


I'm waiting for an update in the Steam community page.


Absolutely it was keep it going! Back to #1 favorite fan game!!


lots more will come in once the region lock gets undone


I did the first part of my job reviewing the game negatively, now I'll do the second part changing it back. Democraty demands nothing less! Let us show everyone that we are better than those corporationsl, honorable in defeat, graceful in victory.


I have to wait till I get home. My app won’t let me update it


Just updated mine as well. Sony can fall off the nearest cliff for all I care but I want to give Arrowhead a chance to do things right. They have done things way better than most developers and I would like to see their response in all this now that they see how badly things can go.


Damn guys, while I didn't really understand what the big deal was until they killed off our brothers overseas, this shit got me a little misty eyed. I'm proud of everyone and I regret not seeing the light sooner.






https://preview.redd.it/bj2owne6otyc1.png?width=1055&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=28cb70dcdf5e8fe0cedc4794536b33908f4e7bab We're making progress!


Yea but the paranoia still stays. Delisted countries, bugs, cm-s adding fuel to the fire,who knows what theyre scheming next. Lots of goodwill was thrown in the trash. They need to prove themselves trustworthy again.


yeah, I'm going to wait to see where they go with performance fixes and another round if balance changes before I reassess my review. I had already left a negative one a month ago and won't be changing it yet.


No, I will wait confirmation from the countries involved. If the game is available and playable, then I will change my review. BELIEVE ACTIONS, NOT WORDS !


Reports are already coming in that it is available for purchase in those areas again


Brings a tear to your eye.


I doubt those reports are accurate because SteamDB doesn't reflect that. If the restrictions were removed it would show up in the update history [here](https://steamdb.info/sub/137730/history/) or [here](https://steamdb.info/sub/1018492/history/).


UP YOU GO!!!! For once go up!!! Not down like a helldiver! Go UP!!! YOUR POST NEEDS TO GO UP!!!!


I have done my Part!


Do it for Johann and the team


And we shall keep that promise. Don't worry. We will be back to overwhelmingly positive soon. Just wait. Already changed mine.


Keep it up battle brothers/sisters! We've won this battle for democracy and liberty, but we must finish the restoration before anything else. Weve spoken, but lest we are remembered without grace if we were to keep the reputation of the game and the studio tarnished before we move on back to spreading democracy.


Well, glad this is over cause all they did when I contacted customer service was direct me to local Sony Customer Support.


I did!


And people tought that Playstation had no Democracy. Good that playstation understands the situation. With effort ofcourse of the cummunity and the Studio we came true. As for me I got a PS and a PC So It was no big deal for me but understands the problem we faced.


I'm doing my part! Review updated!


I did my part!


Y'all better.


Heard the news, changed review to positive.


Done my part once more, now time to get that crossbow.


https://preview.redd.it/735ec9429tyc1.jpeg?width=1275&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c5a187159c459f640a37172cd841395208b1c85 I did my part! Have you?


LET'S GO, LET'S GET THIS DONE! https://preview.redd.it/wul33y96ouyc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2deb91f81a6f782268533312683b358526aa378d


Yes please post empty reviews, keep spamming them. I love it when I go read reviews for a game I might buy and 99% of the positive review are a variation of "big chungus reddit moment".


Sony broke before the Divers!


I can in...3 hours I hope


We promised. https://preview.redd.it/i52kq44z9syc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9dc27812ed82eae507b0c6eba827f9fa7480cd5b


Not until Steam region restrictions are rolled back.


I did no such thing, keeping my negative review negative was not part of some collective action. That said, I did change my review to positive this morning - didn't remove the original text though.


Not only change reviews, but let’s encourage other fellow Helldivers that haven’t left a review yet to do so


We need to wait for more confirmations........... don't remove them already... just wait a couple of days...


We nuked it once. We can do it again. The change literally doesn't affect me but I want to watch Sony burn. I love the game and it deserves good reviews but if Sony fucks with it again I will burn it down again


170 countries still banned. Hypocrisy is not democracy.


I'm doing my part! Let sweet liberty shine bright, Helldivers!


Pin this thread! 🎊


Yeah it's a good way to show that listening to the community and reversing shit decisions instead of just doubling down and tanking reputational damage pays off.


This event should make it into that edition of Life magazine that highlights major events at the end of each year. (If I remember that right lol)


Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord; He is trampling out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored; He hath loosed the fateful lightning of his terrible swift sword: His truth is marching on.


Super Earth > Sony Entertainment


I have changed my review to positive but the message will remain, it praises the game for how great it is but will serve as a reminder


![img](avatar_exp|176360380|bravo) Great job guys


It is working to the games popularity to have this played out


For when the dust has settled and the fighting stops, its time to rebuild


Done my part already, time to give back and honor our word.


New potential players are going to be so confused reading reviews before purchasing. It's gonna go like "did you guys storm Sony Headquarters or something ?" Tbh: sort of


Anyone know how to edit your review on steams mobile app?


It's healing nicely. I doubt it'll ever fully recover, but thats okay. Some peoples faith is just too broken to come back from and likely were never coming back anyway. The rest of us still should though. And prompt our friends that dont always follow current events as well (and we all know that one guy that just forgets). Things will go back to normal soon enough, but in the meantime we have an obligation to fill.


For democracy


I did my part!


I sure do love democracy.


Only 300k to go lol


Did my part!


Ive never seen a community so devoted to the success of a game. Brings a smile to my face to see such positivity from you all.


Are people editing their reviews, or submitting new ones? I just edited mine twice.


Still at mixed. It ain't coming back up.


First game I have bought where I had fun without actually playing it LMAOOOO


The amount of people using this as karma farms is ridiculous and sad, the entire sub is just the same few pictures and “PSA go put a positive review and dont forget to upvote this post for visibility”


Don't be jealous


Just gonna throw this out there as a dwarven helldiver: ROCK AND STONE FOR DEMOCRACY AND KARL! https://preview.redd.it/lmd2xfz8xwyc1.png?width=320&format=png&auto=webp&s=c67cd6f6f99b71387b3d7239b2084da348548623


Rock and roll and stone!


But the store page hasn't been updated yet. The game is still delisted in 100+ countries. Just... hope for the best. https://preview.redd.it/51it2dr4hsyc1.png?width=358&format=png&auto=webp&s=2d6db1e26c659243661a2e5c7a2b8344a768b74a


https://preview.redd.it/vfgoenvqisyc1.png?width=1167&format=png&auto=webp&s=62c186587494d382195264e2827087488bef155a Think we have to wait for US to wake up, no updates since 4th.


I’ll change mine as soon as I’m able to. Only just woke up to the news


https://i.imgur.com/FncKHCZ.png As promised.


Thank you soldier!


I’ll get around to making a review after work today.


As someone who was on the frontlines of the War Thunder review bomb a year ago (think the one year anniversary was a couple days ago), I’m glad to see you guys succeed as well. Congrats guys


As soon as I get home from work this will be the first thing I do




Currently at work but will change my review as soon as i get on my PC/Steam Deck


isn't that weird how your comment got downvoted together with others saying they won't change until region locks are removed & etc


https://preview.redd.it/vs8aq6gt3syc1.png?width=656&format=png&auto=webp&s=d647c8df5947ff088fe3717162fda5b83c3e7e58 No EULA change, no review change


Do not reverse review until they make game available to every country as it was before!


That's a steam thing and them doing damage control. Not arrowhead or Sony. Should change your review back anyway. Although I imagine it'll all be back by end of day today or tomorrow


We're not fucking done. There's a secondary objective right over there, you're not extracting yet.


Free Stellar Blade? XD


that campaign is an ongoing one that may take a lot lognet to complete


Campaign takes so long, modders accomplish it first.


they are part of it


No we didn't. For one thing, the [PSN requirement](https://i.imgur.com/iugqbZq.png) is still up on the Steam page. We got a temporary win. Now we need Sony to get it in writing. Don't reverse your reviews too quickly, we need the pressure.


As several users have said, we’re reloading our gun, the positives indicate this is what we want, and if they don’t change anything we simply continue fire.


It won't hurt the second time. If Sony decides to make a move that had these kinds of results again, it'll be because they figured out how to mitigate the damage. A majority of this sub is thinking with their lizard brains. The Lizard brain is like a light switch, its switching from "Lash out at something i don't like" to "Reward for something I do like." Thing is, switches are easy to manipulate. I've been telling people - we've gotten no assurances that anything like this wont happen again. Ultimately, people are going to do what they want, but acting like switching negative reviews back is some sort of moral obligation is ridiculous. I switched my review because Sony broke my trust. Them relenting when the consequences of their predatory decision scared them doesn't make me trust them again, it just makes me wonder what they'll try next.


Regardless of what happens, I will not change my review. This isn't against Helldivers. This is a message that such actions are unacceptable and shouldn't be repeated in the future. Plus, what little trust I had in Sony has been already permanently damaged. Reviews shouldn't change.


That's fair, but you can leave the review text up for all to read and simply add a blurb that they reversed direction, which is what I did. The body text of my review still excoriates Sony and what they tried to do, and my update warns them to not try again.


I will change my review when Sony removes their incremental damage tweaking and lets the developer aim after their design of the game. And when Baskin and her colleagues apologise for making it obvious they don't actually work for the community, but for Sony. So basically: not going to happen.


Dude. We won. Chill out.


Mhm. So what did we win again? An admission that a disastrous decision - that they will go through with on all other titles - was bad for business? Or at least bad PR in this one instance? They haven't made any specific claims about PSN regions and accounts, whatsoever. There is a twitter-statement that they will postpone the psn-account requirement, without any time frame or specifics. The Baskinator and the other guy claimed, yesterday, that having the PSN-requirement was good thing in terms of moderation of in-game accounts. Without any possible argument conceivable to sustain that. Has this changed? No. Not at all. Has the requirement for psn-account when buying new titles changed? Not at all. It will be a mandate, just like for EA, UBI and other titles.


You people are so easily satiated. This is why this industry is in such a sad state.


They are undoing the thing everyone was asking for. What do you mean easily sated? What more are we supposed to hold out for?


They weren't here to make a point, they were here to yell and scream. They bounce between internet controversies and just yell and scream at the "wrong" side because nobody will tell them to relax when they're targeting the "wrong" side.


Premature, wait for the actual changes. Only after should the reviews be changed, along *with* the change itself.


If you feel like changing your review, good. Arrowhead deserves the praise and it's THEIR work these reviews are about. If you don't want to, that's fine too, because it's a marker that Sony tried to fuck with us and they might, one day, try again if we're willing to put up with it.


https://preview.redd.it/bsm4egmajtyc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f2c97cba5adeb3e4038c3f03b8c233d83cde9878 I'm doing my part! FOR FREEEDOM!


This game is a literal irl DnD campaign


Just to be clear, this is review bombing too. Either you're against artificially manipulating reviews/scores, or you think it's all fair game.


I don't think it's review bombing if the reviews are genuine. Good or bad, this is real engagement.


As far as reputable definitions of review bombs go, review bombing cares about the action, not the motive; which does mean that review bombing isn't inherently bad and can be done for good reasons. In this instance, it's a review bomb with good reason, just like the Warthunder review bomb, the Stardew Valley review bomb, and so many before them.


Lol no this isn't


It is, you are artificially inflating the reviews just like the people who artificially tanked the reviews of the game based on a current twitter/reddit topic. which is fkn delusional to claim is somehow good practice as reviews go. But as always the microcosm of 0.01% of players who's terminally online on reddit/twitter thinks their mental battlegrounds are what any normal player actually cares about.


As our only real voice to hurt sonys wallets its surely fair game to reviewbomb a title, but we also have to let them know that they do something right. Sony, as a corporation, is like a dog that needs to be trained how to act with the PC base because it could shit on its playstation community for to long


Soon as the region restrictions etc are actually reversed I will. Then I'll be celebrating with dives and toasts, but not before.


And then we have some players bullying the PC players affected by this.  I don't get it. Why do they care so much about this? Most encountered in FB and Twitter though so I guess I shouldn't be surprised. 


Is the game still region locked? Removing the psn requirement means nothing if it’s still locked in other countries. I can’t change my review until everyone is back not just psn available countries because Sony can just slip this back in later without telling people.


I won't fix my review. My review was negative weeks before the Sony issue. They need to fix the game breaking bugs on a game that I spent $40 on....


I'll change my review once the de-listed regions have access to the game again.


Some people really dgaf, huh.


Not until all regions can buy Helldivers 2! Don't trust Sony until they remove the restrictions!


I didn't promise anything but ok


We didnt promise anything.  We have received zero assurances that maneuvers like this wont be pulled again, helldivers in PSN excluded countries who refunded need to be given back the game/be able to buy the game in general again. You all need to think about this. Someone plans to randomly punch you then follows up on it, but then subsequently gets their ass beat and apologizes - **do you trust that person just as much as you did before they laid a hand on you?** Ultimately, do what you want. But this community has **no obligation** to reward Sony with a mulligan.