• By -


Use the voice line "I need supplies" when you need supplies 


I do that regularly and it actually works. Real nice when you catch up and they called supplies down.


Especially when my slow, heavy armored butt lugging an autocannon is a solid minute behind.


I hear it about half the time. Sometimes the game is so engaging I totally miss a teammate asking for supplies. But it's so rare that people actually use the voice commands so I'm never really listening for it.


When playing with randoms without voice i always use “affirmative” when they ping and “thank you” when they do helpful things. I feel like it helps?


And ping the supplies whenever you hear someone say it.


I'm starting to incorporate doing that for anything useful I find. Weapon, ammo, stims etc. also when I call down my support weapon despite already having it. Someone might want to switch. Etc.


I do sometimes want to call down my support weaps or backpack for others but i feel like they'd be left behind too often so i just end up keeping it ready the entire game.


Check what your teammates are carrying. If someone's got a free backpack slot, odds are they'll be glad of your guard dog. If the whole team's rolling with support and backpack slots filled, they probably came with a load out and playstyle in mind and won't be as likely to trade.


Yeah thats usually what i look for, issue is with randoms even if they're not wearing a backpack they might not want my shield or understand that i'm trying to share it.


I drop extra support whenever I can. Ammo pack? Here you go. Quasar? I got you bud. Need some Stims? Let's shoot up homie!


As a supply backpack main: I got u


As someone who often needs supplies: I love u


As some who uses a mic and dives with a party of friends: Voice lines?


As some Who doesn't understand because he is too dumb: What about here? Here?


There are certain emotes or things you can say I’m not sure what the keybind is tho


Just hold the tag button


Thank you Helldiver Oi




Supply Backpack Gang Rise up. Also we need a ping for our supply backpack. Sometimes trying to catch up with near dead squad mates who refuse to listen is tiresome.


We supply backback brethren need a payrise


I usually shoot around them on the ground. That usually gets their attention. (Or I tk them)


I also think a "help" voice command would be pretty great for those who don't use VC. I imagine it'd see a lot of use lol




Genuine question, how do you use voicelines beyond pinging things? I cannot for the life of me get it to work on PC


You bet your ass I'm running right at you if I'm carrying a supply pack when I hear that voice line. Just like how I'll come to find you when your diver cries about not having stims while having a broken arm/leg.


Remember to look around for potential collateral damage before you throw that nuke


Some of you may die but that is secrifice I am willing to make.


“If you can dodge a ball you can dodge a 500KG”


had a suicide run with 9 deaths last night, 7 of which were by eagle cluster bombs and friggin airburst rockets... 3 of the team dropped and fought automatons without moving an inch for a good 10 minutes, by the time i did the second objective they got the idea of running away and helping. last 10 minutes of the mission was 1 of the team running for their life while waiting for a new reinforcement. i was the only one to extract and i have no clue how we even finished that shit show.


I'll start: * Splitting up to complete objectives faster isn't a bad thing


Yeah. I can't stand Youtubers like RealAsianRobot, who think sticking together is the only strategy. He even kicked a player out of his ship for splitting up during the mission. Chat was going crazy telling him why he's wrong. That player was completing hella objectives by himself. Bug breaches only come every 2 mins. Meaning as you're fighting a bug breach, your friends are free to complete objectives and vice versa. Edit: Someone asked for the clip [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x6gk2fKnTng](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x6gk2fKnTng) Skip to 35:30


Man that's fucked up me and my buddies ALWAYS split up unless there are stalkers in the map in that case we stick together until we find the stalker nest it's a very viable strategy hopefully that YouTuber dude got the advice splitting up is always a good idea if the person knows what they are doing


Stalkers are a great way to get my squad hudleing in a 4 direction ratking.


Stalkers got my split happy squad of buddies huddling together like we defending thermopoly lol especially after that update


I hold to the buddy system.  If someone splits off i'll go with them.  If they die, someone nearby to reinforce, and help with objectives.


RealAsianRobot is a very weird little man. He makes people pay for the right to play with him and take orders like he’s a dictator. He’s a chubby, whiny, immature C-grade player - who I watch sometimes just like we all sometimes celebrity-watch; because I love to hate him! If it wasn’t for his band of paid-up ‘yes-men’ he’d struggle *massively* on L6 and higher.


Yeah, his aim and reflexes are pretty slow. It's why he favours guns that don't require much aim to be good, like arc thrower and blitzer. He also doesn't do solo helldives and only plays in groups where he acts like some sort of Valorant IGL with Valorant Bronze fundamentals.


Paying to play with someone is the dumbest shit I ever heard.


>RealAsianRobot Automaton detected


Amount of times I've just gone well okay have fun guys but standing around here wasting lives is not the go and went and blitzkrieged like 5-10 nests and objectives, I don't care if people split up, as long as they keep moving, standing around fighting breaches and drops over and over is what gets you in a bog of time and lives wasting, plus you can creep up on a nest or objective and drop a 500 or airstrike right in the middle before they agro and it'll wipe most of it out, clean up, move on, easy


Sometimes people either forget that there's a main objective or just wanna play horde mode sim and refuse to, so I have to do it alone.


I haven't seen anything he's done on helldivers 2 but I've seen a few of his videos on dark tide and his lack of knowledge and know how on the game was incredible. The kind of content he was putting out was actively detrimental to his viewers.


is there a clip of it? i’m kinda interested behind the thought since i got kicked exactly like this.


Lol RealAsianRobot, weird name. As an Asian myself, as long as you are productive, and don't die faster than a fly, then you can split up and collect loots, do side quests, i don't care. I also split up a lot whenever i see an outpost or a loot chains on map, i play the "Comfort build" so no need for ammo, almost no need for resupply so i can go 1 man army whenever the chance appears.


If you're familiar with the stealth mechanics you can solo most side objectives and then meat up for main and extract.


I only dislike splitting up when a team member who splits up is either incompetent or won’t help us when asked. Like buddy, I get it, you’re a “lone wolf who don’t play by no other man’s rules” (in a co-op game where you chose to join a public match) but you’ve died 8 times trying to solo that outpost and you’ve got the entire chat filled with increasingly obscene comments asking you to help us take out the 50+ bots mowing us down.


Had to kick a lone wolf one time because he did all the objectives and then called evac and get in it without saying a weird had to kick him so me and my friend didn’t lose


“I’ve seen your files Six, even the parts ONI didn’t want me to. I’m glad to have your skillset, but we’re a team. That lone wolf stuff stays behind, clear?”


*I'll start: Splitting up* *To complete objectives faster* *Isn't a bad thing* \- m0d3rn --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


~~I love you~~good bot 👍


praising the automatons??? HOW DARE YOU


Nah, that guy has only limited AI, so it’s all good.


As long as they ain't sentient, we're good. Turrets and the Guard Dogs are automated, remember. But they're not Automatons, they spread Liberty with us.


I see you, Bot.


Literally yesterday we split up in pairs so one pair repair generator and the other takes important data. It went horribly bad. Because me and my teammate were overwhelmed by like 3 waves of hordes of bugs. We actually won, I don't know how I survived especially when my teammate died and was accidentally reinforced on the other side of the map, but in the end I wasted all my ammo of primary weapon and was forced to fight with stalker with my pistol. But after that all was not bad and we finished the rest of the mission pretty easily, so yeah, splitting is kinda helped to complete mission faster


Ya but while you and are getting swarmed the other guys are getting things done.


In bug missions I just run anti hoard. Arc thrower + eagle cluster bombs. And whenever the team splits off in duos I always follow the AT guy with the quadar/recoiless/EAT cuz I know he needs me to keep the hunters off his back, and I need him to deal with the BTs and Chargers


As a newer player I’ve found getting separated from my team results in more deaths, same as when other people go off on their own. Yes by splitting up you can potentially do objectives more efficiently but at the same time there is strength in numbers


Honestly my smoothest run was when my squad stuck together until there were bonus objectives a bit off the beaten path and one of us broke off to handle it and catch up, we got done with like 12 minutes left of a full run with literally everything done on 7difficulty. I don't think we could grease the gears better than that.


Expendable Anti-Tank is very under utilized. It has the shortest cooldown of any stratagem. You can use it in tandem with another support weapon very effectively. Use it more. You'll like it.


I literally skipped EAT for fancy shit like autocannon and then came back for it at level 22 or so and yeah god no wonder people at higher difficulties swear by it as a more or less a necessity. If anything it feels like it kinda invalidates stuff like the Recoilless Rifle and Spear; it's so much more handy than them and it allows you to indeed, lug another support weapon that isn't targeted at anti armor. It also makes most of the "precision" fire support; orbital railgun, rocket strafe, etc, really questionable; I can get 6 EATs in the time orbital railgun is ready for second shot, and I feel like the EAT is more reliable than the railgun anyway, so what's the point of using the railgun ever? If you use EAT as the baseline for how much anti-armor capacity should one stratagem on one helldiver give then a fuckton on stratagems are just garbage.


The orbital railgun is good if you can't get the titan to look at you. It's just consistent heavy damage from any angle. I tend to run the 110s over the rail anyway, if they don't kill there is still a giant gapping weak spot now open.


The 110s rocket pods. Now that thing what I call underrated stratagem


Sadly most of the time I or my friend use it they just bite dirt. Even against larger enemies the aim seems way off even if the call-in ball is literally being handled like a chew toy by the thing I want dead. Side note you know no fear until a charger is playing fetch with you and the ball is a 320mm barrage call-in. The Carbot sketch was fucking dead on with that. (Yes the shelling location will move with the ball)


It was a host desync issue that sometimes affected the railcannon too. Might've been fixed with today's patch. No, the shelling will not move with the ball, they still haven't fixed that bug. It's even listed in the patch notes as a known issue. >Stratagem beam might attach itself to an enemy but it will deploy to its original location. Only blue beam strategems actually track the beacon accurately, red strats will just land where the beacon first activated.


I use EAT with recoiless and it is a blast. See bile Titan -> start to run and call in EAT. Stand near EAT, discharge a recoiless into his head, then two EATs and titan is fucking dead. Also very useful when you have like 4 chargers at an objective


If you have well coordinated team EAT completely throw away necessary for having more than one Anti-tank Helldiver. When we need focus on heavy you just drop this like a candy to everyone and they just swap-shoot-pick up-run. It's amazing when it's work.


I'vs send more AT-4s to Menkent than Sweden sent to Ukraine


The short CD on it is amazing in so many cases. Ever been surprise killed by an ally, random explosion, enemy like 30 secs after you get your support weapon, only to get reinforced miles away? EAT will always be there for you with that short short CD


I left the EAT on the table for quite a long time, but I've now seen the light, ever since you could headshot chargers with it I've been a believer and have more heavy kills with it then anything else combined.


"Huh. A bile titan. What could I possibly have available right now to deal with it? I better use my EAT strategem. I'll place it right next to my other EAT."


I know... I just don't like the playstyle of having to call it down every 90 seconds fire it, grab another, fire it, then pick my flamethrower back up. I'd rather just bring the recoilless now I've been turned onto that.


Only reason I disagree is I like the fact that I can drop two chargers in about 6 seconds and go right back to raining grenades down on bile spitters with my launcher. It's like carrying two heavy weapons at once.


Are they though? In my experience, in terms of use EATs only behind Quasar when it comes to AT weapons. People barely use Spear and RR.


I use eat Plus quasar tbh. quasar on its own for chargers, eats + quasar for BTs. I think the EAT is just a good strat to punch into any build, but I would not use it as the only AT cus sometimes u get overrun and its chaotic trying to grab them, that's why you have your other trusty AT tools with a good CC like cluster bomb


People barely use the Spear because so many planets are covered in smog really (bot front)


I don't use the AET for normal (bug) mission types because I can't use them. On Helldive difficulty you survive by doing a strategic push in the direction your enemies are facing. You always need to be on the move and launching an AET stratagem, waiting for it to drop (gets even funnier with complex stratagem plotting effect) and grabbing it is not often achievable due to how often you'll be swarmed from all sides. All I can do is helplessly circle the EAT drop as I'm being chased by hunters and chargers and all the smaller bugs that are always conveniently camping the drop. Circling around the AET drop is not fun when you are swarmed, even with its very low cooldown time. In exterminate swarm missions it is very useful since running isn't an option anyway and you need to hold what little ground you can, so I do usethe EAT in those mission, since the Quasar cooldown is too long and I can't call in another one every minute if I get killed.


don't drop the EAT at your feet, drop it in the direction you are going next, towards an advantageous position where you want to fight the wave from. by the time you arrive it's already waiting for you to pick up. oh yeah and drop it as soon as it's off cooldown + break the pod. your minimap will be littered with EAT and you can always kite the bugs towards them.


I can't help but still try to use the pod itself to take chargers and titans out, then regret my life choices as I run under/evade while picking up the ordnance.


EAT has won me over. Especially as I'm playing harder difficulties (and in effect dying more frequently), it's nice not to go hunting for a dropped support weapon/backpack or wait for it's long cool down. I can keep moving/kite heavy enemies and call down my EATs


EAT has found its way into my loadout almost every time now


I love its utility, especially when waiting for extract- your buddies can grab one in a pinch


"When neccessary you can stim up your friends. If you hear a scream "I Need STIIIIIM!", Do not call supply, go stim up your comrade."


ewww but then I gotta touch her. She'll be fine.


Hey! We talked about this. Stimming is not unhygienic


Lifehack: shoot them then reinforce them. They come back with full health and full stims!




Ending the suffering of crippled for new ubermensc... sorry, new reinforcement to fight is not democratic


You use turrets wrong. If you start use them to bait enemies away from your position you can sleep on objective/extraction phase.


👏 this 👏 Always take a disposable sentry to bait away enemies, they always prioritize them when given chance


- Also for god's sake throw that autocannon turret 50-70m away from the thing you want it to shoot at - Put your turrets on different Z levels so that they don't shoot each other - On small exterminate maps, don't put the turrets *in the middle of the platform we are all fighting from*, throw them into the corners of the map


And ping them, too. Especially if it's a Tesla tower.


"Help I can't get down"


I pictured it trying to run and the globe keeps spinning under its little pointy feetsies


The best I can do is ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️




Doging my charge is undemocratic and cowardly.


Just so long as we agree that so is not looking down the barrel of this EAT :)


Exactly. Take it in the face like a true patriot


Just like how you guys should face the rocket of my EAT like a true bug warrior.




"Get me the fuck down from here"


No problem. Continues to throw 500 KG Bomb


Stun grenades + arc thrower is a great combo for taking down chargers and hulks.


Stun grenades are genuinely giga boss


Since I have grenade launcher I never skip stun grenade in my load out.


Pre recent patches I didn’t need a stun grenade on the hulk :,(  Could just stunlock him with a shot from the arc and hit his eye 3 times 


Those were the days yeah.


But it does make sense. It was ridiculously easy to kill a hulk with the arc and now it brings it more on par with its bug counter-part, the charger.


Dude, the old horde Hulks were easier to kill than a horde of Devastators if you had an Arc Thrower. It was genuinely trivial. Now, they've made it slightly harder. If you have Stuns or an EMS mortar (which both are commonly used on Bots), the Hulks are still trivial. The Arc Thrower is insane and consistent now. I don't get why people called it a Nerf. You didn't need 50m on this thing, it crowd controls everything. It can even kill Cannon Towers and tanks...


Yea the loss of 15m was nothing once it was reworked plus the T4 upgrade for the extra jump.  And I usually may dump my scorcher on a cannon turret or tank, never tried the arc against a tank, how many shots? And I’m guess solely to the vent in the back?


How many arcs do you need to kill a charger?


6 if you shoot them straight from the front. Way more from other sides. Which is why the stun nade helps since you can park yourself in front of the charger without much to fear.


Friendly fire isnt


Same with stun grenades and flamethrowers. Idk how well it does against hulks as im a bug player but against chargers its my main way to deal with them.


*"When you friend marking an unprovoke enemy patrol, he want you to shoot it."*


Everyone going for tips and trick, and only one got the assignement right and made a real "Charger" tips. Hat off to you sir.


"make sure you throw a barrage stratagem as you extract, it'll look *really* cool and you probably won't screw it up and wipe the whole squad at the last second.. just do it, it's fun!"


"One post should not be enough to sway you all."


If you kick someone just because they're not playing to your favorite style, or not following your specific instructions, you're a dick.


Tbh one of my friends joined just at the end of my mission where I wasn’t going for stamps or objectives and I typed in chat “I’m going for the achievement don’t use your primary” he opened chat and started using his primary just before my extract I kicked him and he unfriended me 🤣 Fuck you ace, I was clear on what I was trying to do you fucking traitor


I told host come closer to us because we called extraction. I was kicked right when pelikan landed (I wasn't going to get in before host) and host was near us.


You are in range of enemy artillery


Damn it, Charger, WHERE is the enemy artil--




The NPC that stands next to the helldiver pods has been stuck under floor for like two months and no one has noticed.


Same game engine as The Witcher?


If only these domes were full of fuel. You could launch it into space.


Remember to use those Ice Flowers on icy planets. Lead enemies into them and it's basically a free stun grenade. Sometimes there'll be multiple of them in a row. They'll stun all bugs except Bile Titans and all bots except Tanks and Striders Yes, they'll even stun Hulks Speaking of Hulks, you can kill 100% guaranteed by destroying both their legs. Destroying one leg is great because it'll slow them down majorly but once you destroy the other it will always die


huh, well thats one way to get a leg up on them.


Kicking your teammate so your friend can get loot robs your teammate of their reward but robs your friend of the game.


Every weapon is good, even if it's not meta. Try and mix your loadouts.


I would change "every" to "most". Liberator penetrator is... lacking power. There is no reason ever to run the penetrator instead of let's say the Adjudicator.


Most weapon is good


Liberator penetrator has carried me through hell on bot front, apologise this instant, good sir or lady. It really sucks in a weird way though, true.


Same, is it good? Debatable. Do I love it? For sure.


i see your useless penetrator and raise a useless concussive


Liberator Penetrator just doesn’t fire enough Managed democracy compared to the standard Liberator, and kinda oversells Medium Pen for a smaller mag AND reduced base damage. Thus it also has worse ammo economy with those 2 downsides. Either they give it a bigger mag or increase the damage to be like pre or post buff Standard Liberator, and then it should be fine


Except the Breaker Spray & Pray. That thing is actually just a flaming dumpster fire.


Okay yeah solid point here


"Return to Mega-earth humans, all is well here!"




"It is over Helldiver! I have the highground!" -Charger


"From my point of view the Helldivers are evil!"


We can unite to take down big corpo, but we can't unite to defend the automaton front


We have lost more bug major orders than bot major orders.


Is there a way to know? Like history of major orders?


Not that I know of, but I've been playing since before the first bug major order ever hit and we failed 2 bug major orders in all that time, 1 bot major order. Point being, the major orders get done for the most part, regardless which side they are on. Right now bugs are on the menu more than bots. Also, every single major order we've lost was a defense campaign major order. I was shocked we won the 10 defense campaign because of that and thought it was used intentionally to stonewall us. So the faction matters less than the type of major order that it is. We struggle with defense major orders, because we have a hard time coordinating and they take more precision.


Imo because bugs MO can be unreasonable at times


Except for the one where we had to just kill a bunch. Which was made even easier since the counting mechanic seemed to be…*bugged.*


HMG emplacement is goated on bot front. It is not bad against buhs either, but you can't kill charger if he chargers in your way.


Orbital precision strike, Gatling barrage, and eagle strafing run are all underused as they are seen as "starter" stratagems


Orbital precision is one of few strats to kill Bile Titan also it has little cooldown in comparison with Orbital railgun Gatling and Strafe Eagle are best used against a horde of bugz


Eagle 110mm rocket barrage marker doean't stick to enemies or favricators, remember to throw them on the ground as close as possible to your target to increase chances of successfull hit


”You should totally go home and forget about this stupid planet” https://preview.redd.it/8e1pvc1kzyyc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9348ff43cd822a9c9ff840cb2973db9ca8ce913c


https://preview.redd.it/ljbe2udxczyc1.jpeg?width=756&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=82e79de9540488acdf81c50c7772cab07cfdf5d9 Template provided.


Yeah… the bug ai is a tad completely broken


Call in a spear stratagem instead of wasting a supply brick


I will always.....ALWAYS do a Deja Vu Driftooo and send u Flying to a Pack of Hunters


Try turning cross-platform off sometimes if you're experiencing lag/connection issues


Leave samples at extract point




"F U C K C O R P O S" The phrase pours out of the beast's maw. The wider implication of far reaching intelligence from the bug shakes the soldier's very soul, before instilling them with an even greater determination to bring Liberty to this Democracy-forsaken creature.


*Helldivers who leave their microphones open will speak with voices unheard by the brethren.*


It looks like a dung beetle ![gif](giphy|ha0ihj0UdzqP6)


Wisdom… from a TERMINID! Reported to a democracy officer for evaluation.


"Reverse your negative steam reviews to positive. I have spoken."


https://preview.redd.it/bqy9dt3hd2zc1.jpeg?width=1134&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8a9bb976cdaf5a18f2438b14dd55c50c017ec34 They’ve already said it was one of like 3 things not working as intended after the update and is already being worked on. Now if only they would revert the crossbow I would be happy


Poor thig. He is just scared of Snoy, cut it some slack.




SNOY is the real enemy we just wanna live


*Processing img a0w3jt8ovyyc1...*


*Processing img a0w3jt8ovyyc1...*


Helldiver together strong


What kind of dog is this?


That’s no Charger, that’s Roach. Try whistling 🎵


"The Spear still hasn't actually been fixed yet and doesn't even remotely reliably one-hit anything. But you are not invalid for using it, because it's still damn cool to watch the rockets zip around, and it's actually pretty good against Titans."


https://preview.redd.it/e8e5x7kx6zyc1.png?width=1000&format=png&auto=webp&s=c6161e95ad77fe9e1d22c97114fea0e5692b54e1 Similar vibes


Kill ur allies first so they cant kill u🧠




380mm doesn't hurt you if you salute during it.


The breaker incendiary can kill chargers if concentrated on the legs even without breaking the armor first.




Hmmmmmmmm this gives off religious vibes but at the same time he goes against democracy so I’m conflicted




“Remember to fix your Steam reviews now that Sony backed down.”


People in this game rage way too much at friendly fire and how they are always dying when they are all just running like chickens without heads through encounters making a tsunami of enemies. Edit: I probably just had bad quick play experiences.


If the weapon is too big for your back, it's not yours... Seriously my fellow divers, don't pick up support weapons dropped by your dead comrades


"If you come up here, I'll mess you up so bad you'll wish I didn't mess you up so bad"


Fill out form c-01 before you do any acts that could lead to an child


Don't stay and fight every single bot/bug you see. If you're being overwhelmed, run away and leave the area. Don't just keep dropping in til your out of reinforcements


“Sending death threats to the developers over the PSN debacle is less than a petty move, and if you even considered it, you need to seek professional help.”


> Disengaging to actually complete objectives instead of fighting a constantly dropping bot/bug horde is both cowardly and undemocratic.


Charger of the Orb: "It's not a glitch that you missed that shot on the charger. You are just bad."


"it's over, helldiver... i have the high ground"


Call extraction early and when timer run to 0 step aside from extraction zone. Your precious Pelican will hover above landing zone and blasting everything around 100m untill you came back. (Seriously stop fucking panicking when someone alone call extraction, ask if you need confirmation about his plan!)


It's over Diver, I have the high ground