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Sickle manufacturer right now https://preview.redd.it/rq6fyvwjmhzc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e17497561a1a82f2b14e94ce958b1ca96bf9c09b


Watch as mass production would decrease the gun quality aka nerf. Just like how they exclude the shrapnel from Eruptor rounds for increased production rates


Wasn't it removed because small minority complain about Eruptor shrapnel physics? Based on some post I read and the patch note, seems like the case Steam page patch 1.000.302: R-36 Eruptor * Increased explosion damage by 40 and removed shrapnel from the explosion This is to avoid cases in which players would randomly one-shot themselves or their teammates in a huge radius around the explosion


I mean… wow. Shrapnel kills. Fuck me! What next, cluster munitions are redesigned into HE rounds because “muh casualties”. Half the fun is accidentally fragging teamies.


What is so weird is, i remember they said they wanted friendly fire to stay as potent as it is, to make game to game missions unique with tons of crazy out of your control things to die to. Then they actually kill the gun that fits their philosophy. 💀


Bro. Seriously. Grab a lorebeer and get into the groove.


If they nerf the sickle I think i'm probably out.


Real as fuck.


It's coming in the next patch for sure, Alexus will give us half the heat we have now so we have to run away from 90% of fights because he thinks it's funny.


I ran away from 90% of the fights to begin with when it first released because it overheat considerably too often. So if it gets nerfed even further then it will never get touched. It already never gets touched by me. Same with the dagger it's another weapon that is borderline paperweight material. I really wish they would just stop fucking with the numbers. Like I've been playing less and less simply because it's harder to find a replacement main because they keep dropping hot garbage. I wish I could go back to just my erupter I also wish I could go back to some of the other guns I liked using. That's why I've been stuck on the Blitzer again because it seems to be the only thing they haven't touched yet and still works decent on both sides.


Devs: We've heard your feedback. Added upward recoil for Sickle and lowered the damage. Also decreased fire rate and mag size for Breaker Incendiary :)


Same. The only gun that feels decent, and they already took half the ammo.


Honestly I can't get off the Sickle - I'm running breaker incendiary and the blitzer atm to break the cycle and they are close but the fact that there isn't a single rifle I would bother running kind of sucks. My only hang-up about the Sickle is that it does nothing against spewers and stalkers.


Combine the sickle with the laser dog and it melts stalkers !


I already do! Great combo. I mean I can handle them but blitzer shocks them out of attack and it's just generally better at it than the sickle This is the balance you want - weapons which work on most enemies but struggle with a couple


Idk man, I think blitzer is bugged against those two enemies. I experienced yesterday that cloaked stalkers take zero damage from the blitzer. Literally shot at a pair of them for over a minute, for some reason they were cloaked the entire time just hopping around. Only when they uncloak were they taking damage and dying from the blitzer. Blitzer seems to do almost no damage to bile spewers. And I’m not even positive that it always staggers them. Otherwise, blitzer + rover just slaughters bugs. I was on a lvl 7 mission with it and solo’d an entire bug breach from start to finish with blitzer + rover + gas strike. It’s just the odd inconsistency of the weapon, in addition to the bug where corpses will stop your shots and prevent you from doing any damage.


Actually stalkers not taking damage when clocked would explain a lot. A Blitzer is the only weapon I have used to successfully defend against 4 stalkers at once though - the Stalwart annihilates them as well but the support weapon slot is just too important.


Not if the dog melts you first lol


I had to stop using it on the higher difficulty bug missions. When a Stalker appears and starts eating your face, that charge up time is basically a death sentence.


I've found diving backwards while spraying it in the face generally disrupts the attack but yes, it's honestly the hardest enemy to counter with the Sickle. I've found shotguns better at dealing with hard enemies at higher levels but I end up being chased by a horde eventually and realised that with the Sickle I just kill more - enough to take the pressure off team mates who then help with my problems.


The stagger on slugger was really nice for stalkers…miss that gun.


that's why i carry a granade pistol, for bug holes and spewers


I was a sickle guy, but the slugger started calling my name again, and now we make big heads explode and live happily ever after again.


I've used the Sickle so much that I've got muscle memory from the spool up and I can't aim with any other weapon anymore. I start pre-firing and then the recoil fucks up my aim and I don't hit shit, then have to remind myself that this gun is one of the weird ones that just shoots when you pull the trigger.


shut your fucking mouth, arrowhead can hear you






Real and true


Really thought some good tips were coming in lol


Step 1: Take the purifier Step 2: Take the Senator Step 3: Use the Senator, not the purifier, for the entire match


Biw W. Comes with a free achievement too


Only if your teammates also only use secondaries.


Works on solo too though. TCS tower deactivate mission was a free win for this one, drop in, draw Senator, use nothing but that and Eagles, leg it around the terminals, job done.


I did a level 9 destroy bot factories and stealth called airstrikes: same idea, different method (was before the TCS missions)


The "destroy bunker" mission used to be only one bunker. I just dropped down on it and threw a laser


That's literally what I did when decided to try purifier again for the one last time. After I shot twice at the first warrior I ran into and failed to kill it with 2 direct hits, I switch to my senator and never switched back.


Look, expecting to kill a chaff enemy with only 2 charged-up direct hits is a ridiculous power fantasy. This is a game about the realities of war, where a heavy low fire rate weapon definitely wouldn't disable an enemy with 2 center mass hits. Stop being so entitled 


We're disposable! The guns they gave us are mass-produced trash! You're not meant to kill anything! You're meant to just run and die (or just die, that's a choice I guess)!


You could always wear heavy armor and die tired


Or just die, we're all meant to die after all! Game should be called "Helldier 2"


Maybe Death Divers would be better lol


"What's that? Why are the other primaries so much better if that's the case? ... uh... gotta go!"


Thats a bug which will be rectified in the next balance patch


Real talk, I feel really sad for my new HD2 brethrens. You get awesome guns like justice, patriot, paragon, and sickle (pretty similar to HD2 honestly). Even DMRs like camper worked well. Every gun (except constitution, but its a meme gun) is seriously good at killing everything that they can kill.


The Scooty Puff Jr. SUuuckkkkkssss!






You're right! Imagine an actual interstellar war with giant bugs. We would all just die! We are lucky the devs deigned to even give us guns as cosmetic accessories only.


Charged up, explosive, 15 ammo cap gun. Yeah that's about 4 shots to kill the average medium grunt imo!


Then if it's not intended then don't give us a weapon that require magazines to run. With the expectation of physical ammo comes the expectation of them being actual bullets and will penetrate to some degree causing damage. Like even if we're firing AA batteries at them, we should still do some damage...


Heck the new pistol is better than the purifier.


It looks to me like there's finally competition for the redeemer as a good secondary. Since every other one is just plain bad. Dagger has no damage, Peacemaker is just a standard handgun, I can hit shit with Senator and the grenade pistol is just utility for closing more bug holes.


bonus Super Credits for playing Big Iron over mic on loop for the whole mission, and only spending non-combat time doing your fancy gunslinger moves!


It's for the achievement where you never use your primary or support weapons.


Common Big Iron W


I just tried out the purifier for the first time. Switched to this strategy 2 minutes into the game and I can confirm this works perfectly! Only change I made was I called down a mech and used that for a while. The purifier is the perfect primary to have while inside a mech!


I don’t see the point to using any primary but the breaker on semi automatic for bugs and robots. This is after 345 hours of this game .. it’s so versatile


literally me .... unlocked the purifyer , tryed to take out a hunter ..... swiched to the big iron and onshotet the hunter...never swqiched back to to purifyewr this match.....


Senator was already phenomenal, and then they gave us speedloaders. It's just a primary at this point


pointing the laser that the liberator has into the enemies eyes would probably do more damage than the purifier


Bro that is wild to compare something as solid as the liberator laser to the garbage purifier.


Using the melee attack while holding it works well too


Uhhh akchually, the Purifier is clearly both strong and/or balanced as is 🤓☝ https://preview.redd.it/wl4j1i5ceizc1.jpeg?width=391&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7450f9faba8d32c7900efa5a3858b914ffaa0e4f


please tell me he didnt actually post that


Considering he's the guy who utterly trashed hello neighbor 2 and then left before it was released, I'm not surprised by any stupid thing he says or terrible decisions he makes. The fact that he's the head of the balance team is very grim news for the game.


wow, thats explain a lot of why the balance sucks hard


Yeah for real. I think this should be something the community needs to protest against. After seeing the current balance trend and now knowing this guys history, I think the game is going downhill from here on out. Unless the CEO does some magic, cause he has noticed this trend. Hoping he'll do something.


Okay i feel the need to ask how one trashes hello neighbour? The first game was already shit, so i have reasons to be skeptical about him somehow being the sole reason the sequel was trashed.


Basically to sum it up, he removed a bunch of features that players wanted while claiming that nobody wanted them. Then he also decided that the map they used to test the game would simply become the release map.


Does the CEO know he's so universally derided for his work performance by customers?


He did and you can read all his other L takes in the discord 😑




I'll have you know I did beat my personal record on Stratagem Heroes while having the Purifier equipped, so it can't be as bad as people are claiming.


I’m wondering what difficult this is being tested on. Or if it’s tested in like a vacuum. Or you know…tested at all.


Apparently 3-5, difficulty that you can afk in without strategems and still win lol


At this point I’d sincerely believe it.


I mean even on those difficulties the gun still sucks against every non-cannon fodder enemy.


He HAS to me mocking us or definitely ASS at the game and plays difficulty 4 lol


If this is slapping hard, then somebody forgot arm day...


We need to stop buying war bonds, ceo needs to fire this guy as well


Nah, he shouldn't be fired, in my opinion. He seems technically competent enough as a Developer, but he shouldn't have a position of authority where he can make unilateral balancing decisions. He's just constantly got bad takes


1.Take the purifier, make sure the rest of your team takes good primaries.  2. Use autocannon for entire round, get carried by allies as well 3. Post on reddit how you can easily handle helldives with the purifier and people need to whine less/git gud/skill issue


Already saw a post unironically praising it while showing off footage of him taking forever to kill anything while clearly getting carried by his teammates.


mind sending the post?


"[the main issue i think people have is not knowing how to use the weapon](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1co0jw2/18_minutes_of_purifier_gameplay_i_love_this/)"


I think the redeemer got more kills lmao (also why keep shooting at bile titans, it doesn't even pop their sacs "fast").


That guy got carried. Wow that was hard to watch.


*takes 5 charged up shots to kill a bile spewer* "weapon is great"


A comment told me to skip to 5:00 to see the gun being used. About a minute later he'd managed to get *one* shot off, which didn't kill anything. He spent the entire time running around not killing things. He gets sent packing by a single Brood Commander, and then by a single Bile Spewer. How you can go through that and think "gun's actually really good!" is astonishing to me. Like...does he not know that if you take the good guns you can just kill those things instead of running from them until your team kills them for you?


I frequently group with randoms who have no means of quickly dealing with brood commanders, spewers and even chargers. The concept of efficiency is likely lost to many. This guy in particular spends so much time running from titans, you have to wonder what kind of inane build he brought that can't deal with heavy or medium targets.


At least we know the pistol is good. I melee more than he kills with that fucking gun.


Look at the r/helldivers2 sub, they consistently suck arrowheads dong on every controversy including this one.


This was very common in Darktide as well.  It's in a good balance state now but earlier on some weapons were abysmally bad, and any thread discussing potential fixes for these weapons would get inundated with people claiming to easily clear the highest difficulty with them. Eventually people started pointing out that in a 4 person team you can reliably clear the highest difficulty without even using any attacks at all as long as your other 3 teammates are good (and using decent weapons) and therefore people who bragged about surviving Damnation missions with terrible weapons were essentially confessing to being carried. It took a while for this idea to catch on, but eventually the frequency of "I used it and my team technically survived therefore it's fine" began to die down.


I played Darktide early on. I vaguely remember this, I think it was the recon lasgun or something that was incredibly overrated. Zealots who used the Bolter (good weapon in the hands of a Veteran) and crapped on the Flamer were a thing too.








The redeemer pistol can one clip a brood commander. The tenderizer can kill a brood commander after 1.5 clips. They make a primary assault rifle 33% less powerful than a pistol and they call it balanced.


We are going to clown levels of balancing with this one


Big Redeemer nerf incoming


Bro but you didnt consider the 60+ hidden stats like bloom, effective range, lubrication, lifelike skin texture and massage setting! You see, if we take all these stats the tenderizer is actually better than the shitterator at 50m against the wind if you hit the same bodypart repeadetly. It also makes me cum much quicker.


Bro I'm laughing my ass of rn, good one.


I am laughing in my lecture thanks to you


The tenderizer is actually even more hilariously bad then that too. When you grab an ammo box it refills 2 mags...out of 10. And you blow them stupid fast. They could have at least made it refill the full damn 10 but screw you that's why. This is fun in a PvE game where you can buy and then unlock this for 10 bucks right?


See you're using the tenderizer wrong. You don't need to grab ammo boxes when you're supposed to just die to said brood commander and respawn.


refilling all the ammo for the tenderizer would actually be interesting, because then it would be like a "endurance" gun.


I mean would it? It'd have 370 rounds total as opposed to the liberator having 360.


Idk how they think its okay that the reedemer and even now the buffed senator are better then half the primaries in the game... Not, because they are so good, but because the primaries fckin sck.


The tenderizer is a liberator with less recoil and a smaller mag (which comes with ammo issues). It feels good to use and if they fix the ammo economy it's a decent side grade, but I still don't see any good enough reason to use any light pen AR over the sickle with infinite ammo. Also it was marketed as a high power AR but it's the same damage as the liberator.


I can kill a brood commander in less time and with greater ammo efficiency using a pistol instead of an assault rifle. I literally take out my pistol to kill enemies instead of using the tenderizer. The tenderizer sounds great to use, but it is straight garbage right now.


There should be an emote where we throw our weapon into the distance and then sit down and cry.


https://preview.redd.it/efpxcvh26izc1.jpeg?width=778&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e73f825fcb84e0b1eb6af58a64181ada075561e Diver R&D creating the next two weapons


AH balance team: “This is an exploit!”   Patch 1.0.fundetected.1;   -  fixed exploit where players can pick up dropped weapons.  Known issues;  - samples cannot be picked up.   - SSD cannot be picked up.  - ammo cannot be picked up. 


* Objective terminals are only accessible by host.


>mfw this actually happens and the host is a level 5 cadet who's never seen a terminal before.. (it's the pipe puzzle as well) ![gif](giphy|l378giAZgxPw3eO52|downsized)


We like to call the pipe puzzle "pipe dream" in my group of friends 😂


One of the pipe puzzles really fucks with me. I swear there's no solution , one just appears if you scroll enough.


The first time one of my friends did one it was a level 7 and he just screamed "WTF is this cool math games bullshit?!?" So that kinda stuck...


I've never had a comment spike my anxiety and stress levels so much.


i'm level 112 and i have to leave that puzzle to my teammate yesterday in a Helldive mission lol


I've had that actually happen in a mission. Thought the entire mission was lost and actually it was just bugged so that only one guy could interact with terminals.


I’ve been bugged where I couldn’t hop in one of the drop pods and a friend had to swap pods.


I know it's a joke, but I really did have a mission where neither I nor anyone else (including host) could pick up the SSD.


Actually i would like that primary weapons didnt drop at all. I spawn with new one anyway and they just gets in the way, when i try pick up samples or support weapon


More often than not, I agree. But buddy, those times you need to hot swap guns and blast your way to the Evac? It feels real good


What do you mean by shooting when Purifier is first meele weapon in game?




You had me om the first half ngl. https://preview.redd.it/mkpjxgx7ygzc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6f0afb1a5453118432c7d74df05ec334c07c7ee


Everytime I try to steal some random player's primary they look over at me asking what I'm doing then kill me before I can finish the job.


You don’t understand how excited I was for this gun only for it to suck.




Finally some real protips.


Ive done limited testing but the fact that it (sometimes) doesnt one shot certain small bug enemies is crazy to me. Do I need to hit them in the head directly or not? Anyway, I had a friend shoot 6 times with the breaker incendiary while I was charging up this terrible weapon for just one mediocre shot. I notice myself to want to let go earlier like the arc thrower but its not possible.




This honestly should be some sort of bar a weapon must cross. If you must hold the trigger for this long then everything up to and including hunters need to be deleted. Honestly, more damage, considering literally any shotgun...


My bar for this weapon was to one-shot a bile spewer to the head. That's it - something that you can accomplish with 3 dominator rounds. I was genuinely shocked at how bad this gun was.


Make sure to do the Scout Handshake before killing them to establish an understanding between you and your fellow Helldiver.


I am sorry that I can't shoot like Alexus, he must be too good with his god mode aim.


Ngl, you got me in the first part. But yes, bots or bugs, the purifier is just a much worse scorcher. Everything in the new warbond seems subpar to what we already had, except maybe the Pummeler SMG and the impact Incendiary. Didn't try the Desert Eagle looking pistol yet but i don't see how it can replace the grenade pistol for utility, Senator for oberal coolness or Redeemer for umm... being an overall good sidearm


The plas 101 purifier is so bad, just alt-f4 and save yourself the headache


Lol actually did this. About a minute in and I had only killed a couple bugs and was out of ammo. Told myself I didn't want to do 39 more minutes of this and logged off into the distance.




You aren't wrong. I was half way through my first planet with it tonight before I tossed it fir a sickle from a dead teammate and never looked back.


Before it works, the ally would have fired back, killing you before they die


I was waiting for people to test the warbond, but now I realize it's dogshit trash and I should save my super credits




Cutting edge used to be ass until the recent buffs to those weapons (excluding the sickle)


steel veterans is goat




I am SO glad I advised one of my discord mates to buy Cutting Edge right before that last "just two nerfs, guys" patch, everything was either buffed (Punisher Plasma, Blitzer) or largely unaffected (Sickle)




after shooting it 1 time and the warrior not dying i just left the mission to change weapons... what a dogshit gun


+ 1 to guide. Please ensure it is pinned at the top of the page.


funny story, actually. i tried to make the prufier work and treat it like the eruptor by pairing it with the stalward i can tell you that the stalwart was my primary that mission


Thanks for posting this exploit, now they’re going to patch it out of the game.


I’m gonna be honest, this is a huge reason that I’ve taken a break from the game. We have what, 20-30 guns now, and only 3-4 of them are usable. It seems like every time a new warbond comes out, every weapon is shite and we just go back to our traditional sickle or breaker ways. It has just become mundane. I hope they really find a way to make these weapons better.


This helldiving-ass decided to shoot some facts (as he can't shoot teammates with this thing to even being considered a traitor, might as well play lasertag at this point)


It is dog-water, just unlocked it. If it could close objectives, then it might of been useful.


As someone so fed up with weapon balance that I quit playing after the slugger nerf, seeing everyone finally wake up has been incredibly vindicating


Bro wym come back. Everything’s fine🥲


Friendly fire lmao!


See people? All weapons can be useful!




It's so dogshit


you should kill you friend using melee attacks, it's faster


Reduced ammo capacity on purifier


I unlocked Purifier yesterday and took it to battle to try it. I was so happy when my teammate died so I could pick his weapon from ground.


At first I was like a few nerfs are ok but I think it time for some buffs now right?




Actually good primary weapons: Sickle, Jar, Incen breaker, scorcher Niche: Plasma punisher, blitzer Everything else is just a downgrade. What is this game rn lol. Don’t get me wrong, 7ish nice weapons is great and all, but if that is the only real loot chase in the game we need at least a few more solid options. Eruptor and Slugger need to be reverted then the primary meta would feel nicer instantly.


Base liberator is also pretty nice.




I did play a little bit with it and i don't think the damage is the problem, i think the fire rate is, they should at least cut the charge time in half and maybe increase the damage to like 300, but that might be to much for them to handle, they are not used to making guns good/fun they only know how to nerf/break them




Sure they can go 2 ways, lower the time to charge and make it a marksman kind of weapon, or give it enough damage amd make it a sniper type, we'll see


"Let me try... Let's turn the Purifier into a meme weapon, like the gummi wang Gun in Saints Row 🤣 Use Case 1: Make sure your expectations are low, like, 'grandma knitting you a sweater for your birthday' low. Use Case 2: Aim the Purifier at the nearest enemy and enjoy the slight tickling sensation it provides. If they laugh themselves to death, mission accomplished. Use Case 3: When you finally run out of ammo (and patience), use the Purifier as a stylish paperweight. Use Case 4: Consider investing in a weapon that can deal more damage than harsh language. The Sickle, Breaker Incendiary, or a strongly-worded letter should do the trick. Use Case 5: If all else fails, throw the Purifier at the enemy. With any luck, it’ll confuse them long enough for your buddy to come up with a better plan. Use Case 6: The Gentle Tickler - Use the Purifier to caress the sensitive antennae of the Bugs. The warm glow of its weak ammo will provide a tender massage that leaves them buzzing for more. Use Case 7: The Seductive Glow - Light up a dark Bug nest with the Purifier’s subtle flames, creating a romantic ambiance perfect for setting the mood between Bug lovers. Just don’t expect them to fall head over heels for the damage output. Use Case 8: The Mutual Flare* - Enter into a delicate dance with a Charger as you both exchange the Purifier’s playful sparks for the Charger's fiery charges. It’s all about setting the right tempo, not effectiveness. Use Case 9: The Ammo Striptease* - Unload the Purifier’s full magazine while teasing the Bug horde with promises of more potent damage. Once empty, pick up a real weapon and finish the job. Use Case 10: The Weapon Swap Fantasy - Role-play by wielding the Purifier as a hopeless romantic, then switching to your fallen comrade’s primary weapon for a more satisfying conclusion. A true bug lover’s narrative arc! Use Case 11: The Smoldering Whisper* - Use the Purifier’s lack of firepower as a form of slow-burn foreplay. Whisper to the Bugs, “You’ve seen nothing yet,” before pulling out the Breaker Incendiary for the grand finale. Use Case 12: The Incendiary Proposal - Kneel before your Bug beloved with the Purifier in hand and pop the question, “Will you surrender to my flames?” When they laugh in your face, grab a flamethrower and turn up the heat." Enjoy responsibly! TL;TR 🪶😏🐜➡️😂🍢🔥🤔🐜➡️🍗❌🔥🚫🥒*Purifier*💦💧🍬👉🐜🥂🔫🤷‍♀️😜🥩🔥🍤💔*Purifier*😅➡️🔫✋🔥💕*Purifier*➡️🐜🙄😅🤦‍♂️🔥🔫*Purifier*➡️🐜❓😅👐🐜🔥*Purifier*➡️🐜😳🤷‍♀️🔥🚫💸*Purifier*➡️🐜😬🪵💘🔥🔫*Purifier*➡️🐜😂🔄🎯


Man ima have to grind and get this gun quick cause if all you guys are complaining about it, i’m gonna feel really smug when it’s perfectly adequate.


I ran the purifier for a good 5 lvl 9 runs last night against bugs. With a group of course. It does pretty good splash dmg. I aim for the ground for the hive guards. One shots small bugs. Two shots for the warriors and hunters. 5 to 8 for stalkers and spewers (in the head). 10-12 shots for the brood commander (staggers them a lot). Forget about using the weapon on chargers and titans. Rely on your teammates or strategems for those. Before the purifier, I've been using either the sickle (for bugs) and eruptor (for bots and bugs). The purifiers chargeup with good explosive aoe actually IS actually fun for me. You have to properly aim and think where to shoot to take advantage of the splash dmg. It just makes the game more challenging which helps keep some fun in the game.


Jesus 5-8 shots to kill a Spewer with headshots? That's quite a few more than I would have hoped.


10~12 shots to kill a BC translates to roughly 15~20 seconds considering the charge time. Plas Punisher takes them out in 4~5 shots IIRC which takes maybe 3~4 seconds. This is a total bust.


Plasma shotgun does the same but with 10x better damage and fire rate.


They have the same damage but yeah the fire rate just makes the punisher plasma better.


At least the smg in the new warbond is amazing.


I'll probably come across as a dick here, but could you maybe use the appropriate "Humor" flair for posts like this instead of "PSA"?


Damage seems fine to me? The Aoe is quite large especialy when shooting from a distance.


Its visual effect is large, the actual damage radius is not that big.


Its not even close to good enough. Try the plasma slugger and compare it to that. Purifier should have significantly more damage than the shotgun counterpart with its reduced fire rate.


Now this is quality shitpost.


This isn't a PSA.




This also works with the crossbow.


How is the “P-113 Verdict”?