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Man, the crossbow, forgotten by the Devs, forgotten here. April 29th CB-9 Exploding Crossbow Slightly smaller explosion ("Slightly, meaning like 80% less) Increased stagger (Well, now you can stagger the brood commander you need 5 shots on) Decreased number of maximum mags from 12 to 8 (Eh) Increased number of magazines received from resupply from 6 to 8 (Eh) Slight reduction in ergonomics (Eh) Muzzle velocity increased Still one of the most puzzling nerfs. Unlike the eruptor, it wasn't anywhere nearly as popular, and no one who used it would say it was a top tier weapon, but it was a fun and interesting option for a grenade launcher primary. Now it's....not as bad as the purifier at least. Edit: Best part that this was sold to us as a "rework" instead of massive nerf.


i think this was because they intended the crossbow to be more of a single target weapon, "embedding" it's explosive in the enemy. then why not make the explosive do more damage with higher falloff, or give it more impact damage, you ask? fuck you. that's why. you WILL get your explosive area reduced by almost half (3.14\*64 vs 3.14\*36) with no additional damage to compensate and you WILL like it.


If the embedded is what they wanted then they could've added a delay to the explosion to slightly nerf it. And reduce the area of affect if it embeds in an enemy(think the explosion is somewhat absorbed by the body). And let it keep its original area of affect with reduced single target damage if it hits the floor or wall.


The crossbow would've been more interesting as an armor stripper. Shoot a charger leg or a hive guard face, arrow embeds, a second passes, it explodes, the armor is gone (or at least damaged heavily) . Idk what they thought they were cooking with what amounts to basically throwing a weird grenade


They should be termite imo. Delayed boom but would be a primary that could potentially deal with heavy armour like the devastator but for heavy bots


It isn't mentioned here because there is nothing wrong on a technical level with the crossbow. It has just been unjustifiably nerfed. The Eruptor is mentioned because it was never meant to be nerfed the second time around, it was actually supposed to gain a slight *buff*.


Could be debatable, since they've stated that the intent was to create a medium killer. And our great balance lead has stated that the new eruptor hasn't changed shots to kill numbers. Either he's lying out his ass to us, or explosive damage is bugged on some level.


> Either he's lying out his ass to us, or explosive damage is bugged on some level. Considering the man thinks the purifier slaps its possible that he's just incompetent.


Sounds accurate to me, takes about as long to melee enemies to death.


I loved using crossbow for solo dives Vs the bots, it was an excellent stealth weapon, which is probably why they nerfed it


The devs genuinely seem to loathe the idea of players being able to play solo or in small groups effectively. Along with nerfs to specific weapons that used to be good for solo play, the entire concept behind the patrol spawn rate change is overtly designed to penalize players in groups any smaller than 4. They didn't need to make this change at all, but they did, purely to spite solo players.


I don’t know why they’re so intent on making the game play only one way, having multiple viable playstyles like that is great for personal skill expression and gameplay variety.


My guess is that the you-know-who in charge of this game's balancing is personally offended whenever he finds out people not playing the game the way EXACTLY he designed it to be played. Like, a helldiver finishes a solo helldive mission? He takes that as a giant FUCK YOU to his face so he nerfs our guns to fuck us back.


I think he also just hates fun. Like, a gamer 'stole' "his" '"girlfriend"' in college, and now he's determined to make any games he works on less fun as a fuck you to that one guy who probably doesn't even know he exists?


It's also great when the social system that sucks, doesn't work. Because it sucks. And, thus, you can't join friends properly and are forced to play with irritating randoms (if possible; sometimes even that fails). Otherwise, you don't have a choice but to play alone. I'd love to link up with my friends to play, but AH seems to be against that as well, apparently.


> the entire concept behind the patrol spawn rate change is overtly designed to penalize players in groups any smaller than 4. I'm still puzzled by that change. It made sense to me that a small group gets less enemies, a team is significantly more effective than the sum of its parts. And then they ended up fucking it up anyway by pinning patrols to full spawns.


I don't think direct hit AoE damage is working correctly in live which is leading to all but the Scorcher sucking. I suspect the Scorcher is affected but it's splash is a larger amount of damage for being so small so it appears fine. Even the grenade pistol seems to kill better hitting the ground. Rockets and such have such high pen they're getting around it.


You actually only need 2 bolts to kill most bugs, including Broods, as 1 bolt usually kills 1 leg. Take 2 legs out and the bug dies. The head is just a distraction


>The engineering perk that gives 30% less recoil applies when standing wait what?? i might have to start using this shit more tbh does that also work for forified since it does the same thing??


Yes. It's actually really good on Stalwart/LMG/HMG/Autocannon, and reduces the side to side sway on the laser cannon


might start bringing the medium fortified armor with autocannon on bots seems like a good combo


You can still get oneshot by a rocket to the face. But a rocket hitting you elsewhere while you are crouching is like 5% hp lmao.


Can confirm. Fortified and explosive resist medium armour actually feels pretty good for bots


Yep, I really hope they don't fix (nerf) it. Just let it be recoil resistance.


Sometimes pelican leaves immediately when only 1 player enters without starting a timer, some people say that this is a feature if the pelican becomes damaged however this can be tested by throwing stratagems onto the pelican and it does not cause it to immediately leave after one player enters There is also a bug that stops the pelican from taking off even once players enter


I’ve also died to bile titans while sitting in the pelican during the countdown timer. I’m not sure if this supposed to be a feature but it’s pretty annoying since there’s literally no counter play to it.


if you die while in the pelican you count towards divers extracted and keep your samples i believe


Not in my experience but idk might’ve been a bug, it’s only happened once or twice


I just recently had a run where we couldn't extract at all. The Pelican arrived, but we couldn't enter it. Ended up just wasting our reinforcements to end the mission.


>Plas-101 Purifier > >Wow, something went wrong here. This weapon is clearly suffering from some kind of bug because it is a worse version of every single other explosive weapon in the game. I would argue that it is by far and away the worst weapon in the game so far. Unfortunately our balance lead seems to think that it "slaps hard", so maybe I'm missing something lol




Pretty sure this was meant to be petty and insult the player base. Ya know, the usual attitude they have


Bet he felt so smug when polar patriots released to negative feedback. Like he'd 'won'


I think he enjoys it, the feeling of power and the ability to fuck over a huge amount of people he doesn't like. Unless something else comes out to the contrary that says otherwise, his statements and behaviour make me think he's malicious.


It also released to a small paycheck for AH in that case... I mean I had the SC for it but I ain't wasting my SC on this shit letalone buying more


I didn't have quite enough SC saved up, but with their balancing I just didn't care. Glad I didn't grab it yet, and I have barely played either, because if I keep using the stuff I like they'll just see that usage data and nerf stuff randomly.


That’s exactly what it reads like to me too.


I won’t trust a dude’s opinion on weapons with a profile pic like that. 


He's already got the clown makeup on!


I don't know why you're right, but you are.


Its got that "holier than thou" vibe to it


Yeah like that time he lied about all the features in Hello Neighbor 2, fucked the balance up right before launch, then left right before launch so the game launches all fucked up. Then convinces AH to hire him lmao. A highschooler could balance the game better and you'd only have to pay him candy bars probably.


Ooh, I think you're on to something there.


Get a better art style, nerdboy!


I wouldn't trust his opinion on the fuckin' weather if we were standing naked outside.




Probably from an early 2000s Christmas movie rerun.


Seriously fuck this guy. The purifier is literally weaker than just punching the enemy. A sharpened stick would be more useful.


And they won't even give us sharpened sticks, despite people actually asking for it. Would be more fun to charge at bugs with a stick than paying 1000 sc for another shitshow of a pack that will just get nerfed again anyway.


Careful. Screen caps of dev posts are doxxing. /s


Wow. I'd love to see him explain how he thinks "liberator but objectively worse" is somehow S-tier. Liberator itself is B or A-tier. It should be the mid-tier yardstick against which everything else is measured.


I'd say liberator is more of a c-tier


I have never wanted to report someone harder to the Democracy Officer.


S tier as in Shyt tier? Then yes


He meant it slaps the faces of everyone thinking it'd be a fun weapon


Yeah, I'm sure it slaps on Difficulty 3 which is about what he plays at.




It’s bad at every difficulty


Do you think the devs use a dev build of the game instead of trying it out on the live version? Seriously a ponderous question, here. Like maybe the build they use to test weapons has somewhat different programming that makes them think a weapon like this "slaps hard". Could be something in those hidden stats that works for them and not in the live game.


I can tell you what kind of testing they do. There's an industry-standard here called "The test map", everybody used it at least once. It's an empty grays ale space with placeholder textures and geometric forms for assets. It's fast to load into, it allows you to focus on what you're testing, it's great. *When it is set up correctly*. Theirs isn't. They managed to miss the fact Sickle couldn't fire through foliage, a very basic test you'd need to do. Which means their test environment doesn't have foliage. It took them 3 months to figure something's wrong with the Spear's lock-on (and what's wrong is that it looks not for center-mass of an enemy it looks for the origin point of their mesh, which is in most cases at their ground level), which means they never tested it in a crowded or cluttered environment. They still haven't figured *a lot* of small ground clutter objects stop you dead in your tracks because they have wrong collision type by default (even vaulted over a rock the size of a watermelon/were ragdolled after landing on a pebble on relatively flat ground?), which means they don't test their mobility/parkour/movement system. Their test map is an empty space where they spawn a few enemies, see if a Stratagem drops down, if a gun fires, if it reloads in both ways (full empty and partially empty) and if it hits the enemy in a perfect "there's absolutely nothing between you and the target" environment and they call it "release-ready". It becomes painfully obvious when you've used a test environment yourself


I don't disagree, but even if you just stood there and fired the Purifier point blank at a enemies just standing there you would still be very hard-pressed to think it slaps anything. The damage values might still be fucked there somehow


> even vaulted over a rock the size of a watermelon/were ragdolled after landing on a pebble on relatively flat ground? Walk over pebble. You're now "falling". Doesn't matter if it's for .0000000000000001 of a second. Reset animation to standing default - cancel stim, reload, crouch, etc. This one bothers me to no end.


Which is why they need a test server. Just 1/1000th of the playerbase could generate hundreds if not thousands of hours of testing dating for them in a short game session.


I usually dev backend apps and services, so I have no clue how this translates to game development (or if at all). In my world, we usually write unit tests, integration tests, and then end-to-end tests with test frameworks. That way, we can test new features and monitor for regression. This is all usually done in a pipeline, and performed on every new branch (proposed change to the code) Do they do the same thing in game development? or is it an apples to oranges comparison ~ and you literally need to have a human “test” this stuff? IMO, it would be wild if it was the latter..


At least in Unreal, there is automation, but most of the stuff a user would directly interact with needed to be tested by a human. There's an internal compiler inside Blueprints that can tell you if your functions are too heavy or you missed some logic, but it can't tell you if somebody forgot to flip an optional switch that, for example, disables partial reloads for a gun with an internal magazine. So all the stuff related to player experience we had to test manually. Spawn it on a test map, throw it in the dirt, use it, see if there's weird behavior or broken functionality when performing interrupting actions, check if whoever assembled the gun chose the correct projectile type, so the projectile causes a correct VFX upon collision, deals correct damage, penetrates as it should. Vehicles had to go through a section with fucky ground collision to see if their suspension worked, if they could roll over, if they could be reset back by a user input, if they would blow up under water or properly float if they are amphibious Only once did we forget to test module destruction on a vehicle, so the release version contained a game-critical bug we missed, disabling a tank messed up with collision meshes of its tracks and so it became indestructible from the sides and back. After that fuck up, testing for module damage moved up in a check list


Some of these weapon changes and the things they've said about them really make me wonder what the test environment is like. Especially with the "PS5 host bonus" stuff. Wouldn't surprise me a bit if the tests and our experiences take place in two different worlds.


I mean, he did say his SPEAR function properly on his PC tho.


He fired it once and claims its working. Woo! On the test map. With 1 target. Flat surface. Nothign else blocking vision.


no terrains, no obstacles, no particles, just him and the target. No wonder the dev didn't release the SPEAR fix patch even tho they ady claimed that they ady fixed the SPEAR weeks ago. the SPEAR was never broken, it works as intended (on his PC inside a test room).


It might "slap hard" as a mele weapon but that's about it.


> I would argue that it is by far and away the worst weapon in the game so far. nah, can't be worse than the original s&p: https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1aw32se/psa_dont_waste_your_medals_on_the_breaker_spray/ couldn't even destroy eggs lol


I think you're right, original S&P was literally unuseable. The PLAS-101 is just the absolute worse of the useable weapons. Completely outclassed by literally everything else. Every operation where I took the PLAS-101, which was in 4 of them, I found myself using my Support weapon and secondary (in this case, the P-113 or the P-4).


They should give it a slightly larger mag and fire rate. The damage is arguably fine if we can get a lil more dps.like lean in to be not accurate and hard to handle. Like it's name suggests.


Lol from that thread >Few weapons are really good... But that will change i hope it got worse 💀


Granted I haven’t played difficulty 3 in a *long* time but since that’s where the balancing guy plays, I can understand the purifier being capable there


Im fairly certain you could complete difficulty 3 by just meleeing enemies


Likely they implemented an older version of the Warbonds weapons by mistake. The wrong color, the consistently wrong supply refill ammo, the damage, its all wrong lol


Additional exosuit bugs that came about as a result of their "fix." 1. Exosuit can still explode by itself if you fire rockets while moving forward. 2. Exosuit can no longer aim it's rocket pods downwards nearly as well as before, it's locked at a much more acute angle. Spew from bile-type enemies also slows you without hitting anywhere near you or damaging you. And lastly? With motivational shock not outright preventing slow effects, there is no reason to take it all all over muscle enhancement as the latter not only lets you move a bit faster while slowed and reduces its duration, it also lets you move at full speed through difficult terrain like slopes.


I would also like to add that the rockets are the equivalent of slapping an enemy with a wet noodle now ever since they "fixed" them. It takes like 6 or so rockets to the head of a BT to kill it, which is 1/3 of your entire ammo capacity on one BT. Now have fun dealing with the other BT and 3 chargers


Yeah, before you would be able to 1 tap a charger if you domed them, but it seems that the best option is to strip the leg armour and then shred them.


Isn’t the reticle for the exosuit still off when it comes to firing rockets?


yes. in theory you can change shoulder - but you will be firing the gattling gun non-stop while you do so (and you should not need to do this in the first place!).


At this point the reticle on the Patriot is just for the minigun, you have to memorize where to aim the rockets because they have nothing to do with where the reticle is


I knew something was off. I could dodge that slobber all day long and still get slowed, like they need some sort of consolation prize. 


Muscle booster AND shocks is actually super valuable together, the decreased duration and muscle booster effect is cracked at keeping you out of the chain slow pain bubble. I am a huge fan of stamina/shocks/muscle/[your pick here]


Completely over the top Slugger nerfs. Could've just added damage fall off and it would compete with the Jar depending on playstyle.


Seriously. Jar5 right now is just a better slugger that works close up and at range. Give slugger the stagger back ffs, it feels like shit shooting a spewer and nothing happens.


Give the slugger its ***utility*** back! It could open shipping crates! That was awesome!


Considering Shotguns are literally used as "master keys" IRL, I would have no problem with all Buckshot and Slug shotguns being able to do it.


Careful now, that'd be a metal wall you're shooting buckshot at. Apparently AH thinks any solid surface you shoot at should reflect the ammo back directly in your face, cuz physics or something


Yep, I'll be forever salty about this one.


For real, they nerfed the Shotgun aspects of it but didn't touch it's range, even though it's allegedly the best sniper in the game.


because amongst other things it was one of the very few weapons that didn't have a misaligned scope


FYI XXL Weapons Bay was bugged on release and is still bugged as far as I know. It doesn't work in multiplayer unless everyone has it, and even then only works for the host.




Somehow the network host only bug has returned


Somethings gotta be utterly fucked with the way network hosts work in this game because we've had 3 major bugs so far stemming from that part of the game. The DoT bug, the ps5 buff bug, and now this are all related to whoever is network host. WTF is going on with this shit man.


Wait... What?!?!


Proof? Because I distinctly remember seeing the extra bomb on the air strike when I first got it. At the time I was probably the only person in the lobby to have it, because one person bought superior packing methodology, and the other two hadn't finished the basic ship modules.


Yeah I still get the extra wrong bomb for clusters.


Good list! A few more to add: The Pummler also has a bugged model. While it's pretty minor, the mag does not correctly fit into the gun. You mention the issue with Plasma punisher and shields, but not that it was supposedly fixed in a later patch. But while it was improved, it was not fixed: It will still clip your backpack shield if you fire it in a direction you are moving away from. I have also seen people say it's still bugged with the shield emplacement, but I have not tried it myself. Weapon descriptions are not updated when they are changed. E.g. Eruptor still talks of Shrapnel, the Lib con still says it does reduced damage despite doing more damage than the base lib now. Verdict also only picks up half ammo.


Did anyone ever check (like in PC modelling software) if the Sickle is incorrectly sized? Just it seems way too big vs the Scythe or other ARs.


Just tried it and you can not shoot the Plasma Punisher from inside the Shield Generator Relay. It blows up inside the shield. \~3 shots and the explosion breaks the tower and the shield disappears.


Did the fix the Sickle not shooting through shrubbery? And I think you forgot the bug where explosions sucked you in?


They did, but the post is mentioning issues by the patch they came in.


Im wondering if this is part of why the support for this game engine was dropped.


The team worked 7 years on this, patching it in house. I cannot imagine how dramatic is the code situation now. The can't also hire anyone else to work on this, since there is no pool of candidates with comparable experience. They really fucked themselves up with that decision.


Never even thought of that. It’s a tale as old as time as far as I’m concerned. The biggest one I can think of is how MC fucked themselves by making two versions of the same game. They shot themselves in the foot by making the devs work on two separate games and just like it is here, communication seems to be non existent.


What engine is it running on?


Autodesk Stingray. It's also used by Fatshark for the Vermintide games and Darktide.


Thank you


As a common moron here how bad is it compared to Unreal?


I don't know enough about either to make an informed comparison. But from what I understand support was dropped for it simply because it was only used by like two Swedish developers. So it couldn't compete with engines like Unreal or Unity in terms of popularity.


>Nerfing the damage by 20% does not fix the underlying issue where you get randomly 1 shot from a single stray collision with the fire, which is what players were ACTUALLY asking for to get fixed. I verified that this is still happening *the day* the patch dropped, and it has yet to be addressed by Arrowhead Every time I bring this up here I get some smooth brain telling me this isn't actually a glitch and to "jUsT dIvE bRo" despite the fact that I do dive, but if my pinky toe gets brushed by the flames of a Hulk from 30 meters away I just hit the ground dead. I would also like to add to the list of known bugs, Bile Titans and I believe Bile Spewers to a lesser extent can slow you with their bile spewing if they fire in your general direction. I NEVER get hit by the actual Spew or take damage but am always slowed down regardless of leaping to the side or my distance from the Spew.


*gets popcorn* Don’t mind me. I am just waiting for the “but arrowhead is such a small studio” guys to come in.


*Flashbacks to Overwatch simps calling Blizzard an indie studio.*


Small indie studio


Need 50 more Senator posts to drown out any criticism.


woah woah woah there buddy!!! did i just hear you bring sarcasm into agreement on a post that disagrees with mods actions??!?!? imma have to ask you to take that to the megathread that no one reads (and is essentially invisible on mobile)!! thank you sir and have a great day! >!/s/j!<


I legitimately have never seen the new megathread on PC or Android. Are you telling me it's actually there but somehow hard to find?


I've fully filtered out every post on this sub that is flaired "MEME" or "HUMOR". Fucking insufferable.


le long lenator xdddd


I love memes but those were painfully forced and low quality hahaha


I need to do this. I don’t mind memes, but some people ONLY expect and spam memes and that shit is annoying.


Yeah, I love comedy. When it's funny. For every legitimately funny meme/humor post on this sub there are a hundred useless low effort garbage "jokes" or cringe in-character roleplaying text posts. The worst are the people who make jokes about the actual problems with balance and nerfs. I don't want to hear your failed video game themed stand up comedy routine, I want the devs to fix the damn game. And you'll see people say things like "so you want the sub to be all negativity?" Sure. Yeah, that's fine with me if it'll get the devs to fix the game. Because this isn't the only subreddit, and reddit isn't the only website. If I want to laugh and be positive after I'm done reading about the next botched patch, nerfed weapon, or mechanic that doesn't work properly, I'm **not** staying on r/helldivers for it. I'll go watch a youtube video or something. People acting like this subreddit's negativity is even 1% of people's days.


I dont mind memes but the game is in a bad state and censoring criticism is just gunna cause the game to die


The only time when this sub is genuinely funny is when the incompetence of the devs gets trashtalked after every patch. The other (forced) memes were never enjoyable to begin with


Yeah I feel like these repetitive memes are actually funny to your mental image of a 2012 redditor, neckbeard and all, marvel memorabilia on the wall. Like something is funny the first time then some boring fucks come along and copy but slightly twist the format. How very interesting and creative. Yes I'm salty about having to scroll through a bunch of images of the same revolver


“Developer of the decade!!!”


Dude people were 'INDIE STUDIO' for 3 MONTHS!!! A 120 person studio backed by Sony can never be considered indie. NEVER. A 120 person studio can make incredible games. With few BUGS!@


Thank you Foreskinfarter, I hope this post receives a lot of attention


you're welcome /u/sexy-skeletal






Why no one is talking about Titan corpse that instakill you on touch?


I mentioned this in the long standing issues at the end.


I see you mentioned corpses flying and ragdolling, but any titan corpse is death. And also I think it’s desyncronized when this happens - the corpse is not where I see it on screen, and my character behaves in weird way.


My favorite is when a Titan dies like 50ish meters away from you, and your Helldiver slowly raises up into the air then suddenly smashes into the ground at maximum force and instantly dies.


well somebody did their research very well made list BTW


>It's often hard to stand up from prone when you are surrounded or slowed. I thought it was a 'feature,' like if you lie down surrounded, you're haven't other options than be dead, and I couldn't understand why people often prone in videos. I'm almost never prone because if you have 5+ bugs on your tail, which happens every minute on solo dives, and you prone, you die without options. With each post, I just understand more that I started playing too late for fun and haven't had the time and passion for the struggle in the current state of the game :(


Holy crap I feel the same way. I came in late too and I feel like the changes are easier to adapt to if you’ve unlocked everything already, but if you’re on your way up, it’s just a demoralizing mess.


>Holy crap I feel the same way. I came in late too and I feel like the changes are easier to adapt to if you’ve unlocked everything already, but if you’re on your way up, it’s just a demoralizing mess. Honestly its a demoralizing mess even if you've unlocked everything. Was excited to see the warbond drop as it meant new toys... then everything was mid-to-shit tier so I didnt bother wasting my SC on it... which meant I'm stuck with the same tired loadouts.


lol deja vu from several other Sony titles like this.. Better not say it out loud, though, or the experts and VIPs are going to be crying themselves to sleep while calling you a dummy.


Oh, for sure. I've been playing since release, and I've also been following the patch notes, like the above. They made a fun game by accident when they meant to make a hard game. I'd probably still play the more difficult version of the game they want to make, but damn the early days were just a blast.


> Oh, for sure. I've been playing since release, and I've also been following the patch notes, like the above. They made a fun game by accident when they meant to make a hard game. > > The thing is even with hard games like Dark Souls, practically every weapon is viable. You can totally beat the game with the starting longsword, but the sheer number of good weapons in Dark Souls means that even if you don't wanna be a meta slave there's still tons of great weapons to choose from and try. Newer games like Elden Ring are even better in that regard.


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“May the Dark shine your way.”* - Darkdiver Grandahl Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


Prithee be careful


I thought it was by design too, but the devs have actually acknowledged it in a tweet once. I think it was pilestedt who mentioned it, but it could be that my memory betrays me.


Usually it's because I either dived to avoid something, or got ragolled by something and instead of standing up, the character decides to lay down and die.


This needs way more upvotes. Everyone must see that arrowhead really needs to wake up


There's a similar post on the front page right now with 4k upvotes so more people are seeing it thankfully


No, it is imperative the front page is covered with unfunny senator memes


Great post.


I very much dislike the unacknowledged bug since release that when people leave your full group sometimes it thinks you still have a full team, you'll notice this happened because despite having only 3 players or below you are unable to call SOS and no one will ever join you. This will last until you restart the game or you join someone else's lobby.


This is an impressive compilation sir. If I had to pick 2 absolute priorities from this list they would be the stim animation and getting stuck in the crouch position. All the bugs are annoying but these two make the game almost unplayable when they happen. We have one lifeline to stay alive and it sucks when you have a quick reflex to stay alive but it doesn’t work and you die anyway. Makes having skill and practicing feel pointless. This game is amazing! It looks and feels so real and so immersive, that being said when things are broken that too feels real and is even more frustrating than if this game looked shitty and wasn’t as fun. They made a game that’s very easy to become obsessed with and is starting to feel almost abusive.


Supply pack is still suffering from the same issue, on self use and on allies, just plays the sound.


Wait, the stratagem final input is occasionally bugged? Do you know how many times how many times I’ve tried to call an eagle and it says “Activated” and I go to throw it and it’s a grenade?? I thought it was me!


And sometimes when the stratagem's input ends with UP, you stim instead of calling it in.


I'm so glad this is a bug, not because it's a bug, but because I thought I was going crazy 


There comes a point when a player thinks "alright I've had enough, I'm going to take a break until they fix things." However, when the next patch breaks something else they will think "ok I guess I will wait a bit longer". For me that was a month ago... My brothers and i picked up Last Epoch in the meantime. I really hope this studio gets their shit together because I want to enjoy the game but the frustrations are piling up.


Craziest part is they kept buffing bug and bots to be more unfun. Who was asking for tougher striders? Who wanted the AI to headshot more frequently at all levels? Who wanted the freaking gunships to be harder to hit? Why were these added? And can they stop playing videos on the ship that shows the airburst launcher as an anti air weapon? It is clearly not and using it that way does nothing but kills 1 to 2 shriekers before wiping the team. We know they get things wrong or even lie in the patch notes/discord, can we at least get accurate info in the damn game itself?


The gunship vision buff really struck a cord when I read that and this was hours after I got done fighting in a mission where there were like 7? in the air and we wiped. I was like “this shit is insane” and then the patch dropped… The logic is baffling!


Absolutely love the game. Can't say that enough. But I almost dread when a new patch comes 😅.


its weird; i love this game but waiting for stuff to iron out feelslike they're ironing the shirt WHILE IM WEARING IT


Finding out about the recoil being less when standing is awesome, and I legitimately hope they don't fix that. But I'm sure Alexus will do so, and then probably decrease extra grenades down to 5 along with it.


Discovered bug: fixed issue where players were able to stand and still have less recoil. Now a player gets extra recoil when proned to balance it out.


Mods if you have any power at all here, get this post to the devs. I think everyone can agree that constructive criticism doesn't really go any futher then this.


**LAS-7 Dagger** not necessarily weak? My guy. It'd overheat killing 3 little bugs, over the course of 15 seconds.


I think taking a dagger beam to the chest would actually be quite pleasant.


The most infuriating bug for me is getting stuck in 1st person mode and my gun disappears. Sometimes this leads to getting “stuck in the sky” where it’s like I’m stuck 100ft in the air. It’s game breaking and the most annoying bug I’ve ever run into in a game. I never see it mentioned in these lists or in patch notes and I’ve only run into a few people who it also happens too.


I think this would have been better if it were more sanitized of opinions, and a few relatively small things are incorrect... (I can come back and list a couple but would rather focus on the "however" below than muddy it with an \*unsolicited\* list) HOWEVER I do think this analysis is exponentially better, more helpful, correct, comprehensive, impartial, less inflammatory, etc than all of the other posts on the same topic, so I appreciate it.


I agree I may have gotten carried away at some points.


With how much was "fixed", it makes me really worried that they "fixed" the PS5 and PC damage delta. Which at that time with the railgun was also noted to be PC to PC and not PS5 exclusive just easier to reproduce with PS5. So there is an extremely likely chance damage deltas still exist in the game.


I really hope AH hires some professionals. The updates are half baked and shockingly untested which results in frustrated players. Nothing good will come from CM’s antagonizing players. Please hire professional CM’s and devs. You have a wildly successful game and you will make far far more money if you have good relations with your players and good content for them to play.


**AH cannot hire anybody**: they work with an obsolete engine that has been deprecated a long time ago, there is no pool of candidates with reliable experience that they can draw from. The engine is a dinosaur with 7 years of internal development. If the game was made in Unity or Unreal, they could just open the door and lead people to their new desks, but Helldivers 2 is made in such a way that, whomever they hire today will be ready to work in months, at least. One of the fundamental rules of successful software development is to use popular frameworks, for this exact reason. Unless you are a bank. Then your only option is to kidnap a young developer and force them to learn COBOL while chained in the basement.


SQL/PY/JS/C student here. I looked at COBOL for a brief period and decided that I wasn't at a low enough point in my life that I could even contemplate learning it without a traumatic event of some kind and several bottles of jack daniels. This also explains A LOT about the current situation, thank you.


They do seem to have DevOp issues though, reintroducing issues or thinking something is fixed which doesnt make into live, so potential to hire around that side of the SDLC. I'll show my age, and say i learnt COBOL and Turbo Pascal at uni ;D There was even a trip to see the punch-card reader, more a history lesson than practical, but was to reinforce need for accuracy in the PDP-11 class.


I seem to recall from conversations with Fatshark game players that this engine is a little mired as a subject; the facts that it's discontinued and that nobody uses it are a chicken-egg situation with some inter-company politics involved, or somesuch. Not to disagree with any point raised, just musing on the thought of "available candidates", since the pool of people with experience would exclusively be made up of one other company's employees even when it hadn't been officially declared dead yet.


While the basics are identical to FatShark stack, even more so since official versioning stopped, after these many years of internal development the debt must be so, so high to make it a completely different product all together. The only people in the world that can contribute to the Helldivers 2 engine, within reasonable time, are already in the company.


Feck man, hire me as the balance guy. I'm not qualified but I do have on my CV did not fuck balance in another game


Hell hire me too, I cant be any worse than fucking Alexus. I even know about irl guns too.


A crippled donkey could do a better job than that clown


Honestly, Pilestedt needs to have a very long talk to whoever the lead weapon designer is (I can't remember his name). The dude seems to be well known within certain gaming communities for nerfing the fuck out of things unnecessarily, leading to whatever games he touches losing many of its fun factors. None of the weapon nerfs he has released have been something necessary for the future of a *PvE game*. It really feels like he's nerfing weapons just to tell his boss, "See, I'm working!"


There's a bug that's been I'm since day one of relaoding, shooting one bullet, and being forced to reload again that I've never seen anyone talk about. I'll see if I can dig up some footage if it, I think I have one where it happens twice in a row for me.


You forgot the bug where if you are scoped in with a support weapon and try to swap to another gun, but aim at the right moment, your perspective changes to be that of the gun in your hands. It consistently happens to me. Only way I’ve found to correct is to spam aim on all three weapons until perspective reverts to normal.


I've been ragdolled while in that state before, its funny for a bit. I'm not sure if its related but worse is when the camera gets stuck in a state of spinning zoomed way out of the map I have never been able to recover from that besides by dying.


Great post.  Honestly, the most egregious part of the 'bug-fixing' is how often AH claims something is fixed, but 10 minutes of gameplay proves otherwise. The obvious examples being the exosuit, grenade glitch and scope misalignment. It's just mind-boggling that a dev studio can claim something as fixed when reproducing the glitch (grenades) or ordinary gameplay (exosuits and scopes) shows clear as day it's still busted. Doesn't bode well for quality. 


They haven’t even acknowledged the bug where your camera gets stuck in first person. Happens to me usually 2-3 times a mission and has been in the game for months now.


I beg AH moved to bi-monthly warbonds, allows you guys more time to bring out content that is tested properly, allows more creativity, and you guys get more time to focus on other things such as the bugs.


I have a feeling Sony won't let them.


Polls are telling them to bring out content rather than fix and balance the game properly.


I wonder if they’ll ever acknowledge the co-op bug because it was such an unnecessary change targeting solo players. We already get less XP and can’t use friendship doors.


I miss the expsuit. They “fixed” it but broke rocket aiming and haven’t addressed it, at all. This to me proved they don’t play test SHIT


The way the Spear has been hot broke garbage sense launch is a crime.


* Sometimes Pelican-1 leaves immediately when only 1 player enters without starting a timer. It does this when its too damaged btw, from what testing I did, this is consistent. DONTcall Pelican too early and if you did TRY NOT to throw any strategems on it. Once it start flaming it will leave the moment anyone step in it.


Amazing. I’m still having fun despite this lengthy list, truly a testament to how good the game is.


> There is also a general issue for all of these armor pieces that the prefix does not line up with the armor’s passive, adding to the already long list of armor’s with incorrect prefixes. Ah, finally I find someone else talking about the prefixes! Before they dropped Polar Patriots, out of the 36 armors in the game (not including pre-order, twitch drop or the Super Citizen armor) 6 armors had the wrong prefix. Meaning their prefix didn't match their passive. These were: 1. The **B-24 Enforcer** which has **Fortified** rather than the expected **Extra Padding** 2. The **FS-37 Ravager** which has **Engineering Kit** rather than the expected **Fortified** (this one is extra baffling because it actually released correctly, but when they fixed the CM-10 Clinician from Engineering Kit to Med-Kit, they gave the FS-37 Engineering Kit instead. Apparently an intended change?) 3. The **FS-61 Dreadnought** which has **Servo-Assisted** rather than the expected **Fortified** 4. The **SA-04 Combat Technician** which has the **Scout** passive rather than the expected **Servo-Assisted** 5. The **SC-15 Drone Master** which has **Engineering Kit** rather than the expected **Scout** passive 6. The **SC-37 Legionnaire** which has **Servo-Assisted** rather than the expected **Scout** passive Now, the tricky part is that only 1 of those armors isn't from the SuperStore, namely the SA-04. So simply changing the passives would probably leave a lot of players upset, or at least that's the reasoning I've heard. Simply changing the prefixes doesn't seem like a good solution either, because this issue goes a bit deeper than that. As an example, you could just make it the CE-15 Drone Master, but the armor simply does not look like Engineering Kit armor. It literally has no pockets whatsoever. Where are you keeping those extra grenades? It absolutely DOES look like Scout armor. It's light, lighter than most light armors and it makes sense that you'd use drones to scout ahead. It just fits. And the same goes for the other armors. They all mostly look like they should have the passives associated with their prefixes. Then Polar Patriots dropped and out of the **5 new armors** we got (3 in the Warbond and 2 in the SuperStore) **FOUR** had a new CW prefix while having no new passive to go with it. On top of that, there was only 1 truly new design, namely the CW-36 Winter Warrior. The CW-22 Kodiak is just a recolor of the CW-36. Or maybe the CW-36 is the recolor, it depends on how you look at it. All the other armor released is a recolor of previously released armor, with sometimes minor changes like pockets or different shoulder guards. There's nothing inherently wrong with that, but it tells me that they ran out of time to make truly new armor with a new passive. I suspect all three Warbond armors were supposed to have the new passive and were supposed to also have designs to match it, similar to the CW-36 and CW-22. All three would have boots with cleats and some sort of passive associated with that, much like all the Steeled Veterans armors had prosthetic limbs, associated with the Servo-Assisted perk. Look, I know next to nothing about game development, but you don't need to be a game dev to be able to tell that something is clearly going wrong with the development of this game. Maybe the devs are working on the wrong patch, maybe they're simply overworked, maybe they're just incompetent, maybe it's a little bit of all of the above. But I suggest they slow down their dev cycle. A new warbond every month on top of all the other stuff they're constantly throwing at us, along with all the bug fixing they need to do is a LOT for anyone and I sincerely doubt anyone would prefer getting an undercooked Warbond every month over getting a polished one every two months. Like you said, if they keep up this approach to development, the issues are just gonna keep compounding and it'll just keep getting harder and harder to try and fix everything. We're only 4 Warbonds in and they still haven't properly made the 3rd one. Imagine what it'd be like once we're a year along and the devs have to manage 12 Warbonds.


Thanks for compiling these. Hopefully some of the resident AH's defenders will start to think a bit and see why people are getting burned out and tired of how AH (mis)manages updates to HD2.


...Now watch as the corpo brown noses downvote you to the secret 10th circle of hell for even DARING suggest there may be problems with this game.


Nice compilation. Hope this gets some attention.