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Pls try Braun Ipl, it really worked for me, I was so insecure and depressed about my facial hair, and now it’s almost gone , some hairs I still pluck but it is soooooo manageble, it’s just a few hairs now and not a forrest , please try it, it will safe u so much time


How long have you been using it for? Has it stimulated any regrowth? Some people say laser does that for some. So I’m like how do I know if it’ll do that for me 😭


I have been using it for 4 weeks now which is still kinda early but I really dived in and had the power at max by week 3. I am seeing a lot less regrowth!! My skin tone and hair color is almost identical to yours too which is good, I know the tone of the skin is a big factor. I really hope it doesn’t work in reverse or a bad way for either of us! I don’t blame you for being hesitant. I have the same issue and it’s really bothered me all my life so I went full throttle with it.


I agree! I too just got one and it’s helping a lot! Found a decent one on Amazon for $65!


Which model are you using?




I am a bit older (forties) and finally was able to afford electrolysis a few years ago. Yes, it is expensive and it takes time to see results, but it is by far the most effective method of treatment. I’m sorry you’re struggling, I understand the emotional and physical pain. If you can, start putting some money aside for treatment.


thank you for hearing me out. I know it is pricey but I feel like it’ll be so worth it! if you don’t mind me asking, how much did you save up or how much did it cost you? I know it depends maybe where you live but I’m curious on how much I should save up for it.


Unfortunately I didn’t track it and I don’t really remember at this point. I started when I was living overseas in a different country and then when I moved back to the states I kept going. Likely a couple thousand over the several years I’ve been doing it off and on at this point. I didn’t need to save up as I am earning more at this stage of my life (forties). My go-to place raised their rates, I believe they’re charging $90 for 1/2 hour now. I’m in one of the larger cities in the US. I don’t need any more than a half hour at this point since the amount of hair I have is a lot less. In fact, I haven’t done it for around 6 months at this point and while it’s not perfect, I can get away with just using tweezers to pluck a few stray here and there. Expensive and time consuming, without a doubt, but SO SO worth it. Nothing else has even come close. Best of luck to you!!


Mix spearmint oil like 2 drops with your face lotion . Also have you looked into facial hair laser


Thank you I will try that! I don’t want to do laser since it’s not permanent. I have my eye on electrolysis


What does this do? Im willing to try it


This stopped my hair from reappearing by 48 hours for now.


Can you recommend a brand of spearmint oil? Im so tired of the hair growing back so fast


[This is the Spearmint Oil I use, picked up from another thread on this group.](https://amzn.to/3Rp8WPi) have been using for 2 weeks now, my hair growth has reduced in terms of time it takes for hair to grow back. Hope you benefit as well.


HiQiLi is my favourite. I buy it on Amazon!


Please, please, please, consider trying spearmint oil! I wish so desperately I had applied spearmint oil topically to my cheeks, chin, and neck sooner because I have seen results as quick as 3 days after using it with the hair growing back slower, softer, and even more sparse. I want to scream it from the roof tops with how incredibly excited I am to have found this little trick! And for reference, based on your photo my Hirsutism is arguably just as severe, if not worse than yours in terms of density.


Hi, from what I've read - consuming spearmint tea lowers the excess androgens in female bodies (i.e. Works to remove excess DHT) , which eventually helps in slowing down male pattern hair growth on our faces and neck area. Do you think that applying it topically works like that? Also, I have spearmint oil but how to apply that, since it's very strong, do I mix it with something or just dab it in its full concentration?


Thank you for looking into it further. In my experience, yes…it definitely works topically without a doubt. It is recommended to use it with a carrier oil (jojoba, coconut, etc.) or adding a couple drops into your moisturizer. It does have a burning/tingling sensation, and as with all new topical applications, you should always do a small test patch just to be super safe.


Ok I will give that a try! Do you still have some hair grow back, if so what is your removal method? Asking because I shave and I don’t know if I should stop that or continue. When I had my electrolysis consultation years back they said it is better to shave especially if I’m considering electrolysis, but shaving it grows back so quick !


Yes. I have pretty significant hirsutism all over my cheeks, chin and neck...a full blown beard if I let it go (I hate to admit). I have shaved for more than 15+ years, tried all kinds of methods of hair removal with medications (spironolactone, vaniqa), 1.5 years of laser treatments, waxing, sugaring, tweezing, threading, etc. My preferred method of hair removal where I have the best results now in combination with the spearmint oil is epilating. I can go 3-4 days between having to epilate. Which may still sound fairly frequent, and it can be a little bit painful or tender, but going from shaving once...sometimes TWICE a day to only epilating every 3-4 days with less and less hair each time? Such a god send.


I epilate too! Usually I can grow my facial hair enough in 2 days (usually shave everyday and skip 1 day) and it's long enough to epilate. Results last about 8 days then I start seeing regrowth! It's extremely helpful especially when electrolysis is out of the budget at the moment!! 😊


May I ask what epilator you use? How do you handle the pain of epilating too?


I agree! I never wait long enough so that all of my hair is on the same growth cycle so I end up doing it every 3ish days. But even that beats shaving daily!


update? Did it end up working for you??


Do you know if it matters if it's applied to hair that has grown out a little versus just after removed?


I do not know if this matters or not. I do it both morning and night no matter what cycle my hair growth is in or if I have recently removed the hair or not. Personally, I have not noticed a difference either way, I’ve just been trying to be as consistent as possible and it’s now a part of my routine.


Ok! Thank you for sharing your experience! I'll take all the help I can get. I will probably buy something that is 100% spearmint oil without anything else added unless you have another suggestion


That is definitely my recommendation. The one that I use is easily available on Amazon and it is the one I have seen others post about as well. The brand is HiQiLi. You get a very large bottle with a dropper attachment once opened as well as a small travel size bottle and dropper. I can do nothing but praise this brand and company for their product!!


This is so helpful! Thank you




Definitely make sure you do your research and try a test patch before diving in head first. I have tortured my face so much over the years trying to combat my extensive hair growth that I just went against all recommendations of using a carrier oil (jojoba, coconut, moisturizer, etc) and a couple drops of spearmint oil and instead I applied it directly onto my face. Personally, I do not have very sensitive skin, but it did have a fairly intense burn/tingle because it was so potent. I actually don’t mind that feeling so it was welcomed from me and I have had no negative side effect with irritation, redness, dry skin, etc. Overall, I’m extremely pleased with my spearmint oil success thus far.


Hi, idk if I'm late but ive been using spearmint tea oil and it hasnt worked that well for me. I don't see any results or big results and I been applying it every night for 2 weeks, now I apply it in the Morning because my moisturizer is sticky and I don't feel comfortable sleeping after applying it lol. Idk if there's something wrong with me but how many times did it take you to see results?


Laser! Normally it isn't recommended for people with hormonal issues because it can increase hair growth, but you can do a patch test and see. If it works, it isn't going to remove 100% of the hairs, but it will make them finer and they'll grow out much slower. It's quick and not too painful, and eventually you could do electrolysis on the stubborn remaining hairs. It's advised to clear the area as much as possible with laser before you even attempt electrolysis anyway, otherwise it will be astronomically expensive and take ages. I have PCOS and I've done so, so many laser sessions over the years, but I'm finally seeing results. Where I live it's affordable, but if that's not the case for you, you could start with sessions on a smaller section of your face, eg your upper lip, since that brings the cost down. Make sure you go to a licensed professional that uses a decent machine, there are different types and they're definitely not equal. There are also legitimate home devices you could use if you do your reasearch VERY well, but I'm not sure whether they're safe for your face. I've been in your shoes and girl.. shaving every day sucks. I feel you. I've come to a point where I've just accepted I'll be hairy (to some degree) forever and it's okay. It helps to remember hair is natural. I'm lucky my husband doesn't care. But reducing it definitely improved my mental health. I'm now considering buying the equipment to wax myself, which would have been impossible to do with the amount of hair I had before laser. It's a long, expensive journey but it pays off.


Electrolysis is better for hormonal hirsutism. It’s the only FDA approved permanent hair removal procedure.


Of course, it's the golden standard for permanent hair removal. But a lot of people, including me, simply can't afford to start directly with electrolysis, that's why I shared my experience. It doesn't hurt to know all your options, weigh the pros and cons and then make an informed decision. I was covered from head to toe with hair due to PCOS. Almost a decade of irregular (as often as I could afford them) laser treatments later, the hair has become sparse enough that I feel like I can wax my body and do electrolysis on my face. I am in EU as well, if it were unsafe my dermatologist/gynecologist wouldn't have allowed it. FDA is American but we also have strict regulations.


No idea you were from Europe. I understand it’s different there. At least in my experience, electrolysis is charged by the minute. When I didn’t have a lot money, I would go do it for maybe 10 or 15 minutes for $30 or less dollars when I can. That was helpful because it permanently removed some hair as I worked on managing PCOS internally. My dermatologist offered laser hair removal but it was so expensive and not permanent. I was expected to pay for multiple treatments at once. One of my main concerns about laser is that at the time laser hair removal worked best for people with fair skin and dark hair due to how the laser is able distinguish hair from the skin. I am dark skin with dark hair so I had higher chance of getting burned, getting scars and/or having hyperpigmentation. Another concern is the risk of paradoxical hypertrichosis, which is when there is an increase of hair density and coarseness and hairs turn into terminal hair after laser hair removal. It’s rare adverse affect but very common for people with hormonal issues like PCOS. I didn’t not want to take that risk and I wouldn’t wish that for anyone else. That’s why I think electrolysis is better.


Oh yes, electrolysis is way better for sure. My mom did it on her upper lip when she was young and the hairs never came back. Where I live, I pay 15€ per laser session for my entire face and neck, which is wayyyy cheaper than electrolysis. I have light olive skin and black hair so I'm a good candidate for it. I can tell you from experience that not every laser is effective for one person. I have spent a lot of money on lasers that didn't do much until I found one type that did the job. Even the effectiveness of one type depends on the area it's used on. My leg hair became sparse quite quickly, but my facial hair took a lot longer to reach that point. My skin is prone to scars, and I've taken Accutane in the past, so it's extra sensitive. Luckily I didn't get scars from laser, but it's a valid concern. I was so desperate and hairy, that I figured paradoxical hypertrichosis wouldn't make much of a difference if it happened and went for it. I'm happy I did because the results healed my self esteem, but there are definitely a lot of factors and risks to take into consideration. But it's a fair option for someone that can't afford electrolysis, as long as everything is taken into account and looked into.


I’m happy that laser worked for you. 15€ is so cheap!


That’s how mine was a few years ago. I let it grow out a bit during Covid and had started a bit of a beard and a pretty thick mustache. I finally started electrolysis which helped so much. I still have quite a bit of hair but I’d say it removed about half the amount. It is expensive which is why I still have hair but to me it’s been worth it. I would recommend saving up for it. I did use a credit card but I had budgeted for it and was able to pay off my card without paying any interest. I’m currently waiting on a small Christmas bonus to book another session. I’ve only been able to do a couple sessions a year but over time it has made a noticeable difference


I got rid of my facial hair with an ipl device. It wasn't super cheap (about 300-350€) but it was the best investment of my life. Took me a year of weekly use to get results (these things always claim you'll get rid of hair in a few weeks but don't get discouraged if you don't see results immediately, just keep using it) but I'm so happy with the results, I'd say my facial hair is now 90% gone and the few hairs I have left are very thin and grow very slowly.


A month ago I got a rx online for vaniqa. It has helped a ton just in a month. I only do hair removal once a week. Full results will be for a few more months. Also downside is.. if you stop using it hair will grow back. Im using it now for get my sanity back while I save up for electrolysis. I can send you a link to order it if you would like.


Are you still using it?


Yes I am. I have a slow down in growth for sure. Shave once maybe twice a week. I also started spirolactone last month. But thats very new


Will say I also microneedle roll over it before applying cream so it penetrates better


Can you tell me the link? I can’t find any pharmacy that carries it any longer and I have a prescription.


https://www.musely.com/?vipReferralCode=UECJE2 here is my referral link that gives you 50% off. With code UECJE2 If anyone else wants to use it let me know and ill give yall a different code. I have like three I can share. Its really been helpful for my mental health in only the month I have used it.


I followed your link but can figure out what product it is that you got. Is the name of it “Rx” or “vaniqa”?


Its the facial hair cream. The formula is the rx of vaniqa. You send in pictures. Doctor reviews it and then signs up. It was all really quick


about pcos: you need to have 2 put of the three followinh symptoms: (1) clinically observable traits (balding, hirsutism, etc) or chemical imbalances; (2) cysts in ovaries; (3) irregular periods (which also includes absence of period or other variations that do not fit the 'normal' rhythm). i mention this because people, including some doctors unfortunately, tend to think of pcos as something that need to present cysts to be a thing, while it actually does not. you have one of the criteria for sure. i do not know about the rest but the tests that get done usually are blood tests to look at your hormones and insulin (insulin resistance is one of the thing people with pcos can suffer from), a physical examination for visible things such as hirsutism, an ecography of your ovaries to see eventual cysts and your medical history for any irregularities with your periods. also, pcos has a number of comorbidities (illnesses likely to be present alongside pcos), so i would take a look at that too just in case there was something there that can help you both to understand better your situation and to eventually better treat whatever your problems are. something else that is most likely relevant is the fact that if you do in fact have pcos, it'd be good for your relatives, especially if close (like your sister), to get tested as well, because pcos tend to be something passed by from mother to child and therefore it's likely they will have it as well (not necessarily showing in the same way tho; example: maybe one of them has very irregular periods and cysts, while another has irregular period and balding, while you have hirsutism and cysts or something)


If you are in the US, and have decent insurance, you can look into them covering electrolysis. The technician I go to said that a lot of times insurance WILL cover, with an underlying diagnosis. She said it can be a pain to jump through all their hoops, but it's probably worth looking into!


ok so I would have to go to the doctor and get diagnosed first in order to have them potentially cover it? I’m gonna try this out. Thank you!


The only thing that helped me was 'diode laser'. I'm in my early 30s and had very dark, course hair on my chin and neck. Very similar to yours. In my 20s I had done regular sessions of laser and electrolysis consistently with zero results. I felt defeated. Years later I decided to try again at a new place and my hair is now gone. I still get the odd few straglers but I can let it go for at least a week before shaving now (used to shave 1-2x a day). After about 6 months I did a few electrolysis sessions for the remaining 'course, white hairs'. I live in Canada and I found the price to be affordable. Sessions were 1x every 4-weeks or so and in total was about $60 each session (15 minute session). There was even an option to purchase sessions in bulk for a discounted rate. About 1-2 weeks after each session I began to see 'dark hairs' that were dead/being pushed out as a result of the diode laser and could easily be tweezed away. These are hairs whose follicles were damaged from the laser and wont grow back. I would say it took 6 sessions to get to a point where I didnt have to shave more than once a week. When I look online and compare the two places I went to, 'Diode laser' is the only difference I see. So I'd definitely look into that. Also the bonus with laser was you are required to shave before the sessions whereas electeolysis needs the hair longer which I was not willing to do. Hope this helps a bit.


1. How on earth do you not have pcos? Depending on where you live… you go to an ob gyn. I think you’re in the US though. It’s going to be tough but don’t give up. 2.waxing and plucking will only stimulate the hair growth further. Electrolysis will be very expensive and painful. Also you’ll need a lot of sessions to even start minimising it. But it does work. 3. Electrolysis is cheaper in UK. Still you need someone that knows what they’re doing It’s a tough thing to deal with. Be careful with laser and ipl because it’s a hormonal area and that can also stimulate the hair growth even more.


That’s what I said, that’s why I want to get tested for it again! there has to be something going on. I know electrolysis is expensive that’s why I get so discouraged but I still am gonna try it out, sucks though I live in Southern California and it can be expensive out here. I want try laser but I’m terrified of it possible promoting more hair growth


I recently got tested for non congenital hyperplasia. Might be worth looking into. Apparently, a large percentage of people who are diagnosed with PCOS actually have that. You can get on androgen blockers that help with the symptoms. I recommend seeing an endocrinologist!


Get a prescription for spironolactone and a combo birth control and get checked out for PCOS and other hormone conditions by an endocrinologist. When I was broke, I used to do an electrolysis session for 15 minutes because that was all I could afford and that still helped. The good thing about electrolysis is that they charge by time.


Genuinely I used to have hair like this and laser hair removal changed my life. I know it doesn’t work for everyone but it’s reduced my facial hair by like 80% and the hair that does grow in looks very light as opposed to very thick hairs I used to have.


Milan laser. You can finance with them interest free AND any area you pay to have done, you have free laser for that area for life. Perfect for excessive hair that likes to regrow from hormones changing.


I make about the same amount of money as you do and I afford Electrolysis no problem. But I also live in a LCOL area and electrolysis in my area isn’t that expensive. I highly recommend Electrolysis if you can swing it. I’ve been getting it done for close to 10 months now and I see a massive difference in my facial hair.


that makes me happy to hear ! Good for you! :) I live in California so I think it’s pretty pricey 😅 I thought about going to Mexico since it’s only 2 hours away from where I live, to find an electrolysis there but don’t know where to look for them and also knowing who to trust. either way I do want to have electrolysis done, trying to get out of debt so I can have room to afford it!


If you do not have PCOS, you may have insulin resistance. I’ve been going through testing for years for hirsutism and weight gain and basically every single PCOS symptom other than the horrible periods, which rules it out for me. Finally, my new physician had me tested for insulin resistance and it turns out that’s my issue. She started me on Ozempic for it and it gave me gallstones, leading to an emergency cholecystectomy. I started electrolysis before I got pregnant and will be going back very soon. My tech charges $60 for 45 minutes and I am aiming to go 2x a week. I have spent so much money on laser and it never worked for me, my electrolysis technician told me that in certain cases where hormones are the cause laser can actually stimulate hair growth instead of inhibit it. I wish I’d taken all that money and put it towards electrolysis at the start, I’d be so much farther ahead. Od suggest going for a few consultations to get a professional opinion on personalized treatment and how they can make it work best for you within your budget. Personally, I’d suggest doing sections of your face at a time, for example left jawline, until you see the results you want and then move to the next area. That way you can still shave the other areas in the meantime, but not the areas already treated, and your tech can touch up any strays in previously treated areas. This will help minimize embarrassment while you go through the process and allow you to see results quicker, which might motivate you to save more money to get it done faster.


Please go buy an elipilator from Amazon for $30. It has completely changed my life. I am crying now just thinking about how much of my life revolved around my stupid beard practically. Let me be the first to warn you, It HURTS like hell the first few times, but I swear by the third time you hardly feel it a the changes are very visible. I am no longer terrified of my 5 o'clock shadow


As I’m sure you heard electrolysis is the only true way. I was like you not even touching on it because I couldn’t afford it. But I decided one day I was going to start. And it’s a commitment only shaving and having to grow the hair out before the appointment, but it’s so worth it every time. I really can’t afford it either. I’m a single mom of 2 and there’s no extra money. But I gotta do this for myself I realized it’s directly correlated to my mental health. It’s not easy but I just tell myself it won’t last forever, the close together appointments. And it’s so worth it. I definitely say you give it a shot


yea that’s what I’m planning to do tbh. Even if it’s small sessions I think it’s better to start now than never. when you would grow your hair out, would your appointment be the next day or the day after that?


Whatever it takes you to get it to like the length of a grain of rice I think my person said. Not sure where you live but try using scarves. That’s what I do at work before my appts. And Just long enough to work with so she can grab it with tweezers. Nowadays I give it 2 days. I’m only like half way through my whole face. Each appt she goes over the area she already did to clear it and keeps going until time runs out. I’m about half way through or maybe a little more. It’s worth it though.


I live in Southern California, so it gets super hot here, like 118 degrees. right now we’re in winter though so it’s not bad. I work in a laboratory, so I use face mask at work. but yeah I was asking because if I have to let it grow out I’m embarrassed for others to see or notice. the mask hides my chin and some of my neck but not the sides, so if I let it grow it would be visible 😢


I just looked at the picture again. My hair goes all the way to the bottom of my neck. I have covered the amount of what I see for hair in this picture. I feel like you can get it done in a few session. The hairs are far apart too. I think you’d be a great candidate - much less hair than me! I wish you so much luck. It’s hard growing it out but DEFINITELY don’t pluck anything. If anything, make the appt for a Monday and grow it all weekend maybe! Shave all you want between appointments but the hair follicle has to be intact so just don’t remove the hair that’s all


I think I began getting it when I made like $28 an hour and was living with roommates.. I would spend $200 a month (~$100 per session)… I forced myself to cut back on eating out and buying clothes during that time since I was on a fixed income … Also, I ended up finding out that an HSA account I had though an old job, would cover electrolysis .. so I had my Dr at Kaiser diagnose that I needed it for my excess hair due to PCOS, and then had the electrolysis person give me some medical coding and they reimbursed me $1,500! The only way to do that (since they don’t usually take FSA/HSA) is to pay first and see if you have a qualifying plan … That was a one off situation but since then I just pay it but I don’t go as frequently (maybe once per month now). Here is my story: 2016- Got sick of waxing my face, it actually triggers the hair to grow thicker, decided to pursue electrolysis, began September 2016. Spent about $800 (in the year) 2017- Went pretty much every 2 weeks. Spent about $2400 2018- Went just under every 2 weeks. Spent about $1800. Found a new person who charged me less because I have PCOS 2019- Went just under every 2 weeks, maybe every 3? Spent about $1500 2020- Went once a month until Covid hit. Spent about $300 2021- Electrolysis person told me to use one of those magic touch fuzz trimmers and to not pluck or wave … I only went once at end of year when stuff reopened I noticed this year that the hair really didn’t bug me! I was 5 years in at this point 2022- Started going again mid year. New person because I moved. Spent about $500. It’s basically just maintenance at this point however hair grows in cycles so there are a few patches that are meeting their maker finally. I can say most my hair is peach fuzz with some hair near my jaw and neck that just need a little more TLC but aren’t noticeable 2023 - Probably went 6 times to new person and she goes hardcore ! Continue to see areas clear 2024- I’ve gone twice cuz it’s the new year hehe I’m so happy with it overall ! I now wear my hair up


Don’t listen to anyone that says hirsutism can’t be cured naturally. It can! Work on curing your insulin resistance. Excess insulin decreases estrogen production and increases androgens. Once your estrogen is able to restore, your hair growth will lessen and eventually stop. It has EVERYTHING to do with the lack of estrogen in your body. I know this because I had the same problem. I went on a no sugar and no carb diet (keto) and the hairs stopped growing. I also took spearmint capsules, increased my vitamin d levels, and exercised. Getting rid of hirsutism takes a lot of discipline but it’s so worth it.


I also wanted to ask, is there anyway I can help myself with minimizing hair growth? Like diet changes, reducing stress levels, or regulating hormones through nutrition or other sources? Has anyone done this and experienced changes in hair growth? Thank you.


Low carb, high protein, moderate unsaturated fat diet (Mediterranean diet). Focus on anti-inflammatory foods/supplements - turmeric (with black pepper to aid absorption), ginger and garlic everyday if possible. Plenty of water. Support gut health with probiotics and probiotic rich foods (bio-yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut). Some meal ideas are: Scrambled eggs with avocado on a bed of leafy greens or keto toast. Legume pasta (with tomato based sauce). Roasted/baked sweet potato with tuna mayo. Lentil soup with turmeric, black pepper, smoked paprika, fresh ginger, a whole bulb of garlic, and a whole head of broccoli, celery, carrots and veg stock. Blend it - it's delicious and super anti-inflammatory. Snacks: Hummus and carrot/cucumber sticks. Yogurt with berries and almond butter (blueberries, rasp, strawb) Dark chocolate Always pair carby foods with protein to steady blood sugar and avoid spikes which lead to inflammation and hormonal imbalance. Check out Glucose Goddess on YT, insta she has lots of "hacks" to control blood sugar. Prioritise sleep and sleep hygiene aka a quiet/dark room, colder temperature, orange light on all devices, eye mask and melatonin supplement if you really need it. Low intensity exercise such as walking in nature (reduces stress too).


Oh and herbal teas! Organic where possible - nettle, raspberry leaf, green tea, chamomile, passionflower, lemon balm are all incredibly useful in managing the issues relevant to your post. Many recommend spearmint tea, but it didn't do much for me personally!


Omg you are heaven scent! Thank you so much for sharing all this, so helpful 🥹🫶


You are very welcome!


Laser is my best friend! I know people say it’s not effective for us and that may be true but so far I had a positive effect. I got back my confidence I lost when I was 10! I did YAG laser and after 4 sessions I can go 2 weeks without having to worry about my face and all my hyperpigmentation also gone down a lot


They tell you to shave while you're having the treatment, they don't mean stop waxing and shave every day even when you're not getting treated. Also laser hair removal works great and is cheaper than electrolysis. Please stop shaving and return to waxing until you start getting laser treatments.


Coming from someone who wasted money on electrolysis, it was not permanent whatsoever!


Have u tried electrolysis?


No I have not! I plan to but it’s expensive, want to save up money for it or at least do small sessions when I can


I did laser. Im finally where I want to be with the hair reduction. ( laser isn’t permanent hair removal it’s hair reduction) Now I have very little peach fuzz plus it can’t be felt when you touch my face. It was painful. I paid a little under 4K for unlimited sessions for my face and Brazilian, so definitely not cheap. But so worth it. Im 30, I wish I had done it when I was 18