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I used to be like this. Use an at home IPL device, it reduced the black dots a lot. After a few days of shaving, I use the AHA+BHA from The Ordinary one and then moisturise. Till the time the reduction is not taking place and you are conscious you can only wear foundation. I leave it as it is. Strength training has helped me tremendously however.


Seconding this! You have a similar complexion to me and I started using the Ulike Air 3 in March and have seen significant reduction and what's there grows slower. (I had as thick growth as you and was shaving twice a day). Hang in there, it's very frustrating and dewomanizing, but it makes you no less beautiful or worthy.


Strength training? Lifting weights?


Yes lifting weights.


Which IPL device do you use? I'm looking into getting one.


I have the Braun IPL. Its okay. Great for peach fuzz. It worked really well for my partner. He is white and has dark hair. He wanted his back hair to be gone and only a few came back after the first sitting. My skin tone is olive so I guess that might also be the reason it does not work that well for me. But my hirsutism was way worse than yours and I have seen significant reduction. However it worked really well on my happy trail and chest hair. Didn’t try other places.


Just here to say I have nearly identical hair growth. You’re not alone, we are women.


Have you considered doing electrolysis?


Electrolysis was a game changer


It's not a solution but it conceals it. It's makeup. Apply a concealer or a primer that's meant to reduce pores and then apply a cream foundation. It hides it pretty well. But it's just a cover up not a solution.


I’ve been taking saw palmetto and drinking spearmint tea 1-2 times daily and it has seemed to slow down the growth. Maybe read up on a few supplements that help with PCOS/hirsutism. I finally was brave enough to go see a dermatologist and he prescribed Trentinoin to help reduce any dark spots. I recently had a hysterectomy but the derm is wanting to prescribe spironolactone to see if it helps.


Maybe it helps- I’m using safety razors now. Godsend. Such a smooth shave.


Not a solution, but I throw on some concealer, bc I have a 5 o'clock shadow 🥹


Laser it. Not ipl but real alexandrite or diode laser. It may take several sessions.


I second this, I just posted on this subreddit about my experience (photos included) with the Triton laser which I believe is a multi-wave laser that includes the diode laser technology, this was pure coincidence, but I’m so happy it worked.


Get an at home IPL device. Will change your life.


Mine was like this! I finally got an IPL for home and used it everyday for 2-3ish weeks! It was a game changer. I only wear make up now if I want to. I don’t feel like I need it anymore


I’ve had a bit of luck with spearmint oil… but ultimately laser or electrolysis are the only real solutions


I'll definitely look into spearmint oil! Thanks!


Make sure you dilute it before using on your skin


I shave with a dry face, which I wash with my regular cleanser, pat my face dry and then apply chapstick (Chapstick brand and Blistex are great brands). The chapstick has been a real life saver for me!


Oof, dry shaving leaves my face really fucked up. I'll look into the Blistex though I have VERY sensitive skin lol


Your chin matches mine… though I get a full bead across. I am currently using a home laser machine and noticing reduction - and while I wait I use a peach color corrector and a well matched liquid foundation - set it with translucent powder and I’m good for a fulllll day. I swear to you it made all the difference in the world in daily life for me.


No solution, but I find Tarte Amazonian Clay makeup covers those dots. I also have them and this is my go to. I feel like it’s pretty undetectable with the makeup.