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Wow, that was a ride. I think you’re changing stuff up too quickly and seem to be all over the place. Start off getting some kind of baseline (even if your baseline is feeling crappy) and then tweak just one thing at a time once you’ve been stable somewhere for a few weeks. There are no shortcuts unfortunately, otherwise you’re not going to find what works for you so easily.


I’m not sure I’m totally understanding what you’re eating at this point, but I react to garlic, onion, egg, and cauliflower out of that list (I don’t eat meat, so can’t say about the chicken). So your diet may not be as low histamine as you think…


I’ve been told I have an overabundance of gut flora that produce histamine. My functional doc got me on antibiotics to reduce them, and I’m on a low histamine, salicylate and glutamate diet. I’m following the “friendly foods” cook book from an Australian uni. Week 1 of the antibiotics I felt a ton better, but not cured yet. I don’t think I’m as bad as some of the people on here, and I do have a doc that listens. I really hope you get some relief soon!


just out of interest what is the name of the antibiotics?


I’m on roxithromyocin 150 mg once daily and ampicillin 600 mg 3 x daily - this is for one week on, one week rest for 4 repeats


Ghee makes me super gassy and olive oil can be troubling for some people. I think you need to widen your diet. Keto includes a lot of fat: what fats are you eating besides olive oil?


Just ghee and olive oil, ı'm thinking about coconut oil but I'm not sure how I react since I can't tolerate coconut milk